Been on her twice now first time was 1984 and then it must of been nearly 20 years later in 2002 I believe such a waste of a ship to end up rusting away like this.
No matter what you think of the last 40 years you have to admit that she’d probably be gone now if she hadn’t been beached. Surely the QE2 in Long Beach California could serve as an example of what could be done here.
I can see the duke of Lancaster from my sailboat in heswall I sometimes nose with my binoculars, it'd be nice if someone could make her happy again!!.😊
Superb. Thanks for posting.
Built Harland & Wolff Belfast 1955 along with sister ship Duke of Argyll for the Heysham -Belfast service .
This ship would be in better condition if it wasn't for the red tape of the stupid council.
Such a shame it's be stopped so many times.
Been on her twice now first time was 1984 and then it must of been nearly 20 years later in 2002 I believe such a waste of a ship to end up rusting away like this.
I used to DJ on this ship in the 80's when it was the funship
love the clock there
Scousers will have nicked it by now.
A great video. I have joined your channel. Please return the favour many thanks. Chris 😀😀😀😀😀😀
Nice that
No matter what you think of the last 40 years you have to admit that she’d probably be gone now if she hadn’t been beached. Surely the QE2 in Long Beach California could serve as an example of what could be done here.
Thought QEII was in Dubai? I think Queen Mary is Stateside.
I can see the duke of Lancaster from my sailboat in heswall I sometimes nose with my binoculars, it'd be nice if someone could make her happy again!!.😊
humanfuk It has an owner and maybe why don’t you google and see what they plan to do with her... ur a joke