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Romans One16 Radio
Добавлен 19 фев 2019
Isaiah 9:6-7 Why Should we Celebrate Christmas?
This video is about Isaiah 9:6-7 Why Should we Celebrate Christmas?
Просмотров: 30
Biblical Hebrew Chapter 10 the Construct State
Просмотров 2644 года назад
Biblical Hebrew Chapter 10 the Construct State
Biblical Hebrew Lesson 8. Part 2. Pronouns
Просмотров 1814 года назад
Biblical Hebrew Lesson 8. Part 2. Pronouns
Honey, Did you RSVP?
Просмотров 464 года назад
Sermon on Luke 14:15-24 the Parable of the Great Banquet
August 30, 2020
Просмотров 424 года назад
Biblical Hebrew Lesson 5. The Definite Article and the Conjunction Vav
Biblical Hebrew Lesson 6. Prepositions
Просмотров 5 тыс.4 года назад
Biblical Hebrew Lesson 6. Prepositions
Genesis 1:1-5 read aloud for pronunciation
Просмотров 2764 года назад
Genesis 1:1-5 read aloud for pronunciation
Biblical Hebrew Lesson 2 Vowel Points
Просмотров 2734 года назад
Biblical Hebrew Lesson 2 Vowel Points
Matthew 21:28-32 False Conversions and Phony Christians
Просмотров 284 года назад
Matthew 21:28-32 False Conversions and Phony Christians
The Great Hinge of History. Sermon on the Last Supper
Просмотров 124 года назад
The Great Hinge of History. Sermon on the Last Supper
Proverbs 9:11 Psalm 91. Sermon on Long Life
Просмотров 574 года назад
Proverbs 9:11 Psalm 91. Sermon on Long Life
Romans 13:11 14 Put on the Lord Jesus Christ
Просмотров 805 лет назад
Romans 13:11 14 Put on the Lord Jesus Christ
Daniel, Epilogue: The Great Tribulation
Просмотров 475 лет назад
Daniel, Epilogue: The Great Tribulation
Toe Hu v Voe Hu. Notice the second letter is a Hey, not a Vav or a Bet
Is it tohuvevohu or tovuvevohu?
Hi. It’s “Toe Hu, V’Voe Hu”. תהו Notice that the second letter is a Hey. It is pronounced like an H in English.
You still don't have a relationship with HaSham, you're an idol worshipper of JC Penney and headed to Gehinnom.
I was guided here, I am trying to learn Hebrew. I watched a video earlier. This is the last one, you posted, I think.!? I Have discovered a book, someone put together (Our Father), I got it a couple of years ago to learn what the Big words mean. Not school learned. What I heard was, to look at my little words,, Jesus knew the little words. His earthly father was from Judah and Mary’s family of Aaron. I began with the words, like say, said, saidst, remember at, all, if, … many more. And the first time used, different Hebrew words and the verses associated with them. And the Root Word of each Word. All the verses can be done… names of people, places,events and actions. And the Root Word. Even the number of times a word is used in the KJV of the Bible. He verifies his words. I hope you are still Speaking Truth.
Sorry to say but we can't read clearly so it's very difficult and confusing to follow you.!It was impossible to follow your lesson 2 and I had to give up at a certain point...
תודה מברזיל. אני תלמידה לעברית.
Obey Acts 2 38 amen
I don't know why if you know what the Messiah's real name in hebrew languague is You Say Jesus instead of yeshua ישוע
Baptism is not a requirement for salvation.
Thank you
repentance means change your mind...
excellent work
Thank you. I only wish I had been able to record and upload the whole year of classes
Amen Pastor Chad! This is the first time I have heard you deliver a message. It is very powerful unto Christ. I stand with you and every other follower of Christ willing to except the responsibility to forgive and repent! It saddens me that our great land and fallen so far as the church stood by and did nothing. We need more of this boldness from our pulpits and in our streets and communities. I saw a conversation between two pastors and I won't mention their names here because there is much of their theologies and teaching that I do not agree with. One African American and one Caucasian. The AA stated that in a location away from his home base where no one knew him, he was afraid to walk down the street without a child to hold his hands because without that child he is just another black man in a hoodie that could be killed. That literally broke my heart! During this conversation it made me realize the intense struggle it is to be a AA in this country. I am not sure if this kind of racism is in other countries to this extent. I do my very best to be above respectful, thoughtful and polite, to show love to them and most of the time they respond with great gratitude. You can see in their eyes, expression, smiles and reaction. I will look for the service you mentioned in a comment to someone else. It is about being delivered from PTSD. I myself suffer with it after a assault from my late husband two years ago in which not only dealing with the PTSD but still suffer in my body from the injuries. I would love to correspond with you if I may and hear your testimony. Also there are doctrine questions I have that maybe you can help me with. May the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob bless you in the Mighty Name of Jesus. allinthistogether@aol.com Thank you Brother, Julie
Love it.. It is my favorite so far.. So many "prophets", most just looking for profit.. 😩, preach it! 👍
Preach Pastor Chad. Truly a Man of God!! My brother always. Miss you and Megan.
Amen Brother and Thank you. To God be the glory. We miss y’all so much.
*Thanks for this, Pastor Chad. This story, and the young man before George Floyd, and the young man before him . . . It is so wrong and it must end! Rogue cops. Police brutality. Particularly when directed along racial lines. So ugly. Indeed, the one who "comes not but to steal, kill, and destroy" and his demons are behind this. So I appreciate your addressing it. I particularly appreciate your discussing the "accessory" / accomplice(s). As Lance Wallnau put it, what's up with filming this incident while not doing anything to stop it?* *This said, Chad, for some time now I find that I really am not drawn to sermons. For example, Jesse Duplantis and his wife Cathy do some "boardroom chats." They sit at the church's board table and just visit together. These are on YT. I am so much more drawn to this kind of communication than to sermons, which are speeches, really. When opportunities to watch either of them delivering a sermon push into my feed, I don't really care to watch. So perhaps I am not the best person to assess this. In particular, I am not drawn to strident or loud delivery.* *Is the little building city hall? Maybe a police station? The outside venue helps to breathe life into this message. You seem to be feeling this deeply, even to the point of dehydrating a bit. I appreciate your stepping up on this topic.* *Your emphasis of the content of 2 Chronicles **7:14** is strong. During the covid lockdown, Mike Pence has repeatedly closed his task force remarks with "and He will heal our land." He is referencing this passage. Repentance and this verse indeed are the focal point of this hour.* *Regarding our "sinning no more," my understanding of 1 John **5:18** and 1 John 3:6, IIRC, particularly as rendered in the AMPC, is that Christians will no longer PRACTICE sin. This is different from saying that we will not sin.* *You are closing now, as I type and listen. Your tone is quieter now and more conversational, so I am liking it better. I will be happy to delete my comment, if you would like. This is a tough topic, and you were courageous to take it on. Your compassion is apparent. Thank you for this.*
It was nice to see you in the Chat today. ❤️👍🏼🙏🏼✊🏻✊🏿
Christine, I appreciate your comments, all of them. Your preference for a calm talk is a valid one. The venue has a lot to do with style as does the topic. I was preaching in our church parking lot. Later Sunday, I gave a much milder talk on having been delivered from PTSD. It was an exhausting day. God is so Good. I am glad to be called to a preaching ministry. As for your exegesis on 1 John, I agree. We all still sin, I don’t believe in entire sanctification. But, I do believe we should pursue holiness and hate our own sin. I love your candor and deep thought about spiritual things. May God bless you so richly Your Brother, Chad
Hebrew sounds great.. Love it
Sure. Find me on Facebook as Chad b Davis.
Chad, thank you for posting these bible study’s. I love your spiritual insight on the scriptures. Just curious if you have any past studies on the “Mark of the beast”? And your take on the meaning of the number 666?
Pastor Davis, Awesome message! Praise God!
*Strong teaching, Pastor Chad. YHWH bless you.*
Great sermon!
Fulton Jack Waterloo Wow. How did you watch it so fast? It’s 30 minutes long, and I posted it 9 minutes ago!!
Aren’t you TWO time zones ahead of me?
Michael, were we in the Marines together?
Romans One16 Radio 22 MEU Sgt Kane
We served on the USS Guam.
Michael Kane That’s amazing Brother!! God bless you my old friend.
Romans One16 Radio Awesome Preaching!
*Wonderful, Chad. Thank you!*
MsBluebird777 Thank you! If you would like to, I can put your testimony in this playlist.
1 Corinthians 12:13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. Ephesians 1:12 That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ. Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, Ephesians 1:14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory. What I am hearing in this message is the teaching of baptismal regeneration. Believer's (water baptism by immersion) baptism does not save anyone! Acts is a transitional book. Believer's baptism (as well as the Lord's Supper) are ordinances of the Church. We, as born again believers in Christ Jesus, should follow our profession and confession of Christ publicly through water/believer's baptism...not to become regenerated, but BECAUSE we are already regenerated/saved. We are not regenerated by water/believer's baptism...water/believer's is an OUTWARD (and public) confession of what has already taken place in the heart of the person who trusts Christ. The remission of sin comes through Christ's shedding of His blood on the cross of Calvary. (Hebrews 9:22). Are you folks Church of Christ? What about the thief on the cross?
Linda Robey Hi Linda, I was not teaching baptismal regeneration. That is a false doctrine. No we aren’t Church of Christ. I am not sure how you got that from my preaching. I agree with most of what you said in your comment. Baptism is a command from our Lord Jesus. It was also completely normative in the early church as a rite of entrance into the church. In other words, no one was allowed to come into the church without being baptized into Christ. For the record, a man came forward to be baptized after this service. He was already a believer. We baptized him two weeks later. Thanks for your comments. I look forward to them. Grace to you and peace, Chad
Matthew 23:37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Matthew 23:38 Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. Matthew 23:39 For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.
Linda Robey Baruch Haba b’Shem Adonai ברך הבה בשם אדני
@@romansone16radio39 Blessed is He Who cometh in the name of the Lord.
*Solid, Pastor Chad. Thank you.*
*'Appreciate you, Pastor Chad.*
*Thank you, Pastor Chad.*
*Conversational and informative, Pastor Chad. Well done.*
*Thanks for this, Pastor Chad.* (There is a buzz that happened just before James started speaking and right after the video closed. Your lead-in is good; your voice strong. If you can clean out the beginning and ending buzz, this will improve quality.)
At 26 I falter every day too James, when I lose hope, I know God is there, Jesus is there. They have a path for every person, I hope that each of us will have the strength to follow it,
*Thank you, Pastor Chad.*
great singing and sermon chap !
God bless you, Mi brother !! In chapter two if you count from the top. Yes, I give you all the reason is rome. But from chapter 7 you don’t count the head you start from the next Empire after babilon. That one is Medopersia.
*Such earnest preaching (and singing!)! Thank you, Pastor Chad.*
*Thank you*, Pastor Chad.
MsBluebird777 thanks for watching, my friend.
Watching from Nepal.
Dipak Lamichhane I’m glad you are watching Dipak. Thanks.
*Thanks for the deeper study of this story we have long known.*
Was good one !!
From this chapter 5 is very important the last two vers to help to understand the chapter 7.
Thank you Rhett for your testimony. Very much! God bless you sir!
Nice teaching !! Very good. My brother I love you.
Buy a good tripode a big one and put it in front of you. The side cover a wide picture of you.
ernesto ginebra I have a full size tripod, but in Church, I don’t want to draw attention to the fact that I am filming. I think the big one gets in the way. Does the angle of the shot bother you?
Love this message, simular to one of our "short" talks we had 😎, stuck in my mind then, respect for our "older brother", vital.. Necessary, a life style..
Nice !!
I love the story, the story of when Jesus found you..
"The thanks-giving part may be the most important part..." Indeed. How often we go to God with need and never once say "Thank You for all the provisions, the safety and well-being You've granted me and my loved ones today, Father. Thank You for being so kind, gracious and generous." Yesterday in prayer, I was thanking God for all the good in my life ... Not really all, because by the time 10 minutes had passed, I realized it was impossible to do. But we would do well to remember in prayer to thank Him for all He's given us. Just as with our own children, we want to do more for them when they are appreciative of what's already been done. The Brother off-camera, "I can't, but YOU can." AMEN. And the reply to the Sister (Miss Pat?) off-camera: "He got a promotion in a job that didn't exist." ONLY GOD. Only God. God can do all things, if we just get out of the way and let Him move. "To God be the glory!" YES, LORD and AMEN! I so love the enthusiasm for God! I really enjoyed being inside your classroom, and was given much to think about. I look forward to the next installment and being with you all in study again! God bless Brother Chad, Sister Pat, Brother Ernesto and the other Brother whose name I didn't get. God bless you all!
Thumbs up all the way. Funny thing, I've read the Bible over and over and over. I go to sleep listening to it. I have my morning coffee with the Bible. I study from well-learned pastors and teachers, such as Brother Chad here, almost ALL day and night. No joke. You know how a person can miss things and then later it dawns on them when they read it for the umpteenth time that it was there all along and they read it but didn't absorb it? Well, I here and now with much shame and embarrassment confess it: Daniel's having been a eunuch never once in all my reading ever occurred to me. Now, ain't that something? God is so good to us! Seems that He graciously brings us into more and more understanding daily just for the asking. Truly, what a holy, awesome, loving, caring, merciful, gracious and giving God we love, adore and serve!