• Видео 108
  • Просмотров 146 546
紫色薰衣草 箏二重奏 Purple Lavender GuZheng Duet
Purple Lavender is a work by teacher Xiang Xinmei. The guzheng is adapted to look like a harp. The high-pitched area is tuned to pitches 4 and 7 using non-pentatonic tuning. It sounds very different from traditional GuZheng music. This one was performed in Bijie City, Guizhou Province, China on 6/30/2024. Thanks to Songbo Guzheng and Zhenzheng Yaji for inviting me to have an unforgettable performance experience and wonderful travel to Guizhou!
Просмотров: 58


芳菲落盡梨花白 采樂淡凝顏古箏 GuZheng
Просмотров 40921 час назад
芳菲落盡梨花白 影視劇《墨雨雲間》插曲 6月聽到這首歌很喜歡,忙到現在才有時間靜下來好好彈琴,彈這首歌時心情會很放鬆很平靜! A song from a drama. I really like this song when I heard it in June. I have been so busy this summer that I have time to calm down and play it until now. When I play this song, I feel very relaxed and tranquil.
菊次郎的夏天 古箏鋼琴與鼓 Summer of Kikujiro GuZheng Piano and Cajon
Просмотров 91День назад
鋼琴也是女兒編配與彈奏,加上木箱鼓非常熱鬧歡快! The piano is also arranged and played by my daughter, together with the cajon making this song very lively and joyful.
阿里山之歌 古箏三重奏Song of Ali Mountain GuZheng Trio
Просмотров 155День назад
古箏三重奏 項斯華老師編配 由台灣民謠丟丟銅仔改編而成的曲子 About the story of the folk song: Using joyful tunes, “Clinking Coins” symbolizes ancestor’s hardship and their persistent and courageous spirits in opening ground in early Taiwan. The main melody is interwoven with the old folk song “Clinking Coins” and Taiwanese opera. Although the melody still keeps the aura of pentatonic scale, it is presented with polyphonic ...
孤勇者 古箏鋼琴木箱鼓 Lonely Warrior GuZheng Piano and Cajon
Просмотров 88День назад
很開心女兒願意為這首曲編配鋼琴伴奏,和外甥女還有湧泉樂團的兄妹檔一起合奏,謝謝秀慧老師邀請、明山老師的即興木箱鼓伴奏! I am very happy that my daughter is willing to arrange the piano accompaniment for this piece and play it together with me, also with my niece and the siblings of anither family. Thanks to Teacher Xiuhui for the invitation and Teacher Mingshan for the improvised cajon accompaniment!
台灣好 箏二重奏 Beautiful Formosa GuZheng
Просмотров 246День назад
全新樂團組合試奏「台灣好」我們有小二、國ㄧ、高一學生,兄妹、阿姨外甥女、母女組合!一家人聚在一起彈琴非常有趣 The first time playing with new combinations including elementary , junior and senior students, and my good friends. We have brother and sister, aunt and niece, mom and daughter playing together, very interesting.
滴答 古箏 DiDa GuZheng
Просмотров 36528 дней назад
滴答 李晗老師版本 這首曲不難彈,但我覺得難在戴了義甲後如何控制乾淨的音色!試了很多種指法後,覺得多運用左右手的小指彈伴奏音效果最好! DiDa arranged by Li Han This song is not difficult to play, but what I find challenge is how to control the clean sound after using the picks! After trying many combinations of different fingers playing, I feel that using the baby fingers of both hands to play the accompaniment sounds has the best effect!
不如見一面 古箏獨奏 詹倩編配 “Meet again? “ GuZheng
Просмотров 6073 месяца назад
不如見一面 海來阿木作曲 詹倩老師編配 很好聽的歌曲,謝謝有緣人贈譜! I modified the lyrics from google translation a little bit. This song is a very sad love story. They say you keep silent when others mentioning me I often distinguishing right from wrong through my drunkenness I don’t understand that your love is as deep as the sea You don’t understand that I miss you so much How about meet again Even just a glance There are...
他不懂 古箏 “He doesn’t understand” GuZheng
Просмотров 3113 месяца назад
橙子愛古箏改編的曲譜,可在中國古箏網下載!伴奏時注意左右手的錯位就可以了,很簡單上手! You can find this sheet on Just pay attention to the misalignment of your left and right hands when playing accompaniment. It’s not difficult to play. 歌詞 他留给你是背影 關於愛情 只字不提 害你哭紅了眼睛 他把謊言說的竟然那麼動聽 他不止一次騙了你 不值得你再為他傷心 他不懂你的心 假裝冷靜 他不懂愛情 把它當遊戲 他不懂表明相愛這件事 除了對不起就只剩嘆息 他不懂你的心為何哭泣 窒息到快要不能呼吸 ooh 他不懂你的心 他把回憶留给你 連同憂傷 強加给你 對你說來不公平 他的謊言句句說的那麼動聽 他不止一次騙了你 不值得...
烟雨行舟 采樂古箏 淡凝顏款 Comparison with previous video 10800 vs 51000 RMB
Просмотров 4233 месяца назад
跟前個影片差不多時間錄製,讓大家對比一下1萬跟5萬人民幣音色的差別!其實可能對很多彈琴沒有很久的人來說,聽起來會覺得差不多,但彈起來的手感跟音效還是很不一樣的,不過音色值得5倍價嗎?可能就見人見智,一樣都能練琴彈琴,甚至焦桐的琴彈起來更輕鬆好彈,選哪一台要看自己的訴求跟目的 It was recorded at about the same time as the previous video, so you can compare the difference in sound between RMB 10,000 and RMB 50,000! In fact, for many people who have not played the GuZheng for a long time, it may sound similar, but the feel and sound ...
烟雨行舟 焦桐古箏 蕙質蘭心款 Boating in Misty Rain Guzheng
Просмотров 5604 месяца назад
崔江卉老師的版本真的很挑戰,錄了應該有快一百遍,很難沒有錯音⋯ 這台是焦桐中價位的琴10800人民幣,最近剛好有促銷,拿了一台試試看,優惠價格這音色很不錯! Teacher Cui JiangHui’s version was really challenging. I had to record it almost a hundred times. It was difficult not to miss any one sound. This is Jiao Tong's Zheng priced at RMB 10,800. There was a promotion recently, so I picked one up to give it a try. The sound is not bad at the discounted price!
西部主題暢想曲 古箏獨奏 “Rhapsody on a Western Theme” GuZheng
Просмотров 3494 месяца назад
8分鐘的曲花了8個多月的練習時間,錄了很多次沒有一個覺得接近完美的,總覺得有些細節跟音符可以彈得更清楚,這一個不是錯最少的,但感覺這一次是最輕鬆、心情最好的時候!再錄下去只會越來越緊繃,這首曲就先在這次告一段落! The 8-minute song took more than 8 months of practice. I recorded it many times and no one felt close to perfect. I always felt that some details and notes could be played more clearly. This one didn't have the least mistakes, but I feel that this one was the most perfect that I was relaxe...
雙江舞曲 重拾 “Dancing around Shuang River” GuZheng 李晗曲
Просмотров 2804 месяца назад
事隔二年後再練一遍,最難的快板中左手搖指右手快速指序那12秒終於可以幾乎完整彈出了,最後一段輪指段我改成雙音搖指,跟原作曲有點不同,覺得也挺好聽的! Two years later, I practiced this song again. In the most difficult Allegro, the 12 seconds of finger shaking with the left hand and fast fingers ordering with the right hand were finally playing almost complete. I changed the last part of the finger looping section to a two-tone fingers shaking, which is a bit different...
第一次帶箏出國My first time taking my love abroad
Просмотров 3485 месяцев назад
第一次嘗試帶小箏搭飛機,這台90公分小箏可以當隨身行李上飛機,很安全!如果自由行有空檔時間也可以在戶外彈奏,外國朋友都會很好奇!很可惜低音Do原來調準了,演奏後音高低了,但在戶外沒聽清楚,只錄了這一次!在泰國北碧府的桂河旁彈奏漁舟唱晚。 This is my first time trying to take a small GuZheng on a plane. This 90cm small one can be used as carry-on luggage on the plane. It is very safe! If you can play it outdoors during your free time, foreign friends will be very curious and interested on it! It's a pity that the...
葬花吟 古箏獨奏 李晗編配 “Song of the Burial of Flowers” GuZheng Arranged by Han Li
Просмотров 2165 месяцев назад
李晗老師自己編曲的版本好好聽,簡單也不簡單! Pro. Han Li’s arrange is not as simple as we think. I learned this from his lectures, trying to get the soul of this song.
你笑起來真好看 “How pretty when you smile”古箏獨奏 GuZheng詹倩版本
Просмотров 8815 месяцев назад
你笑起來真好看 “How pretty when you smile”古箏獨奏 GuZheng詹倩版本
春到拉薩 Spring arrives in Lhasa GuZheng
Просмотров 6936 месяцев назад
春到拉薩 Spring arrives in Lhasa GuZheng
井岡山上太陽紅 采樂古箏(淡凝顏)GuZheng
Просмотров 7037 месяцев назад
井岡山上太陽紅 采樂古箏(淡凝顏)GuZheng
茉莉芬芳Fragrance of Jasmine GuZheng
Просмотров 7707 месяцев назад
茉莉芬芳Fragrance of Jasmine GuZheng
浮年盏 古箏版 毛小貝編曲
Просмотров 4219 месяцев назад
浮年盏 古箏版 毛小貝編曲
如果當時 古箏版 GuZheng 毛小貝編曲 松柏125經典款
Просмотров 5219 месяцев назад
如果當時 古箏版 GuZheng 毛小貝編曲 松柏125經典款
賜夢 林津版本 GuZheng 焦桐古箏型號不染
Просмотров 2009 месяцев назад
賜夢 林津版本 GuZheng 焦桐古箏型號不染
大魚 古箏與鋼琴 Big Fish GuZheng &Piano
Просмотров 47010 месяцев назад
大魚 古箏與鋼琴 Big Fish GuZheng &Piano
漁舟唱晚 鋼絲箏演奏 GuZheng Steel Wire Strings
Просмотров 29010 месяцев назад
漁舟唱晚 鋼絲箏演奏 GuZheng Steel Wire Strings
南進宮 箏之藝版本 18弦鋼絲箏 GuZheng 18 steel wires strings
Просмотров 37610 месяцев назад
南進宮 箏之藝版本 18弦鋼絲箏 GuZheng 18 steel wires strings
三款尺寸古箏音色比較 90 vs 125 vs 160 公分 Comparison between different sizes of GuZheng
Просмотров 92111 месяцев назад
三款尺寸古箏音色比較 90 vs 125 vs 160 公分 Comparison between different sizes of GuZheng
紅塵客棧 古箏版
Просмотров 44111 месяцев назад
紅塵客棧 古箏版
四季折の 羽 古箏版
Просмотров 156Год назад
四季折の 羽 古箏版
蘭亭序 古箏版
Просмотров 801Год назад
蘭亭序 古箏版
翠語 劉樂作曲 采樂古箏
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.Год назад
翠語 劉樂作曲 采樂古箏


  • @dornelescosta9462
    @dornelescosta9462 2 дня назад


    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 10 часов назад

      @@dornelescosta9462 Thank you.

  • @andreandre4379
    @andreandre4379 6 дней назад


    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 6 дней назад

      @@andreandre4379 Thanks for your ❤️

  • @pacz8114
    @pacz8114 7 дней назад

    Very tranquil -- almost remorseful in a touching way. Thank you.

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 7 дней назад

      @@pacz8114 Thank you for your touching comment. I like it.

  • @EnchantedKalimba
    @EnchantedKalimba 8 дней назад

    Beautiful 😍

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 8 дней назад

      @@EnchantedKalimba Thank you for leaving comment.

  • @user-bj8ox9sr3p
    @user-bj8ox9sr3p 8 дней назад

    中規中矩 按照曲譜實力不錯

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 8 дней назад


  • @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14
    @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14 12 дней назад

    This is very well played. It feels professional.

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 12 дней назад

      @@heavenknowsimmiserablenow14 Thank you.

  • @user-ti2oz4ji5v
    @user-ti2oz4ji5v 28 дней назад


  • @aillylin7765
    @aillylin7765 Месяц назад

    朱雀音清,高, 台灣松柏,音韻混厚,耐聽, 應該是木頭比較扎實的緣故。

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 Месяц назад

      @@aillylin7765 謝謝您的分享,這個月初去了松柏在貴州的工廠,發現他們的做工真的很仔細,細節、材料部分都很認真挑選。

    • @aillylin7765
      @aillylin7765 Месяц назад

      ​@@chwu0830 其實我聽了兩遍,第一遍是覺得朱雀音清亮像鋼琴,第二遍,是閉眼聽,聽出松柏的音韻。

  • @jammy-BB
    @jammy-BB Месяц назад


    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 Месяц назад

      @@jammy-BB 謝謝您!

  • @jammy-BB
    @jammy-BB Месяц назад

    今晚都沈浸在您的琴聲中了! 感謝🙏❤

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 Месяц назад

      @@jammy-BB 謝謝您的留言鼓勵

    • @jammy-BB
      @jammy-BB Месяц назад

      @@chwu0830 請問您是老師嗎?

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 Месяц назад

      @@jammy-BB 嗯嗯 是的

    • @jammy-BB
      @jammy-BB Месяц назад

      @@chwu0830 請問教室在哪兒?若有機會,想學

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 Месяц назад

      @@jammy-BB 很抱歉,古箏是我業餘愛好沒有開教室,只有私收幾個來家裡上課的學生,看看在哪個縣市能不能推薦您合適的教室?

  • @twinslove831
    @twinslove831 Месяц назад

    this song was so underated. It presents tragic love story. And it's my favorite ost of TTEOTM

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 Месяц назад

      @@twinslove831 I don’t mind it. I do what I love and share to whom also like it.

  • @wal8888
    @wal8888 Месяц назад

    Hi, can share this song sheet?

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 Месяц назад

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 Месяц назад


    • @wal8888
      @wal8888 Месяц назад

      Thanks so much!🥰

  • @tsengtseng6126
    @tsengtseng6126 2 месяца назад

    你好 請問你幾歲開始學?學幾年了。 我57歲10月學,四年多了。 想了解可以彈這麼好。 謝謝。

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 2 месяца назад


  • @alice_piano
    @alice_piano 2 месяца назад

    好聽~ 最近也彈到這首 :) 來聽聽古箏版🤣

  • @pantawan1312
    @pantawan1312 2 месяца назад


    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 2 месяца назад

      D調的 只是有變音 要調出定弦7跟低音4而已

  • @limay05
    @limay05 2 месяца назад


    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 2 месяца назад

      謝謝您!這一台是采樂的訂製款淡凝顏,只能透過青銅學院訂購,但不便宜,49800人民幣,有興趣可以私我 chwu0830後面是gmail信箱

  • @YogaCat1.0
    @YogaCat1.0 2 месяца назад


    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 2 месяца назад


  • @user-ut8pc6sc1i
    @user-ut8pc6sc1i 2 месяца назад


    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 2 месяца назад

      我可以寄給你, 我的信箱 chwu0830@後面是

  • @chonglf7188
    @chonglf7188 3 месяца назад


    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 3 месяца назад


  • @chonglf7188
    @chonglf7188 3 месяца назад


    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 3 месяца назад


  • @chonglf7188
    @chonglf7188 3 месяца назад


    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 3 месяца назад


  • @user-ph7it4ph1m
    @user-ph7it4ph1m 3 месяца назад


    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 3 месяца назад


  • @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14
    @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14 3 месяца назад

    I'm always happy to see you

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 3 месяца назад

      I’m also always to see your message.😊

  • @user-ti2oz4ji5v
    @user-ti2oz4ji5v 3 месяца назад


    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 3 месяца назад


  • @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14
    @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14 3 месяца назад

    The acoustics is better in your living room than the studio.

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 3 месяца назад

      The living room connected to the open dining room is 7-8 times larger than the studio. The echoic sound will be less. So next time I should move it out to make the video.

    • @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14
      @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14 3 месяца назад

      @@chwu0830 There is a noticeable difference. I suppose it's like turning the lights on to view a painting.

    • @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14
      @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14 3 месяца назад

      @@chwu0830 I just had a thought 🤔. It essentially shrinks the instrument. There is a shape that is created when the sound bounces off the walls. It's hard to see the shape but it's there. Something like when you throw a rock in a still pond and when it bounces back from the edge.

  • @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14
    @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14 3 месяца назад

    This song feels sad

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 3 месяца назад

      The lyrics are really sad.

  • @the-leso-jd172
    @the-leso-jd172 3 месяца назад

    Where did i've heard this before?

  • @user-jf7ul8nv5r
    @user-jf7ul8nv5r 3 месяца назад


  • @cjchen6997
    @cjchen6997 3 месяца назад

    很喜歡 很喜歡 謝謝

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 3 месяца назад


  • @Cathytkerns
    @Cathytkerns 4 месяца назад

    高音太亮太硬 與其他音區差太多 對比太強

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 4 месяца назад


  • @user-bj5sl6um4d
    @user-bj5sl6um4d 4 месяца назад

    淡疑顏的共鳴回音較深沉悠遠,而且溫潤 焦桐那款就很接近折板箏的音色

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 4 месяца назад


  • @joycesplaying6356
    @joycesplaying6356 4 месяца назад


    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 4 месяца назад


  • @pingyang9668
    @pingyang9668 4 месяца назад


  • @user-bj5sl6um4d
    @user-bj5sl6um4d 4 месяца назад

    好奇版主目前有多台古箏?感覺經常換古箏 XD

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 4 месяца назад

      慢慢蒐集的,想嘗試不同品牌的音色如何,手上有的都各有特色,如果有廠家來遊說我試試其他品牌,我很容易就被說服了😅 所以通常如果遇到有緣人我就會廉售相近音色的⋯畢竟放不下這麼多台,目前大大小小各種尺寸有11台,還好我有二個居住地😂 非五聲音階調性的曲有三台、七聲音階一台,還在練的溟山跟雲嶺音畫也不好調音,也各佔一台,這樣就用掉五台琴了,我是用多台琴節省轉調調音的時間😅用金錢換取時間

    • @user-bj5sl6um4d
      @user-bj5sl6um4d 4 месяца назад

      @@chwu0830 版主有點誇張🤣 如果朱雀10B那台要廉售,再通知一下😜

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 4 месяца назад

      @@user-bj5sl6um4d 那一台我自己很喜歡,目前是非賣品!等我想廉售時會第一個通知妳!

  • @蝶小蝶
    @蝶小蝶 4 месяца назад

    好好聽 😊

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 4 месяца назад


  • @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14
    @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14 4 месяца назад

    Your talent is at the highest level. I had to listened to this a few times before I could comment.

    • @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14
      @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14 4 месяца назад

      I imagine your guzheng classes to be kind of hard. It starts off really easy with Hot Cross Buns or Waltzing Matilda; anything a noob can play. But then you're going to start expecting these cornerstones. This seems like a cornerstone song.

    • @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14
      @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14 4 месяца назад

      You need some extremely talented students. Almost like young prodigies. I hope God sends them to you.

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 4 месяца назад

      @@heavenknowsimmiserablenow14 I really appreciate your comments, you don’t need to be so serious. Just enjoy it if you like my play.

    • @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14
      @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14 4 месяца назад

      @@chwu0830 I had memories of one of my professors. After the first week we were drinking water from a fire hose. I would be dreaming about the class. We pretty much went from zero to doing things that less than 1000 did at the end of the semester.

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 4 месяца назад

      Actually, I am still far away from professional musicians. Still on the road to be more satisfied with myself.

  • @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14
    @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14 4 месяца назад

    It's a beautiful song. Reminds me of fighting for some reason especially at .5x.

  • @Hs-mk5xu
    @Hs-mk5xu 5 месяцев назад


    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 5 месяцев назад


  • @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14
    @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14 5 месяцев назад

    This actually looks pretty cool. It gives another dimension.

    • @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14
      @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14 5 месяцев назад

      One of my favorite videos you made.

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 5 месяцев назад

      @@heavenknowsimmiserablenow14 This summer I will go to Guizhou in China, will make another video about this. I am glad someone like this.

    • @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14
      @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14 5 месяцев назад

      @@chwu0830 That will be an awesome. There is a lot of historic looking scenery there. This could be a thing.

  • @Rattanakead
    @Rattanakead 5 месяцев назад

    老師!!! 我在泰國😆😄😃

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 5 месяцев назад

      Wow, I went to Bangkok and Kanchanaburi. And I am in the airport now. It’s a pity we didn’t meet in Thailand.

  • @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14
    @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14 5 месяцев назад

    I think this song is for me .

    • @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14
      @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14 5 месяцев назад

      .5 speed sounds pretty good

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 5 месяцев назад

      @@heavenknowsimmiserablenow14Yes, I should play it slower, but actually others play it at 1’25 speed.

    • @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14
      @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14 5 месяцев назад

      @@chwu0830 Some parts sound like they could be played much slower, almost like the final drips of water before it no longer drips.

    • @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14
      @heavenknowsimmiserablenow14 5 месяцев назад

      Water naturally flowing is quite inconsistent and it becomes almost a living thing. Life is like water, where it just flows and is inconsistent. Eventually it dries up.

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 5 месяцев назад

      @@heavenknowsimmiserablenow14 Yes, totally agree.

  • @user-db1xl9nh6t
    @user-db1xl9nh6t 5 месяцев назад


  • @user-bm2rw7nh1n
    @user-bm2rw7nh1n 5 месяцев назад

    How pretty when you play guzheng ❤❤❤❤

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 5 месяцев назад

      Thank you! ❤️

  • @user-zi5fs2vj4d
    @user-zi5fs2vj4d 5 месяцев назад


  • @user-zi5fs2vj4d
    @user-zi5fs2vj4d 5 месяцев назад


    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 5 месяцев назад


    • @user-zi5fs2vj4d
      @user-zi5fs2vj4d 5 месяцев назад


    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 5 месяцев назад

      @@user-zi5fs2vj4d 我再聽了一次,覺得是這台音色偏亮,不是沒調好呀

    • @user-zi5fs2vj4d
      @user-zi5fs2vj4d 5 месяцев назад

      @@chwu0830 哦,那是制琴师的问题?

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 5 месяцев назад

      @@user-zi5fs2vj4d 音色應該不能說是問題吧 😅

  • @Seven-Dye
    @Seven-Dye 5 месяцев назад


    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 5 месяцев назад


  • @gagaxueguzheng
    @gagaxueguzheng 5 месяцев назад


    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 5 месяцев назад


    • @gagaxueguzheng
      @gagaxueguzheng 5 месяцев назад

      @@chwu0830 写完了,谢谢。

    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 5 месяцев назад


    • @gagaxueguzheng
      @gagaxueguzheng 5 месяцев назад

      @@chwu0830 我已经收到了,非常感谢 😊

  • @user-kv4gx7mc9z
    @user-kv4gx7mc9z 5 месяцев назад

    盡孝,盡忠,盡德,守孝,守忠,守德,守義,願世人學習關聖帝君仁德之意 南無伽藍菩薩🎉❤人:永遠賭不贏命運! 緣起緣滅,由天不由人,這句話非常好 〔命運半點不由人〕! 願大家都平安

  • @zhiyifang4441
    @zhiyifang4441 5 месяцев назад


    • @chwu0830
      @chwu0830 5 месяцев назад
