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- Просмотров 8 427
Official MUSICBOX Account
Добавлен 27 фев 2013
This channel is centered around UtauAi and utilizes the latest technology to create music that is on par with top-tier artists currently at the forefront of the industry.
For English-speaking audiences interested in Japanese music, we’ve also successfully translated the beauty of fully Japanese-lyric songs, with the creators themselves involved in the translation process. This allows us to preserve the nuanced beauty of the original language.
We believe that music not only "crosses borders," but also transcends language barriers. Through this channel, we hope to spread the message that the new era of music is here, one where both Japanese and English-speaking artists can contribute to a more vibrant and colorful future.
To everyone who has read this long message: Your support-whether through subscribing, liking, sharing, or simply listening-helps bridge the gap to the future of music. We would be truly grateful for your cooperation.
For English-speaking audiences interested in Japanese music, we’ve also successfully translated the beauty of fully Japanese-lyric songs, with the creators themselves involved in the translation process. This allows us to preserve the nuanced beauty of the original language.
We believe that music not only "crosses borders," but also transcends language barriers. Through this channel, we hope to spread the message that the new era of music is here, one where both Japanese and English-speaking artists can contribute to a more vibrant and colorful future.
To everyone who has read this long message: Your support-whether through subscribing, liking, sharing, or simply listening-helps bridge the gap to the future of music. We would be truly grateful for your cooperation.
本当の自分とはなに?【MV】偽りを破れ Ver. 愛音 feat. Shadow Glow Drive - 新曲ROCK
愛音の魂のこもったボーカルとShadow Glow Driveの激しいロックサウンドが織りなす、内面的葛藤と二面性の音楽ドラマ。
"Facing the other self reflected in the mirror and walking the path to seek the truth."
With Aine's soulful vocals and Shadow Glow Drive's intense rock sound, this song creates a musical drama of inner conflict and duality.
A track about breaking through falsehoods and finding the courage to discover your true self. Listen now to this voice of truth.
🎵 主な特徴(日本語):
Shadow Glow Driveのエネルギッシュなロックビート
🎵 Main Features (English):
Passionate and powerful vocals by Aine
Energetic rock beats from Shadow Glow Drive
Deeply reflective lyri...
愛音の魂のこもったボーカルとShadow Glow Driveの激しいロックサウンドが織りなす、内面的葛藤と二面性の音楽ドラマ。
"Facing the other self reflected in the mirror and walking the path to seek the truth."
With Aine's soulful vocals and Shadow Glow Drive's intense rock sound, this song creates a musical drama of inner conflict and duality.
A track about breaking through falsehoods and finding the courage to discover your true self. Listen now to this voice of truth.
🎵 主な特徴(日本語):
Shadow Glow Driveのエネルギッシュなロックビート
🎵 Main Features (English):
Passionate and powerful vocals by Aine
Energetic rock beats from Shadow Glow Drive
Deeply reflective lyri...
Просмотров: 9
【MV】Echoing Second Hand Ver. JACK&LUNA&TAKER feat. Shadow Glow Drive - New Rock Song
Просмотров 11121 день назад
"Echoing Second Hand" is a rock anthem that portrays a heart caught between time and choices. While bound by the past, it depicts the courage to forge ahead into the future. The powerful vocals of JACK, LUNA, and TAKER blend with Shadow Glow Drive's energetic sound, capturing the struggle of moving forward despite uncertainty. The echo of a bell within the heart guides you to the next stage. 時間...
運命を揺るがす悪魔の選択【MV】鳴り響く秒針 Ver. アイン&愛児 feat. PoP in Labit - 新曲
Просмотров 821 день назад
鳴り響く秒針が私たちに問いかける。友情と夢の間で揺れ動く心を描いた感動の一曲。アイン&愛児の繊細で情熱的な歌声が、PoP in Labitの持つポップなビートと調和し、あなたの心に深く刻まれることでしょう。選択の重み、葛藤、そして未来を切り開く勇気をテーマにした楽曲です。ぜひ最後までお楽しみください! The ticking second hand challenges us to choose. This emotional song captures the heart's struggle between friendship and dreams. The delicate yet passionate vocals of Ain & Aiji blend perfectly with the vibrant beats of PoP in Labit, creating a...
A story set in the year 2125【MV】Path I Believe In Ver. Emily Sky feat. PoP in Labit - new song
Просмотров 9728 дней назад
A story of women soaring through vast skies, fighting to seize glory, captured in this powerful track. With Emily Sky's captivating vocals and PoP in Labit's dynamic sound, this pop track inspires the courage to take the next step. Don’t miss it! 広大な空を舞い、栄光を掴むために戦う女性の物語を描いた一曲。Emily Skyの透明感あふれるボーカルと、PoP in Labitの力強いサウンドが響き渡るポップスナンバーです。夢と現実の狭間で前に進む強さを、ぜひ感じてください! 🎵 Key Highlights (English) Emily S...
夢を追い空を駆ける【MV】信じて進む道 Ver. アイト feat. PoP in Labit - 新曲
Просмотров 4128 дней назад
青い鳥に憧れた少年が、夢を追いかけて広大な空へ飛び立つ。希望、不安、そして仲間と共に挑む冒険を描いた感動的なポップス!Vo.アイトの力強いボーカルとPoP in Labitのエモーショナルなサウンドが交錯する中、未来への一歩を信じて進む彼の物語をご覧ください。 A young man inspired by the bluebird takes flight into the vast sky, chasing his dreams. This emotional pop song captures hope, fear, and the adventures shared with friends. Vo. Aito's powerful vocals blend seamlessly with PoP in Labit's evocative sound, delivering ...
Connecting the Past and Future 'Resonance in Silence'【MV】Song in the Silence Ver. LUNA & JACK - New
Просмотров 5628 дней назад
A new sound is born from silence. "Song in the Silence," the latest dance-pop track by LUNA & JACK, is finally here! Featuring a collaboration with PoP in Labit, this energetic soundscape captures the rhythm of life resonating from silence. Feel the melody beyond hearing and let it move your heart. Discover new possibilities within yourself through this song! 沈黙の中で生まれる新しい音。LUNA & JACKが奏でるダンスポップ...
心の中に響く旋律【MV】静寂の中の歌 Ver. 愛華 feat. PoP in Labit - 新曲
Просмотров 25Месяц назад
心を揺さぶる感動の新曲「静寂の中の歌」。愛華の情感溢れるボーカルとPoP in Labitの繊細かつ力強い音楽が、失った音の中で新たな自分を見つける旅を描きます。この楽曲を通じて、静寂の中にある美しい音色を感じてください。 A heart-touching new release, "The Song Within the Silence." Aika's emotional vocals and PoP in Labit's delicate yet powerful arrangement take you on a journey of discovering oneself in a world devoid of sound. Feel the beauty of music born within the silence. 🎵 主な特徴 (日本語): 愛華の感情豊かで深み...
Reunion of the Three Siblings【MV】Colorful Pieces Ver. Vo.TAKER & Emily Sky feat. PoP in Labit - New
Просмотров 41Месяц назад
The bond of three siblings, separated in the past, reconnects across time.-this song brings together vivid emotions and heartfelt promises. Colorful Pieces, performed by Vo.TAKER & Emily Sky with PoP in Labit, creates a vibrant pop melody that resonates with anyone reconnecting pieces of their story. Each note sways like puzzle pieces forming the future ahead. 過去に離れ離れになった3兄弟の絆が、時を超えて再び繋がる――鮮やかな...
3兄弟の再会【MV】色とりどりのピース Ver. 愛羅 feat. PoP in Labit - 新曲
Просмотров 50Месяц назад
過去に離れ離れになった3兄弟の絆が、時を超えて再び繋がる――。 愛羅の透明感溢れる歌声とPoP in Labitの彩り豊かなサウンドが描く"家族"の物語。 散らばった記憶を集め、未来への一歩を踏み出す瞬間を感じてください。 Description (English): A song about three siblings, once separated, who reconnect as adults, overcoming their past. Experience the touching journey of family through Aira's clear vocals and PoP in Labit's vibrant sounds. This piece gathers scattered memories and connects them to the f...
【MV】Love in the Hourglass Ver. LUNA&JACK feat. Shadow Glow Drive - 新曲
Просмотров 80Месяц назад
As time ticks away, LUNA's emotional rock ballad "Love in the Hourglass" speaks of love's fleeting beauty, the uncertainty of forever, and the strength found in togetherness. Shadow Glow Drive's intense sound takes this journey through time to a powerful crescendo. Dive into the timeless story of love, captured in the sands of an hourglass. 時間が刻む中で、LUNAの感情豊かなロックバラード「Love in the Hourglass」は、愛の儚さ...
時間と愛の儚さを描く【MV】砂時計の愛 Ver. 愛音 feat. Shadow Glow Drive - 新曲ロック
Просмотров 17Месяц назад
時が刻む二人の愛、砂時計の中で交わされる強く深い想いを描いた一曲。ロック調のエネルギッシュなサウンドで、時間と愛の儚さを表現した力強い楽曲です。愛音とShadow Glow Driveが織りなすこの新曲をぜひお楽しみください。 Description A song about the love between two people, captured within the sands of time. With an energetic rock sound, it expresses the fragility of time and love. Enjoy this powerful new track by Aine and Shadow Glow Drive. 🎵 主な特徴: 愛音の情熱的で力強いボーカル Shadow Glow Driveのエネルギッシュなロックビート 時間...
rekindled flame of hope ignites the heart【MV】Reborn Flames Ver. LUNA feat. Shadow Glow Drive - new
Просмотров 76Месяц назад
A voice rising from the ashes, Reborn Flames delivers a powerful rock anthem about resilience and rebirth. LUNA's passionate vocals combined with Shadow Glow Drive's energetic beats paint a vivid picture of overcoming pain and embracing hope. A story of defiance against the odds, set to an electrifying rock soundscape. 灰の中から立ち上がる声――Reborn Flamesは、困難を乗り越え再生する力強いロックアンセムです。LUNAの情熱的なボーカルとShadow Glo...
蘇る希望の炎が心を燃やす【MV】蘇る炎 Ver. アイン feat. PoP in Labit - 新曲
Просмотров 62Месяц назад
心の奥底でくすぶっていた火が再び燃え上がり希望の炎となる、そして未来への決意を描いたポップスナンバー。「アイン」の透明感溢れるボーカルと「PoP in Labit」のキャッチーなサウンドが心に響く一曲です。どんな困難も乗り越えて、進む力を感じてください。 English Description: The smoldering fire deep within the heart reignites, transforming into a flame of hope. "Ain's" heartfelt vocals combined with "PoP in Labit's" catchy sound create an uplifting masterpiece. Feel the strength to overcome any challenge and keep movin...
"Break Free from the Past"【MV】Beyond the Tears Ver. JACK feat. Shadow Glow Drive - New Rock Song
Просмотров 296Месяц назад
"A song of determination to move beyond the past and face the future" - "Beyond the Tears" is a rock about confronting the past and stepping forward with unwavering resolve. Featuring JACK’s powerful vocals and Shadow Glow Drive’s energetic sound, it resonates with the journey of overcoming tears and embracing a new self. 「過去を乗り越えて、未来を見据える決意の歌」-『Beyond the Tears』は、過去と向き合いながら未来へと歩み出す強い意志を描いたロック。...
【MV】涙を超えて Ver. 愛永 feat. PoP in Labit - 新曲
Просмотров 105Месяц назад
過去の傷を乗り越え、新たな一歩を踏み出すための力強いメッセージが込められた一曲。愛永の感情豊かな歌声とPoP in Labitの力強いサウンドが融合し、リスナーに勇気と希望を与えます。涙を超えて、前に進むための強さを感じてください。 A powerful anthem about overcoming past pain and taking a brave step forward. Aito’s emotional vocals blend perfectly with PoP in Labit's energetic sound, offering courage and hope to listeners. Feel the strength needed to move on beyond the tears. 🎵 主な特徴: 愛永の情熱的で力強いボーカル PoP in L...
[MV] Fading Shadow Vo. LUNA feat. PoP in Labit - New Ballad
Просмотров 215Месяц назад
[MV] Fading Shadow Vo. LUNA feat. PoP in Labit - New Ballad
【MV】消えてく影 Vo.愛華 feat. PoP in Labit - 新曲バラード
Просмотров 178Месяц назад
【MV】消えてく影 Vo.愛華 feat. PoP in Labit - 新曲バラード
[MV] Sensation Words Can't Express - Vo. LUNA & JACK feat. Shadow Glow Drive | New Rock Anthem
Просмотров 101Месяц назад
[MV] Sensation Words Can't Express - Vo. LUNA & JACK feat. Shadow Glow Drive | New Rock Anthem
【MV】言葉じゃ足りない感覚 | Vo.愛華 feat. Shadow Glow Drive - 新曲ロックソング
Просмотров 48Месяц назад
【MV】言葉じゃ足りない感覚 | Vo.愛華 feat. Shadow Glow Drive - 新曲ロックソング
Emotional Rock [MV] What the Pain of Love Taught Me Vo. TAKER feat. Shadow Glow Drive - New Release
Просмотров 59Месяц назад
Emotional Rock [MV] What the Pain of Love Taught Me Vo. TAKER feat. Shadow Glow Drive - New Release
心を震わせるロックナンバー【MV】「愛の痛みが教えたこと」Vo. 愛羅&ゲン feat. Shadow Glow Drive - 新曲
Просмотров 25Месяц назад
心を震わせるロックナンバー【MV】「愛の痛みが教えたこと」Vo. 愛羅&ゲン feat. Shadow Glow Drive - 新曲
【MV】Spark of Fate Vo. LUNA feat. PoP in Labit - New Song
Просмотров 107Месяц назад
【MV】Spark of Fate Vo. LUNA feat. PoP in Labit - New Song
恋愛のドキドキ感と運命の神秘【MV】運命の火花 愛華 feat. PoP in Labit - 新曲
Просмотров 115Месяц назад
恋愛のドキドキ感と運命の神秘【MV】運命の火花 愛華 feat. PoP in Labit - 新曲
[MV] I’ll live in this moment Vo. LUNA feat. Shadow Glow Drive - New Song
Просмотров 77Месяц назад
[MV] I’ll live in this moment Vo. LUNA feat. Shadow Glow Drive - New Song
魂揺さぶるロック【MV】この瞬間を生きていく Vo. 愛音 feat. Shadow Glow Drive - 新曲
Просмотров 58Месяц назад
魂揺さぶるロック【MV】この瞬間を生きていく Vo. 愛音 feat. Shadow Glow Drive - 新曲
【MV】Promised Flower That Blooms in Dreams Vo. LUNA feat. Shadow Glow Drive - New Release
Просмотров 76Месяц назад
【MV】Promised Flower That Blooms in Dreams Vo. LUNA feat. Shadow Glow Drive - New Release
【MV】夢で咲く約束の花 Vo. 愛華 feat. Shadow Glow Drive- 力強いロックの新曲
Просмотров 146Месяц назад
【MV】夢で咲く約束の花 Vo. 愛華 feat. Shadow Glow Drive- 力強いロックの新曲
【MV】Sea of Tears - Vo. JACK feat. PoP in Labit | A Heartfelt New Ballad
Просмотров 46Месяц назад
【MV】Sea of Tears - Vo. JACK feat. PoP in Labit | A Heartfelt New Ballad
胸に響く愛の旋律【MV】「涙の海」Vo. アイン feat. PoP in Labit - 感動のバラード
Просмотров 17Месяц назад
胸に響く愛の旋律【MV】「涙の海」Vo. アイン feat. PoP in Labit - 感動のバラード
Living Between Dreams and Reality【MV】The Heat That Resides in the Moment Vo. LUNA & TAKER feat. SGD
Просмотров 28Месяц назад
Living Between Dreams and Reality【MV】The Heat That Resides in the Moment Vo. LUNA & TAKER feat. SGD