werton playskin
werton playskin
  • Видео 11
  • Просмотров 158 840
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood for Sega Genesis / Mega Drive (WIP) - progress of Stage 1
Work-in-progress project to reprogramming Castlevania Rondo of Blood / Akumajō Dracula X: Chi no Rondo from scratch for the Sega Genesis / Mega Drive. Written in C using SGDK. Current progress of Stage 1. Music cover by
Просмотров: 13 181


Castlevania: Rondo of Blood for Sega Genesis / Mega Drive (Port, WIP) - First Intro
Просмотров 3,1 тыс.6 месяцев назад
Work-in-progress project to reprogramming Castlevania Rondo of Blood / Akumajō Dracula X: Chi no Rondo from scratch for the Sega Genesis / Mega Drive. Written in C using SGDK. First pre title intro.
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood for Sega Genesis / Mega Drive (Port, WIP, SGDK) - Not Finished Prologue
Просмотров 4,2 тыс.8 месяцев назад
Homebrew port (work in progress) of the Castlevania Rondo of Blood game (PC Engine) for Sega Genesis / Mega Drive. Written from scratch using SGDK. Prologue, without a combat part, equires polishing and bugs fixing, but I like the ending. Sorry, no public rom yet :)
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood for Sega Genesis (WIP, SGDK) :D
Просмотров 2,8 тыс.9 месяцев назад
A little progress and a little humor :) Divine Bloodlines Music cover by www.youtube.com/@silverriff/featured
Micetopia for Sega Genesis (Prototype, SGDK)
Просмотров 58710 месяцев назад
Not finished port an indie metroidvania game (abandoned for some reasons).
Yie Ar Kung Fu Tribute for Sega Genesis (WIP 0.4.156)
Просмотров 36 тыс.2 года назад
Some old stuff: hurt stun animations, blocks, dashes. Music cover by Pasha Grishatz.
Yie Ar Kung Fu Tribute for Sega Genesis (WIP, alpha v0.360)
Просмотров 16 тыс.4 года назад
Bonus stage test
Yie Ar Kung Fu Tribute for Sega Genesis (WIP, alpha v0.305)
Просмотров 46 тыс.4 года назад
Yie Ar Kung-Fu Tribute - homebrew game for Sega Genesis.
Yie Ar Kung-Fu Remix for Sega Genesis (WIP) Sound Test
Просмотров 17 тыс.4 года назад
Yie Ar Kung-Fu Remix for Sega Genesis (WIP) Sound Test
Battle City Crossover 1.2.15 (WIP)
Просмотров 6 тыс.5 лет назад
Bomberman in Battle City for Sega Mega Drive / Genesis (written on SGDK).


  • @meguinh0_x866
    @meguinh0_x866 3 дня назад

    Sega cd fazia mais sucesso nos EUA que o PC engine cd eles podiam ter portado esse jogo nos Estados Unidos atraves do SEGA CD

  • @Pepper-ColorYT
    @Pepper-ColorYT 29 дней назад

    Mega CD Japan

  • @seyioyetade
    @seyioyetade Месяц назад

    Never knew there was a sega version 😮😮😮😮

  • @gangsterbksteeo2323
    @gangsterbksteeo2323 Месяц назад

    nice work bro(sountrack,sprites,effects)by génesis is awesome,continuidad WOOORK

  • @samviolet398
    @samviolet398 Месяц назад

    are those fei long sound effects?

  • @rafaelantonio6765
    @rafaelantonio6765 Месяц назад

    at least one boss fight

  • @ironkong26
    @ironkong26 Месяц назад

    This is too awesome.... Long live the genesis

  • @ابوك-ز6ك
    @ابوك-ز6ك Месяц назад

    Looks so clean

  • @rafaelantonio6765
    @rafaelantonio6765 Месяц назад

    we want a demo rom for november december

  • @Blankult
    @Blankult Месяц назад

    Is this still wip?

    • @weerbox
      @weerbox Месяц назад


    • @Blankult
      @Blankult Месяц назад

      @@weerbox Oh nice. It looks really good dude, good luck!

  • @jessragan6714
    @jessragan6714 Месяц назад

    Looks nice. Seems to run better than the WIP Mega Castlevania IV, with more accurate physics.

  • @DemoniteBL
    @DemoniteBL 2 месяца назад

    It's Ronding time

  • @seanjenkins4654
    @seanjenkins4654 2 месяца назад

    Are you doing the music yourself? Sounds super good

    • @weerbox
      @weerbox Месяц назад

      No, I indicated in the description that the author of the music cover - silverRIFF.

    • @seanjenkins4654
      @seanjenkins4654 Месяц назад

      @@weerboxoops sorry should have read that the first time This looks very good, the list of games coming to genesis is pretty big this year compared to last year

  • @km_6433
    @km_6433 2 месяца назад

    Genesis does what Super Nintendon't?

  • @JC-th5gc
    @JC-th5gc 2 месяца назад

    Was that coat pickup (@1:55) there in the original version? Is it just a cosmetic thing, or does it change gameplay in some way?

    • @weerbox
      @weerbox Месяц назад

      This is not in the original ROB, I added this as a joke. This coat is from the Saturn version of SOTN, and yes, it is just a cosmetic thing.

  • @rafaelantonio6765
    @rafaelantonio6765 2 месяца назад

    you can make the rain by using sprites, instead

  • @cyberpc1333
    @cyberpc1333 2 месяца назад

    Nice work in progress, and alternative Ritcher ouftfit 🍷🗿

  • @championsceptile7765
    @championsceptile7765 2 месяца назад

    This looks incredible! I know it would be difficult but it'd be so cool to see this running on an actual Genesis

  • @rual9822
    @rual9822 2 месяца назад

    No way we are getting a sotn demake for the Genesis and now this! I hope everything goes well for both projects

  • @seanjenkins4654
    @seanjenkins4654 2 месяца назад

    Seriously cannot wait to see more available about this project How many castlevanias now? We got one guy doing symphony of the night Another doing super castlevania 4 Plus we have bloodlines And now this That’s a total of 4 now, this is epic Now if only someone out there would be interested in porting contra and super contra arcade to the Genesis, I’d go apeshit for that

  • @NeonSonOfXenon
    @NeonSonOfXenon 2 месяца назад

    oolong is cute ^_^

  • @Purpbatboi
    @Purpbatboi 3 месяца назад

    DAMN, that was the port i wanted to make with SGDK but someone already has beat me to it..

  • @erikrom83
    @erikrom83 3 месяца назад

    2024 lots of cartridge to buy , earthion , castlevania and lot of more

  • @lehiboo
    @lehiboo 3 месяца назад


  • @rendyajadech1957
    @rendyajadech1957 3 месяца назад

    The 2nd stage is from World heroes 1, Kim Dragon's stage

  • @orenges
    @orenges 3 месяца назад

    so angelic in comparison!

  • @fishactivation5087
    @fishactivation5087 3 месяца назад

    I'm convinced that you people are trying to port goddamn every C'vania game to the Genesis.

    • @DancesRainyStreets
      @DancesRainyStreets Месяц назад

      Is Castlevania III being ported as well?

    • @sleepyren_
      @sleepyren_ 12 дней назад

      ​@@DancesRainyStreets i know SCIV is. I sure wish someone would do that, though.

  • @MeduzaTeam2009
    @MeduzaTeam2009 3 месяца назад

    Why does music playback slow down?

    • @weerbox
      @weerbox 3 месяца назад

      Я использовал XGM2 аудио драйвер, который находится в бета стадии. Как выяснилось в загруженных сценах проигрывание на нем начинает подтормаживать. Вернул старый XGM, там таких проблем нет.

  • @CYON4D
    @CYON4D 4 месяца назад

    Great stuff.

  • @Oswald_Rabbit-j4q
    @Oswald_Rabbit-j4q 4 месяца назад

    The stage in this game was added onto Mugen, I just found out now.

  • @RECpixels
    @RECpixels 4 месяца назад

    This is amazing!

  • @HV6AZZ002
    @HV6AZZ002 4 месяца назад

    A new jewel for the mighty Genesis 🙌🏻 Amazing job!!!

  • @identitatemignotum3238
    @identitatemignotum3238 4 месяца назад

    Is this proyectuh ded ??

    • @weerbox
      @weerbox 4 месяца назад

      the project is on hold

  • @hopetagulos
    @hopetagulos 4 месяца назад

    Impressive.... I saw the other videos: beautiful adaptations from one hardware to another, and improvement of the recipient hardware in terms of port.

  • @nicholascooney
    @nicholascooney 4 месяца назад

    This looks like a retail-quality port! :O

  • @gyga100
    @gyga100 4 месяца назад

    This is using only MegaDrive hardware or your using the SegaCD too? Isso ta usando só o hardware do MegaDrive ou ta usando o Sega CD tbm?

    • @weerbox
      @weerbox 4 месяца назад

      Mega Drive only.

  • @retroav777
    @retroav777 4 месяца назад

    My favorite of the traditional Castlevania games, now on my favorite of the 16-bit consoles! Thank you werton, keep it up! And OMG silverRIFF! ...the music! Wow!😍

  • @wolfgangpuff7030
    @wolfgangpuff7030 4 месяца назад

    Very cool, but why not do a Mega CD version? Or even better, a cart/CD combo?

  • @dellagustin
    @dellagustin 4 месяца назад

    Great to hear about this project. The graphics are not so surprising as the Mega Drive was already more powerful graphically, but this rendition of the soundtrack is really amazing.

  • @Epsilonsama
    @Epsilonsama 4 месяца назад

    This one seems like a great game to port or rewrite for the SEGA CD. You get to keep the FMVs and music and just focus on the codeitself. Plus Sega CD has the advantage of being able to play burned disk for people without ever drives.

  • @exonphase
    @exonphase 4 месяца назад

    Can we get the demo of it ? or link of the fist stage .md file ?

    • @weerbox
      @weerbox 4 месяца назад

      Sorry, there is no public demo yet

  • @Justin-rv7oy
    @Justin-rv7oy 4 месяца назад

    How far along are you in total, or are you on stage one only, still have to complete the rest of the game?

    • @weerbox
      @weerbox 4 месяца назад

      This is the current progress at the moment. Current plans are intro 1, 2, prologue, level 1.

  • @Justin-rv7oy
    @Justin-rv7oy 4 месяца назад

    Man, please please complete this project. 🙏 🤲 great work