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Master Wong
Добавлен 27 мар 2018
Mr. Wang Tiannan has a master's degree in Australia and many years of experience in business management. He has taught and served as administrative director in universities and post-secondary colleges.
Mr. Wang has studied metaphysics for many years, and has traveled to Hong Kong, Macau and Southeast Asia to teach for many years, and solved the difficulties of metaphysics in personal, home and office. Mr. Wang was an off-campus course instructor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Macau University of Science and Technology, teaching many Feng Shui and metaphysics courses.
Mr. Wang has studied metaphysics for many years, and has traveled to Hong Kong, Macau and Southeast Asia to teach for many years, and solved the difficulties of metaphysics in personal, home and office. Mr. Wang was an off-campus course instructor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Macau University of Science and Technology, teaching many Feng Shui and metaphysics courses.
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) Donald Trump 八字分析。The destiny reading of Donald Trump using Bazi.
Просмотров 10 тыс.14 дней назад
用八字分析川普 Donald Trump 的性格、事業、財富、婚姻、和2024年總統選舉。Use the Bazi to analyze Donald Trump’s personality, career, wealth, marriage, and 2024 presidential election. www.masterwongsir.com/ www.youtube.com/@UCIrNmN8Xkz3sMtkCRct_X5Q profile.php?id=61552520939272 #donaldtrump #特朗普 #川普 #八字班 #風水班 #風水教學#風水課程#佈財局#風水佈局#風水#bazi#destiny #fengshui#fengshuicourse#fengshuilifestyle #八字課程#八字#算命 #九運#風水命理#玄學...
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 九運(2024-2043)賺錢的行業。What industries are favorable in the Ninth Period ?
Просмотров 3,8 тыс.10 месяцев назад
用風水和五行的概念,分析九紫火對人們生活的影響,由比推斷在九運能夠得利的行業。 Use the concepts of Fengshui and Five Elements to analyze the impact of the #9 Purple star on people's lives, and infer industries that can benefit from the Ninth Period. 王天南風水命理 www.masterwongsir.com profile.php?id=61552520939272 www.youtube.com/@masterwong3973 #甲辰年#八字班 #風水班 #風水教學#風水課程#佈財局#風水佈局#風水#bazi#destiny #fengshui#fengshuicourse#fengsh...
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 甲辰年(2024)風水佈局。How to deploy fengshui layout in the year of Dragon (2024)?
Просмотров 12 тыс.10 месяцев назад
如何激活2024甲辰年的財位、桃花位、升職位、文昌位?如何避免甲辰年的災難星、病毒星? How to activate the wealth zone, love zone, promotion zone, and learning zone in 2024? How to avoid the star of disaster and star of illness in the year of Dragon? 王天南風水命理 www.masterwongsir.com profile.php?id=61552520939272 www.youtube.com/@masterwong3973 #甲辰年#八字班 #風水班 #風水教學#風水課程#佈財局#風水佈局#風水#bazi#destiny #fengshui#fengshuicourse#fengshuil...
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 如何知道網上情缘是真是假?How to know if an online romance is real or fake?
Просмотров 4,3 тыс.10 месяцев назад
用八字分析網上结交的朋友,了解他/她的性格、現狀、和將會發生的情事。Use Bazi to analyze the people you meet online and understand his/her personalities, current situations, and what will happen in the future. 王天南風水命理 www.masterwongsir.com profile.php?id=61552520939272 www.youtube.com/@masterwong3973 #八字班 #風水班 #風水教學#風水課程#佈財局#風水佈局#風水#bazi#destiny #fengshui#fengshuicourse#fengshuilifestyle #八字課程#八字#算命 #九運#風水命理#玄學#運程#家...
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 八字算命。21/12八字班開課。How to do Destiny Reading Using Bazi?
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.11 месяцев назад
介绍八字算命的步骤,和看懂八字的方法。Introduce the steps of Destiny Reading Using Bazi and the method of understanding the Bazi. 王天南風水命理 www.masterwongsir.com profile.php?id=61552520939272 #八字班 #風水班 #風水教學#風水課程#佈財局#風水佈局#風水#bazi#destiny #fengshui#fengshuicourse#fengshuilifestyle #八字課程#八字#算命 #九運#風水命理#玄學#運程#家居風水#辦公室風水#辦公室财位#家居風水擺設
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 看風水。5/4風水班開課。How to do fengshui survey?
Просмотров 14 тыс.Год назад
介绍看風水的步骤,和風水佈局的方法。Introduce the steps of reading Feng Shui and the method of Feng Shui layout deployment. 王天南風水命理 www.masterwongsir.com profile.php?id=61552520939272 #風水班 #風水教學#風水課程#佈財局#風水佈局#風水#bazi#destiny #fengshui#fengshuicourse#fengshuilifestyle #八字課程#八字#算命 #九運#風水命理#玄學#運程#家居風水#辦公室風水#辦公室财位#家居風水擺設
九運發財 風水佈局 #shorts
Просмотров 100Год назад
迎九運吉氣 避八運退氣。介绍如何在八運家宅或商業單位佈風水局,吸納九運正神吉氣,和採用收山出煞,排除九運零神衰氣。 #佈財局#風水佈局#風水#bazi#destiny #fengshui#fengshuicourse#fengshuilifestyle #八字課程#八字#算命#風水教學#風水課程 #九運#風水命理#玄學#運程#家居風水#辦公室風水#辦公室财位#家居風水擺設
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 林作,苦難的七殺年九月!Joseph Lam Chok, his miserable September of Seven Killings Year!
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.Год назад
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 林作,苦難的七殺年九月!Joseph Lam Chok, his miserable September of Seven Killings Year!
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 如何化解。九月歲破月,大事不宜。How to resolve, September is the bad month of the year?
Просмотров 187Год назад
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 如何化解。九月歲破月,大事不宜。How to resolve, September is the bad month of the year?
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 如何選擇九運風水好的樓宇單位?How to find a good FengShui house at Ninth Period?
Просмотров 3,5 тыс.Год назад
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 如何選擇九運風水好的樓宇單位?How to find a good FengShui house at Ninth Period?
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 從八字看再婚的機会和應否再婚?Look at the chance of remarriage and whether to remarry from the BaZi?
Просмотров 165Год назад
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 從八字看再婚的機会和應否再婚?Look at the chance of remarriage and whether to remarry from the BaZi?
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 如何用風水佈局迎接九運吉氣?How to deploy FengShui layout to absorb auspiciousness of Ninth Period?
Просмотров 7 тыс.Год назад
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 如何用風水佈局迎接九運吉氣?How to deploy FengShui layout to absorb auspiciousness of Ninth Period?
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 三個方法在家宅/商業单位佈财局? 3 ways to deploy fengshui layout of wealth at home or commercial?
Просмотров 684Год назад
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 三個方法在家宅/商業单位佈财局? 3 ways to deploy fengshui layout of wealth at home or commercial?
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 風水個案,家宅風水出問題,會損害家人健康。 Fengshui case, home Fengshui problems and health of the family.
Просмотров 262Год назад
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 風水個案,家宅風水出問題,會損害家人健康。 Fengshui case, home Fengshui problems and health of the family.
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 風水。佈五鬼運財水法,增旺家宅或商業財運. FengShui. Deploying Five Ghosts Carry Money to prosper fortune.
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.Год назад
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 風水。佈五鬼運財水法,增旺家宅或商業財運. FengShui. Deploying Five Ghosts Carry Money to prosper fortune.
(附字幕)(Eng Sub)八字。谷愛凌,未來的事業能否延續光輝,再創高峰?Can her future career continue to shine and reach new heights?
Просмотров 110Год назад
(附字幕)(Eng Sub)八字。谷愛凌,未來的事業能否延續光輝,再創高峰?Can her future career continue to shine and reach new heights?
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 八字。如何閱讀、管理、掌控命運?課程推介,招生。BaZi for Daily Living. Course Recommendation and Admissions.
Просмотров 335Год назад
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 八字。如何閱讀、管理、掌控命運?課程推介,招生。BaZi for Daily Living. Course Recommendation and Admissions.
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 風水。日常生活風水班,課程推介,招生。Fengshui for Daily Living. Course Recommendation and Admissions.
Просмотров 443Год назад
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 風水。日常生活風水班,課程推介,招生。Fengshui for Daily Living. Course Recommendation and Admissions.
(附字幕)(Eng Sub)八字。癸卯年(2023) 個人的每月運程將會如何?(BaZi). What will be your fortune in the year of Rabbit ?
Просмотров 798Год назад
(附字幕)(Eng Sub)八字。癸卯年(2023) 個人的每月運程將會如何?(BaZi). What will be your fortune in the year of Rabbit ?
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 風水。癸卯年流年風水佈局 - 如何在家居或商業單位佈置?How to setup fengshui layout in the year of Rabbit?
Просмотров 6 тыс.2 года назад
(附字幕)(Eng Sub) 風水。癸卯年流年風水佈局 - 如何在家居或商業單位佈置?How to setup fengshui layout in the year of Rabbit?