Bacon Guy
Bacon Guy
  • Видео 393
  • Просмотров 68 772 885
One Year of Bacon Guy Shorts
One Year of Bacon Guy Shorts
Просмотров: 5 499


Mathematically Proving Endscenes are Dead
Просмотров 9 тыс.3 месяца назад
Mathematically Proving Endscenes are Dead
What Makes Wish's Music So Bad?
Просмотров 167 тыс.6 месяцев назад
What Makes Wish's Music So Bad?
Did Women Kill Star Wars?
Просмотров 23 тыс.7 месяцев назад
Did Women Kill Star Wars?
Dragons 2: 10 Years Later
Просмотров 10 тыс.8 месяцев назад
Dragons 2: 10 Years Later


  • @JakeShakeshaft-x5o
    @JakeShakeshaft-x5o 7 минут назад


  • @sircompy5386
    @sircompy5386 12 минут назад

    How tf did despicable me 4 get higher grossing than this cinematic masterpiece??

  • @sircompy5386
    @sircompy5386 13 минут назад

    This movie is definitely top 5 dreamworks along with Shrek, megamind, httyd, and puss in boots.

  • @FilamintKirby.550
    @FilamintKirby.550 13 минут назад

    Shrek is the best princess and no one can tell me otherwise

  • @nightmist1361
    @nightmist1361 23 минуты назад

    Im going to unironicly watch this movie

  • @IgorIvkovic-st4ec
    @IgorIvkovic-st4ec 25 минут назад

    Plex also lied,because Plex said that Bluey the movie will come in Janurary 1st 2025

  • @nosoundnosight
    @nosoundnosight 40 минут назад

    bluey might be cooked icl

  • @Gubetidh
    @Gubetidh 41 минуту назад

    King candys death was probably the most creative death, paying attention to the fact bugs are attracted to light sources

  • @ZYD-g1e
    @ZYD-g1e 44 минуты назад


  • @Lilywithmadness
    @Lilywithmadness 47 минут назад

    If you watch the tangled series you know that all she has to do is sing wither and decay

  • @MatthewBurns-k4q
    @MatthewBurns-k4q 52 минуты назад

    They should’ve gotten Zachary Levi back as Flynn Rider

  • @jana4577
    @jana4577 53 минуты назад

    Please leave Encanto alone! It's perfect!

  • @enxtivy_
    @enxtivy_ 54 минуты назад

    I watched this movie with my gf and i agree it was pretty mid. It was fun with her do :) so this movie will always be special to me

  • @SJ-912
    @SJ-912 56 минут назад

    I……… am broke this summer😭

  • @Toxic_Crow_art
    @Toxic_Crow_art Час назад

    Brother bear is like one of my favorite movies

  • @saraayala7283
    @saraayala7283 Час назад

    Nah why are the cheap movies genuinely better than the expensive ones?

  • @venomtooth8082
    @venomtooth8082 Час назад


  • @Nemetas-734
    @Nemetas-734 Час назад

    I watched It and loved it

  • @Toxic_Crow_art
    @Toxic_Crow_art Час назад

    I hate the live action remakes! Im all for diversity but if want more diversity then make a new story. I love the little mermaid Halle was awesome but it was yet another example of disney sucking a product dry. There is also the problem of the male diversity. Name any disney movie other than the princess and the frog where the man wasn't white. If they are gonna race swap the princesses then why not the men?

  • @danielbentsvi5098
    @danielbentsvi5098 Час назад

    I don't think you watched enough movies in 2023 and Peabody and sherman is way better than the matio movie

  • @BlueMilkFox
    @BlueMilkFox Час назад

    I would put Elsa in the official. But you still can't put her in the list cuz she has powers sk that would be unfair.

  • @error_-gy1qy
    @error_-gy1qy 2 часа назад

    I'm sorry, sorry wtf what do you MEAN?! "SIDE CHARACTERS/NEVER ACTUALLY MARRIED TO BECOME PRINCESSES" with TZIPPORAH on the screen?!!?!!! First off she is also the daughter of the priest of Madian, so on your own terms it counts, but even if you didn't count it, again on your own terms she explicitly married the (exiled) prince of Egypt that gives name to the movie (also, as main love interest she's definitely not a side character) And even if it wasn't as successful as Sherk, it's still a classic DreamWorks!

  • @AnnabelleTimothy
    @AnnabelleTimothy 2 часа назад

    Ngl I’m personally offended that Incredibles 2 is considered one of their worst sequels… Yes Incredibles 1 was too good for the sequel but THEY DIDNT INTEND FOR THAT 😭

  • @mardenborough.
    @mardenborough. 2 часа назад

    The bat lady is a proof that even female villains can be lame and poorly handled sometimes.😅

  • @Cosmiclattesss
    @Cosmiclattesss 2 часа назад

    Man I love big hero six, and it’s such a shame they didn’t just make Callahan the villain and develop him over the course of the movie instead of the bad twist.

  • @the_luckman
    @the_luckman 2 часа назад

    Okay im hungaryan and it is maybe because off the Hungaryan dub but the conversations where halarius

  • @zoenetteotp
    @zoenetteotp 2 часа назад

    Technically Poppy is only a princess for one movie but whatever 😅

  • @stpmiss1264
    @stpmiss1264 2 часа назад

    Bro I screamed when I heard Astrid 😅 I haven't watched HTTYD in a long time and I am very happy she is on the list ❤

  • @RadladZ-offical
    @RadladZ-offical 2 часа назад

    I want a mega minions movie

  • @TreyRushing
    @TreyRushing 2 часа назад

    Skibidi toilet is in fortnite too like seriously

  • @Mr.KnockedFN
    @Mr.KnockedFN 3 часа назад

    Idk, I thought it was good

  • @fionna_cool_girl
    @fionna_cool_girl 3 часа назад

    Honestly that really sucks because I genuinely thought SHAZAM was a great movie. Zachary Levi brought so much to the character. It's been way too long since there was a good DC movie. Sucks that the Rock kinda dragged down that movie as a whole just because he didn't want to lose. :/ glad I didn't pay money to see Black Adam

  • @Caratrox
    @Caratrox 3 часа назад

    I mentioned you in a post

  • @thekawaiirabbit
    @thekawaiirabbit 3 часа назад

    oh no im begging the lord that it wont turn out like spongebob seasons 4+ without him

  • @Mplio-g4r
    @Mplio-g4r 3 часа назад

    It got a Roblox td game to advertise it

  • @Sprouting..PPawzz
    @Sprouting..PPawzz 3 часа назад


  • @austinhughes9548
    @austinhughes9548 3 часа назад

    Dreamworks like Disney is flopping live action lets show them how it’s done

  • @luccafilms2859
    @luccafilms2859 4 часа назад

    The bluevie

  • @76Gh0st-e7d
    @76Gh0st-e7d 4 часа назад

    Only a mater of time before we get a 3 hour runtime for a animated movie

  • @deadakus
    @deadakus 4 часа назад

    The current state of PvZHeros is so bad 😭 If you have a king in hand every zombie you play gets auto turned into a knight. If you're playing the smash or neptuna you could get 3 7 drops on turn 1. The only counterplay is to pray they don't get king in their starting hand until you get your doom shrooms

  • @MallerDoesStuff
    @MallerDoesStuff 4 часа назад

    We need @crispy in this movie.

  • @sinistermister1
    @sinistermister1 4 часа назад

    I would tell you what I think about the movie but I slept through most of it. Not that it’s bad or anything, but I sleep through anything if i’m tired enough.

  • @dylanescobedo3342
    @dylanescobedo3342 4 часа назад

    The Wonder Woman joke was kinda funny but that was all I could find good about this

  • @Luca_TheKing5691
    @Luca_TheKing5691 4 часа назад

    When 8 bit Christmas came out my family and I watched it thinking it looked interesting and now we watch every year cuz it makes my parents happy lol

  • @PorthalamewPreece
    @PorthalamewPreece 4 часа назад

    Wow 100th short has only 10 comments and good job evolving from these old videos

  • @Ava-kb5sd
    @Ava-kb5sd 4 часа назад

    Redone isn’t even dark, it’s more like a buddy cop action comedy movie.

  • @PorthalamewPreece
    @PorthalamewPreece 4 часа назад

    Wow this video has like no comments that’s pretty cool and the movie did end up ok I half like it it’s to accurate to teen girls so I kind of hate that

  • @Saber-toothed_king
    @Saber-toothed_king 4 часа назад

    Wild robot movie is overrated

  • @D_andT
    @D_andT 5 часов назад


  • @KidAccount-w1s
    @KidAccount-w1s 5 часов назад

    imo i grew up watching straight people kissing and having s3x and i still turned out pretty gay so there is nothing wrong with that