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Studium Generale Maastricht University
Добавлен 8 окт 2012
Academic Lectures, Debates, Movie Showings and Lecture Series
Welcome at Studium Generale! We offer a programme of lectures, debates and talkshows, lecture series, film-, theatre, and poetry night's and we organise the yearly PAS-festival. We are part of the Student Services Center (SSC) of Maastricht University.
Welcome at Studium Generale! We offer a programme of lectures, debates and talkshows, lecture series, film-, theatre, and poetry night's and we organise the yearly PAS-festival. We are part of the Student Services Center (SSC) of Maastricht University.
Lezing | Nepgeschiedenis: tussen feiten, fantasie en fraude | Prof. Joep Leerssen
Samenzweringstheorieën en desinformatie tieren tegenwoordig welig; en ook in de omgang met het verleden raken de feiten in de verdrukking. Buitenaardse wezens bij de bouw van de piramiden; geheimzinnige middeleeuwse broederschappen die Bijbelse schatten of mysteriën behoeden... Weinig hard bewijs maar des te meer speculatieve suggesties en spannende scenario’s. Deze lezing verkent de ontwikkeling en de kenmerken van wat in het Engels pseudohistory heet, van romantische legendes tot History Channel.
Over de spreker
Prof. Joep Leerssen
Em. hoogleraar Europese Studies, Universiteit van Amsterdam en bijz. hoogleraar Limburg en Europa, Universiteit Maastricht
Over de spreker
Prof. Joep Leerssen
Em. hoogleraar Europese Studies, Universiteit van Amsterdam en bijz. hoogleraar Limburg en Europa, Universiteit Maastricht
Просмотров: 218
Joan Muysken Lecture | The Profit Paradox | Jan Eeckhout
Просмотров 271Месяц назад
Since 1980, the world economy has been undergoing a fundamental transformation. Profits and stock valuations of dominant firms are growing faster than ever; seemingly a sign of economic growth and progress. At the same time, we see that wages for production and service workers are stagnating, that labour dynamism and labour participation are falling, and that the number of startup companies is ...
Lezing | CheatGPT. Kunstmatige intelligentie als parasitaire symbiose | Jos de Mul
Просмотров 388Месяц назад
Symbiose - het samenleven van organismen van dezelfde soort, verschillende soorten of van organismen en technische artefacten - is een van de meest voorkomende kenmerken van het leven op aarde en motor van biologische en culturele innovatie. Het samenleven is echter niet altijd voordelig voor de in symbiose levende soorten. Soms wel, zoals bij de symbiose tussen insecten en bloemen, die de inse...
Lecture | Black Holes and Gravitational Waves: New Perspectives onto the Universe | Samaya Nissanke
Просмотров 475Месяц назад
Since the revolutionary discovery of gravitational wave emission from a binary black hole merger in 2015, the remarkable gravitational wave detectors LIGO, Virgo and KAGRA have detected at least ninety compact object mergers. These events are transforming modern astronomy. The first binary neutron star merger was observed in 2017 in both gravitational and electromagnetic radiation, thus opening...
Shuman Lecture | Will Europe Survive the Sovereigntist Turn? | Prof. Jan Zielonka
Просмотров 2045 месяцев назад
The return of the nation state is said to be the foremost geopolitical phenomenon of our time. Gone is the commitment to globalisation and Europeanisation. National borders are being reinforced, and politicians promising to “protect” citizens from migrants, external regulations, and “alien” cultures are winning elections. The Council of the EU is already dominated by sovereigntist politicians, ...
Lezing | Restitutie van roofkunst | Lars van Vliet
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.6 месяцев назад
Veel oorlogen en bezettingen gaan gepaard met plunderingen van cultureel erfgoed, waaronder kunstvoorwerpen. Zo zijn tijdens het nazibewind op grote schaal kunstvoorwerpen geroofd. In 1944 heeft Nederland wetgeving ingevoerd op grond waarvan geroofde eigendommen konden worden teruggeëist. Nederland heeft in 2001 een Restitutiecommissie opgericht om slachtoffers van kunstroof een nieuwe mogelijk...
Lezing | Ontploffende sterren: is het einde van Betelgeuse nabij? | Prof. dr. Alex de Koter
Просмотров 3,2 тыс.6 месяцев назад
Een klein deel van de sterren sterft in een supernova-explosie. In de laatste 1000 jaar zijn er vier van deze ontploffingen geweest in het deel van de Melkweg waar wij wonen, gebeurtenissen die met het blote oog te zien waren. De rode superreus Betelgeuse, één van de helderste sterren, in het sterrenbeeld Orion, is kandidaat voor de volgende supernova. Betelgeuse staat véél dichterbij dan de hi...
Lecture | The Person in Psychiatry: An Ecohumanist, Enactive Approach to Psychiatry | de Haan
Просмотров 6626 месяцев назад
Many people suffer from psychiatric disorders and mental distress. Yet much is still unclear -regarding both how to understand these problems and how best to treat them. One of the main difficulties is articulating the relationship between the wide array of factors that may cause or contribute to psychiatric disorders. Taking an enactive, ecohumanist approach, Sanneke de Haan argues that taking...
Lezing | Doelwit aarde: Over kosmische projectielen op ramkoers met onze planeet | Govert Schilling
Просмотров 8 тыс.7 месяцев назад
66 miljoen jaar geleden sloeg op aarde een reuzenmeteoriet in van tien kilometer groot. Die catastrofale inslag leidde tot het uitsterven van vele diersoorten, waaronder de dinosauriërs. Hoe groot is de kans dat er binnenkort weer zo’n gigantisch kosmisch projectiel onze kant op komt? En wat kunnen we ertegen doen als we zo’n krachtpatser signaleren? Wetenschapsjournalist Govert Schilling neemt...
Lezing | Pandemieën van de toekomst | Marion Koopmans
Просмотров 5107 месяцев назад
De groei van de bevolking, het toenemende reis- en handelsverkeer, ontbossing ten koste van ruimte voor wilde dieren en klimaatverandering vergroten de kans op epidemieën en pandemieën. De COVID19-pandemie liet zien dat de wereld op dit moment onvoldoende is voorbereid op een pandemie. In deze lezing legt Marion Koopmans uit waar dergelijke nieuwe infectieziekteproblemen ontstaan, wat de rol is...
TEFAF Lecture | Making Art and Making Money: The Creation of the Modern Art Market
Просмотров 4547 месяцев назад
The contemporary art market is a pre-eminently modern phenomenon, but its roots lie in the early modern and modern past: in sixteenth-century Antwerp and seventeenth-century Amsterdam, for instance, where entrepreneurs turned art into valuable assets and easily exchangeable commodities; in eighteenth-century London, where auctioneers helped to create art’s spectacular rise in value; and in nine...
Lecture | The Invention of Good and Evil: A World History of Morality | Hanno Sauer
Просмотров 1,9 тыс.8 месяцев назад
Where do our values come from? What is the origin of right and wrong, good and bad? In this talk, Hanno Sauer sketches the main moral transformations of humanity over the course of its history. Cooperation, punishment, community, identity, inequality, oppression and individualism are the main building blocks of our normative structure. If we want to understand the present, we need to understand...
Lezing | Zijn we alleen in het heelal? 20.000 mijlen onder een buitenaardse oceaan | Hans Huybrighs
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.8 месяцев назад
Zijn wij alleen in het heelal? De zoektocht naar buitenaards leven leidt naar water, een essentiële bouwsteen voor leven. Dat water vinden we mogelijk in ondergrondse oceanen op drie manen van Jupiter: Europa, Ganymedes en Callisto. Daarom heeft op 14 april 2023 de Europese ruimtevaartorganisatie ESA de JUICE-missie gelanceerd naar Jupiter. In deze lezing vertelt planeetwetenschapper Hans Huybr...
Lecture | Humboldt and the Birth of Ecology | Norbert Peeters
Просмотров 3878 месяцев назад
Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859) is a forgotten genius of the first magnitude. He was the most famous scientist of his age, a visionary German naturalist and polymath whose discoveries forever changed the way we understand the natural world. He inspired Darwin and many others and was the inventor of ecology and environmentalism. Among his most revolutionary ideas was a radical conception of n...
Lecture | The Empathic Brain Across Species | Prof. Christian Keysers
Просмотров 4708 месяцев назад
Lecture | The Empathic Brain Across Species | Prof. Christian Keysers
Lezing | Trots. De filosofie van een emotie | Dr. Martha Claeys
Просмотров 7778 месяцев назад
Lezing | Trots. De filosofie van een emotie | Dr. Martha Claeys
Lezing | Het Nederlandse slavernijverleden | Dr. Karwan Fatah-Black
Просмотров 4389 месяцев назад
Lezing | Het Nederlandse slavernijverleden | Dr. Karwan Fatah-Black
Lezing | Zijn de middeleeuwen nog relevant in de 21e eeuw? | Dr. Joris Roosen
Просмотров 7129 месяцев назад
Lezing | Zijn de middeleeuwen nog relevant in de 21e eeuw? | Dr. Joris Roosen
Lecture | Participation of Child Advocates in Armed Conflict | Mariam Muradyan
Просмотров 1729 месяцев назад
Lecture | Participation of Child Advocates in Armed Conflict | Mariam Muradyan
Catharina Pijls Lezing | Goede tijden, slechte tijden | De biologische klok en onze gezondheid
Просмотров 2539 месяцев назад
Catharina Pijls Lezing | Goede tijden, slechte tijden | De biologische klok en onze gezondheid
Lecture | Why and How Should we Grow Crops in Space | Dr. ir. Wieger Wamelink
Просмотров 16410 месяцев назад
Lecture | Why and How Should we Grow Crops in Space | Dr. ir. Wieger Wamelink
Lezing | Traumatische ervaringen | Prof. dr. Bernet Elzinga
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.10 месяцев назад
Lezing | Traumatische ervaringen | Prof. dr. Bernet Elzinga
Lecture | Human Rights - Steel or Chewing Gum? | Prof. Antoine Buyse
Просмотров 15810 месяцев назад
Lecture | Human Rights - Steel or Chewing Gum? | Prof. Antoine Buyse
Lezing | De toekomst van de interactie tussen mens en robot | Prof. dr. David Abbink
Просмотров 28811 месяцев назад
Lezing | De toekomst van de interactie tussen mens en robot | Prof. dr. David Abbink
Joan Muysken Lecture | Green Capitalism and its Discontents | Prof. Daniela Gabor
Просмотров 56811 месяцев назад
Joan Muysken Lecture | Green Capitalism and its Discontents | Prof. Daniela Gabor
Lecture | Concentration: Staying Focused in Times of Distraction | Prof. Stefan van der Stigchel
Просмотров 21311 месяцев назад
Lecture | Concentration: Staying Focused in Times of Distraction | Prof. Stefan van der Stigchel
Lezing | Het zelf: authentiek of plagiaat |Prof. Dr. Léon de Bruin
Просмотров 29811 месяцев назад
Lezing | Het zelf: authentiek of plagiaat |Prof. Dr. Léon de Bruin
Lecture | Genetic History of Europe Adaptation and Migration in Prehistory | Johannes Krause
Просмотров 131 тыс.11 месяцев назад
Lecture | Genetic History of Europe Adaptation and Migration in Prehistory | Johannes Krause
Lezing | 2e Kamer Verkiezingen: Hoeveel vertrouwen is er nog? | Joris Gijsenbergh
Просмотров 48211 месяцев назад
Lezing | 2e Kamer Verkiezingen: Hoeveel vertrouwen is er nog? | Joris Gijsenbergh
Lezing | De bouwstenen van het universum: nucleaire- en elementaire deeltjesfysica | Jacco de Vries
Просмотров 2,8 тыс.Год назад
Lezing | De bouwstenen van het universum: nucleaire- en elementaire deeltjesfysica | Jacco de Vries
Heel interessant. Ja? Goede lezing. Ja? Meer van dit graag. Ja? Heel vermoeiend om naar te luisteren. Ja?
I want to study sexology
The overriding issue to me was the rising chaos in the Balkans and the coming modernization of the Russian military. This rendered the German and Austrian position more and more precarious, and so when an opportunity arose for them to start a preventative war when they thought that they still had an advantage, they took it. The gamble was not completely foolish, better execution of the Schlieffen Plan might have carried the day in a relatively short amount of time. Once defeated on the Marne, however, the war turned into a slow motion death spiral for the Central Powers.
Slimme jongen maar slechte lesgever..jammer
Buitengewoon interessant! Knap verteld.
Ik denk dat 90 % die daar zitten niet eens weten wat Quantumfysica is. Hij legt het zelfs niet uit. Govert is geen wetenschapper...maar heeft wel veel kennis. Het geven van een lezing moet hij nog wel bijschaven...intetactie is zero..hij ratelt maar aan een stuk door...jammer.
🤔 we wuz neanderthals
Wat is dat voor een gast dhimmitude?
Dit klopt van geen meter. God laat niets door het firmament naar beneden komen. Ja af en toe water, maar dan hebben wij het zelf echt te bond gemaakt. Wel eens gehoord over de reuzen uit de bijbel?
What I love about aDNA work is it’s real science. It’s not liberal art based speculatory thinking. I’ll take the latter when that is all that is available, but you can’t use the current favorite fantasy to deny nucleotide sequences. I just want the conference meetings where historians, archeologists, and similar fields get their world blown up with hard data videoed and posted online. I’d baby sit a sequencer 24/7 to participate.
Real science? Science is a method. You might want to check out Patrick Geary, an eminent historian, who is interested in and utilizes genetic data in his research. Documents and archaelogy are also data. Genetic data is, of course, more recently available. Regardless, all data is interpreted and thus speculated upon to draw conclusions. The human brain creates patterns. Any of us who ever took a research and/or statistics course know this. Not sure RUclips, for all its value, offers this but it does allow for a lot of opining.
Us v/s them - humans are visual creatures and hard wired to fear those who look different compounded by evils of Monotheism..IMHO
Of course the title Is blinking an Eye to genealogy of morality. Anyway the term invention, that seems so scandalous to some of us, is there to remind that also morality Is a human artifact, and as such it Is historical
Dunbar’s number is relevant to the size problem. He argues that around a 157 group size we can’t know people well enough to make decisions about how to interact with them without some organized system of morals/politics.
Hanno’s pro open borders opinion is disappointing.
An alternative to out of Africa that at least can be made to fit DNA evidence is the hybrid theory, where modern humans arose elsewhere, Europe or Asia before Denisovan DNA flow. They migrated to Africa and bred with archaic ghost species giving rise to Africans. They bred with Neanderthals giving rise to Europeans. They migrated to Asia bringing Neanderthal DNA and bred with Denisovans giving us Asians. Those that got across the Wallace Line, more than likely carried a very small amount of Neanderthal DNA and some Denisovan DNA. They encountered a relative large number of Denisovans compared to their numbers, and bred with them, or, they initially had a higher % of Denisovan DNA, possibly both, giving rise to PNG & Aboriginals.
Dry mouh
Thomas Frank Moore Michael Brown Kevin
It’s up to people to use technology. Some will cheat, chat or learn. You can’t generalize any idea based on your ideology. You must have a broader perspective
The actual paper is 'High-coverage genome of the Tyrolean Iceman reveals unusually high Anatolian farmer ancestry' and it says: "The weighted genetic score of dark pigmentation in the Iceman is estimated to be 0.591, higher than the score of present-day southern European populations taking Sardinians as an example (Table S11), which the Iceman shares closest genetic affinity to (Figure S1) and which represent the highest level of pigmentation among modern-day European groups,29 although it is lower than the score of ancient LBK farmers and the Luxembourg_Loschbour.DG hunter-gatherer (Table S11)." From Table S11, as a scale of reference, the pigmentation scale of modern Sardinians is 0.589335. and Ötzi's 0.591405 (Table S11 of the study). That is only a ~1% difference (barely any), and for further context, a modern European from the north of the continent has a pigmentation magnitude of around 0.50 while a person native to central or sub-Saharan Africa has a pigmentation of the order of between 0.7 and 0.75.
He is brilliant. Been following him and reading his articles/books for years. Ty for sharing!
Hopefully, you keep records of who's come in contact with it.
Chris isn't just right, he is SO right that he is wrong to not say in even stronger tones, what there is nothing but conclusive evidence for, and has been since this war ended- that is, that WWI NEVER ended, and continues even today. Of course, all history could be considered a continuation of past events, but WWI goes beyond just causing, to actually INVENTING, a world in which we all live, and perhaps always will; a world of "diplomacy" that is in fact thinly veiled imperialism while claiming to be the opposite, a world of "balance of power" logic that is derived from a real hatred of others while claiming to be a mere defensive, protectionist tactic, a world of fighting economically, politically, strategically, and militarily for supremacy, even upon a planet SO technologically advanced that any decent, moral, or even simply intelligent species would have long ago realized that there is nothing left scarce enough over which to fight, and the technologically and resource-abundant condition of our species should enable every human to live a peaceful, abundant, and fulfilling life. Still, fight we do, and perhaps always will, because WWI did not just begin with Sleepwalkers, it convinced an entire human population to abandon all freedoms, self-determination, social development, liberal thinking, and in a word, LOVE, and adopt fear and hatred as daily routines and as principles of the organization of societies. Four or five thousand years ago in China, we know that some influential minds were spawning beliefs and sects who were teaching peaceful, pacifist, loving doctrines, and those "religions," for lack of a better term, spread far and wide, even during many wars and struggles. For thousands of years thereafter, while Jesus came and went, and Mohammed, and others who taught love or at least restraint and tolerance to one degree or another, the belief in love continued to be a value encouraged in circles of faith, and in social-economic thinking and sciences, all the time "at war" WITH war, and few professed to know who would win, love or hate. WWI, at least to my mind, convinced a large majority of an allegedly intelligent species, that love, restraint, or even tolerance had no place in the "modern" world, since the threats were so close, so immediate, so lethal, so inhuman, so aggressive, so never-ending. And THAT is why WWI is never ending, or at the very least, has not yet ended.
Clark Melissa Wilson Gary Clark John
What came first, the wheel or the deal ?
From the 1980s -- Not "from the very early days " before DNA genome sequencing...
Jones Lisa Thompson Melissa Johnson Larry
Young Robert Thomas Eric Moore Frank
Iberian and aquitanian, etruscan and old sardinian should have a common protoanatolian languaje. Maybe is impossible to find...😢
Great talk. His time at UCC Cork paid off.
Thank you Krause, very interesting!
Bijna 3 jaar verder. De btw-afschaffing op groente en fruit is niet gelukt. Omdat er geen 0% kon worden doorgevoerd in de huidige software. En omdat er discussies ontstonden rondom o.a. appelmoes, potgroenten, fruitsappen (met en zonder toevoegingen) en maaltijdsalades. Wat een gedoe. Wat een gemiste kansen.
Garcia John Wilson Melissa Clark David
Facinating but disturbing - all early farmers Y chromosome disappeared from most of europe? Maybe horrific genocide
Rodriguez Jason Hall Cynthia Lewis Jennifer
This is intensely good.
Kan iedereen zich aanmelden voor het bijwonen van een dergelijke presentatie? Ik zou daar graag ook eens bij willen aansluiten.
Zeker weten! Ons huidige programma vind u hier: maastrichtuniversity.nl/sg
54:00 Anatolian is shorthand for Middle Eastern by the way, terminology was chosen for the sole purpose of obfuscation. 1:22:00
Epigenetic info is very useful. It can tell information about diet, activity, and many other things. It also is useful in studying genetics because methylation has a huge impact on mutations
How correlated culture and genetics are for a given group does tell you something useful about the culture; it speaks to their values. Just like the disproportionate shift of genes with y chromosomes does [movement of men]
Thomas Helen Lopez Sandra Hall Michelle
There was no blame assigned in the treaty of Versailles. Look at the so-called "war guilt clause" it just says the Germans pay for the damage they caused.
Amazing lecture. Thanks for the upload.
Deze prof zal best wel veel kennis hebben, maar laat hem nooit meer een lezing of voordracht doen. Daar snapt hij niets van, met zijn overvloedige stopwoordjes oke, ja en goed. Wat een vreselijk slechte voordracht!
Urey-Miller proef in 1953 waarbij er organische moleculen ontstonden uit anorganische en bliksem.(waaronder aminozuren) 😊
Er is geen buitenaards leven in die zin dat het honderden jaren duurt om ons te bereiken 😊
10.000 duizende jaren minimaal
@@hans9834 ja,bleef aan er veilige kant.
I was hoping for more. Heard most of this before. Very mainstream. Ho hum.
This guy is so pretentious. The very definition of study a lot, learn nothing. Posh accent with zero substance, teenage level understanding of dogma
Principal Component Analysis is based on the fact that whenever different statistical distributions are added the result gets closer to a normal (aka Gaussian) distribution. If we want find two Principal Components then we look for the two sets of data that are farthest from a Gaussian distribution but that when added are equal to the distribution of the complete dataset. It's a very powerful technique that I learned (a bit) when working on Blind (Sound) Source Separation. Blind means we don't know where the speakers nor the microphones are placed; Source are the sound sources (speakers) and separation is ... separation. In our case we used a quantity of microphones equal to the number of sources so we end up with a systme of queations that have n equations and n variables - an NxN linear system. Each equation is the sum of the sources (the sound recorded by each microphone). Since the separation is blind, we don't know the constants (how loud or quiet) so we have to use some techniques that make the contribution of each source to have similar volume. To solve the system we try to find n components that are the furtherst of a Gaussian *and* also orthogonal - none of the components can be created by a linear operation involving the other components. That's called Orthogonal Component Analysis. The problem with Principal Component is that we don't know beforehand how many components there are and that can cause components to be left out or components to artifically be created. I know it's a powerfull tool but one that should be used with care.
Zullen we nooit achter komen . De afstanden zijn veel te groot . Wij zelf zijn dan al dood voor dat de info terug is .
2031-2035 zijn er de metingen. Daarna verder bestuderen. Of we dat nog meemaken hangt van onze leeftijd en levensverwachting af. Niet dat het een praktische impact heeft op ons leven op korte termijn.