With our hearts gradually filled up with hot and intense emotions, We are going to the last battleground, hand in hand, with a common oath. Before the dawn sets in tomorrow, we will begin our journey to the skies, to that universe. Please, do not forget that we were once part of Earth. That's our only wish. Don't turn around ! Don't show your tears ! I get the power of love, To take back our future, our tomorrow. Wow wow wow Sound the gong ! Warriors of fate, It's now time to stand up. Use the sword of lightning to scatter your enemies. Heroes of steel, they dream of peace and tranquility. Believe in the future and love that you must protect. To eternity ! To eternity ! If we lose all our energy and strength, and our blade which signifies our fighting spirit breaks. Even then, we will not turn back, and we shall perish together in the vastness of the galaxy. We are afraid, and we throw away our pride, but I get the power of love. So, even when we are lost, we shall go forward. Wow wow wow Sound the gong ! Warriors of fate, you shall dance bravely. Use your golden wings, and fly to the skies. Heroes of steel, they do not have the word "retreat" in their minds. Continue to command with your raging burning souls. To eternity ! To eternity ! Woooowooowow... (Hey ! Hey !) Woooowooowow... (Hey ! Hey !) Woooowooowow... (Hey ! Hey !) Woooowooowow... Gong Gong Sound the Gong ! Warriors of fate, It's now time to stand up. Use the sword of lightning to scatter your enemies. Heroes of steel, they dream of peace and tranquility. Believe in the future and love that you must protect. To eternity ! To eternity !
It's hard to describe why I really like all the different art styles of the character portraits. It's like you can tell which decade they were designed in
[JP&ENG LYRICS] 胸にこみ上げてく 熱く 激しい この想い It's a hot and intense feeling that raises in your chest 僕らは行く 最後の戦場(ばしょ)へ We will go to the final battlefield 手を取り合い 誓い合って Hold hands, sworn each other 明日の夜明け前に あの宇宙(そら)へと旅立つのさ Before the dawn of tomorrow, I will travel to that universe. 僕らが地球(ここ)にいたことだけ どうか 覚えていて欲しいよ Only that we were on Earth (here) I want you to remember 振り向くな! 涙を見せるな! Don't turn around Don't show tears I GET THE POWER OF LOVE! 明日を取り戻すんだ! Get back tomorrow <WOW~> 「GONG鳴らせ!!」 "Gong sounds!" 今こそ 立ち上がれ 運命(さだめ)の戦士よ Now is the time to get up, the fateful warrior 稲妻の剣で 敵を蹴散らせ Kick the enemy off with a lightning sword 安らぎを夢見る 鋼の勇者よ A brave man of steel who dreams of peace 守るべき未来と愛を信じて Believe in the future and love to protect 永遠(とわ)へ! 永遠へ! To eternity! To eternity! もしも 力つきて 闘志の刃 砕けても Even if you're strong and the blade of your fighting spirit breaks down 僕らは二度と戻らない ともに銀河の海に散ろう We will never come back together, let's scatter in the galactic sea 恐れるな! 誇りを捨てるな! Don't be afraid Don't give up pride I GET THE POWER OF LOVE! さぁ 迷わず 行くんだ! Now go without hesitation! <WOW~> 「GONG鳴らせ!!」 "Gong sounds!" 雄々しく 舞い踊れ 運命(さだめ)の戦士よ A heroic dancer, a fateful warrior warrior. 金色(こんじき)の翼で 天に羽ばたけ Wings to the sky with golden wings 退くことを知らない 鋼の勇者よ I'm a brave man of steel who doesn't know to retire 燃えたぎるソウルの命ずるままに As the command of the burning soul 永遠へ! 永遠へ! To eternity! To eternity! <WOW~><HEY! HEY!~> 「GONG GONG GONG 鳴らせ!!」 "GONG, GONG, GONG sound!" 今こそ 立ち上がれ 運命(さだめ)の戦士よ Now is the time to get up, the fateful warrior 稲妻の剣で 敵を蹴散らせ Kick the enemy off with a lightning sword 安らぎを夢見る 鋼の勇者よ A brave man of steel who dreams of peace 守るべき未来と愛を信じて Believe in the future and love to protect 永遠(とわ)へ! 永遠へ! To eternity! To eternity!
今しても第3次αは飽きないし名作! まず分岐が多いから何週しても飽きない。4分岐の所に関してもそれぞれのイベント・フラグ・そこでしか使えないキャラ(ハイネルやブンドル艦)などが多く主人公も4人もいて色んな組み合わせ考えれば20週くらい余裕でできる
ムネアツです! 編集ナイスです!!
Hai ❤
With our hearts gradually filled up with hot and intense emotions, We are going to the last battleground, hand in hand, with a common oath. Before the dawn sets in tomorrow, we will begin our journey to the skies, to that universe. Please, do not forget that we were once part of Earth. That's our only wish. Don't turn around ! Don't show your tears ! I get the power of love, To take back our future, our tomorrow. Wow wow wow Sound the gong ! Warriors of fate, It's now time to stand up. Use the sword of lightning to scatter your enemies. Heroes of steel, they dream of peace and tranquility. Believe in the future and love that you must protect. To eternity ! To eternity ! If we lose all our energy and strength, and our blade which signifies our fighting spirit breaks. Even then, we will not turn back, and we shall perish together in the vastness of the galaxy. We are afraid, and we throw away our pride, but I get the power of love. So, even when we are lost, we shall go forward. Wow wow wow Sound the gong ! Warriors of fate, you shall dance bravely. Use your golden wings, and fly to the skies. Heroes of steel, they do not have the word "retreat" in their minds. Continue to command with your raging burning souls. To eternity ! To eternity ! Woooowooowow... (Hey ! Hey !) Woooowooowow... (Hey ! Hey !) Woooowooowow... (Hey ! Hey !) Woooowooowow... Gong Gong Sound the Gong ! Warriors of fate, It's now time to stand up. Use the sword of lightning to scatter your enemies. Heroes of steel, they dream of peace and tranquility. Believe in the future and love that you must protect. To eternity ! To eternity !
ただ言えることは、この曲とあるふぁシリーズが無ければ俺はオタクじゃなかっただろうし、たぶんもっと他のことをしていた 後悔は無い
スパロボの他の作品にもテーマソングは有るけど、『GONG』は其れだけに留まらず作品内でも大きな役割を果たす曲何だよなあ。 物語内ではバサラ達が作り上げた曲と言う設定が更に熱かったなあ。
It's hard to describe why I really like all the different art styles of the character portraits. It's like you can tell which decade they were designed in
이노래만 들으면 불타올라요 ㅋ🔥🔥🔥
The video that motivated my SRW montage journey on my channel. Whoever you are, I thank you so much for making this video. ❤
カッコ良すぎる✨ 且つ涙出る
サビからの疾走感に合わせた動画編集もかなり鳥肌モノなんですよね、この動画…。 当時第三次αやった事ある人なら絶対好きになる動画ですよこれ。 未だにスパロボシリーズにしがみついている男ですが、最近の作品は良くも悪くも綺麗すぎると言うかお上品過ぎると思う。
第二次でしたっけ? マクロスが地球外追放のシーンが思い浮かびます😢
かーん(笑) メガドライブ 撃墜 かーん(笑) PCエンジン&CD-ROM²撃墜 かーん(笑) NEOGEO撃墜
雄々しく舞い踊る→真·虎龍王 金色の翼→キングジェイダー(金色ではないけど) 天に羽ばたけ→ウイングガンダムゼロ 引く事を知らない鋼の勇者→バンプレイオス(鋼の戦神) 燃えたぎるソウル→バサラ 映像が歌詞に合いすぎてる…
ニコニコで昔見たこの編集探してたんですけどこっちにもあったんですね。 今見ても素晴らしく、スパロボMADで一番好きです。
ご冥福をお祈りします。 Gong最高でした、忘れません
中学生以来久しぶりに見にこさせて頂きました。 血がたぎりました。ありがとうございます
ファミコン、ラストスタンド!そして、スーファミに王座を受け継ぐ時! (第4次ゲーム機大戦より)
第3次スーパーロボット大戦α~終焉の銀河~何回も何回も周回プレイした忘れられない作品。 懐かしすぎて涙出てきました😵 編集ありがとうございました!
天の冥王、神たる奏者を始めとしたスパロボシリーズ屈指の極悪軍団が敵を蹂躙しまくるゲーム ⊃天⊂ ⊃神⊂ ⊃魔⊂ ⊃竜⊂
After 16 years and this is still a hit i've been experienced SRW themes like this. if anyone here at 2022 watching this video comment here
Still here all these years later
Gong Narase
クォヴレールートを最初に選んだ事に一切の後悔はない… ただ…時空を超えて全主人公たちが集うスペシャルエピソードを遊び損ねたのは…ちょっとだけ悔やんでる
[JP&ENG LYRICS] 胸にこみ上げてく 熱く 激しい この想い It's a hot and intense feeling that raises in your chest 僕らは行く 最後の戦場(ばしょ)へ We will go to the final battlefield 手を取り合い 誓い合って Hold hands, sworn each other 明日の夜明け前に あの宇宙(そら)へと旅立つのさ Before the dawn of tomorrow, I will travel to that universe. 僕らが地球(ここ)にいたことだけ どうか 覚えていて欲しいよ Only that we were on Earth (here) I want you to remember 振り向くな! 涙を見せるな! Don't turn around Don't show tears I GET THE POWER OF LOVE! 明日を取り戻すんだ! Get back tomorrow <WOW~> 「GONG鳴らせ!!」 "Gong sounds!" 今こそ 立ち上がれ 運命(さだめ)の戦士よ Now is the time to get up, the fateful warrior 稲妻の剣で 敵を蹴散らせ Kick the enemy off with a lightning sword 安らぎを夢見る 鋼の勇者よ A brave man of steel who dreams of peace 守るべき未来と愛を信じて Believe in the future and love to protect 永遠(とわ)へ! 永遠へ! To eternity! To eternity! もしも 力つきて 闘志の刃 砕けても Even if you're strong and the blade of your fighting spirit breaks down 僕らは二度と戻らない ともに銀河の海に散ろう We will never come back together, let's scatter in the galactic sea 恐れるな! 誇りを捨てるな! Don't be afraid Don't give up pride I GET THE POWER OF LOVE! さぁ 迷わず 行くんだ! Now go without hesitation! <WOW~> 「GONG鳴らせ!!」 "Gong sounds!" 雄々しく 舞い踊れ 運命(さだめ)の戦士よ A heroic dancer, a fateful warrior warrior. 金色(こんじき)の翼で 天に羽ばたけ Wings to the sky with golden wings 退くことを知らない 鋼の勇者よ I'm a brave man of steel who doesn't know to retire 燃えたぎるソウルの命ずるままに As the command of the burning soul 永遠へ! 永遠へ! To eternity! To eternity! <WOW~><HEY! HEY!~> 「GONG GONG GONG 鳴らせ!!」 "GONG, GONG, GONG sound!" 今こそ 立ち上がれ 運命(さだめ)の戦士よ Now is the time to get up, the fateful warrior 稲妻の剣で 敵を蹴散らせ Kick the enemy off with a lightning sword 安らぎを夢見る 鋼の勇者よ A brave man of steel who dreams of peace 守るべき未来と愛を信じて Believe in the future and love to protect 永遠(とわ)へ! 永遠へ! To eternity! To eternity!
역시 매드 본것중 이게 최고
GONG 鳴らせ!
Nearly 17 years later and this is still the best SRW Game Alpha 3
4:08 HAPPY!!!!
今より決して映像が綺麗という訳でもない。でもこれほどまでに胸を熱くさせるゲームに出会ったのは当時から今までスパロボシリーズしかない。 なんでだろうな。十数年たった今でも聴いて今まで見てきた、やってきたアニメやゲームの物語が溢れ出してきて集結した姿を想像すると涙出そうなほど感動する。