Cocaine Cowboys Uncensored
Cocaine Cowboys Uncensored
  • Видео 56
  • Просмотров 16 815


 The kids come and sing Christmas songs at our gate! Praise Jesus 
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The kids come sing Christmas songs to your house. And we give them a little money. It’s such a beautiful thing. God is real. 
The South African Kroonstad Conman
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Adrian Diedericks The Kroonstad Conman has scammed my neighbor evidently. Here in Valencia the lot next to me was sold to a super nice guy. But he made the mistake of hiring the South African con man. I’m afraid my neighbor is a really good guy has become a victim. I’m a retired federal agent. I have no fear of this criminal. I’ve put thousands of people in jail. And a few of them graveyard dea...
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November 1, 2002 Valencia, Negros Oriental Philippines Day of the Dead/All Souls Day
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November 1, 2002 Valencia, Negros Oriental Philippines Day of the Dead/All Souls Day
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Assassination former Prime Minister of Japan, rise of the US dollar and economic impact
Sunday in the Philippines, building a chicken coop and talking about forgiveness. Redemption
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Sunday in the Philippines, building a chicken coop and talking about forgiveness. Redemption
A quick view of the market, buying some fresh shrimp and running into my wife at the same time.
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A quick view of the market, buying some fresh shrimp and running into my wife at the same time.
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VacationGreece with Harmon cindy


  • @jasontheworldtraveler
    @jasontheworldtraveler День назад

    Great memories Chris, thanks 😊

  • @CocaineCowboysUncensored
    @CocaineCowboysUncensored 2 дня назад

    The South Africa Koonstad Conman will get the justice that he deserves. Karma never loses an address….

  • @Eric-qm5xw
    @Eric-qm5xw 3 дня назад

    Jeez it’s all coming out about this conman.

    • @CocaineCowboysUncensored
      @CocaineCowboysUncensored День назад

      @@Eric-qm5xw I’m sorry, brother, this is the face of evil. Let justice be served.

    • @CocaineCowboysUncensored
      @CocaineCowboysUncensored День назад

      @@Eric-qm5xw there are no secrets which will not be revealed…..

    • @Eric-qm5xw
      @Eric-qm5xw День назад

      @@CocaineCowboysUncensored I’m disgusted at this conman ..I will share..keep going.

  • @bradolson5227
    @bradolson5227 6 дней назад

    Thanks for posting, I also got conned

  • @Brian_adem2015
    @Brian_adem2015 7 дней назад

    So you live in the Philippines

  • @CocaineCowboysUncensored
    @CocaineCowboysUncensored 10 дней назад

    Like it?

  • @CocaineCowboysUncensored
    @CocaineCowboysUncensored 2 месяца назад

    Traga Balla The Bullet Swallower In Tampa there was a Colombian from Cartagena, an illegal alien, who was a high level captain inside the Colombian organization. He made his bones killing Cubans, taking power and thus moved to the top with the cartel. His business model was basically taking large kilo deals of 100 kilos or more and breaking them up into single kilos for the lower level dealers. His influence and power was great because he was willing to use violence. He called the shots and his group of assassins enforced his business deals. The crazy thing was he did this all from a wheelchair. He'd been shot in the throat and in the back and was paralyzed from the waist down. They called him Tragaballa, “The Bullet Swallower.” At his level he didn't handle anything. He was orchestrating everything by sending his gophers. Tragaballa was a thorn in our side for many years. My group of customs agents and I would often eat at Colombian and Cuban restaurants in Tampa and we'd often see narcos we were surveilling. We'd all acknowledge each other with cordial looks. They knew that we knew. One time we walked into a Colombian restaurant and there was Tragaballa with some of his men. I was young and a smart ass so I went up to him and asked if his dick still worked and how does he keep all those beautiful women I see him with. I'm fluent so this was all in Spanish. He replied, “Oh my Gringo, I love you so much. You know I have the coke and I have my tongue and that's how I get my pussy.” Everyone laughed out loud and then back at the office I didn't hear the end of it for a week. “I think Tragaballa loves you, Chris.” As often happens he was assassinated one night. This gave us an opportunity. We attended his funeral and identified more of his organization. I still remember the looks on their faces when they saw us there paying our respects. Not long after the funeral the guy who shot him was found dead and had been tortured for hours. They left his body to be found to send a message.

  • @horrorqueen3577
    @horrorqueen3577 3 месяца назад

    These women are just like American women, it's hilarious how men are so fooled 😂

  • @patrickbrady9149
    @patrickbrady9149 3 месяца назад

    How is it living in the Pi? And why did you move there?

    • @CocaineCowboysUncensored
      @CocaineCowboysUncensored 3 месяца назад

      it's great!

    • @CocaineCowboysUncensored
      @CocaineCowboysUncensored 3 месяца назад

      @@patrickbrady9149 there are many videos on RUclips, which detail why people retire here. You should check them out.

    • @patrickbrady9149
      @patrickbrady9149 3 месяца назад

      @@CocaineCowboysUncensored that’s awesome man, good for you. Do you miss the USA at all?

    • @CocaineCowboysUncensored
      @CocaineCowboysUncensored 3 месяца назад

      @@patrickbrady9149 if you have a Twitter account or X, you can find me there, special agent, Chris Hastings. Cocaine Cowboys uncensored. It’s a book on Amazon that I wrote about Miami and the 80s.

  • @johnstinson4026
    @johnstinson4026 4 месяца назад

    Wow I'm in Canton Ohio brother wish I was there . Do u know ex spec agent Pete Christ Greek guy

    • @CocaineCowboysUncensored
      @CocaineCowboysUncensored 4 месяца назад

      @@johnstinson4026 no I don’t know him, I’m in Valencia near Dumaguete. I am not sure where he is. Not many Greek folks here. But great people.

  • @PhilippinesMyParadise
    @PhilippinesMyParadise 4 месяца назад

    A very nice sharing of your "A quick view of the market, buying some fresh shrimp and running into my wife at the same time" video! Full support already... Good luck and best regards po/Ned👍👍

  • @27twang
    @27twang 6 месяцев назад

    amen brother

  • @inihawnamanok17
    @inihawnamanok17 Год назад

    that's sick man!

  • @prolifetraveler
    @prolifetraveler 2 года назад

    My support to your channel!

  • @frankwalton7323
    @frankwalton7323 2 года назад

    I followed you from a comment on a Mr Reagan vid. Discovered, wow, you live in dgte too?

  • @hemlock751
    @hemlock751 2 года назад

    Hmm.. Heisenberg 2.0 in town, huh?

  • @AnyTwoDrew
    @AnyTwoDrew 2 года назад

    May god save you

  • @hotferret
    @hotferret 2 года назад

    Hey. GREAT Meering you tonight....Stay Free

  • @CocaineCowboysUncensored
    @CocaineCowboysUncensored 2 года назад

    A story about survival.

  • @jasontheworldtraveler
    @jasontheworldtraveler 2 года назад

    Loved the video Chris, brings back many good memories of Valencia. We haven't been to your area since 2019 due to COVID, hopefully we shall return this year. If you get a chance, maybe you could post a video of Dumaguete's market, that would show people what is only 12 to 15 minutes from you. The Filipinos truly love and respect Americans for the help we gave them years ago. You wont find that in any other country!! Thanks bro for all your videos, hope that you encourage people to head over there that have never been before...

    • @CocaineCowboysUncensored
      @CocaineCowboysUncensored 2 года назад

      Thanks Jason! We came almost at the same time Both married Philippine girls, and both of us are happy! I'll try and get to that market. The best fish! wow! Ciao

  • @CocaineCowboysUncensored
    @CocaineCowboysUncensored 2 года назад

    hey people

  • @Lifebeyondthesea
    @Lifebeyondthesea 2 года назад

    the system has been quietly ineffective for decades. now, it's more overt and blatant. the judicial system, the police system, 'common decency'... it's been going to hell in a handbasket rapidly the last few years.

    • @CocaineCowboysUncensored
      @CocaineCowboysUncensored 2 года назад

      Exactly, now the mask is off. The curtains been pulled back and we can see the true Wizard of Oz is only 2 feet tall and has absolutely no clue what he’s doing. That’s the rabbit hole we go down every day deeper and deeper