Mike Dr. 台客 Lesser
Mike Dr. 台客 Lesser
  • Видео 123
  • Просмотров 56 503
排灣族是台灣原住民族群之一,以其豐富的文化和語言而聞名。排灣語作為排灣族的語言,屬於南島語系,是一門充滿魅力且蘊含深厚文化背景的語言。學習排灣語數字不僅能夠幫助您了解排灣語的基礎,還能讓您深入體會排灣族對世界的獨特觀點,以及他們與自然、部落生活和精神信仰之間的緊密聯繫。如果您對台灣原住民文化感興趣,或者希望拓展自己的語言能力,這部影片將為您提供完美的起點。在這部影片中,我們將專注於教您如何學習和掌握排灣語中的數字。影片從基本的數字開始,例如1到10,然後進一步涵蓋數字組合,幫助您輕鬆理解20、30、甚至更大的數字結構。同時,我們還會介紹排灣語數字在日常生活中的應用場景,例如數數、購物和傳統儀式中的使用,讓您學以致用,真正融入排灣語文化的核心。排灣語數字的特殊之處: 排灣語的數字系統具有高度的結構性和邏輯性,並與他們的文化和傳統有著深厚的聯繫。例如,排灣族在計算時,數字並不僅僅是一種工具,更是一種表達對自然和生命的尊重的方式。從語言的角度來看,排灣語的數字系統與現代漢語和英語截然不同,這讓學習排灣語成為一個新奇且令人興奮的挑戰。我們在影片中將逐步帶您了解排灣語數字的語法規則,例如數字的拼音與發音,以及如何在不同情境下正確使用。例如,您會發現,排灣語中的數字會根據使用場合的不同而有些許變化,這些變化體現了排灣語言的靈活性與細膩性。我們將提供清晰的例句和具體情境,幫助您快速掌握排灣語數字的使用。學習排灣語數字的好處: 文化認同與傳承:學習排灣語數字不僅是掌握一種新的技能,更是一種尊重和支持台灣原住民文化的方式。在當前全球化的背景下,許多原住民語言正面臨流失的危機,但通過學習和使...
Просмотров: 51


Просмотров 105День назад
排灣語是台灣原住民排灣族的重要語言之一,它承載著豐富的文化與歷史,是排灣族族人傳承數千年的寶貴遺產。隨著現代化的快速發展,許多台灣的傳統文化面臨流失的危機,但學習排灣語不僅能保護這些珍貴的文化遺產,更能深入了解台灣多元的文化背景。如果您是一位熱愛台灣文化的朋友,或者是一位想了解台灣原住民族語言與文化的學習者,那麼這是一個很好的機會,讓我們一起探索排灣語的美麗與深奧。 Learn Paiwanese Paiwan Aboriginal Pingtung Indigenous Formosan tribe tribal greetings Taiwan languages beyond Mandarin Chinese Taiwanese Fujianese Southern Min 閩南 Fookien Hokkien Hoklo Hakka Study simple basic di...
Просмотров 3,1 тыс.14 дней назад
台灣經典美食:屏東市場豬排餐廳全攻 CLASSIC TAIWANESE CUISINE: PORK CHOPS AT PINGTUNG 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 你在找地道的台灣美食嗎?屏東市場的這家豬排餐廳絕對是必訪之地!這裡的豬排外酥內嫩,搭配傳統的湯品和炒米粉,絕對能滿足你的味蕾。走進這裡,感受屏東的溫暖與美味! 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 ...
學台語數字:從一到十的文化與學習旅程 / Learning Taiwanese Numbers: From One to Ten in Southern Min
Просмотров 3,2 тыс.21 день назад
用台語打招呼:學會日常問候語與文化背景 / Speak Like a Local: Learn Basic Taiwanese Greetings and Cultural Insights
Просмотров 4,1 тыс.21 день назад
在這段學習旅程中,我們一起探索台語的基本問候語,包括「你好(Hello)」、「再會(Goodbye)」、「感謝(Thank You)」、「不會啦(You’re Welcome)」、「有啦(Yes)」、「無啦(No)」以及「你食飽未?(Have you eaten?)」。這些簡單的台語詞彙不僅是日常生活中常用的語言工具,也是了解台灣文化的重要窗口。 1. 你好(Li-hó): 台語的「你好」發音是「Li-hó」,簡單卻充滿親切感。在南台灣,這句話不僅用於初次見面,也可以用於與鄰居打招呼。它代表了一種友善和接納的精神,展現了台灣人的熱情待客之道。 2. 再會(Chài-hōe): 「再會」是台語中的「再見」,發音為「Chài-hōe」。這個詞的使用充滿人情味,特別是在南台灣的鄉村地區,大家總是以微笑和這句話告別,期待下次見面的到來。 3. 感謝(Kam-siā): 「感謝」是「Thank...
第一次試喝纖維版的健怡可樂!Fun with Diet Coke Fiber in Pingtung!
Просмотров 6 тыс.21 день назад
Title: 第一次試喝纖維版的健怡可樂!Fun with Diet Coke Fiber in Pingtung! Description: 這次我和來自越南的美安一起在屏東試喝纖維版的健怡可樂!What does Diet Coke Fiber taste like? Watch our fun reactions as we try it for the first time in Pingtung! #DrTaiKe #TaiKe #Pingtung #Taiwan #DietCokeFiber #越南朋友 🔥我的其他社群媒體💯 Dr.Taike www.x.com/TaikeDr Dr.Taike www.tiktok.com/@DrTaike www.threads.net/@dr.taike www.snapchat...
🇸🇪採訪台灣瑞典人 🇹🇼 YouTuber成功秘訣 🇸🇪🇨🇦 Interview Lukas Swedish YouTuber Success 🇹🇼🇨🇦
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.28 дней назад
🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼 你知道Lukas in Taiwan是如何從瑞典來到台灣,並成為一名成功的RUclipsr嗎?在這次深入採訪中,Lukas分享了他對台灣文化的熱愛、他的創作靈感,以及如何克服語言和文化挑戰。無論你是RUclips粉絲還是創作者,這段影片絕對能啟發你!快來看看他的故事吧! 🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼 Ever wondered how Lukas in Taiwan transitioned from Sweden to becoming a successful RUclipsr in Taiwan? In this in-depth interview, Lukas opens up about his love for Taiwanese culture, the inspiration be...
🇹🇼 🇨🇦 從排灣到北部:Zepulj的文化使命 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 From Paiwan to the North: Zepulj's Cultural Mission 🇹🇼 🇨🇦
Просмотров 28928 дней назад
🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 排灣族文化推廣者Zepulj,以其企業Margi Musu(魯凱語:你好)為平台,向北台灣的小學生傳授排灣特色手工皂製作,將部落文化傳承至更遠的地方。 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 🇨🇦 🇹🇼 Meet Zepulj, a Paiwan cultural ambassador and the entrepreneurial force behind Margi Musu (Rukai for 'hel...
排灣族女企業家 Zepulj 按摩店老闆 屏東台灣 排灣文化 Paiwanese Businesswoman Zepulj Massage Shop Owner Pingtung, Taiwan
Просмотров 3,4 тыс.Месяц назад
排灣族女企業家Zepulj的專訪,她經營的按摩店在屏東推廣排灣族文化,分享她作為部落女性企業家的故事,及如何平衡傳統與現代生活。探索台灣南部的原住民文化與商業智慧! Interview with Zepulj, a Paiwanese businesswoman and massage shop owner in Pingtung. She shares her journey as a tribal entrepreneur and how she balances traditional and modern life. Discover indigenous culture and entrepreneurial spirit in Southern Taiwan! #排灣族 #Paiwan #屏東 #Pingtung #台灣原住民 #TaiwanIndigenous #原住民...
美國叔叔完整訪談 Uncle Topher Full Interview
Просмотров 3,9 тыс.Месяц назад
美國叔叔完整訪談 了解美國叔叔故事!這位在台灣頗具名氣的美國RUclipsr,在完整訪談中分享了他對台灣生活、創作內容以及與在地文化連結的獨特觀點。 UNCLE TOPHER'S FULL INTERVIEW Discover the story of Uncle Topher, an American RUclipsr who has made a name for himself in Taiwan. In this full interview, he shares his unique perspectives on living in Taiwan, creating content, and connecting with local culture. 我擴展了第六部分的長寬比,並將其包含在這個完整版的訪談影片中。一定要觀看!(去看看吧!) ruclips.net/vid...
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PART 4: ANNIE INTERVIEW'S DR. TAIKE第 4 部分:安妮採訪的 台客 博士
Просмотров 39Месяц назад
PART 4: ANNIE INTERVIEW'S DR. TAIKE第 4 部分:安妮採訪的 台客 博士
PART 5: ANNIE INTERVIEWS DR.TAIKE (MIKE) 第 5 部分:安妮採訪泰克博士(麥克)
Просмотров 68Месяц назад
PART 5: ANNIE INTERVIEWS DR.TAIKE (MIKE) 第 5 部分:安妮採訪泰克博士(麥克)
PART 3 Unfiltered with Annie: - The Journey Continues! 🎤🔥 / 與 Annie 的無保留對談:第三部分 - 故事仍在繼續!🎤🔥
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PART 3 Unfiltered with Annie: - The Journey Continues! 🎤🔥 / 與 Annie 的無保留對談:第三部分 - 故事仍在繼續!🎤🔥
PART 2: 教學生涯中的亮點與難忘時刻 / Professional Highlights and Memorable Moments
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PART 2: 教學生涯中的亮點與難忘時刻 / Professional Highlights and Memorable Moments
PART ONE: 我成為老師的旅程 / My Journey to Becoming a Teacher
Просмотров 71Месяц назад
PART ONE: 我成為老師的旅程 / My Journey to Becoming a Teacher
@actuallyUncleTopher's Secrets to Connecting with Taiwanese Culture! 托佛叔叔連結台灣文化的秘密!
Просмотров 192Месяц назад
@actuallyUncleTopher's Secrets to Connecting with Taiwanese Culture! 托佛叔叔連結台灣文化的秘密!
The Man Behind @actuallyUncleTopher Life, Challenges, and Culture in Taiwan! 托佛叔叔的真實面:生活、挑戰與台灣文化!
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The Man Behind @actuallyUncleTopher Life, Challenges, and Culture in Taiwan! 托佛叔叔的真實面:生活、挑戰與台灣文化!
How @actuallyUncleTopher Became a Foreign Star in Taiwan! PART 3 托佛叔叔如何成為台灣的外國明星!第 3 部分
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How @actuallyUncleTopher Became a Foreign Star in Taiwan! PART 3 托佛叔叔如何成為台灣的外國明星!第 3 部分
@actuallyUncleTopher Journey Through Taiwan & YouTube Success PART 7 探索托佛叔叔 台灣之旅與YouTube成功之路 第 7 部分
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@actuallyUncleTopher Journey Through Taiwan & RUclips Success PART 7 探索托佛叔叔 台灣之旅與RUclips成功之路 第 7 部分
美國叔叔台灣 YouTuber 的一天 第2部分Day in the Life of a YouTuber in Taiwan PART 2 🇺🇸🇹🇼🇨🇦‎@actuallyUncleTopher
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美國叔叔台灣 RUclipsr 的一天 第2部分Day in the Life of a RUclipsr in Taiwan PART 2 🇺🇸🇹🇼🇨🇦‎@actuallyUncleTopher
美國叔叔:在台灣找到熱情 第6部分 Found Passion in Taiwan
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美國叔叔:在台灣找到熱情 第6部分 Found Passion in Taiwan
美國叔叔:我是如何成為台灣的YouTuber的 Uncle Topher: How I Became a YouTuber in Taiwan 🇹🇼 @actuallyUncleTopher🇹🇼
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美國叔叔:我是如何成為台灣的RUclipsr的 Uncle Topher: How I Became a RUclipsr in Taiwan 🇹🇼 @actuallyUncleTopher🇹🇼
屏東鹽埔的隱藏寶石 Yanpu Pingtung's Hidden Gem 🇹🇼 🇹🇼 🇹🇼
Просмотров 124Месяц назад
屏東鹽埔的隱藏寶石 Yanpu Pingtung's Hidden Gem 🇹🇼 🇹🇼 🇹🇼
哇,屏東好安的美! Wow, Pingtung is so peaceful & beautiful!
Просмотров 88Месяц назад
哇,屏東好安的美! Wow, Pingtung is so peaceful & beautiful!
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Просмотров 8202 месяца назад
客家話學起來,講到你笑歪歪!Learn Hakka and it will make you smile!
Просмотров 982 месяца назад
客家話學起來,講到你笑歪歪!Learn Hakka and it will make you smile!


    @IBSP-PINGTUNG 7 дней назад

    I really like Coke Light Fiber!!😊

  • @南台灣文化
    @南台灣文化 7 дней назад

    ruclips.net/video/G5TaT9uDyBU/видео.htmlsi=F-rI-f7E3-pnW7LG Same same only different.

  • @南台灣文化
    @南台灣文化 7 дней назад

    ruclips.net/video/G5TaT9uDyBU/видео.htmlsi=F-rI-f7E3-pnW7LG Same same only different.

  • @sophiachang8559
    @sophiachang8559 9 дней назад

    I like the lesson. I hope you can continue and interview more indigenous Taiwanese. The language sounds so familiar!~

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 9 дней назад

      @sophiachang8559 What's is your first language?

  • @taiwansivispacemparabellum9546
    @taiwansivispacemparabellum9546 17 дней назад

    I wonder, English speakers that are embraced by Formosans, as part of our society, really understood what that R.O.C. flag means to my grand parents’ generation. Did you know, that Peace Treaty of San Francisco was signed in 1952? Well of course you do. But did you also know, that massacre 228 which happened on the Formosans in 1947 that resulted in conservative death toll of twenty thousand Formosans . Was an international war crime? I guess not, that very R.O.C. flag is an abhorrent insult to Formosans that have not fallen victim to the Chinese nationalist party brain wash. Anyone holding up and gathering under that banner of lies, deceit, and enslavement of Formosans, I really wonder how much veracity there is to their confessed love for the Formosans.

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 11 дней назад

      Thank you for sharing your perspective. The complexities of history, especially surrounding the R.O.C. flag and events like the 228 massacre, evoke strong emotions and interpretations. It's important to acknowledge the pain and trauma many have experienced while fostering meaningful dialogue to understand all viewpoints. I'd love to hear more about your thoughts on how we can respectfully address these historical issues while moving toward unity.

    • @friendsenglishclub
      @friendsenglishclub 11 дней назад

      Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I appreciate you bringing up these important historical points and sharing your perspective. It's always valuable to have conversations about Taiwan's complex history.

    • @busanrestaurantreviews
      @busanrestaurantreviews 11 дней назад

      The history of Taiwan and the R.O.C. flag is indeed deeply intertwined with events like the Peace Treaty of San Francisco and the tragic 228 massacre. These events left lasting scars on the people of Taiwan. While interpretations of symbols like the flag vary widely, understanding this history is essential to appreciating the complexities of Taiwanese identity. I hope this video contributes to fostering more awareness and discussion about these important topics.

  • @taiwansivispacemparabellum9546
    @taiwansivispacemparabellum9546 17 дней назад

    Did you know, that Peace Treaty of San Francisco was signed in 1952? Well of course you do. But did you also know, that massacre 228 which happened on the Formosans in 1947 that resulted in conservative death toll of twenty thousand Formosans . Was an international war crime? I guess not, that very R.O.C. flag is an abhorrent insult to Formosans that have not fallen victim to the Chinese nationalist party brain wash. Anyone holding up and gathering under that banner of lies, deceit, and enslavement of Formosans, I really wonder how much veracity there is to their confessed love for the Formosans.

  • @LesserCarol
    @LesserCarol 19 дней назад

    The food so yummy! I wish the camera can slow down a bit so I can enjoy the food with my eyes. 😅 Thank you for sharing this video.

  • @PinocchioXIII
    @PinocchioXIII 20 дней назад

    誰教你「死伯好食」的啦😂 又好笑又羞恥又覺得: 怎麼可以教壞外國人?😂

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 20 дней назад


    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 20 дней назад

      I live and die by the Taike lifestyle. it's the only way to speak. ha ha ha

  • @ColleenFitzgerald-j6u
    @ColleenFitzgerald-j6u 20 дней назад

    Great interview! Very informative!❤

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 20 дней назад

      @@ColleenFitzgerald-j6u Thank you so much for this wonderful commitment.

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 20 дней назад

      @@ColleenFitzgerald-j6u 非常感謝您的這項美好承諾。

  • @銘-l2o
    @銘-l2o 23 дня назад

    Love your videos! I learned a lot

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 23 дня назад

      "Hats off to the Canadians giving Taiwanese the spotlight it deserves!"

  • @Humetrodude
    @Humetrodude 23 дня назад

    Taiwanese/Hokkien (Southern Min): 真毋湯信的影片!學生教師真讚。我真愛看加拿大人講台灣的母語。台語是一個真好的語言!

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 23 дня назад

      "Taiwanese is such a rich and expressive language. Kudos to those student-teachers!"

  • @mobydog1973
    @mobydog1973 23 дня назад


    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 23 дня назад

      "This video really shows how language connects people across cultures. Love it!"

  • @mobydog1973
    @mobydog1973 23 дня назад

    Unbelievable video!! Student-Teachers are great. I love to see Canadians speaking the mother tongue of Taiwan. Taiwanes/ Hokkien or Southern Min (Minam) is a great language!!!

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 23 дня назад

      "Totally agree! It's amazing to see Canadians embracing the beauty of Taiwan's mother tongue."

  • @kayumanggivlogz9602
    @kayumanggivlogz9602 23 дня назад


    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 23 дня назад

      @@kayumanggivlogz9602 Hi. Thank you for your comment.

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 23 дня назад

      @@kayumanggivlogz9602 感謝您的留言。

  • @formosajmac9173
    @formosajmac9173 23 дня назад

    Awesome interview

  • @hummylady
    @hummylady 24 дня назад


    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 24 дня назад

      @@hummylady 謝謝你的反饋。我會在下次採訪時改進字幕的品質。

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 24 дня назад

      @hummylady Thank you for your constant support and encouragement! Truly grateful!

  • @LesserCarol
    @LesserCarol 25 дней назад

    Wow!! This is pretty cool. Love it!

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 25 дней назад

      @@LesserCarol 影片的哪一部分讓你覺得真實?

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 24 дня назад

      @@LesserCarol 謝謝你一直的支持和鼓勵!真的很感激!

    • @mobydog1973
      @mobydog1973 23 дня назад

      I totally agree. very cool!!!

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 23 дня назад

      @@mobydog1973 "This video really shows how language connects people across cultures. Love it!"

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 18 дней назад


  • @qyzx2811
    @qyzx2811 27 дней назад

    MR.台客 , Welcome to Taiwan.

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 27 дней назад

      @qyzx2811 Thank you so much. I love Taiwan. 🇹🇼 台灣 🇹🇼 & 🇹🇼 台客 🇹🇼 是最好的!

  • @LukasInTaiwan
    @LukasInTaiwan Месяц назад

    Thank you very much for the invitation and opportunity to share my thoughts on your channel! Already looking forward to our next video together!

    @IBSP-PINGTUNG Месяц назад

    我在屏東「Margi Musu」的排灣之旅絕對值得記錄!聽到Zepulj致力於保存與傳授原住民傳統的使命,讓我深受啟發並感到謙卑。這些時刻提醒我,珍視台灣豐富的文化織錦有多重要,從排灣族根源到台客生活的勇敢精神。💬❤

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 Месяц назад

      @@IBSP-PINGTUNG Paiwanese culture is a beautiful tapestry of traditions, from intricate beadwork and pottery to captivating songs and dances that tell stories of their ancestors. Their deep respect for nature and community reflects a profound connection to their heritage, making it a unique and inspiring part of Taiwan's indigenous identity.

  • @南台灣文化
    @南台灣文化 Месяц назад

    參觀屏東的「Margi Musu」,並與一位排灣族文化推廣者進行訪談,真是大開眼界!從教孩子製作原住民手工皂到保留部落傳統,她的工作充分展現了排灣族和魯凱族文化的美麗。這趟旅程不僅加深了我與台灣的連結,也真實地慶祝了台客文化的精髓。透過分享故事來搭建文化橋梁,沒有比這更棒的方式了!❤🌏

      @IBSP-PINGTUNG Месяц назад

      Visiting Margi Musu was more than just an interview-it was a cultural awakening! Zepulj’s dedication to preserving Paiwanese and Rukai traditions and her efforts to promote them across Taiwan showcase the strength of indigenous identity. This adventure added depth to my exploration of Taike culture and reaffirmed my passion for sharing these incredible stories. 🌏🌿

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 Месяц назад

      @@IBSP-PINGTUNG It was a privilege to visit Margi Musu and hear Zepulj’s story. Her work in promoting Paiwanese culture through education and entrepreneurship is truly Taike in spirit-strong, authentic, and full of heart. Southern Taiwan’s indigenous roots and vibrant culture are something I’m proud to explore and share with the world! 🌺🔥

  • @南台灣文化
    @南台灣文化 Месяц назад

    Visiting Margi Musu in Pingtung for an interview with a Paiwanese cultural promoter was eye-opening! From teaching kids how to make indigenous soap to preserving tribal traditions, her work highlights the beauty of Paiwanese and Rukai heritage. This journey not only deepens my connection to Taiwan but also celebrates Taike culture in its truest form. There's no better way to bridge cultures than through shared stories. ❤🌏

      @IBSP-PINGTUNG Месяц назад

      參觀「Margi Musu」不僅僅是一場訪談,更是一場文化的啟迪!Zepulj致力於保留排灣族與魯凱族的傳統,並努力在全台推廣,充分展現了原住民族身份的力量。這次冒險為我對台客文化的探索增添了深度,也再次肯定了我分享這些非凡故事的熱情。🌏🌿

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 Месяц назад

      @@IBSP-PINGTUNG 很榮幸能參觀「Margi Musu」,並聆聽Zepulj的故事。她透過教育和創業推廣排灣文化的工作,充分體現了台客精神--堅韌、真實且充滿熱情。南台灣的原住民根源與活力文化,是我引以為傲且樂於與世界分享的事物!🌺🔥

      @IBSP-PINGTUNG Месяц назад

      @@南台灣文化 My Paiwanese adventure at Margi Musu in Pingtung was one for the books! Hearing about Zepulj’s mission to preserve and teach indigenous traditions left me inspired and humbled. These moments remind me how important it is to honor Taiwan’s rich cultural tapestry, from Paiwanese roots to the bold spirit of Taike life. 💬❤

    @IBSP-PINGTUNG Месяц назад

    真的太棒了!我有幸在屏東的按摩店「Margi Musu」(在魯凱族語中是「你好」的意思)採訪了一位排灣族的女企業家。在了解她作為一位老師和創業者的啟發旅程的同時,還探索了原住民文化、語言和傳統,真是難忘的經歷。她致力於在全台灣推廣排灣族和魯凱族文化,甚至在北部地區也能感受到她的影響力,真的讓我很敬佩。這是一種深入南台灣生活的獨特方式,同時也融入了我的台客冒險之旅!🚴‍♂💬

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 Месяц назад

      I had an amazing interview with Zepulj, a Paiwanese entrepreneur at Margi Musu, in Pingtung. Her passion for sharing indigenous Paiwanese and Rukai culture, especially through teaching children how to make tribal soaps, was truly inspiring. It’s moments like these that remind me why I love Southern Taiwan and its vibrant Taike spirit! This journey into Paiwanese culture is one I’ll never forget. 🌺✨

      @IBSP-PINGTUNG Месяц назад

      @@南台灣文化 我的屏東「Margi Musu」之旅令人難忘!Zepulj,一位排灣族文化推廣者,分享了她向全台學生傳授原住民傳統(如製作部落手工皂)的旅程。她對排灣族與魯凱族文化的奉獻讓人深受啟發,也正是這些台客風格的經歷,讓我更加珍視自己與台灣的連結。🚴‍♂🌸

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 Месяц назад

      @@IBSP-PINGTUNG Margi Musu in Pingtung offered more than just a massage; it was a window into the beauty of Paiwanese and Rukai traditions. Zepulj’s efforts to share indigenous heritage with children, even in Northern Taiwan, show how one person can make a cultural impact. Exploring these stories has deepened my love for Taike culture and Southern Taiwan’s diversity. 🌿✨

    @IBSP-PINGTUNG Месяц назад

    What an incredible experience! I had the honor of interviewing a Paiwanese businesswoman at her massage shop, Margi Musu, in Pingtung, Taiwan. Learning about indigenous culture, language, and traditions while exploring her inspiring journey as a teacher and entrepreneur was unforgettable. Her efforts in promoting Paiwanese and Rukai culture across Taiwan, even in Northern regions, left me in awe. Truly a unique way to immerse myself in Southern Taiwanese life while riding along this Taike adventure! 🚴‍♂💬

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 Месяц назад

      在屏東的「Margi Musu」,我與一位排灣族企業家Zepulj進行了一次精彩的訪談。她熱衷於分享排灣族與魯凱族文化,尤其是透過教孩子製作部落手工皂,真的讓人感到十分敬佩。正是這些時刻,讓我更加熱愛南台灣及其充滿活力的台客精神!這次深入排灣文化的旅程,將永生難忘。🌺✨

      @IBSP-PINGTUNG Месяц назад

      @@南台灣文化 My trip to Margi Musu in Pingtung was unforgettable! Zepulj, a Paiwanese cultural advocate, shared her journey of teaching indigenous traditions, like making tribal soap, to students across Taiwan. Her commitment to Paiwanese and Rukai heritage is inspiring, and it’s these Taike-style experiences that make me cherish my connection to Taiwan even more. 🚴‍♂🌸

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 Месяц назад

      @@IBSP-PINGTUNG 屏東的「Margi Musu」不僅僅是一間按摩店,更是通往排灣族與魯凱族傳統之美的窗口。Zepulj在北台灣向孩子們分享原住民文化的努力,展現了一個人如何對文化產生深遠影響。探索這些故事,讓我對台客文化和南台灣的多元性更加熱愛。🌿✨

  • @LesserCarol
    @LesserCarol Месяц назад

    🎉🎉He looks like super cool guy. Nice video!

    @IBSP-PINGTUNG Месяц назад

    This interview made me love Taiwanese culture even more and feel proud of how foreigners see Taiwan!

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 Месяц назад

      Lukas’ adventurous spirit and cheerful personality are truly the keys to his success!

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      @@南台灣文化 🇸🇪 訪談中Lukas對台灣文化的細節觀察讓人佩服,太厲害了!🇨🇦 Cancel Reply

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      🇸🇪 Lukas' detailed observations about Taiwanese culture during the interview are so impressive! 🇨🇦

    @IBSP-PINGTUNG Месяц назад


    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 Месяц назад

      Lukas’ description of Taiwan's temple culture was spot on! It made me want to visit, too!

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      🇸🇪 Lukas and your interaction felt so natural-like two old friends chatting! 🇨🇦

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      @@南台灣文化 🇸🇪 Lukas和你的互動很自然,感覺就像兩個老朋友聊天!🇨🇦

  • @busanrestaurantreviews
    @busanrestaurantreviews Месяц назад

    Lukas’ Mandarin is incredible! His dedication is so inspiring!

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 Месяц назад


      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      🇸🇪 Lukas對台灣的熱愛令人動容,這樣的故事應該更多人知道!🇨🇦

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      @@南台灣文化 🇸🇪 Lukas’ love for Taiwan is so touching-more people need to hear stories like this! 🇨🇦

  • @busanrestaurantreviews
    @busanrestaurantreviews Месяц назад


    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 Месяц назад

      Honestly, I think Lukas’ story in Taiwan should be made into a documentary. It’s so interesting!

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      🇸🇪 Lukas’ stories about Taiwanese night markets are so fun-I want to visit again! 🇨🇦

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      @@南台灣文化 🇸🇪 Lukas提到的台灣夜市經驗真的太有趣了,我好想再去一次!🇨🇦


    Thank you for such an insightful interview! It gave us a deeper understanding of Lukas' life and journey in Taiwan.

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 Месяц назад


      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      🇸🇪 訪談的結尾非常感人,感覺就像是一封致台灣的情書!🇨🇦

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      @@南台灣文化 🇸🇪 The ending of the interview was so moving-it felt like a love letter to Taiwan! 🇨🇦



    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 Месяц назад

      The part where he discussed cultural differences was so interesting, I couldn’t stop nodding in agreement!

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      🇸🇪 His Taiwan stories gave me a deeper understanding of my own culture-thank you! 🇨🇦

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      @@南台灣文化 🇸🇪 他的台灣故事讓我對自己的文化有了更深的理解,感謝你們!🇨🇦

  • @mobydog1973
    @mobydog1973 Месяц назад

    The Taiwanese snacks Lukas mentioned made me hungry! He’s truly a foodie!

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 Месяц назад


  • @mobydog1973
    @mobydog1973 Месяц назад


    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 Месяц назад

      Interviews like this show us Taiwan from a different perspective. Thank you for your hard work!

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      🇸🇪 聽到Lukas分享他在台灣的成長經歷,真的感受到他對這裡的熱情!🇨🇦

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      @@南台灣文化 🇸🇪 Hearing Lukas share his growth experiences in Taiwan really shows his passion for this place! 🇨🇦

  • @Humetrodude
    @Humetrodude Месяц назад

    You can really feel Lukas' deep connection with Taiwan from his stories. Amazing!

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 Месяц назад


      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      🇸🇪 Lukas的幽默讓整段訪談充滿活力,我看了好幾次!🇨🇦

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      @@南台灣文化 🇸🇪 Lukas’ humor brought so much energy to the interview-I’ve watched it several times! 🇨🇦

  • @Humetrodude
    @Humetrodude Месяц назад


    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 Месяц назад

      🇸🇪 Lukas的故事真的令人振奮!他對台灣的熱愛非常感人!🇨🇦

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      🇸🇪 這次訪談讓我更加珍惜台灣文化,也更欣賞Lukas的熱情!🇨🇦

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      @@南台灣文化 🇸🇪 This interview made me appreciate Taiwanese culture more and admire Lukas' passion! 🇨🇦

  • @friendsenglishclub
    @friendsenglishclub Месяц назад

    Lukas' sense of humor really brought so much laughter to the interview!

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 Месяц назад


      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      🇸🇪 訪談裡提到的文化差異讓人深思,Lukas的觀點很有啟發性!🇨🇦

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      @@南台灣文化 🇸🇪 The cultural differences discussed in the interview were thought-provoking-Lukas' insights are inspiring! 🇨🇦

  • @friendsenglishclub
    @friendsenglishclub Месяц назад


    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 Месяц назад

      Lukas’ approach to life and his love for Taiwan are so full of positive energy!

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      🇸🇪 Absolutely loved Lukas' sharing-his story is truly a model of international friendship! 🇨🇦

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      @@南台灣文化 🇸🇪 太喜歡Lukas的分享了,他的故事真的是一個國際友誼的典範!🇨🇦

    @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

    Your interview was fantastic! The experiences Lukas shared were so relatable!

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 Месяц назад


      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      🇸🇪 Lukas的冒險故事讓人感到興奮,他真的非常勇敢!🇨🇦

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      @@南台灣文化 🇸🇪 Lukas' adventurous stories are so exciting-he's truly brave! 🇨🇦

    @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад


    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 Месяц назад

      🇸🇪 Lukas’ story is truly uplifting! His love for Taiwan is so touching! 🇨🇦

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      @@南台灣文化 🇸🇪 聽Lukas描述台灣的日常生活感覺就像在旅遊,非常有趣!🇨🇦

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      🇸🇪 Listening to Lukas describe daily life in Taiwan feels like traveling-so interesting! 🇨🇦

  • @南台灣文化
    @南台灣文化 Месяц назад

    Lukas' story is truly inspiring! His love for Taiwanese culture is so impressive!

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 Месяц назад

      🇸🇪 訪談中Lukas對台灣文化的細節觀察讓人佩服,太厲害了!🇨🇦

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      🇸🇪 Lukas對於台灣街頭文化的描述非常生動,完全引起共鳴!🇨🇦

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      @@南台灣文化 🇸🇪 Lukas’ vivid description of Taiwan’s street culture was so relatable! 🇨🇦

  • @南台灣文化
    @南台灣文化 Месяц назад


    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 Месяц назад

      🇸🇪 Lukas' detailed observations about Taiwanese culture during the interview are so impressive! 🇨🇦

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      🇸🇪 His Mandarin has improved so quickly! Lukas is truly a role model for language learning! 🇨🇦

      @PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE Месяц назад

      @@南台灣文化 🇸🇪 他的中文進步太神速了!Lukas真的是語言學習的榜樣!🇨🇦

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 25 дней назад

      @@PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE And I'm hoping to study more Taiwanese!!

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 25 дней назад

      @@PHILIP-IS-VERY-TAIKE i agree

    @IBSP-PINGTUNG Месяц назад

    This interview truly showcases Uncle Topher’s genuine personality-I love it!

    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 18 дней назад


    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 18 дней назад


    @IBSP-PINGTUNG Месяц назад


    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 18 дней назад


  • @busanrestaurantreviews
    @busanrestaurantreviews Месяц назад

    Glad to see the improvements in video production-it takes the quality to the next level!

  • @busanrestaurantreviews
    @busanrestaurantreviews Месяц назад


    • @南台灣文化
      @南台灣文化 24 дня назад

      ❤😂 SOUNDS GOOD BROTHER 👍 🔥 😊