Earth, Hand & Fiber
Earth, Hand & Fiber
  • Видео 100
  • Просмотров 535 417
Smol Gnome Crochet Tutorial: Easy DIY Mini Holiday Gnome for Garlands, Ornaments & Gifts
Crochet your own beginner-friendly mini gnomes with my Smol Gnome Crochet Tutorial! Growing up, my Swedish mom always had little gnomes hidden throughout the house. These mythical creatures are thought to bring luck, happiness, warmth (and a little bit of mischief) to your home. Today we carry on the tradition with an eclectic assortment of gnomes, including these little guys which are the perfect little trinkets to add to holiday gifts, garlands or trees.
For the free written pattern, visit my Ravelry page:
00:00 Intro
00:27 Crocheting the hat
06:33 Hat brim
09:44 Crocheting the gnome's body
16:56 Adding the beard
18:14 Attaching the hat
Просмотров: 1 126


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Quick Color Change Tutorial for Tapestry Crochet from the RS #crochettutorial #tapestrycrochet
Sewing a Zippered Liner Into A Crochet Coin Purse
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Sewing a Zippered Liner Into A Crochet Coin Purse
Adding a Zippered Liner to a Crochet Coin Purse with Hot Glue - No Sewing Required!
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Adding a Zippered Liner to a Crochet Coin Purse with Hot Glue - No Sewing Required!


  • @monika7731
    @monika7731 День назад

    Made one for my daughter,but it had 14 squares-4 front and back,2 on each side and bottom,with lining and a zip,wide sholder strap.She's been wearing it for few years now,she's only 11.but her favourite is 2 granny Squares stitched together with lining and zip and pleated strap.nearly worn this one out.handmade with love❤

  • @gracie45
    @gracie45 2 дня назад

    I would have loved to make this but I tried to crochet the hat with different yarns and different sized hooks but the stitches were just too hard to see. I just gave up. I have crocheted lots of things but I guess my patience is gone. Your instructions were clear and you made it look easy but I just couldn't crochet it. 😢

    • @EarthHandAndFiber
      @EarthHandAndFiber 2 дня назад

      I'm so sorry to hear that!! I do understand though. Crocheting only 4 stitches into the round for the top of the hat can be sometimes tricky. You could try using a larger hook size so that your stitches are larger and easier to find. Another idea is to try adding a stitch or 2 to the first round (so instead of 4 sc, you could try 5 or 6 sc into your magic circle). Gnome hats don't need to be perfect, so you can even out the stitch count farther down the hat. I hope this helps. Thank you for your feedback!!

  • @sophiedink
    @sophiedink 3 дня назад

    thank you!

  • @thetoussaints3724
    @thetoussaints3724 4 дня назад

    You killed it noooo

  • @quashiesuzanne
    @quashiesuzanne 7 дней назад

    I was thinking about this thànk you!

  • @LindaOuk-p5l
    @LindaOuk-p5l 8 дней назад

    ❤I will make one😀 your's looks great 👌

  • @brionnarobinson1786
    @brionnarobinson1786 12 дней назад

    I did something wrong with my squares and then sewed the wrong stitches wrong. idk how , so it didn't work for me, but I'm going to try it again

    • @EarthHandAndFiber
      @EarthHandAndFiber 9 дней назад

      @@brionnarobinson1786 keep practicing, you will get it in no time! 🤗

  • @jessislistless
    @jessislistless 14 дней назад

    This is gorgeous 😍 I’m new to crochet and look forward to making these cute bags for my nieces

  • @MeryemMedire
    @MeryemMedire 15 дней назад

    Maybe but I might make four

  • @_Vo1d_
    @_Vo1d_ 19 дней назад

    I need the pattern 🩵🩵🩵🩵

    • @EarthHandAndFiber
      @EarthHandAndFiber 18 дней назад

      @@_Vo1d_ the pattern is 20% off in my Etsy shop this weekend!

  • @OwethuMandy
    @OwethuMandy 20 дней назад

    You're amazing 😄

  • @ezeokeossydennis2644
    @ezeokeossydennis2644 26 дней назад

    how do you do the handle

  • @FB64_Fakebeta
    @FB64_Fakebeta 26 дней назад

    Sorry if this is a little rude, but those are actually gonks.

    • @EarthHandAndFiber
      @EarthHandAndFiber 26 дней назад

      @@FB64_Fakebeta no offense taken 😊 Here in the US we call them gnomes. But in my Swedish culture they're tomten. So I suppose they go by different names depending on the region you're from.

    • @FB64_Fakebeta
      @FB64_Fakebeta 26 дней назад

      @ I’m also from the US.

  • @masnizajemilin5878
    @masnizajemilin5878 28 дней назад

    Thats so pretty😍..if i may know, what kind of yarn is suitable for this?

    • @EarthHandAndFiber
      @EarthHandAndFiber 28 дней назад

      @@masnizajemilin5878 thank you 🙏 You can really use any yarn you like. This bag is make with worsted weight acrylic yarn, but I've also used cotton yarn as well 😊

  • @Aneeszameer786
    @Aneeszameer786 Месяц назад


  • @cranberry420
    @cranberry420 Месяц назад

    Absolutely stunning!!

  • @pagesinked
    @pagesinked Месяц назад

    Your pup is such a good model! 😆😍

  • @gittank-sson3074
    @gittank-sson3074 Месяц назад

    Gorgeous bag! Gonna be a lovely christmasgift❤

  • @caly_ffxiv
    @caly_ffxiv Месяц назад

    Veeery pretty!

  • @Jud7h
    @Jud7h Месяц назад

    What a difference a small touch can make!

  • @lucy_owl
    @lucy_owl Месяц назад

    I loveeee the details❤️❤️❤️

  • @ambermiller7194
    @ambermiller7194 Месяц назад

    Nice! How did you line it and could a zipper be added?

    • @EarthHandAndFiber
      @EarthHandAndFiber Месяц назад

      @@ambermiller7194 here's how I line my bag:

    • @EarthHandAndFiber
      @EarthHandAndFiber Месяц назад

      @@ambermiller7194 a zipper would be challenging because the mouth is v-shaped, so I usually just use a magnetic clasp instead.

    • @ambermiller7194
      @ambermiller7194 Месяц назад

      @ thanks! Have you ever added a clasp or zipper?

    • @ambermiller7194
      @ambermiller7194 Месяц назад

      @ thanks! I’ll look into that option!

  • @lidethmancillas4848
    @lidethmancillas4848 Месяц назад

    OMG!! I just finished mine today and it was the easiest pattern I have ever done. I truly recommend this bag for a gift, or something special for yourself.

    • @EarthHandAndFiber
      @EarthHandAndFiber Месяц назад

      @@lidethmancillas4848 so happy to hear that!! 😍

  • @PerpetualJoy
    @PerpetualJoy Месяц назад

    I love it!

  • @SunRaesArt
    @SunRaesArt Месяц назад

    its adorable! Love it ❤

  • @donkeyching8339
    @donkeyching8339 Месяц назад

    i am actually in love with those colors omg. such a pretty bag

  • @iamlivytime
    @iamlivytime Месяц назад

    Thank you so much. This helps me so much because I made a bunch of granny Square coasters for my friends but then I thought that’s too boring so I searched up what to do. It only took me three granny squares to make a mini bag. Thank you so much.❤

  • @Thenewyouniverse
    @Thenewyouniverse Месяц назад

    I made it but could you please show us how you made the strap? Thank you

  • @YavnaConahye
    @YavnaConahye Месяц назад

    THEY LOOK SO GOOD!! I love the mushrooms one

  • @kapriclawson2961
    @kapriclawson2961 Месяц назад

    I love them! So cute

  • @alicegaiba
    @alicegaiba Месяц назад

    Omg! I've got so much left over yarn and I thought about using it for granny squares but then I was like "wtf am I gonna do with those granny squares?" Thank you so much for this video ❤

  • @gh0s727
    @gh0s727 Месяц назад

    What do you use to pin your tapestry down on the blocking mat?

    • @EarthHandAndFiber
      @EarthHandAndFiber Месяц назад

      I love to use these blocking combs:

  • @patarmstrong9949
    @patarmstrong9949 Месяц назад


  • @EarthHandAndFiber
    @EarthHandAndFiber Месяц назад

    Get the pattern:

  • @emilyoquin
    @emilyoquin Месяц назад

    This is super helpful! How do you know what size dowel to use? Also, how did you make the hanging rope? Is it just a foundation chain that was attached to both sides?

    • @EarthHandAndFiber
      @EarthHandAndFiber Месяц назад

      @@emilyoquin I like to use 1/2 inch thick dowels and you'll want it to be about 3-4 inches longer than the width of your tapestry. For the hanger, yes I just do a chain and tie each end tightly to the rod. I have another recent video of an even easier way to mount tapestries you should check out!

  • @Rainyday-n4e
    @Rainyday-n4e Месяц назад

    When making strap use cotton crochet thread with the yarn and crochet straps keeps it from stretching

  • @kennyfrequency
    @kennyfrequency Месяц назад

    the back reminds me of kandi bracelets.. its so organized lol

  • @katalinhayes5330
    @katalinhayes5330 Месяц назад

    Can you please show how you fasten off using this method?

  • @Reiki19607
    @Reiki19607 Месяц назад

    Very cool

  • @cindyherget5196
    @cindyherget5196 Месяц назад

    I need to know how and what to do with all the start and stops of color changes

  • @franyoung8888
    @franyoung8888 Месяц назад

    Absolutely adorable!!!🌹

  • @anggitsetijorini8914
    @anggitsetijorini8914 Месяц назад

    Tutorial nya yg lengkap manaaaa

  • @din4499
    @din4499 Месяц назад

    As English is not my first language: how do you call that board to pin it on? Thanks!

    • @EarthHandAndFiber
      @EarthHandAndFiber Месяц назад

      ​@@din4499 it's called a blocking board 😊 They are basically foam mats.

  • @saiqatabassum5012
    @saiqatabassum5012 Месяц назад

    Measurement of the bag I mean 1 granny square measurement? S want to make one Yr bag colours r nice

  • @Hunterscountryliving
    @Hunterscountryliving Месяц назад


  • @eduardabrito75
    @eduardabrito75 2 месяца назад

    What about the hook size?

  • @Bansn-p1w
    @Bansn-p1w 2 месяца назад

    I use magnets and just put a magnet in anything I might wanna stack

  • @Shutup-q9v
    @Shutup-q9v 2 месяца назад

    I think the tooth pick could go in.

  • @tuftinghugs
    @tuftinghugs 2 месяца назад

    You can also use knitting needle

    • @sesame510
      @sesame510 2 месяца назад

      then the knitting needle cannot be used for other projects 😔

    • @tuftinghugs
      @tuftinghugs Месяц назад

      @sesame510 yes, it’s good for just pictures

  • @Plantventions
    @Plantventions 2 месяца назад
