Jean LEE
Jean LEE
  • Видео 390
  • Просмотров 82 819
Просмотров: 112


Просмотров 21812 часов назад
舞蹈教學 作詞:蔡湘宜 作曲:文傑,城城 編曲:張振杰 女人會軟汫是感情下相濟 難免為情來夯枷 無惜代價 情路徘徊 甘願為愛來受罪 為愛可憐自卑 目屎流彼多 心苦楚無人甲你奉陪 我也識憨過 勸你一句話 珍惜人生自己的 その女よ 頑張れ (梭諾翁那喲 甘芭累) 女人會軟汫是感情下相濟 難免為情來夯枷 無惜代價 情路徘徊 甘願為愛來受罪 為愛可憐自卑 目屎流彼多 心苦楚無人甲你奉陪 我也識憨過 勸你一句話 珍惜人生自己的 その女よ 頑張れ (梭諾翁那喲 甘芭累) 為愛可憐自卑 目屎流彼多 心苦楚無人甲你奉陪 我也識憨過 勸你一句話 珍惜人生自己的 その女よ 頑張れ (梭諾翁那喲 甘芭累)
Love is (Oh Hyun Ran)
Просмотров 224День назад
Просмотров 205День назад
埔里 日月町。南投埔里愛蘭交流道下的 日月町複合商場, 除了商場飲食,書店, 市集跟餐車, 也有加油站跟汽車充電站, 定位比較像是一個文青風 比較現代有創意的美學休息站 藍色城堡。藍色城堡 X 茱諾法式甜點-埔里人氣甜點|法式甜點|咖啡|手工甜點 埔里酒廠。埔里酒廠,位於台灣南投縣埔里鎮市區的酒廠,由臺灣菸酒公司經營,主要生產紹興酒、愛蘭白酒與愛蘭囍酒。現在以觀光酒廠的經營方向轉型 元首館。台灣第一家以元首為概念的主題館,包含了全台唯一以象棋(男)、西洋棋(女)為概念主題化妝室,一樓包含了牛軋糖展售區、現烤烘焙區、埔里當地特產、和特色點心飲料。元首館不只是個稱謂,同時也是代表第一名、皆為「首」選,希望參館的民眾都能受到像元首般的接待與服務。
Просмотров 18614 дней назад
Beautiful video! Pure sharing! If there is any infringement, it will be cancelled! 2024 Oscar-winning film (Japanese origami art)
Просмотров 24214 дней назад
舞蹈💃教學 女:天空流星划过瞬间 我紧紧地闭上了双眼 许下一个美好的心愿 盼望你能留在我身边 男:我愿化作天上的星 我默默地看着你入眠 无论是今世还是来生 你都深深刻在我心间 男:许你一世情缘永远相伴 女:与你长相厮守心甘情愿 男:和你牵手度过每一天 合:时时刻刻感觉到温暖 男:许你一世情缘永远相伴 女:与你携手白头不离不散 男:和你一起守候不变的爱恋 合:时时刻刻感觉比蜜甜 女:我愿化作天上的星 我默默地看着你入眠 男:无论是今世还是来生 你都深深刻在我心间 男:许你一世情缘永远相伴 女:与你长相厮守心甘情愿 男:和你牵手度过每一天 合:时时刻刻感觉到温暖 男:许你一世情缘永远相伴 女:与你携手白头不离不散 男:和你一起守候不变的爱恋 合:时时刻刻感觉比蜜甜 男:许你一世情缘永远相伴 女:与你长相厮守心甘情愿 男:和你牵手度过每一天 合:时时刻刻感觉到温暖 男:许你一世情缘永远相伴...
Просмотров 20421 день назад
舞蹈教學 媽媽的情歌 詞:武雄 曲:林遠明 媽媽的情歌 一條青春的牽掛 是阮自細漢就聽到大 抱著阮金金看 每一句唱出心聲 攏是驚阮睏袂燒受風寒 媽媽的情歌 在阮心中最時行 伴阮他鄉的寂寞形影 有時甜有時痛 有時聽得心會驚 才知阮是身在千里外 想到媽媽的情歌 定定夢醒無地看 忍不住舉電話緊一直卡 想到媽媽的情歌 猶原溫暖無變化 阮出外的心肝才靠有岸 媽媽的情歌 在阮心中最時行 伴阮他鄉的寂寞形影 有時甜有時痛 有時聽得心會驚 才知阮是身在千里外 想到媽媽的情歌 定定夢醒無地看 忍不住舉電話緊一直卡 想到媽媽的情歌 猶原溫暖無變化 阮出外的心肝才靠有岸 想到媽媽的情歌 定定夢醒無地看 忍不住舉電話緊一直卡 想到媽媽的情歌 猶原溫暖無變化 阮出外的心肝才靠有岸
This Love 💕
Просмотров 37721 день назад
舞蹈教學 DAVICHI(다비치) - This Love(이 사랑) (《太陽的後裔》OST 3) 作詞:개미, 지훈 作曲:한승택, ROZ 시간을 되돌리면 如果時光倒流, 기억도 지워질까 回憶也會抹去嗎? 해볼 수도 없는 말들을 無法對你說出口的話, 내뱉는 걸 알아 知道會傾吐的。 널 힘들게 했고 曾經讓你難過、 눈물로 살게 했던 讓你以淚水洗面過生活, 미안한 마음에 그런 거야 心裡真的感到非常抱歉。 하지만 난 말야 但是我啊, 너의 밖에선 살 수 없어 無法活在沒有你的世界, 내겐 너 하나로 물든 好像只有你在的時候, 시간만이 흘러갈 뿐이야 時間才會流動。 사랑해요 고마워요 我愛你,謝謝你, 따뜻하게 나를 안아줘 溫暖的擁抱我。 이 사랑 때매 나는 살 수 있어 因為這份愛,我才能活下去。 사랑은 그런가봐 愛情就是這樣吧? 무슨 말을 해봐도...
Просмотров 29028 дней назад
舞蹈🕺教學 牽住你的手相別在黃鶴樓 波濤萬里長江水送你下揚州 真情伴你走春色為你留 二十四橋明月夜牽掛在揚州 揚州城有沒有我這樣的好朋友 揚州城有沒有人為你分擔憂和愁 揚州城有沒有我這樣的知心人 揚州城有沒有人和你風雨同舟 煙花三月是折不斷的柳 夢裡江南是喝不完的酒 等到那孤帆遠影碧空盡 才知道思念總比那西湖瘦 牽住你的手相別在黃鶴樓 波濤萬里長江水送你下揚州 真情伴你走春色為你留 二十四橋明月夜牽掛在揚州 揚州城有沒有我這樣的好朋友 揚州城有沒有人為你分擔憂和愁 揚州城有沒有我這樣的知心人 揚州城有沒有人和你風雨同舟 煙花三月是折不斷的柳 夢裡江南是喝不完的酒 等到那孤帆遠影碧空盡 才知道思念總比那西湖瘦 煙花三月是折不斷的柳 夢裡江南是喝不完的酒 等到那孤帆遠影碧空盡 才知道思念總比那西湖瘦
Просмотров 258Месяц назад
舞蹈教學 作詞:竹間也 作曲:竹間也 溫啊一壺酒呀 花間我獨飲 捧杯敬明月 對影成三人 月娘啊不解飲 水面照浮沉 暫伴月將影 吟對胡琴聲 啊 月照影 來交杯 醉呀醉 醉一眠 啊 千江有水千江月 把酒交歡又一杯 啊 月照影 欠一杯 嘆秋意 藏在哪 啊 一勾一筆劃明月 三人對敬勸一杯 溫啊一壺酒呀 花間我獨飲 捧杯敬明月 對影成三人 月娘啊不解飲 水面照浮沉 暫伴月將影 吟對胡琴聲 啊 月照影 來交杯 醉呀醉 醉一眠 啊 千江有水千江月 把酒交歡又一杯 啊 月照影 欠一杯 嘆秋意 藏在哪 啊 一勾一筆劃明月 三人對敬勸一杯 啊 月照影 來交杯 醉呀醉 醉一眠 啊 千江有水千江月 把酒交歡又一杯 啊 月照影 欠一杯 嘆秋意 藏在哪 啊 一勾一筆劃明月 三人對敬勸一杯
Adios (Ricky Martin)
Просмотров 195Месяц назад
Просмотров 275Месяц назад
舞蹈💃教學 曾经你炫耀我是你的宝, 曾经我承诺陪着你到老, 造化捉弄人命运太难料, 无端给缘分画上了句号。 1. 心事的吵闹让人睡不着, 回忆的侵袭纷纷又扰扰, 白天不好过黑夜太喧嚣, 爱恨的纠缠不知何时了。 我的思念呀泪水都知道, 它在眼睛里泛着相思潮, 潮起是天涯呀潮落是海角, 天涯海角无处让心停靠。 我的思念呀泪水都知道, 它为我抹去假装的微笑, 纵横着酸楚呀交织着煎熬, 纵横交织筑寂寞的牢。 2. 心事的吵闹让人睡不着, 回忆的侵袭纷纷又扰扰, 白天不好过黑夜太喧嚣, 爱恨的纠缠不知何时了。 我的思念呀泪水都知道, 它在眼睛里泛着相思潮, 潮起是天涯呀潮落是海角, 天涯海角无处让心停靠。 我的思念呀泪水都知道, 它为我抹去假装的微笑, 纵横着酸楚呀交织着煎熬, 纵横交织筑寂寞的牢。 3. 我的思念呀泪水都知道, 它在眼睛里泛着相思潮, 潮起是天涯呀潮落是海角, 天涯海角无处让...
Omnia DJ Projetct & MIRA
Просмотров 247Месяц назад
舞蹈教學 Spune-mi orice Numai nu ma lasa Sa-mi consum linistea Nu e somn sa ma ia Nu te mai simt Parca ai vrea sa ma sting Dependenti de trecut Nu putem renunta Degeaba strig la tine sa ramai Si-mi tremura vocea Degeaba strig la tine sa ramai Dar cum ramane cu noi Tu mai simti ceva Mai avem foi de scris Sau tu o vezi doar pe ea💕
Просмотров 221Месяц назад
舞蹈教學 作詞:石國人 作曲:石國人 (女) 七色的彩虹 映出七色的花蕊 (女) 心事翩翩 向你來飛起 (男) 清雅花高貴 花瓣點出七夕天 (男) 心內藏著 你笑容的秘密 (合) 有一種驕傲 是青春的香味 (女) 遙遙千里 雪月風花相逢時 (女) 手中南國的相思 換你惜花心連理 (男) 花心笑顏開 我的腳步嘸敢遲 (男) 我深深體會愛是一份真 (合) 經過這多年 心返來你身邊 (合) 七彩思 念 純白的愛~ 意 (女) 七色的彩虹 映出七色的花蕊 (女) 心事翩翩 向你來飛起 (男) 清雅花高貴 花瓣點出七夕天 (男) 心內藏著 你笑容的秘密 (合) 有一種驕傲 是青春的香味 (女) 遙遙千里 雪月風花相逢時 (女) 手中南國的相思 換你惜花心連理 (男) 花心笑顏開 我的腳步嘸敢遲 (男) 我深深體會愛是一份真 (合) 經過這多年 心返來你身邊 (合) 七彩思 念 純白的愛~ 意 ...
Просмотров 122Месяц назад
Просмотров 259Месяц назад
Просмотров 313Месяц назад
Answer The Phone 📞(電話情緣!米娜)
Просмотров 230Месяц назад
Answer The Phone 📞(電話情緣!米娜)
Просмотров 113Месяц назад
Madonna Medley Girl
Просмотров 238Месяц назад
Madonna Medley Girl
Просмотров 2622 месяца назад
Просмотров 1252 месяца назад
Junk Masr Ke 完整歌曲 Desi Boyz Deepika Padukne
Просмотров 1712 месяца назад
Junk Masr Ke 完整歌曲 Desi Boyz Deepika Padukne
Просмотров 2912 месяца назад
Просмотров 1442 месяца назад
Просмотров 1782 месяца назад
Просмотров 702 месяца назад
Просмотров 1412 месяца назад
Просмотров 1082 месяца назад
Просмотров 2112 месяца назад


  • @Interested108
    @Interested108 57 минут назад

    Hello my beautiful friend!

  • @Irina-yl8ow
    @Irina-yl8ow 2 часа назад

    _Hello!_ _Thank You, Dear Jean LEE!_ 我喜欢你的新工作! 继续跳舞! 继续鼓舞人心,令人惊讶,并用你的创造力赋予我们生命的力量! ✨🍀🌹🍀✨👑🏆❤✨

  • @japanscenery.Beautiful-F.St.
    @japanscenery.Beautiful-F.St. 2 часа назад


  • @COJ.Island2
    @COJ.Island2 3 часа назад

    Very good dance demo ❤

  • @kollamruchi
    @kollamruchi 3 часа назад

    Very beautifull dance dear friend♥️ wonderfull sharing👌like👍👍👍👍supported🤝🤝🤝♥️♥️♥️🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @MunmunsKitchenVlog
    @MunmunsKitchenVlog 4 часа назад

    Excellent ❤

  • @jejezep
    @jejezep 5 часов назад

    superbe Jean ,bravo ma chère amie

  • @armanbano-iw6od
    @armanbano-iw6od 7 часов назад

    👈👍Sehr schön ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @malluseattle
    @malluseattle 8 часов назад


    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      @@malluseattle 親愛的朋友謝謝你熱情的陪伴!(香水有毒)是首浪漫的曲子!讓我們一起天天都充滿活力!柔和優雅的旋律時時縈繞腦海!豐富了我們的生活!上帝祝福你💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @exploreSwedenswestcoast
    @exploreSwedenswestcoast 11 часов назад

    👍💯 Hello, my friend. fascinating video! Thanks for sharing. Like 👍 I look forward to other videos to watch🙂

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      @@exploreSwedenswestcoast Thank you dear friend! Soft music resonates with us! I hope I can bring you a wonderful short happy time! God bless you💐💐💐💐💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃💃💃 (Come on, women) Let us care for each other and encourage each other! Let’s create a better life together✊👊✊👊🤜🏻🤛🤜🏻🤛Come on👏Come on👏

  • @TechGuru86MB
    @TechGuru86MB 11 часов назад

    Wonderfull 🎉🎉🎉

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      @@TechGuru86MB Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @AnimaiseAlma
    @AnimaiseAlma 12 часов назад

    Muito bom👏👏🎶🎉

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @MariaLucia-ol2dw
    @MariaLucia-ol2dw 13 часов назад

    Link e joinha amiga 😊🎉🎉🎉❤

  • @MariaLucia-ol2dw
    @MariaLucia-ol2dw 13 часов назад

    Boa dança 💃 ❤🎉

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @hichamfandi
    @hichamfandi 14 часов назад

    belle et charmante chanson et danse

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @elisabethavelino
    @elisabethavelino 14 часов назад

    Estou aqui minha querida amiga assistindo 👍❤️

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @Oumriad59
    @Oumriad59 14 часов назад


    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      @@Oumriad59 Thank you dear friend! Soft music resonates with us! I hope I can bring you a wonderful short happy time! God bless you💐💐💐💐💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃💃💃 (Come on, women) Let us care for each other and encourage each other! Let’s create a better life together✊👊✊👊🤜🏻🤛🤜🏻🤛Come on👏Come on👏

  • @Oumriad59
    @Oumriad59 14 часов назад


    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @luziiluizth.8742
    @luziiluizth.8742 14 часов назад

    Awesome awesome sharing dear friend ❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @Sophia-SY
    @Sophia-SY 14 часов назад


    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 5 часов назад


  • @ebanggm
    @ebanggm 15 часов назад

    Nice dance friend ❤. Thank you for sharing 🌻🌸🌷

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @bahamajim1998
    @bahamajim1998 15 часов назад

    She’s so nice ❤

  • @mikeschaoticgardening
    @mikeschaoticgardening 15 часов назад

    Nice dance!

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @halffilipinoaustriano
    @halffilipinoaustriano 16 часов назад

    Interesting perspective! Perfume can definitely have a strong impact. It's always good to be mindful of what we choose to wear.

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

    @BLBADVENTURES 16 часов назад

    Awesome dancing

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @bahamajim1998
    @bahamajim1998 16 часов назад

    Beautiful my petite friend ❤

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @byroty
    @byroty 17 часов назад

    나는 당신의 춤과 우아한 몸매를 매우 좋아했습니다.

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

    @STRABSEN 17 часов назад

    Beautiful dance to a beautiful song. It's a pleasure to watch your moves. Thank you for sharing and warm greetings. 😀💕

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @margaritakokareva506
    @margaritakokareva506 18 часов назад

    Привет,Джин!🙋‍♀️🌹 Отличный танец,-очень красивые плавные движения и мелодия очень приятная.💞🎶💃🎵🎶😊👍💗💯💗 )) Спасибо большое за позитив и мотивацию заняться танцами!🙏🙏🙏👍💯💥💯💥💯 Удачи и всех благ Вам,дорогая Джин!🎉😇❤❤❤☀️🕊🌹🌹🌹👋👍24

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @Haryanvidance111
    @Haryanvidance111 19 часов назад

    Wow beautiful and lovely song and dance ❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @rambardeknight
    @rambardeknight 19 часов назад

    Crazy dancing :)

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @Squirrel_631
    @Squirrel_631 19 часов назад


    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      @@Squirrel_631 親愛的朋友謝謝你熱情的陪伴!(香水有毒)是首浪漫的曲子!讓我們一起天天都充滿活力!柔和優雅的旋律時時縈繞腦海!豐富了我們的生活!上帝祝福你💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @cbgarden1447
    @cbgarden1447 20 часов назад

    Wonderful performance my friend 👍👍

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @nilabeautyproduct2753
    @nilabeautyproduct2753 20 часов назад

    Very nice ❤👍

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @groundbreakerexplore
    @groundbreakerexplore 20 часов назад

    Beautiful dance presentation.

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @ColeSlawShaw
    @ColeSlawShaw 21 час назад

    Fantastic performance my friend!

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @virajniroshan4430
    @virajniroshan4430 21 час назад

    Beautiful Dance 💃 💖💖👍👍🌹🌹

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @qui526
    @qui526 21 час назад

    Wonderful video super video ❤

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Hello 👋 Thanks so much dear friend Nice to meet you welcome here let’s share life with each others ❤❤❤❤ Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @knitting-larisa
    @knitting-larisa 21 час назад

    Очень красивый город Пули Риюз! Сказочные места! Отличные фотографии! Спасибо, что поделились!

  • @alamsunda18
    @alamsunda18 22 часа назад

    Gerakan yang indah

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @Mhamad-su9sy2ht2
    @Mhamad-su9sy2ht2 22 часа назад

    Good luck 🎉

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @Interested108
    @Interested108 22 часа назад

    Hello, my friend! you are so beautiful, light and airy in this dance. Well done, you are very positive! My best wishes for you!

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @karl-heinzlang4926
    @karl-heinzlang4926 22 часа назад

    Beautiful video nice dance performance Have a good week

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @MintsRe
    @MintsRe 22 часа назад


  • @glyn829
    @glyn829 22 часа назад

    Well done Jean 👍 very nice

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @AuroraGuitarMusic
    @AuroraGuitarMusic 22 часа назад

    Excellent perforance as always ❤🎉❤🎉❤🌹💃

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @czlowiekstarejdaty
    @czlowiekstarejdaty 22 часа назад

    Very beautiful 👍

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @NavgeetsBeautifulWorld
    @NavgeetsBeautifulWorld 23 часа назад

    Like 9 Beautiful performance 👏 Enjoyed a lot

    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @هدوء-المطر
    @هدوء-المطر 23 часа назад


    • @jeanlee1559
      @jeanlee1559 8 часов назад

      Dear friend, thank you for your warm company! (Perfume is Poisonous) is a romantic song! Let’s be full of energy every day together! The soft and elegant melody always lingers in my mind! Enrich our lives! God bless you💐💐💐💐💐💅💅💅💅💅💖💖💖💖💖💃💃💃💃💃

  • @kidswarriors4851
    @kidswarriors4851 23 часа назад

    ᥕһᥲ𝗍 ᥲ ᑲᥱᥲᥙ𝗍і𝖿ᥙᥣ ⍴ᥱr𝖿᥆rmᥲᥒᥴᥱ🩶 і rᥱᥲᥣᥣᥡ ᥱᥒȷ᥆ᥡ і𝗍💚 💛🌼 ᥡ᥆ᥙ ᥲrᥱ rᥱᥲᥣᥣᥡ s᥆ 𝗍ᥲᥣᥱᥒ𝗍ᥱძ. ❤ ᥣ᥆𝗍s ᥆𝖿 ᥣ᥆᥎ᥱ❤