Hanart Forum
 Hanart Forum
  • Видео 13
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William Reckmeyer: Cybernetics-Systemics for the 21st Century
Cybernetics-Systemics for the 21st Century
Building a Better Global World in the Anthropocene
Expectations about the rosy future of humanity in the 21st century have changed profoundly over the past 35 years, since the end of the Cold War and the beginning of the World Wide Web ushered in a new era of hyper-globalization. Initial projections of expanding freedoms and improving conditions soured by the early 2000s, marked by growing resentments about escalating societal inequalities as well as growing realizations about the adverse environmental impacts of human activities writ large. Given the potential consequences, I don’t think it is wise to assume that humanity can continue on its curre...
Просмотров: 24


Benjamin Bratton: The Artificialization of Sensing, Simulating, and Recursion
Просмотров 516Месяц назад
Cybernetics formalized the observation of autopoietic composition and control in evolved systems: an entity's sensing of internal and external environments, the modeling of those and counterfactual simulations of future states of both entity and niche, as well as the recursive control and transformation of its present state in relation to those potentialities. "Cybernetics" discovered and gave ...
Luciana Parisi: The Cybernetics of No
Просмотров 972 месяца назад
What would it take for cybernetics to withdraw from the metaphysics of AI Capitalism, the recursivity of extraction, the transvaluation of the sublime, and the crisis of thought? One can argue that AI Capitalism has already realized the hyperstitional dimension of all forms of speculations: economic, aesthetics, philosophical, cultural scenarios of the future have exhausted all political imagin...
Chen Qiufan: Reimagine Cyberpunk
Просмотров 2402 месяца назад
As a subgenre of science fiction, cyberpunk has served as a projection of the information revolution in popular culture and aesthetics for half a century. The latest wave of this genre has reached China. The inherently Orientalist perspective of cyberpunk aesthetics has found new vitality in the more "Eastern" digitalized China after its journey through Japan, Hong Kong, and Southeast Asia. Thi...
Bruce Sterling: Futures of Cybernetics
Просмотров 5372 месяца назад
Futuries of Cybernetics Bruce Sterling In his lecture, Bruce Sterling speculated on the possible revival of cybernetics, a transdisciplinary field that explores regulatory systems in living beings and machines. He highlights the metaphysical aspects of this field, along with related technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence, while criticizing the Gartner hype cycle for its inacc...
Tony Fry: Fiction Forced Futures
Просмотров 352 месяца назад
What I have to say is formed from overarching content converging with a position of speech. It is becoming clear, but by no means universally, that our species now exists in a condition of betweenness. A short way to express this is as collectively being positioned between “the end times” and “the time to come.” The actuality of this situation is of envelopment in the complexity of the compound...
Orit Halpern: Resilient Futures
Просмотров 473 месяца назад
Resilient Futures: Cybernetics, Environment, and Economy in our Present Today, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, geo-political conflict, and the climate crisis the term “new normal” circulates ad nauseum throughout news outlets and social networks. This new normal is largely defined by a naturalization of precarity for some, the dramatic elevation of profit for others, and a demand for incr...
Anna Greenspan: China and the Wireless Undertow Media as Wave Philosophy
Просмотров 1673 месяца назад
A cybernetically informed future-orientation recognizes that the world that is ‘to come’ is not straight ahead. This talk, which is based on my new book China and the Wireless Undertow: Media and Wave Philosophy (Technicities: Edinburgh University Press. 2023), explores not just a change in the future, but rather a shift in the notion of the future as such. The book uses the idea or figure of t...
Toru Nishigaki: On the Informatic Turn caused by the Generative Artificial Intelligence
Просмотров 1283 месяца назад
What is the Informatic Turn? It is a philosophical, cultural and social metamorphosis on a global scale, which extends and develops the Linguistic Turn proposed in the 20th century. And the Generative AI like ChatGPT, typical of current digital technology, is expected to play an essential role for realizing the Informatic Turn. Since its appearance at the end of 2022, the Generative AI has acqu...
Kostas Terzidis: Feed Feeds Feed
Просмотров 1713 месяца назад
The definition of a cybernetic feedback may involve a degree of randomness which could make its behavior unpredictable. Then, the balance between randomness and order gives rise to entelechy, creativity, and imagination. Feedback systems occasionally exhibit a degree of autonomy that could be interpreted as self-reflection. Do systems have a mind of their own? Does the emergence of self-regulat...
David Bates: An Artificial History of Natural Intelligence
Просмотров 1204 месяца назад
This lecture tracks an artificial history of natural intelligence, arguing that from the birth of modern thought during the Scientific Revolution in Europe, the mind and its capacities have been understood as entangled in bodies, machines, and prosthetic technologies of thought, such as writing. Human intelligence has been figured, then, in terms of automaticity. Given the contemporary hyper-te...
K Allado McDowell: Designing Neural Media
Просмотров 2264 месяца назад
K Allado McDowell: Designing Neural Media In his lecture, K Allado McDowell explores the concept of neural media and its historical significance. He outlines a typology of media, with a focus on AI and neural media, and argues that we are at a pivotal moment where we can shape its future. McDowell uses the example of the AI-generated image "Trippy Squirrel" and the art and machine intelligence ...
Bruce Clarke: Gaian Futurities: Beyond the Phoenix Complex to the Domains of the Infra-Human
Просмотров 1934 месяца назад
What are Gaia’s credentials as an object of past and future cybernetic interest? Lovelock and Margulis originally conceived Gaia as a planetary system observing first-order cybernetic principles of homeostasis, negative feedback, and self-regulation. The second-order cybernetics concurrently codified by von Foerster and made concrete in Maturana and Varela’s concept of autopoiesis pressed the a...


  • @Dev1nci
    @Dev1nci 10 дней назад

    7:05 he’s seen the future, 2040 😧

  • @brahmbah
    @brahmbah 3 месяца назад

    Thank you for curating and stewarding such vital discussions Great work shared here by Orit

  • @DevarajSandberg
    @DevarajSandberg 3 месяца назад

    Fear of predictability Vs Fear of unpredictability

  • @MDNQ-ud1ty
    @MDNQ-ud1ty 4 месяца назад

    It's just psychopathy. Every human, being fundamentally an animal, has intrinsic anti-social subconscious modes that can be brought to the forefront. Dehumanization both on others and being done to oneself by construction dehumanizes an individual and makes them "animal like". For a society to function it requires certain principles such as fairness, equality, health, happiness, brotherhood, etc. These are exploited by the psychopaths who seek power(another animal trait based in repressed fears of death, loneliness, fear, weakness, etc). Hierarchical structures concentrate power by design and these are prone to amplifying psychopathic behaviors of individuals and corrupting the entire hierarchy without ways to stop or prevent it. Our systems are designed to amplify psychopathy and that is what it does. All the means in which it does it are somewhat irrelevant because no one is addressing the fundamental issue that psychopathy exists within humans and is amplified by our the social structures those with power force upon us or those with naturally evolve(usually ad-hoc). Essentially the human AI is training itself to be insane because 1. It doesn't recognize it is insane. 2. The individuals with power benefit from the insanity. So, basically over time as the system evolves it gets more and more insane, collapses, and then is rebuilt in the same image, evolves into something more insane, collapses, etc. For the first time humanity, with is collection of knowledge and technological advancements and relatively low psychopathy level has enabled it to understand such things but it is already starting to collapse because the psychopaths in power fear the masses learning how to stop them. Technology is a double edged sword. It can be used for good or evil. For example the massive amounts of bots used by SM to drive behaviors is staggering and has shaped humanity in such a way it may never recover. The lunatics that "run the world" are extremely evil and have the ability, because of capitalism and government, to drive behavior. SM and bots enable them to drive behavior almost for free with the victims victimizing themselves. They can modify behaviors through the various means of propaganda but mainly through repetition and distortions of reality. Most humans, specially the youth and elderly, are incapable of defending against such propaganda because they do not have the awareness/experiences to realize they are being propagandized. This is, in fact, true of most humans irregardless of their characteristics. The human mind is fragile and is being exploited by bad actors to undermine the social fabric of humanity for their own benefit. The internet is enabling this to happen "at the speed of light".