- Видео 1
- Просмотров 130 409
Добавлен 13 ноя 2006
Romanian Army Special Forces
Who are the Romanian Special Forces?
National, Balkan, European, World and Olympic martial arts champions in a large variety of styles
Top places in various international mountain competitions, as well as in NATO/PfP special operations exercises across the years
Deployed anywhere in the world within 72 hours, for any type of mission required
Graduates of foreign US Navy SEAL, Green Berets, Delta Force, Marine Force Recon and SAS selection courses and training sessions
Secret Services fighters are graduates of US Secret Service's Training School, while some of the US agents are graduates of the Romanian course
Song Name:Desert Rose by Sting
National, Balkan, European, World and Olympic martial arts champions in a large variety of styles
Top places in various international mountain competitions, as well as in NATO/PfP special operations exercises across the years
Deployed anywhere in the world within 72 hours, for any type of mission required
Graduates of foreign US Navy SEAL, Green Berets, Delta Force, Marine Force Recon and SAS selection courses and training sessions
Secret Services fighters are graduates of US Secret Service's Training School, while some of the US agents are graduates of the Romanian course
Song Name:Desert Rose by Sting
Просмотров: 130 409
Romania & Serbia & Slovakia brothers for live!
O.k. Thank you!
Defectul s-a produs la tine.:) La 1:12 e un elicopter SA-Gazelle folosit in operatiuni ale fortelor speciale sarbesti (se poate observa steagul serbiei). Cat despre 4:38 e steagul a doua tari ce fac parte din aceasi familie militara. Bafta!
Romania gets a bad reputation from the second world war. It's military is vastly improved and has some of the best-skilled and least-known special operations in Europe.
We , the romanian consider almost all like our brother . Peace all !
Very good Romanian brothers ! Serbia & Romania brothers 4ever !
You using Serbian Air force on 1:14!! hahahahah Serbia forever!!!
zau de nu ma inrolez si eu in armata !
@tubbyboy1985 E roman! ;)
@28DivisionSlovakia14 Why ? Was he half slovak ? Did he got married there ?
@28DivisionSlovakia14 How did you got in Slovakia ?
@GaiasLove ar fi fain s aiba si armata arme de astea
@florin6779 ai s razi dar trupele speciale au arme cam ultima generatie repet TRUPELE SPECIALE
@Grubovic Nu are nicio legatura lauda cu videoclipu`
am si eu o intrebare: de cand trupele speciale romane au in dotare hk ump45 si arme de astea moderne
A facut un video cu photo shop si idiotul asta care a facut crede ca e smecher :)) XD
@IoanIlieMinaGheorghe ...avem unul....traeste undeva in Transilvania.....le cuprinde pe amndoua ....o sa vedem ce se va intimpla....someday :)
@mariosathens1 Asta ba ne sti istoria mai bine ca noi ai de plm ...Mario we say Respect for brothers greks ortodox ....We know too Legends Of Grece ....and you have nice country ....olimpics mother ...thx for apreciation . And wellcome in Romania anytime :) TY for u nice speech we need that :)
Ce s-ar intampla daca ar avea un om de rugaciune si ar fi si un inger adevarat langa ei?
@mylkyboy is roman, in iasi :D
I'm 100% Romanian
@31072305 I wouldn't laugh. It says "selection courses and training sessions", not soldiers from US. Search Google for "Romanian Intelligence Service trains Great Britain´s agents" ... that should mean something. It's an article on a Romanian magazine's website, but it has both English and Romanian translations of the story.
@rasosteva Thanks brother ! Romanians love Serbia too ! Remember always that Romania is the only state in EU which never recognized Kosovo as republic ... and NEVER WILL !
good force romania
why do you have serbian helicopter on 1:09
@tudor08tdr Please do not make impossible comparisons between Rome and Dacia. There is no comparison, the Romans dominated Europe for centuries.
Good special forces, but not at the level of major European countries. The best special forces who can afford a country not rich.
@Balamook seriously? archeological proofs, language influences (in this order: dacian, roman, slavic) vvhat more do you vvant? if you are so ardent in your arguments, it leads me to believe you're a hungarian nationalist and if that's the case then *insertcurseaboutyourmomhere*
Respect for the Romanian Army, caporal from the Mountain Hunnters
I am romani ,We are hero europe
@Balamook They lost against the romans, yes, but they are not losers in history. We are a combination of both (Dacians and Romans) and we must accept and embrace our ancestors, dacians and romans alike. They (the dacians) fought against the romans as best as they could, that's heroic, no matter if they lost, they did their best and they succeded a couple of times, but in those days nobody could stand against the roman armies. :)
@grigorasdanut im not romania sucks i would peffer to be polish
Superbe fotografii!:X
I'm 50% Romanian and 50% Serbian and can speak both fluently. Greeting from Beograd!
numa numa dance!
:)) olympic... world... =)) of! :(
@saber1ne asa e,elicopterul este Sikorsky CH-53,nu e chiar asa spectaculos fiind aparut prin anii '60
Why is he wearing an expensive watch at 1:29?
campionul mondial la pentagon dintre soldatzi este roman. deci cu alte cuvinte, cel mai bine pregatit fizic, soldat din lume e roman. bravo lui, bbravo lot kohal il cheama, sau ceva de genul, sas daca nu ma inshel. oricum bravo.
@eminas01 hei gspi acvila e acuma bsij si face parte din jandarmerie,spp exista inaintea gspi
la 0:22 e ceva similar cu elicopteru israelian prabusit in 2010 (Carpati), nu e in dotarea Romaniei, este foarte scump si greu de intretinut, greu de crezut ca sunt romani acei soldati
Aérospatiale Gazelle la 1:10 din fortele speciale sarbe
pula mea !!! 1:10 aici e din armata rusa sau serba
We need to send Romanian troops in Pannonia "desert".
@Sparta09876 am cu 2 ani mai multa experienta in youtube decat tine si de 5 ani stau pe internet. ln toti anii astia m-am cam saturat de oameni ca tine care abia intra si ei in generatia meme-lor de internet nestiind ce inseamna argument si ce inseamna troll umplut de sarcasm. mai bine tu ai pleca.
why is a arabic song on an romanian slideshow?
@mariosathens1 efxaristo poli palikari mou.
Romania is the only neighbour of Serbia that was not in war with us trough history :)) Great video !