  • Видео 3
  • Просмотров 51 440
pneumatic can crusher
Просмотров: 50 965


útlezárás, Románia Sebesútlezárás, Románia Sebes
útlezárás, Románia Sebes
Просмотров 24612 лет назад
félpályás útlezárás, útjavítás miatt
Romania 2011 előzésRomania 2011 előzés
Romania 2011 előzés
Просмотров 23012 лет назад
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  • @natalinosilva5061
    @natalinosilva5061 3 месяца назад

    Qual o preço do pneumática

  • @Smokey420Greenleaf
    @Smokey420Greenleaf 2 года назад

    looks like its kinda struggling to get started crushing the cans.

  • @joshtoyne6800
    @joshtoyne6800 4 года назад


  • @dougalexander7204
    @dougalexander7204 5 лет назад

    Very nice craftsmanship. Clean and simple design, form matched the function. I have an old air over hydraulic cylinder with foot pedal from a steel pipe bender, I’ve been thinking about building into a can crusher. It should be able to do steel cans as well. We’ll see. Stay awesome.

  • @MetProduct-td4rz
    @MetProduct-td4rz 5 лет назад

    Some of those kobanyai cans were limited edition

  • @MetProduct-td4rz
    @MetProduct-td4rz 5 лет назад

    I ordered a pneumatic can crusher off of eBay when it arrives I’ll upload a video of it in my channel so keep an eye out for that video

  • @MetProduct-td4rz
    @MetProduct-td4rz 5 лет назад

    3 questions 1. What does kobanyai taste like 2. What does soproni taste like And 3. How did you make or buy it

    • @daralthu
      @daralthu 5 лет назад

      1., 2. You should try it. 3. First, I ordered these pneumatic parts. After just need some metal parts, welding and painting.

    • @MetProduct-td4rz
      @MetProduct-td4rz 5 лет назад

      Sorry I am under 21 but I can try making the can crusher though and yes I do have an air compressor

    • @MetProduct-td4rz
      @MetProduct-td4rz 5 лет назад

      I also live in the USA I can’t find the kobanyai and soproni

    • @MetProduct-td4rz
      @MetProduct-td4rz 5 лет назад

      Or I can just order one off of eBay keep an eye out for a video of that for now I’ll video my other can crusher that I have it’s manual operated

    • @MetProduct-td4rz
      @MetProduct-td4rz 5 лет назад

      Do you ever crush 12 ounce cans

  • @almightyyak675
    @almightyyak675 6 лет назад

    LMAO poor kitty! 0:56

  • @thelastengineer2315
    @thelastengineer2315 6 лет назад

    Why did you record this in slow motion?

    • @daralthu
      @daralthu 6 лет назад

      Just looks like slow motion, but it isn't.

    • @thelastengineer2315
      @thelastengineer2315 6 лет назад

      Cool it looks very powerful

    • @MetProduct-td4rz
      @MetProduct-td4rz 5 лет назад

      It’s not slow motion it was still the normal Videos speed but he just ran the crusher real slow

  • @KingKhan-op7qd
    @KingKhan-op7qd 6 лет назад

    Hi there! I hope you are doing well. I have a question about pneumatic press. I purchased a 1 Mega Pa pneumatic jack and i am giving pressure equals to 7 bar, but this pneumatic cylinder can not even compress a plastic bottle. So , kindly suggest me what should i do to overcome this problem. Thanks in advance.

    • @daralthu
      @daralthu 6 лет назад

      The compress force is depend on the cylinder diameter.

    • @KingKhan-op7qd
      @KingKhan-op7qd 6 лет назад

      Its diameter is 3 inches. So?

    • @daralthu
      @daralthu 6 лет назад

      in this case the area is 182.4cm2 Force = pressure × Area The compress force (with 7bar) is 1277N, if it not enough use higher pressure.

    • @aamir31338
      @aamir31338 5 лет назад

      @@daralthu Please give me your whatsapp # I want to share a video of machine and discuss you.

  • @tonywestvirginia
    @tonywestvirginia 6 лет назад


  • @Gojzer
    @Gojzer 7 лет назад

    Szép munka!! Tudnál gyártani 1-et eladásra is??

    • @daralthu
      @daralthu 7 лет назад

      Már jó pár éve készült és csak ez az egy, de nincs kizárva.

    • @Gojzer
      @Gojzer 7 лет назад

      Kaphatok egy privát elérhetőséget ?

    • @daralthu
      @daralthu 7 лет назад


  • @usefulbenevolence6822
    @usefulbenevolence6822 7 лет назад

    Is that Jean Michelle Jarre ? Haven't heard him in a long long time.

  • @pistifesus1785
    @pistifesus1785 7 лет назад

    Super-B design. I am at the point of order some parts to assembly my small woodworking clamping table. If it works out in small scale then I will do a large one for doors.

    • @daralthu
      @daralthu 7 лет назад


    • @pistifesus1785
      @pistifesus1785 7 лет назад

      Dugattyú méretezésben tudsz segíteni? Ami videóban szerepel annak mekkora mérete és mi maximum nyomaték? A dobozokat éppen hogy összeroppantja vagy van még tartalék?

    • @daralthu
      @daralthu 7 лет назад

      Ez 50mm átmérőjű és 200mm a munkaútja (160mm is elég lenne a doboz méretéből adódóan) A nyomóerő a felület és a nyomás szorzata. Jelen esetben 19,6cm2 a felület. Ha erre 1bar nyomást adsz, akkor 196N erőt fejt ki. A videóban 6-7bar-t használtam. Túl sok tartalék már nem volt benne, de ha kicsit meg van horpadva a doboz, akkor lényegesen gyengébb, így kisebb munkahenger vagy kisebb nyomás is elég.

  • @lmdetect
    @lmdetect 8 лет назад

    Holy shit that's slow. Lol Why even bother? Lol

  • @hodla
    @hodla 9 лет назад

    pls send details at gazishah@yahoo.com

  • @lachlanfish162
    @lachlanfish162 10 лет назад

    hey daralthu could you email on tan0003@hawkesdaleocl.vic.edu.au on where you got your pneumatic ram and your air valve thanks.

    • @daralthu
      @daralthu 10 лет назад

      what is the question?

  • @zfilipcsei
    @zfilipcsei 11 лет назад

    Jó hülye a sofőr!