- Видео 365
- Просмотров 7 162
Добавлен 7 дек 2020
I play all genres of games. Let's play
Cashapp $shadman504
Cashapp $shadman504
Feels like aim pushing away from targets
Просмотров 782 месяца назад
Feels like aim pushing away from targets
Nice work
good win 🎉
You my lobby is glitched like that too, at the top left video thingie. It shows that weird gray bubble looking picture. By any chance, is your golden scythe also missing from your inventory? Mine completely disappeared from my inventory the same time that glitch happened.
Excuse me, I love your videos. I love them. My name is Adam Adam.
Like your videos I’m sorry kind of whack charter
Do you talk ?
Can I play with you.
Hey man saw your marvel vs capcom vid, So i supported your work btw I also have Marvel videos!!
Gg love your channel.
If you wanna run send me a friend request. We don't take ourselves to serious. We help each other level up and gift skins.
Talk to em OG
Thank you my brother
Wow what a crappy channel that no one watches
10 years 30 subs 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Texas southern seminars.🤣🤣🤣
What's your degree in? I'm sure if there was a department for being a fatherless punk then you would be a Doctor.
Its 14 years and 31 subscribers actually
@@layups ratios aren't your strong subject I see.
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