  • Видео 207
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  • @moonlightelf591
    @moonlightelf591 3 месяца назад

    Kai is a better dancer tbh. The way he moves is very smooth. And his moves are way more flexible than Lay.

  • @phicaothikim1060
    @phicaothikim1060 4 месяца назад

    1 ❤ 3:42 Suho Kim Jung Myeon Bosé 2 ❤ 3:42 Byun Baek Baekhyun Nguyễn Sỹ Toấn 3 ❤ 3:42 Zhang Yixing Lay Trung Quốc 4 ❤ 3:42 Do Kyungsoo D.O 5 ❤ 3:42 Park Chanyeol Hánh Quốc

  • @exsoba_ramen
    @exsoba_ramen 6 месяцев назад

    Kai and Lay are the reason I am obsessed with this group!

  • @AyeHninWai-ex4jw
    @AyeHninWai-ex4jw 6 месяцев назад


  • @SanaFatima-nh3jw
    @SanaFatima-nh3jw 7 месяцев назад

    Exo boys very nice dance and song please 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 come back indea raebareli ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @RosalbaBolanoGil-hj7zp
    @RosalbaBolanoGil-hj7zp 7 месяцев назад

    happy birthday kim sungkyu i love you ❤❤❤

  • @Chanbaek-v6g
    @Chanbaek-v6g 11 месяцев назад

    I love their voice.. but in this song.. my fave is sehun part just so cool even though it's short.. 2nd is baekhyun then it's Chanyeol part.❤❤❤


    Kai begin it, Lay end it...

  • @yuuunmi.112
    @yuuunmi.112 Год назад

    My tears are out 😭💗💗

  • @chenruby7190
    @chenruby7190 Год назад

    No matter what LAY dances, he is full of integrity, while KAI is more charming and dangerous.

  • @fh4124
    @fh4124 Год назад

    Love them❤❤❤❤

  • @0730YACHUAN
    @0730YACHUAN Год назад


  • @nuryaulpah9404
    @nuryaulpah9404 Год назад

    Suka semua nya 🥰

  • @mbb4316
    @mbb4316 Год назад

    Love Baekhyun so cute.❤

  • @gessamayyedu9693
    @gessamayyedu9693 Год назад

    Who in here just fully watching Lay in this video 😢😢😢 While watching it reminds me of LuHan 😭😭😭😭😭

  • @cherry.0731
    @cherry.0731 Год назад

    Lay of course❤

  • @yohannaflores5063
    @yohannaflores5063 Год назад

    Hay BTS hay like

  • @amsxvr3122
    @amsxvr3122 Год назад

    their dance style and power compliment each oother so well

  • @maryerica
    @maryerica Год назад


  • @es-entertainment8250
    @es-entertainment8250 2 года назад

    That jumping part is hard for kai but easy for Chinese karatist Lay fact

  • @니니허니곰
    @니니허니곰 2 года назад

    You can not tell me all the comments about Lay are genuine. He looks like a puppet just having memorized the moves and doing them; no better than any of the others honestly. He's not a bad dancer ofcourse in saying he's no better I'm acknowledging some of the members ( I want mention names) suck at times. I've never seen Yixing suck, he's ofcourse a good dancer. But all the comments "Lay's always been better" yatta yatta etc. are obviously BS and this video is the perfect example but honestly you could pull up any EXO video. Jongin PERFORMS, which is the point in dance it is an outward expression of emotion and the lyrics of a song. That is what Jongin was born to do. That's why everyone mentions his expressions so much and Lay fans mock it like it doesn't matter for dancing. His expressions show the emotion he is putting into every move but not only his expressions do; his fast and smooth tempos and his body language are just the best I've ever seen for expressing a song. I think videos like this get so many comments about how Lay is so much better because his fans are jealous that Kai has always been acknowledged so much, so they flock to videos like this for an echo chamber of "Lay's better." I do realize that sound like a hypocritical statement, but I honestly only came here after someone else pointed these videos out for me. You'll notice they're even usually edited and uploaded by Lay fans. I have nothing against Lay I've always liked him as much as the others as a solo Kai fan, I think he's adorable and sweet. But I say this honestly here because it appears to get many Lay fans that are the type who have always compared them and been butt hurt. Kai fans truly are and have always been confident in his skill and completely unbothered by others talents because we KNOW he's the best. And it's obvious the company always did too. Be confident in your fav no one cares that Kai is better you shouldn't either we don't compare. It's just like, I never sat around concerning myself over how good of a speaker he was back in the day. He wasn't talkative, Baekhyun was and is a great entertainer in that way. I was (was because he's gotten much more comfortable at it now) completely unbothered at the idea of someone saying "Kai's so awkward trying to entertain an audience, when he's put on the spot it's cringey" because it was he was super shy and uncomfortable just coming up with something entertaining to do even his improv dances were cringe because he's not good at being unprepared for something he likes everything to be perfect he gets so full of anxiety about it. I love him for what he is and isn't. I never understood Lay fans trying so hard to make him out as the best dancer there are plenty of other things to love him for and he's a good dancer, not the best tho, and we all know it. It's just weird when you try so hard to prove it when the opposite is obvious to everyone.

  • @Fedea_
    @Fedea_ 2 года назад

    Кай, как настоящая бабочка, плавно крылышками машет 🦋🦋🦋!!! Лэй больше на мотылька похож, все движения четко очерчены, резко от одного цветка к другому скачет 😀! Они как небо и земля, прекрасные дети природы! Нельзя сравнить несравнимое😌💗💗!!!

  • @umapornthongchum2605
    @umapornthongchum2605 2 года назад

    I love this both ❤

  • @dianaesteffanytantanimayta8766
    @dianaesteffanytantanimayta8766 2 года назад

    Los imi imii

  • @dianaesteffanytantanimayta8766
    @dianaesteffanytantanimayta8766 2 года назад

    Los imi imi

  • @butterflygirl868
    @butterflygirl868 2 года назад

    My babies 🥺

  • @clean_loey
    @clean_loey 2 года назад

    Teary eyes 👀

  • @linali4927
    @linali4927 2 года назад

    Сколько бы мне не попадалось это видео Кай затмевает всё 💔

  • @idkactually9121
    @idkactually9121 2 года назад

    kai is my bias and he's the reason I got into exo and he's still my fave but lay is just sooooo good jfjdjdkdk every move is on point

  • @rose__.2029
    @rose__.2029 2 года назад


  • @maryjanerespondo3117
    @maryjanerespondo3117 2 года назад

    Kai's facial expressions and powerful dance moves really caught my attention when I first saw EXO

  • @maryjanerespondo3117
    @maryjanerespondo3117 2 года назад

    Both are soooo good and professional in dancing.

  • @a.e.b7586
    @a.e.b7586 2 года назад

    Kai is a ballet, jazz and hip-hop dancer . His dance is very strong , powerful also sometimes his dance is fluid in addition to his own duality and feelings when he dances . I prefer a dancer who dances with his feelings . He is not just a dancer who performes his dance only even if kai does not dance well , but with his feelings , you will respect him . Also l am not saying that kai is better than lay , both of them are great , l am just saying what disitnguishes kai from lay or any K-pop dancer

  • @marvinraphaelmonfort8289
    @marvinraphaelmonfort8289 2 года назад

    xiumin is like the precursor to dawon =]

  • @marvinraphaelmonfort8289
    @marvinraphaelmonfort8289 2 года назад

    xiumin is so pretty! and feeling themself! and chen that voice! and he looks sexy with that hair and that jawline!

  • @chenruby7190
    @chenruby7190 2 года назад

    Kai 跳出歌曲的氛圍 浪漫繾綣 不捨分離的感覺很勵害👍 lay動作標準 但跳的太陽剛 又無表情 缺少情緒氛圍 可惜~

  • @Adetasah
    @Adetasah 2 года назад


  • @waiyan-d.o.lovely6475
    @waiyan-d.o.lovely6475 2 года назад

    We always miss you lay hyung

  • @golden136
    @golden136 2 года назад

    Love you Justin Bieber D.O. CHANYEOL

  • @dear.laryS2
    @dear.laryS2 2 года назад

    exol forever :(💕🇧🇷

  • @annabelleadelantar6949
    @annabelleadelantar6949 2 года назад

    Lay has more natural moves... Kai is also a great dancer.. dnt get me wrong..

  • @jpgot7634
    @jpgot7634 2 года назад

    LAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY - he is so underrated! He is f'n amazing! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

  • @Clausita26preciosa
    @Clausita26preciosa 2 года назад

    I wonder if they will ever perform this song together

  • @cedricjackson9561
    @cedricjackson9561 3 года назад

    Just as much as I love Lay, i have to say that Kai totally rocked it here. But again I love both of them Lay+Kai= Lethal

  • @katrinasanjose3282
    @katrinasanjose3282 3 года назад

    Kyungsoo is always handsome and cute but not here. I’m sorry but he looks so zzzaddy here. Ughhh idk why he has so much sex appeal here.

  • @vannebc63
    @vannebc63 3 года назад


  • @candypark3699
    @candypark3699 3 года назад

    the fact you replayed it three times just to focus on one

  • @DeukJK
    @DeukJK 3 года назад

    Yixing is a freestyle dancer and knows a lot of styles of dance choreography which he can make impromptu/improvised freestyle dances at any time. Kai has a very precise and amazing form but he is a choreographer dancer which can dance once, make the choreo is ready to be performed and not on the spot like a freestyler

  • @alikacanel476
    @alikacanel476 3 года назад

    sukaa bangettt exo

  • @alikacanel476
    @alikacanel476 3 года назад

    sukaaaaaaa bangetttt