corey wyatt
corey wyatt
  • Видео 267
  • Просмотров 482 263
Anderson Skid Race
Corey Wyatt Skid Race Anderson Motor Speedway
Просмотров: 11


Corey Wyatt Pumpkin Smash Enduro Win 10-26-24 Anderson Speedway
Просмотров 18Месяц назад
Corey Wyatt Pumpkin Smash Enduro win from Anderson Motor Speedway with the Tour of Destruction
Anderson Speedway Push Race win
Просмотров 26Месяц назад
Anderson Motor Speedway Push Race win with Adam Moore
Corey Wyatt Anderson Flagpole Win TOD
Просмотров 21Месяц назад
Winning the Flagpole race at Anderson Motor Speedway in the Tour of Destruction Event
Corey Wyatt Enduro Lonesome Pines 9-21 P4
Просмотров 133 месяца назад
Started 1st on a new track fell back to 4th before I got in a decent pace and that is where I finished
Corey Wyatt Flagpole Win Lonesome Pines 9-21-24
Просмотров 203 месяца назад
Win in the Tour of Destruction Flag Pole race at Lonesome Pines
Nick Win 8 17
Просмотров 334 месяца назад
Survived another wild one at the madhouse last night. When it was all said and done we took home another trophy. For sure not the way we wanted to win especially considering a good friend to our team was on the other side of the call. Our car was really good again This night. We drew the 17 pill and ended up starting 13th or so after a few dropped back. We kept our eyes open and picked off cars...
Nick Wall 8-3-24
Просмотров 824 месяца назад
Nick Wall 8-3-24
Nick Wall 7-27-24
Просмотров 774 месяца назад
Nick Wall at Bowman Gray Stadium 7-27-24. Started 21st finished 4th
Просмотров 525 месяцев назад
Nick Wall 6 29 24
Просмотров 935 месяцев назад
Nick Wall 6 29 24
Nick Wall 6 16 24
Просмотров 686 месяцев назад
Nick Wall 6 16 24
Cody Dull Chain Race
Просмотров 1246 месяцев назад
Cody Dull and Adam Moore Chain Race 6-8-24
Nick Wall 6-8-24
Просмотров 676 месяцев назад
Drew the 9 Pill started 7th Finished 4th
Nick Wall 6-1-24
Просмотров 576 месяцев назад
Nick Wall 6-1-24
Corey Wyatt - Adam Moore Chain Race 5-25
Просмотров 377 месяцев назад
Corey Wyatt - Adam Moore Chain Race 5-25
Corey Wyatt Skid Plate Win 5-25-24
Просмотров 607 месяцев назад
Corey Wyatt Skid Plate Win 5-25-24
Austin Jones 4-20-24
Просмотров 1808 месяцев назад
Austin Jones 4-20-24
Nick Wall 4-20-2024
Просмотров 3388 месяцев назад
Nick Wall 4-20-2024
Corey Wyatt First Laps
Просмотров 598 месяцев назад
Corey Wyatt First Laps
Corey Wyatt Flagpole 2nd Place Finish 10-28-23
Просмотров 52Год назад
Corey Wyatt Flagpole 2nd Place Finish 10-28-23
Corey Wyatt Skid Plate Win Anderson Speedway 10-28-23
Просмотров 55Год назад
Corey Wyatt Skid Plate Win Anderson Speedway 10-28-23
Corey Wyatt Pumpkin Smash Enduro Win Anderson Speedway
Просмотров 41Год назад
Corey Wyatt Pumpkin Smash Enduro Win Anderson Speedway
Corey Wyatt Flagpole Win Hickory Motor Speedway 9/30/23
Просмотров 53Год назад
Corey Wyatt Flagpole Win Hickory Motor Speedway 9/30/23
Corey Wyatt Enduro Hickory Motor Speedway 9/30/23
Просмотров 51Год назад
Corey Wyatt Enduro Hickory Motor Speedway 9/30/23
Corey Wyatt Skid Plate Win Hickory Motor Speedway 9/30/23
Просмотров 36Год назад
Corey Wyatt Skid Plate Win Hickory Motor Speedway 9/30/23
Corey Wyatt Enduro Motor Mile
Просмотров 65Год назад
Corey Wyatt Enduro Motor Mile
Corey Wyatt/TJ Slagle Push Race Win
Просмотров 44Год назад
Corey Wyatt/TJ Slagle Push Race Win
Skid Plate Win Greenville Pickens 9-1-23
Просмотров 55Год назад
Skid Plate Win Greenville Pickens 9-1-23
Corey Wyatt Skid Race 8/12/23
Просмотров 63Год назад
Corey Wyatt Skid Race 8/12/23


  • @Sinfulmotorsports
    @Sinfulmotorsports 3 дня назад

    taylor branch was holding the #7 because taylor branch was an idiot

  • @kenzo9644
    @kenzo9644 Месяц назад


  • @illuminati8181
    @illuminati8181 2 месяца назад

    Dude went to jail for defending hisself. Wheres the logic?

  • @danbowman1637
    @danbowman1637 2 месяца назад

    Sure is a small track.

  • @nascarclearances9232
    @nascarclearances9232 3 месяца назад

    @cwyatt06 - do you own this footage? NASCAR may be interested in including some clips in an upcoming project. I wanted to check if you’d permit us to use a few clips?

    • @cwyatt06
      @cwyatt06 3 месяца назад

      @@nascarclearances9232 I own it

    • @nascarclearances9232
      @nascarclearances9232 3 месяца назад

      @@cwyatt06 do you have an e-mail address you can post? I'll reach out properly via e-mail.

  • @JDMx607
    @JDMx607 4 месяца назад

    Where was fight?

  • @johnandre2962
    @johnandre2962 4 месяца назад

    **Takes helmet off** Imagine my shock 😂

  • @punkfingerboards6283
    @punkfingerboards6283 4 месяца назад

    Diversity is our strength....

  • @Galo1908mg
    @Galo1908mg 5 месяцев назад

    Thank you so much for you vid

  • @BruceDrechsel
    @BruceDrechsel 6 месяцев назад


  • @RonRussell-sj1zf
    @RonRussell-sj1zf 6 месяцев назад

    Do they run races anymore where there 's no fight?

  • @basedsigma5634
    @basedsigma5634 6 месяцев назад

    My bicycle is faster

  • @michaelkurchak5427
    @michaelkurchak5427 7 месяцев назад

    What a bunch of dumb ass rednecks racing + beer = aholes

  • @dougkaylor2528
    @dougkaylor2528 Год назад


  • @g_rr_tt
    @g_rr_tt Год назад

    why is it always a POC athlete?

  • @quail4sale334
    @quail4sale334 Год назад

    Instant redneck animals. Just add beer.

  • @nascarfancar88
    @nascarfancar88 Год назад

    now which one of the 2 drivers is in the NASCAR series ? oh that's right, Wallace.

    • @firestarter105G
      @firestarter105G Год назад

      And still causing hate and discontent. Guy has issues.

  • @ChuckThunder1111
    @ChuckThunder1111 Год назад

    People and their shit attitudes ruin the sport

  • @darrellcook7766
    @darrellcook7766 Год назад

    So much for fun, family entertainment....

  • @Ole_CornPop
    @Ole_CornPop Год назад

    Hating Bubba Wallace before it was cool, now he just deserves all the negativity the world can bring him. 😂

  • @johnjohny295
    @johnjohny295 Год назад


  • @gregorygolden1296
    @gregorygolden1296 Год назад

    I raced a few times at Hialeah Speedway, kind of like this place. It's gone now. But some of the absolutely best stockcar drivers ANYWHERE came out of that fast 1/3 mile.

  • @robschannel4512
    @robschannel4512 Год назад

    That track is made to cause tempers you have to move people to win. Everyone yells about it.

  • @robschannel4512
    @robschannel4512 Год назад

    One fan has Some steroid rage going.

  • @GustyMidwest
    @GustyMidwest Год назад

    Damn I thought 💭 the dirt track guys were red necks. They got nothing on this clown 🤡 show. Y’all win 🏆

  • @Lucas-rh8sw
    @Lucas-rh8sw Год назад

    Promo>SM 🌈

  • @keithmcmahan4393
    @keithmcmahan4393 Год назад

    I see another problem with that race too, hmmm ! ! !

  • @BillyBanana75
    @BillyBanana75 Год назад

    Fight? Fight? What fight?

  • @scottackerman8981
    @scottackerman8981 Год назад

    I live in Arizona and it is my dream to go watch a race at Bowman Gray!

    • @tomt9543
      @tomt9543 Год назад

      In 2023 they start April 22 and race through August 19. If you can pick the event you go to, pick a night when the modifieds run twin 25 lap races, and avoid the long distance races! The place is nuts! I started going in 1971, and many seasons I wouldn’t miss a single race night! The bad part? When you get home, you’ll be bummed out because you can’t return the following Saturday night! If you love turn one at the Circuit of the Americas cup race, you’ll be infatuated with BGS!

  • @yamaharacer5579
    @yamaharacer5579 Год назад

    My mind is blown... Amazing super fast!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @duckmangooo7376
    @duckmangooo7376 2 года назад

    A wannabe Bubba Smollet Wallace.

  • @jdracer111
    @jdracer111 2 года назад

    In trouble in the earlier years also for ol Bubba Wallace. Hahahahahaha

  • @dontask8979
    @dontask8979 2 года назад

    Make them run it again...

  • @firstcutvideos3111
    @firstcutvideos3111 2 года назад

    Watching from Vancouver Island - Hell Yea -Great Entertainment

  • @shelbyowens4763
    @shelbyowens4763 2 года назад

    nice to see the cops there to stop this... what kind of message do we send to our children when we allow the elite athletes to commit assault .. arrest anyone that commits' assault regardless of where they are or who they are...

  • @rontalley8385
    @rontalley8385 2 года назад

    The guy saying rip his head off obviously watches family guy and never been in a fight in his life lol

  • @hawghead4596
    @hawghead4596 2 года назад

    Seems like every fight night at Bowman Gray a race breaks out.

  • @chadhahn2719
    @chadhahn2719 2 года назад

    Idiots they don’t see you upping the bird

  • @Southeastracing09
    @Southeastracing09 2 года назад

    Bubba is a wuss

  • @gekolizzard
    @gekolizzard 2 года назад

    Short, flat track race with to many cars? Recipe for violence.

  • @ustinates335
    @ustinates335 2 года назад

    click bait sheit. That was no fight...

  • @armyretired28
    @armyretired28 2 года назад

    Looks like the Only way to win a race there is be on the front row or wreck someone to get in front, not much passing on that track!

  • @TWTexasA1
    @TWTexasA1 2 года назад

    Mom and Dad,,,this is what has become of my life 😂😂😂😂😂

  • @dirtyharry7616
    @dirtyharry7616 2 года назад

    awesome a full gathering of rocket scientist's

  • @robdajuiceman1328
    @robdajuiceman1328 2 года назад

    Wait, where was the "fight"?

  • @Eddie2425
    @Eddie2425 2 года назад

    Stupid to race on such a short track!🙄 bigger tracks with more speed is much better!!

  • @chrissinatra1217
    @chrissinatra1217 2 года назад

    3 lap race? Wow

  • @justinwoodlief445
    @justinwoodlief445 2 года назад


  • @1mikewalsh
    @1mikewalsh 2 года назад

    A track is small as my hometown track but less banking, I'll bet Friday night fights are awesome!

  • @terryquinn7765
    @terryquinn7765 2 года назад

    You just got to love those racist Americans! One of a kind shit country!