Everything is ok
Everything is ok
  • Видео 13
  • Просмотров 2 940 846
[가사없는 PLAYLIST] 그리고, 우리는 여전히 남겨졌다
00:00 텅 빈 마음 - 박기헌
02:50 책임진다는 것 - 김미혜
05:08 당신을 보내며- 조성우
07:33 난 너만 있으면 되는데 - 권현정
10:06 가난한 사랑 - 권현정
10:58 미소는 어디로 - 권현정
12:42 Requiem - Nicholas Britell
14:37 Waltz for Mother - 모그
18:21 Mouse Pad - Jay Wadley
20:04 Del - Jay Wadley
photo by 소공녀 中
#박기헌 #김미혜 #조성우 #권현정 #nicholasbritell #모그 #jaywadley #소공녀
Просмотров: 299


Просмотров 675Год назад
[PLAYLIST] 00:00 유리잔 - 구원찬 03:28 슬퍼하지마 - 구원찬 06:59 표현 - 구원찬 10:20 별거 아니라고 - 죠지 14:59 오래오래 - 죠지 18:40 언제든 어디에도 - 죠지 21:16 see you again - 소수빈 25:05 흔들의자 - 구원찬 28:59 허수아비 - 구원찬 photo by Minku Kang #구원찬 #죠지 #소수빈
[PLAYLIST] only for wave to earth
Просмотров 3 млнГод назад
[PLAYLIST] 00:00 seasons - wave to earth 04:17 사랑으로 - wave to earth 09:24 homesick - wave to earth 14:29 sunny days -wave to earth 18:38 pink - wave to earth 23:06 calla - wave to earth photo by E Fernandez #wavetoearth
[PLAYLIST] 위로가 되어주는 밤
Просмотров 375Год назад
[PLAYLIST] 00:00 희한한 시대 - 옥상달빛 03:00 누구도 괜찮지 않은 밤 - 옥상달빛 07:30 벽 - 전진희 13:00 우리의 슬픔이 마주칠 때 - 전진희 16:59 Dear - 강아솔 19:38 낮달 - 전진희 25:04 후회 - 곽진언 photo by Andre Benz #옥상달빛 #전진희 #강아솔 #곽진언
2018평창동계올림픽OST - 시간의 강
Просмотров 3182 года назад
#PyeongChang2018 #시간의강
[COMPOSE] Thinking for - JmJ
Просмотров 762 года назад
#BGM #21.09.08 photo by Christina Deravedisian
EP.6보고 만들어본 오징어게임OST / Jung Jaeil - Let's Go Out Tonight
Просмотров 1,9 тыс.3 года назад
#오징어게임 #squidgame #OST #BGM #21.09.20
[COMPOSE] blue - JmJ
Просмотров 753 года назад
#BGM #21.09.30 photo by withdarkshades
[COMPOSE] Realization - JmJ
Просмотров 683 года назад
Hans Zimmer 느낌의 오마주로 만든 곡입니다. # BGM #HansZimmer photo by Julia Joppien
[COMPOSE] JmJ - Horizon
Просмотров 653 года назад
#BGM #Piano photo by Joshua Earle
[COMPOSE] JmJ - Lazy Afternoon
Просмотров 513 года назад
#BGM #Piano photo by Minha Baek


  • @karinafurtado9866
    @karinafurtado9866 13 часов назад

    For ITS freen sarocha love yours! I love só much, Sorry for inglish.

    • @celestial05
      @celestial05 8 часов назад

      Your love shines through! Don't worry about your English; your passion speaks volumes!

  • @bettychen9387
    @bettychen9387 2 дня назад

    Feeling sad and depressed right now.. and the page just jumped into this.. When I saw the name of the account, I suddenly burst my tears yeah, you're right.. Everything is ok Thanks for the saving music and words ! Feel warmth and safe when listening this playlist <3

    • @celestial05
      @celestial05 8 часов назад

      I'm so glad this playlist brings you comfort! Remember, it's okay to feel! You're not alone! ❤

  • @maajjing
    @maajjing 4 дня назад

    졸업식날 너랑 내가 마지막으로 만나는 그 순간에 추운 날씨 때문에 코 끝은 붉어지고 손은 시린 상태로 이어폰 나눠끼고 이 플리 들으면서 나란히 아무 생각 없이 걷고 싶다 그리고 겨울만 되면 내 생각이 나고 그게 너에게 애틋한 추억이 됐으면 좋겠다 그저 꿈일 뿐이겠지만

  • @カービーペレス
    @カービーペレス 8 дней назад


  • @GenevieveRoth-bo5xq
    @GenevieveRoth-bo5xq 15 дней назад

    Nous sommes le 3/12/2024 le moral sur les chaussettes, comme on dit,cette mini playlist m'a un peu apaisé ,calme dommage que je ne comprenne pas les paroles mais rien que la voix suave de Kim et la mélodie ont été suffisantes

    • @celestial05
      @celestial05 8 часов назад

      4:20 is a magical moment in the playlist! What do you love most about it?

  • @suppakornbutsato2435
    @suppakornbutsato2435 17 дней назад


  • @shiviandaniditaforever1434
    @shiviandaniditaforever1434 22 дня назад


    • @celestial05
      @celestial05 8 часов назад

      Glad you think it's perfect! What’s your favorite part of the playlist?

  • @TheLofiFocusLounge
    @TheLofiFocusLounge 23 дня назад

    Awesome playlist - liked and subscribed😎

    • @celestial05
      @celestial05 8 часов назад

      Awesome to hear you enjoyed it! Any other playlists you’d recommend?

  • @TwoMoHawk
    @TwoMoHawk 26 дней назад


    • @celestial05
      @celestial05 8 часов назад

      Are we feeling the vibes? What's on your mind?

  • @ดรุณีบัวบาน-อ2ช


    • @celestial05
      @celestial05 8 часов назад

      Simple is beautiful! Sometimes less is more! What’s your favorite part of this playlist?

  • @michaellesleydeguzman2765
    @michaellesleydeguzman2765 Месяц назад

    So relaxing type of music, something I want to listen to all day.

    • @celestial05
      @celestial05 8 часов назад

      Totally agree! This kind of music is perfect for those cozy all-day listening sessions!

  • @bnwt07J
    @bnwt07J Месяц назад


    • @celestial05
      @celestial05 8 часов назад

      Sending positive vibes your way! What song brings you the most joy?

  • @ssuuooy
    @ssuuooy Месяц назад


    • @celestial05
      @celestial05 8 часов назад

      정말 아름다운 멜로디죠! 어떤 순간에 듣고 싶으신가요?

  • @bradbonarddelacruz2238
    @bradbonarddelacruz2238 Месяц назад

    Hi, if you're seeing this. Hope you're happy.

    • @celestial05
      @celestial05 8 часов назад

      Your message is so sweet! Hope you find happiness here! What song uplifts you the most?

    @CAPITAOBROXA Месяц назад


    • @celestial05
      @celestial05 8 часов назад

      Eita indeed! This playlist hits the right notes, right? What's your favorite track?

  • @aera_escarletcaleb4220
    @aera_escarletcaleb4220 Месяц назад

    Live , laugh , love wave to earth

  • @박문명
    @박문명 Месяц назад


  • @RosangelaDeJesus-oh8oh
    @RosangelaDeJesus-oh8oh Месяц назад

    songs beautiful 🥺❤️

  • @leumnanthavong
    @leumnanthavong Месяц назад

    Nice sharing

  • @anan-215
    @anan-215 2 месяца назад


  • @박문명
    @박문명 2 месяца назад


  • @user-xw7ul5vg9v
    @user-xw7ul5vg9v 2 месяца назад


  • @Uurtl
    @Uurtl 2 месяца назад

    잔잔하니 좋네

  • @bukonat
    @bukonat 2 месяца назад

    Gumawa ng assignment ng serious: ❌ Gumawa ng paroller coaster and emotion:✅

  • @juniorfernandez-w2f
    @juniorfernandez-w2f 2 месяца назад

    subtitulos de youtube musica niños sordos uf quetemaso meme

  • @juniorfernandez-w2f
    @juniorfernandez-w2f 2 месяца назад

    ufffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff que te maso

  • @박문명
    @박문명 2 месяца назад

    잘듣고갑니다 🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @Music-h9b
    @Music-h9b 2 месяца назад


  • @Frishya_mitaRisha
    @Frishya_mitaRisha 2 месяца назад

    These days, my heart is still caught up in that one guy. He's not something to rave about. We broke up 2 weeks ago. Yet he had already got together with someone. His girl best friend. I knew it 3 months ago, They were too close for just a 'girl best friend' And there they are. fun, happy, yet intolerable to watch them have fun that we didn't experience in the last 5 months. Seeing him in my class, I've been relapsing a lot in school. Having unrequited love hurts more than my ex-crush, yet my ex-boyfriend? worse. I couldn't imagine this much pain before seeing him leave my life. shedding tears for a man can't be believed by me. but now? I do.

  • @_hy.2xn
    @_hy.2xn 2 месяца назад

    2:30 언제 들어도 조아

  • @ClinoGT
    @ClinoGT 2 месяца назад


  • @gogo_cherish
    @gogo_cherish 3 месяца назад

    이거 듣는데 왜 눈물이 나지 누군가가 따스히 안아주는 듯 하다

  • @yugasmaghfiratulputra8821
    @yugasmaghfiratulputra8821 3 месяца назад

    i really love this playlist

  • @ОлегВолков-ь7м
    @ОлегВолков-ь7м 3 месяца назад

    Получился классный ролик. Не останавливайся, расти дальше, да побыстрее))а чтобы не потерятся среди других каналов есть ютифай, мож пригодится

  • @강다은-j1p
    @강다은-j1p 3 месяца назад

    노래 쥑인다

  • @Jessica-yr6qx
    @Jessica-yr6qx 3 месяца назад

    oi eu amo wave to earth

  • @dannablue_moon
    @dannablue_moon 3 месяца назад

    ¡Me encanta la playlist! 🎶 Me ayuda a relajarme y concentrarme mientras hago mis tareas. 😊✨💕

  • @MediaPhạmHùng
    @MediaPhạmHùng 3 месяца назад

    good luck day

  • @wjjtda
    @wjjtda 3 месяца назад

    thank you for this amazing playlist <3

  • @김지원-f8r5z
    @김지원-f8r5z 3 месяца назад

    I surprised how many fans all over the world are here to stan wave to Earth and share their feelings It's amazing and how heart-warming 😊

  • @RaissaBarros-k4s
    @RaissaBarros-k4s 3 месяца назад

    Eu posso ficar ouvindo por horas que não canso, ouço muito quando estou fazendo minhas coisas no pc...adoro... é relaxante, abraços do BR

  • @anindieplaylist
    @anindieplaylist 3 месяца назад

    To the person reading this, Good Luck! Don't stress, everything will be fine. No matter what difficulty you are facing right now, you can overcome it! You are strong and brave.

  • @jazzhub.
    @jazzhub. 4 месяца назад

    19/8/2024.....To everyone reading this, the stress you are feeling will soon go away. Peace will come to you. 🍃

  • @keekeekakakookoo
    @keekeekakakookoo 4 месяца назад


  • @meowchistisimoo
    @meowchistisimoo 4 месяца назад


  • @DungNguyen-hi9sc
    @DungNguyen-hi9sc 4 месяца назад

    nghe list nhạc thật sự làm mk thư giãn và tập trung hơn rất nhiều

  • @xhyukine
    @xhyukine 5 месяцев назад

    bro thx u just compiled my sad hours WTE songs

  • @tanvoduy
    @tanvoduy 5 месяцев назад


  • @mercedesacevedo7781
    @mercedesacevedo7781 5 месяцев назад

    I was listening Dpr+ian and this band come along. Thanks heaven for that❤❤❤ love theirs music stile very smooth, relaxing and heavenly. Thanks for existe in my life time ❤❤❤❤

  • @Lily-hk5yr
    @Lily-hk5yr 5 месяцев назад

    I was supposed to confess on our graduation day, unfortunately, I didn't have the chance to. And now, my journey in college will start soon. I guess it's a blessing in disguise to not confess to him, because if I did, I think I would've regretted it. It's not like I'm sure, but my guts are telling me that he really liked “her”. And I didn't want to be a hindrance for their “maybe” love story. He's not courting anyone, afaik. But it's enough for me to stop and give myself a break from him. I still wish him the best. And everytime I have the chance to, I still think of him. But I'm not going to cross the invisible boundaries made for us. Because if I'm going to, I'll only hurt myself in the process. I may not be sure with my decisions, but I think this is the best for us. I would never forget the way I thought of the “what ifs” for us if we're together. I will always remember the way your presence suddenly affected me in ways I couldn't explain. But it's okay, I know it will be. My poems for you will stay and will always be buried in my pocket, but I hope it's enough for you to fly high the way I wished you to be. I'm proud of you. And thank you for being my “the one that came, but never stayed”. Thank you for the memories we may have never shared, but will always stay in the deepest part of my thoughts. I'm wishing you all the best. Goodbye.