老花医Fun with Plants in China
老花医Fun with Plants in China
  • Видео 1 175
  • Просмотров 1 483 486


蓝雪花到手全方位教学!就差手把手去教了!/Blue Snowflake is in full swing to teach!
Просмотров 6435 месяцев назад
蓝雪花到手全方位教学!就差手把手去教了!/Blue Snowflake is in full swing to teach!
让龟背竹长得更好!真的能离得开修剪吗?/Can you really do without pruning?
Просмотров 8755 месяцев назад
让龟背竹长得更好!真的能离得开修剪吗?/Can you really do without pruning?
沙漠玫瑰焦尖怎么办?蝴蝶兰黄叶怎么回事?/What to do with the scorched tip of the desert rose?
Просмотров 4455 месяцев назад
今日提问:沙漠玫瑰、蝴蝶兰、栀子花、瑞香、火棘/Today's question: Desert rose, phalaenopsis, gardenia, ruixiang, firethorn
雪莹又名常春藤!雪莹真的很难养吗?/Is Xue Ying really hard to raise?
Просмотров 7085 месяцев назад
雪莹又名常春藤!雪莹真的很难养吗?/Is Xue Ying really hard to raise?
想要球兰开花!需要把握的要点有哪些?/I want bulb orchid to bloom! What are the key points to grasp?
Просмотров 6745 месяцев назад
想要球兰开花!需要把握的要点有哪些?/I want bulb orchid to bloom! What are the key points to grasp?
花友为了枝条而惆怅!瑞香叶子发黄怎么办?/What should I do if the leaves of Ruixiang are yellow?
Просмотров 3105 месяцев назад
今日提问:绣球、栀子花、金边瑞香/Today's question: hydrangea, gardenia, Phnom Penh Ruixiang
光照和通风是必要条件!病虫害预防有一套!/Light and ventilation are a must! There is a set of pest and disease prevention
Просмотров 3155 месяцев назад
光照和通风是必要条件!病虫害预防有一套!/Light and ventilation are a must! There is a set of pest and disease prevention!
不长叶子要少浇水!洗根换土之后要注意什么?/What should we pay attention to after washing the roots and changing the soil?
Просмотров 6565 месяцев назад
不长叶子要少浇水!洗根换土之后要注意什么?/What should we pay attention to after washing the roots and changing the soil?
蝴蝶兰烂了根怎么办?长寿花长虫子怎么办?/What should I do if the Phalaenopsis rots its roots?
Просмотров 3275 месяцев назад
今日提问:蝴蝶兰、长寿花、茶花、香雪兰、平安树/Today's question: Phalaenopsis, longevity flower, camellia, fragrant snow orchid, peace tree
又来一根新棒槌?法医老花医再次上线!/A new mallet is coming, and the forensic doctor is online again!
Просмотров 3435 месяцев назад
又来一根新棒槌?法医老花医再次上线!/A new mallet is coming, and the forensic doctor is online again!
植物缺光有哪些体现?从哪些方面能够看出来?/What are the manifestations of the lack of light in plants?
Просмотров 5005 месяцев назад
植物缺光有哪些体现?从哪些方面能够看出来?/What are the manifestations of the lack of light in plants? In what ways can you see it?
月季黄叶怎么修剪?兰花黄叶怎么回事?/How to prune the yellow leaves of the moon season?
Просмотров 1905 месяцев назад
今日提问:月季、柠檬、兰花、仙洞龟背/Today's question: Yueji, lemon, orchid, fairy cave turtle back
鸡蛋壳养花有无用处?实在不如现成的实在!/Is it useful to raise flowers in eggshells?
Просмотров 5905 месяцев назад
鸡蛋壳养花有无用处?实在不如现成的实在!/Is it useful to raise flowers in eggshells?
栀子花蔫叶怎么回事?铁树黄边怎么回事?/What's going on with gardenia wilts?
Просмотров 4496 месяцев назад
今日提问:栀子花、铁树、桂花、红钻、海棠/Today's question: Gardenia, iron tree, osmanthus, red diamond, begonia
一开箱一个惊讶!不是枝条越多越哇塞!/One out of the box is a surprise! It's not that the more branches, the more wow!
Просмотров 6906 месяцев назад
一开箱一个惊讶!不是枝条越多越哇塞!/One out of the box is a surprise! It's not that the more branches, the more wow!
蓝雪花干枯怎么回事?发财树卷边怎么回事?/What's going on with the blue snowflakes drying up? -
Просмотров 6486 месяцев назад
蓝雪花干枯怎么回事?发财树卷边怎么回事?/What's going on with the blue snowflakes drying up? -
光照的强度对植物有影响吗?请你对号入座!/Does the intensity of light have an effect on plants? Please take your seats!
Просмотров 7956 месяцев назад
光照的强度对植物有影响吗?请你对号入座!/Does the intensity of light have an effect on plants? Please take your seats!
球兰茎杆黄斑怎么办?茉莉干枯怎么回事?/What to do with the macula of bulb stem? What's wrong with jasmine drying up?
Просмотров 4696 месяцев назад
球兰茎杆黄斑怎么办?茉莉干枯怎么回事?/What to do with the macula of bulb stem? What's wrong with jasmine drying up?
喜欢热辣滚烫的太阳!三角梅怎么养护?/Love the hot sun! How to maintain Triangle plum?
Просмотров 4986 месяцев назад
喜欢热辣滚烫的太阳!三角梅怎么养护?/Love the hot sun! How to maintain Triangle plum?
桂花落叶怎么回事?居然有涅槃重生的机会?/What's going on with the fallen leaves of the osmanthus flowers?
Просмотров 4606 месяцев назад
桂花落叶怎么回事?居然有涅槃重生的机会?/What's going on with the fallen leaves of the osmanthus flowers?
通过叶片来扦插!可实现多肉自由!/Cuttings through leaves! Succulent freedom is possible!
Просмотров 2676 месяцев назад
通过叶片来扦插!可实现多肉自由!/Cuttings through leaves! Succulent freedom is possible!
橡皮树耷拉叶怎么回事?三角梅黄叶怎么办?/What's the deal with rubber tree drooping leaves?
Просмотров 2356 месяцев назад
橡皮树耷拉叶怎么回事?三角梅黄叶怎么办?/What's the deal with rubber tree drooping leaves?
吊兰怎么养护更旺盛?/How to maintain spider plants more vigorously?
Просмотров 3786 месяцев назад
吊兰怎么养护更旺盛?/How to maintain spider plants more vigorously?
想好女神节送什么礼物了吗?快快囤起来吧!/Have you figured out what gifts to give on Goddess Day? Hurry up and stock up!
Просмотров 1826 месяцев назад
想好女神节送什么礼物了吗?快快囤起来吧!/Have you figured out what gifts to give on Goddess Day? Hurry up and stock up!
芦荟怎么养更哇塞!绣球夏天地栽怎么管理?/How to raise aloe vera more wow! How to manage hydrangea summer ground planting
Просмотров 2206 месяцев назад
芦荟怎么养更哇塞!绣球夏天地栽怎么管理?/How to raise aloe vera more wow! How to manage hydrangea summer ground planting
老花医过来送福利啦!长寿应该没人能拒绝吧?/The old flower doctor is here to send benefits!
Просмотров 1556 месяцев назад
老花医过来送福利啦!长寿应该没人能拒绝吧?/The old flower doctor is here to send benefits!
绣球养护有要点!苗情哇塞很重要!/There is a point in hydrangea care! Miao Qing Wow Sai is very important!
Просмотров 1986 месяцев назад
绣球养护有要点!苗情哇塞很重要!/There is a point in hydrangea care! Miao Qing Wow Sai is very important!
花毛茛黄叶怎么办?富贵子干叶怎么回事?/What to do with buttercup yellow leaves? What's going on with Fuguizi dry leaves
Просмотров 2436 месяцев назад
花毛茛黄叶怎么办?富贵子干叶怎么回事?/What to do with buttercup yellow leaves? What's going on with Fuguizi dry leaves
扦插有叶也有果!一分耕耘一分收获!/Cuttings have leaves and fruits! No pain, no gain!
Просмотров 2126 месяцев назад
扦插有叶也有果!一分耕耘一分收获!/Cuttings have leaves and fruits! No pain, no gain!