KhenThai Kh
KhenThai Kh
  • Видео 59
  • Просмотров 11 417
Don't give up your dreams
Don't give up on your dreams, no matter how challenging the journey may seem. Dreams are what ignite our passion, fuel our motivation, and give our lives purpose.
The path to achieving them is often filled with obstacles and setbacks, but these are just opportunities in disguise, pushing us to grow stronger and more resilient.
It's easy to feel discouraged when progress is slow, but remember that every step forward, no matter how small, brings you closer to your goal.
Keep believing in yourself, stay persistent, and never lose sight of what you truly want. Your dreams are worth fighting for.
#buddhaswisdom #buddha #buddhaquotes
#buddhism #buddhastory #buddhateachings
#buddhainspired #buddh...
Просмотров: 3


Cleanning being bad mind
28 дней назад
Viewing cleaning as a negative task can create a mindset that affects how we approach not just chores, but life in general. When we see cleaning as a burden or something to dread, it can lead to feelings of frustration and resentment. This mindset can spill over into other areas, making it harder to find motivation and satisfaction in everyday tasks. However, shifting our perspective and seeing...
How to learn,don't angry mind
28 дней назад
To cultivate a calm and focused mindset, start by identifying what triggers your anger and practice mindfulness to stay present and aware of your emotions. Engage in regular physical activity and creative outlets to release tension, and communicate assertively to address issues without escalating conflict. Learning to let go of things beyond your control, seeking support when needed, and mainta...
Don''t let life follow fate
Просмотров 228 дней назад
"Don't let life follow fate" is a powerful reminder that you have the ability to shape your own destiny. Instead of passively accepting whatever life throws your way, take control by making conscious decisions, setting goals, and taking action to achieve them. Your life is not pre-written; it's a story that you create every day with your choices and efforts. Embrace this mindset to empower your...
Set your heart on doing good #wisdom #buddha
Просмотров 3Месяц назад
Setting your heart on doing good means committing to actions that uplift others and create positive change in the world. When you focus on kindness, compassion, and generosity, you not only improve the lives of those around you but also find a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment. In the context of doing good, this phrase suggests a deep, unwavering commitment to kindness, generosity, and mo...
How to meditate in Buddha #buddha #meditation
Просмотров 4Месяц назад
Meditating in the Buddhist tradition involves a mindful and disciplined approach to achieving inner peace and insight.Focus on your breath, observing each inhalation and exhalation without trying to control them and Incorporate practices like loving-kindness meditation by silently repeating phrases of goodwill towards yourself and others. Regular, consistent practice helps develop deeper concen...
Motivational Of Buddha #buddha #buddhism
Просмотров 9Месяц назад
Buddha's teachings are a profound source of motivation for countless individuals seeking inner peace and enlightenment. Central to his philosophy is the concept of mindfulness and the importance of living in the present moment. Buddha taught that true happiness comes from within and is achieved by letting go of desires and attachments that lead to suffering. #buddha #buddhateachings #motivation...
How to control to stay your mind in peace #peace #buddha
Просмотров 9Месяц назад
In conclusion, maintaining peace of mind involves a harmonious blend of mindfulness, self-care, and healthy lifestyle choices. By incorporating practices like meditation, regular exercise, and pursuing activities that bring joy, you can foster a sense of inner calm. Limiting exposure to stressors and building a supportive network further contribute to your mental well-being. Prioritizing these ...
Your actions sow the seeds of your future #motivation #buddha #love
Просмотров 6Месяц назад
Your actions today lay the groundwork for your future, much like sowing seeds in a garden. Every decision, effort, and kindness you extend is an investment that will shape the path ahead. The principle of reciprocity is powerful; what you put out into the world often returns to you, magnified. By giving generously, acting with integrity, and striving for excellence, you create a positive cycle ...
Focus on the present, it holds the true essence of karma
Просмотров 26Месяц назад
"Focus on the present, it holds the true essence of karma" emphasizes the importance of living in the moment and understanding that our current actions shape our future. By being mindful of the present, we become aware of the impact our thoughts, words, and deeds have on ourselves and others. This awareness fosters positive behaviors and intentions, aligning with the principles of karma-where g...
Understanding Brings Peaces
Просмотров 13Месяц назад
Understanding brings peace even in the most challenging situations by fostering empathy and clarity. When we strive to truly grasp another person's perspective, we move beyond surface-level disagreements to address the underlying concerns and emotions. This deeper connection helps to defuse tension and build mutual respect, creating a foundation for constructive dialogue and resolution. By prio...
Choose words that bring peace
Просмотров 72Месяц назад
Choosing words that bring peace involves selecting language that fosters understanding, calm, and harmony. It means being mindful of how our expressions can either soothe or stir emotions, and opting for phrases that promote empathy, respect, and constructive dialogue. By prioritizing words that uplift rather than divide, we create an environment where conflict can be resolved peacefully, relat...
Peace begins within yourself #yourself #buddha
Просмотров 146Месяц назад
Peace begins within yourself by cultivating a serene and balanced inner state. Start by practicing mindfulness and self-awareness, acknowledging your thoughts and emotions without judgment. Embrace self-care and engage in activities that nurture your well-being, such as meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature. By fostering inner tranquility, you become more resilient to external stressors ...
Radiate boundless love towards the entire world
Просмотров 42Месяц назад
Radiate boundless love towards the entire world by embracing an attitude of compassion, empathy, and kindness towards all beings. Visualize your heart as a radiant source of light, extending warmth and understanding to every corner of the globe, regardless of differences or distances. Let this love transcend barriers, reaching out to strangers, friends, and even those who may have wronged you. ...
the idea that happiness is a state of mind #mindset #buddha #buddhism
Просмотров 45Месяц назад
The idea that happiness is a state of mind emphasizes that our sense of well-being is shaped more by our thoughts and attitudes than by external circumstances. It suggests that by cultivating a positive mindset, practicing gratitude, and focusing on the present moment, we can enhance our overall happiness. This perspective empowers individuals to find joy within themselves, regardless of extern...
The idea that happiness is a state of mind rather than a result of external circumstances or possess
Просмотров 10Месяц назад
The idea that happiness is a state of mind rather than a result of external circumstances or possess
Tongue like a sharp knife Kills without drawing blood #buddhaquotes #buddhism #education #wisdom
Просмотров 9Месяц назад
Tongue like a sharp knife Kills without drawing blood #buddhaquotes #buddhism #education #wisdom
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing #buddha #buddhism
Просмотров 51Месяц назад
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing #buddha #buddhism
Feels drop by drop
Просмотров 15Месяц назад
Feels drop by drop
The idea that happiness is a state of mind rather than a result of external circumstances or possess
Просмотров 21Месяц назад
The idea that happiness is a state of mind rather than a result of external circumstances or possess
The mind is everything; what you think you become #motivation #educational #buddha #buddhism
Просмотров 23Месяц назад
The mind is everything; what you think you become #motivation #educational #buddha #buddhism
We are shaped by our thoughts we become what we think #buddha #education #studyadvice
Просмотров 77Месяц назад
We are shaped by our thoughts we become what we think #buddha #education #studyadvice
If you truly loved yourself, you could never hurt another
Просмотров 10Месяц назад
If you truly loved yourself, you could never hurt another
Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace
Просмотров 12Месяц назад
Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace
Hatred does not cease by hatred,but only by love #motivation #buddhaquotes
Просмотров 8Месяц назад
Hatred does not cease by hatred,but only by love #motivation #buddhaquotes
Better than a thousand hollow words is one that brings peace #peace #buddha
Просмотров 7Месяц назад
Better than a thousand hollow words is one that brings peace #peace #buddha
Stopping unwanted or intrusive thoughts can be challenging #motivation #inspiration
Просмотров 79Месяц назад
Stopping unwanted or intrusive thoughts can be challenging #motivation #inspiration
The greatest prayer is Patience
Просмотров 23Месяц назад
The greatest prayer is Patience
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future
Просмотров 10Месяц назад
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future
The mind is everything What you think you become
Просмотров 4Месяц назад
The mind is everything What you think you become
