Big Ugly Jim
Big Ugly Jim
  • Видео 256
  • Просмотров 2 922
Watching Danielle Smith's Keynote Speech at the UCP AGM OMG LOL
Danielle (hot on the heels of telling us all that the vaccinated are the real star-bellied sneeches) had a keynote address at the UCP Annual General Meeting. Caucus. Unity. So we watched it on stream together and I made my little comments.
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Prisons And Cops
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Danielle Smith: From Best School Board To Premier
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The October Crisis - walking through the timeline of the FLQ
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  • @creaturelive
    @creaturelive 9 месяцев назад

    Think harder.

  • @kevinmurphy3470
    @kevinmurphy3470 Год назад

    You'll own nothing and be happy! If you're ok with that phrase then have at it. The rest of us will enjoy our freedoms or at least die fighting for it.

  • @indiorodriguez2188
    @indiorodriguez2188 Год назад

    Like a Church that doesn't allowed sinners ... 👏 😱 🔥 🐐🇵🇷

  • @thesilverscale4628
    @thesilverscale4628 Год назад

    I don't know if you know this good sir, but "Libertarian Socialist" is just a fancy way of saying "Anarchist who would rather live in a community characterized by social ownership of production". Being all for jails and police is decidedly un-anarchist. Especially so if they were publicly funded, as that would more or less form a State. This is more for jails than police, as most Anarchists would be fine with security firms or something akin to such. If you're going to cornhole yourself into a label box, you might want to find one that better describes your thought! No offense meant

  • @Tribuneoftheplebs
    @Tribuneoftheplebs Год назад

    Thanks for showing us the article. Couldnt live with myself if I ever wrote anything like that.

  • @jamezbond0074
    @jamezbond0074 Год назад

    When you mention confederacy, is that from the U.S.? Or am I just misunderstanding? Always good to hear you POV. That's how we learn more about each other and become a better society. Much love BUJ!

    • @biguglyjim
      @biguglyjim Год назад

      No, confederation regarding the formation of Canada.

    • @jamezbond0074
      @jamezbond0074 Год назад

      @@biguglyjim I gotcha, thanks for the clarification. 👍

  • @thesilverscale4628
    @thesilverscale4628 Год назад

    Yes, for the life of me I will absolutely never understand why anyone in any State worshipped her. People from 200 years ago would have been absolutely disgusted with us. "What do you mean the monarchy still exists?! Do you have any idea what we went through to get rid of them?!"

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 Год назад

    Not just a dollar figure for foster parents... Job security for the entire system. We make up 5% of the population. HALF of all children in foster care are Indigenous. That's targeted. The math don't math. The Queen encouraged the Vatican NOT to apologize, and no, not one person from either regime has offered a proper apology, to date.

  • @thesilverscale4628
    @thesilverscale4628 Год назад

    I'd like to weigh in on the abortion discussion between you and your new friend. You're correct when you say the limit to when an abortion can be performed is arbitrary. Is it at conception? 3 months? 6 months? When the baby's head crowns? We here in Canada can't agree on it. People across the pond may/may not agree with our assessment. Those 100 years ago, and those 100 years from now, may or may not agree either. The fact is, when you consider life to start, when you consider it ok to end that life, or not, the mother/ baby's comfort or lack there-of, are all moral/philosophical questions. As such, those decisions are personal. NO ONE has the right to make moral/philosophical decisions for you. ESPECIALLY not Big Daddy State. The answer to this problem, therefore, is to guarantee that each individual person has the right to make these choices. That goes for everyone involved in the process. Any woman can choose to have an abortion or not. Any doctor can perform/ not perform the procedure, on whatever grounds they see fit. No one should be forced to help fund it if they don't want to. This last part is especially important. For so long as tax dollars, that we're all forced to pay, are used to fund reproductive care, the people who disagree with abortion on any grounds will always have the right to attempt to have someone elected that will shut it down. If that fact were taken out of the equation, and abortion was funded by the person requesting the procedure/ charity groups set up to help those women (because that would certainly be a thing) then the people opposed really can't stop them. Indeed, they shouldn't try, for it is no longer any of their gahtdang business. So long as everyone is forced to fund abortion, whether they want to or not, we will never see the end to this problem politically. Let people meet in the public square to discuss moral questions, and attempt to change each other's minds, without the threat of political coercion. The right to choose is what needs to be protected, not the act of abortion itself.

    • @biguglyjim
      @biguglyjim Год назад

      I agree with all of that. On the idea of people being forced to pay for abortions, I disagree. We have, as a country, enshrined access to health care for all people, and we have legally defined abortion as a component of health care. I agree with this decision, and I dislike the argument that people should be allowed to choose what parts of health care they support. In the same way that JWs pay taxes for blood transfusions and flat earthers pay taxes for the Canadarm, we don't give people granular options on how their taxes are utilized. And we shouldn't.

    • @thesilverscale4628
      @thesilverscale4628 Год назад

      Isn't it the case that you're making a moral choice for someone if you're forcing people to pay for something they morally oppose? You're telling them their choice doesn't matter, because the majority decided otherwise. How is that right? Isn't that rather tyrannical? I have no idea what a JW is, and I'm sure that "Flat Earthers" make up such a vanishingly small portion of the population that the Canadarm likely wouldn't miss their contribution, if they actually existed at all. Why shouldn't we? Why shouldn't we allow people options on what their tax dollars support?

    • @biguglyjim
      @biguglyjim Год назад

      JW is short form for Jehova's Witnesses. There are a myriad of faith traditions that are morally opposed to various medical modalities, including Christian Scientists who let their children die of pneumonia to Scientologists that oppose psychology and psychiatry. I don't see a moral problem with this. If I am morally opposed to breast reduction surgery, it doesn't mean I get to opt out of it.

    • @thesilverscale4628
      @thesilverscale4628 Год назад

      You don't see a problem with forcing people to support things they oppose? What if, the CPC gained power, and decided that our Allopathic health system was to be replaced with a Homeopathic system? Would you still feel the same?

    • @biguglyjim
      @biguglyjim Год назад

      Not analogous at all. That would be losing access to legitimate medical treatments. However, if they came to power and altered the Canada Health Act to include hoodoo priests and aromatherapists, I'd be deeply annoyed and consider it heavily wasteful, but would still pay my taxes.

  • @thesilverscale4628
    @thesilverscale4628 Год назад

    Wait... White Privilege is not having to care about the plight of people with different skin colors? A computer programmer doesn't have to care about the plight of a concret finisher, that's Programmer privilege. Given that the definition of privilege is a right or immunity granted as a benefit or advantage, how do you figure this as a privilege? Of what benefit to the programmer's life is the fact that he doesn't have to care what a concrete finisher has to deal with? How does it make the programmer's life better? If we had to care about what every other person on the planet had to deal with, there would never be space in our brains to deal with our own problems. So, we compartmentalize. We develop a heirarchy of importance. We place our own basic survival needs (Physiological, Security, Love, Esteem) first, because we'd wither away if we didn't, and if we can solve all of those things (With or without the help of others) then we can move on to things outside of ourselves. Therefore, generally, the plight of others doesn't rank as high in a person's mind as how they're going to feed thier kids this week. See Maslow's heirarchy of Needs for more. This is a psychological phenomenon built into ALL human beings as a survival mechanism. We all do it. For most of us, a person's skin color certainly doesn't factor in. You're taking a trait common to all humans and trying to base it in race. You're MAKING it about race, and by doing so you're polarizing people. You're creating the "other side" where people who formally never made this distinction, will now do so and remain crystallized against the plight of "People of Color" You're perpetuating a problem that you've created and defeating yourself at the same time. My main point here is that we make these types of value judgments subconsciously all the time. And yet it's only called "privilege" and it only matters when it's about race. That's rather racist wouldnt you say?

  • @thesilverscale4628
    @thesilverscale4628 Год назад

    There's a lot people can blame their leaders for: -Carbon taxes, which are still climbing -The entirely ludicrous and completely unnecessary amount of monetary expansion during Covid -Intentionally scuttling all attempts to make this portion of the tectonic plate we live on (Canada) energy independent -The mad rush to replace our current forms of energy with Green forms Supply and demand most certainly does play a part. But you have to remember, Capitalism is not free markets, like so many economists keep trying to pretend it is. Capitalism is -and has been since its inception- characterized by incestuous relationships between Capitalists (Factory owners, corporations, billionaires, etc) and the State. So market principles like supply and demand or marginal utility do play a part, but they're artificially skewed by Corps and the State. However, the only blame to be laid is upon ourselves for allowing it to continue, and in most cases fervently supporting it in one form or another. Rather than arguing with each other about which 300 year old "system" would be better (Capitalism, Socialism, whatever-other-ism, and the varying levels of State intervention that come with them), perhaps we could try something new

  • @bobsanders2145
    @bobsanders2145 2 года назад

    capitalism is dog shit. spread the word.

  • @pradiante1
    @pradiante1 2 года назад

    Nice thougth

  • @josephemerian9545
    @josephemerian9545 2 года назад

    No views? That's rough. You put some time into this and I appreciate your effort.

    • @biguglyjim
      @biguglyjim 2 года назад

      I appreciate that, Joseph. I'm a small streamer, and this is a clip from a larger livestream, but I always hope I'll get some more views. :)

  • @crashfistfight1936
    @crashfistfight1936 2 года назад

    Tailer is the negative in it all. Lmfao. What you at now for charges? 19 ? Elderly abuse, theft, fraud, assault etc etc . Shes just dirt

  • @FreeJulianAssange23
    @FreeJulianAssange23 2 года назад

    Jason Kenney cancels Christmas than attends 200 person Conservative Christmas party.

  • @notoriousnitram3996
    @notoriousnitram3996 2 года назад

    Yup! The best I can get right now is part time minimum wage. Going back to multiple jobs but at least I'm not at this shit hole much longer

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    What's the link to the bail fund?

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад


  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    The court house video will be in your disclosure.

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    They let her smoke!?! Clearly I need to commit more serious crimes.

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    You are allowed to defend yourself to the point of being safe. That's it. That's why you can't beat or shoot people with their back turned.... supposedly.

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    Uncle was aggressively assaulted.

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    Let's call her the pick me btch

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    We need to just use her name and not a title.

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    We need constant cameras on tripods with angles.

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    That muppet needs to be charged. That was the definition of "aggressive assault". She's so gross. How did she get away with no charges when she was the one who engaged!?!

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    Meanwhile..."N" word...

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    There are plenty of ways to support those who are going out and doing the physical work, willing to be targets. We can give them rides, pay for an Uber, buy them groceries, offer a safe place to just Beeeee, let them vent, do fundraisers, support them on social media by sharing their content, etc. No need to feel guilty. We all have a part to play. Im progressive and aggressive... but I got kids..I can't go to jail. We Indigenous, they will keep me. Lol

    • @biguglyjim
      @biguglyjim 2 года назад

      I'd spring ya... all I need is some rope, a horse, and probably a tank.

    • @sugarshameless9933
      @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

      @@biguglyjim 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    Even radio stations have to play a certain amount of Canadian content.. why not corporations that operate here?

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    Corporations like Walmart and Costco should be illegal. They hoard profits and their products are not fiscally ethical, not to mention they do not offer job security or programs for upper movement. They are set up to keep their employees at the same level.

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    Indigenous People contribute over $60 BILLION to our economy every year.

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    The racismis inherent. They don't realize they created it.

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    Morphed into new oppression policies.

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    Agree. Just because something is deemed illegal, doesn't make it inherently wrong.

    • @sugarshameless9933
      @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

      We need tiny homes. For health, affordability, security, to combat age discrimination, mixed income segregation, and climate change.

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад


  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    Socially criminalized

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад


  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    Thank you Taylor for saying that. I remember a convo/ arguement we had about your upbringing affecting your point of view, many years ago.

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    It's systemic. Black and Indigenous Education is suppressed, purposefully. It's suppressed so we don't gain any influence or power.

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    We have very clear laws about "inciting". Why the fuck aren't Alabasters subject to these laws?

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    I get blocked ...all. the. Time. Lol. Fuuuuuuck. 🤣

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    He needs to not have any access to public policy or care. He needs to be fired and fk off.

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    The oppositeof addiction isn't cessation, it's connection.

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    Our children provide job security for child welfare.

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    White Knight fallacy.

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    I have to vote liberal in my riding because they have the best chance of beating conservatives in my riding, but I would LOVE to see Jagmeet Singh win.

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    We need to quit calling them "vaccine passports" and call them what they actually are... VACCINATION RECORDS. We have had to use them our whole lives to go to school and to travel.

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    That's so awesome that remembered thatand saw a meme. My Uncle Gary told me that and I said that to you on one of your lives, about the placards being written by Indigenous Peoples. ❤❤❤❤

  • @sugarshameless9933
    @sugarshameless9933 2 года назад

    I totally smoked and drank wine on Taylor's interview of me. 🤣 and I think I said "ummm" about 24 MILLION times..😳🤦🏾‍♀️