Catholics for Israel
Catholics for Israel
  • Видео 37
  • Просмотров 6 049
A14c - The Book of Deuteronomy: Israel in the Plains of Moab
The book of Deuteronomy is the “second law,” Israel’s covenant rule which includes legal concessions, ritual stipulations, blessings and curses. God promised to raise up another prophet like Moses, and around the year 1400 B.C. He finally led His people to the border of the Promised Land.
0:00 Recap and overview
4:47 Deuteronomy: Introduction and setting
7:07 Content and themes
9:10 New conditions for Israel: legal concessions, ritual stipulations, blessings and curses
13:08 Literary structure: 2nd millennium Hittite covenants; book outline
17:20 Moses' first speech (Deut 1-4)
23:11 Moses' second speech: The Decalogue and the Shema (Deut 6-11)
30:50 Moses' second speech: The Deuteronomic Code (D...
Просмотров: 4


A14b-The Book of Numbers: Israel in the Wilderness
Просмотров 195День назад
Israel in the Wilderness (Part 2 of 3): Follow Israel on their journey from Mount Sinai to the Promised Land. In the book of Numbers, the Israelites set out towards Canaan. But because of their unbelief they were condemned to wander in the desert for 40 years. 0:00 Recap and overview 2:25 Numbers: Outline 5:44 First generation at Sinai: census, arrangement of the camp, priests and Levites (Num ...
A14a-The Book of Leviticus: Israel's Call to Holiness
Просмотров 117Месяц назад
Israel in the Wilderness (Part 1 of 3): Follow Israel on their journey from Mount Sinai to the Promised Land. The book of Leviticus describes the laws concerning sacrifices, the consecration of priests, moral laws, purity and holiness, etc. 0:00 Trailer 0:29 Intro 0:47 Recap and overview 2:28 Leviticus: Heart of the Torah 6:45 Leviticus: Outline 10:50 The symbolism, conditions, categories, acts...
A13b - Tabernacle and Golden Calf (Exodus 25-50)
Просмотров 843 месяца назад
God established the Tabernacle as the sacred place where he would meet His people. By worshiping the golden calf, the Israelites broke the covenant, but God renewed it thanks to Moses’ mediation. 0:00 Recap and overview 3:30 Tabernacle instructions (Exod 25-31) 7:28 The Golden Calf (Exod 32) 11:56 In the Tent of Meeting; Renewed covenant 14:35 The Tabernacle 19:24 Prophet, priests, elders 20:25...
A13a - Let My People Go! The Exodus and the Mosaic Covenant (Exodus 1-24)
Просмотров 1463 месяца назад
Through Moses, God fulfilled his first promise to Abraham: to make his descendants a great nation. The children of Israel became enslaved in Egypt. God raised Moses to deliver them, inflicting ten plagues upon the Egyptians, which culminated with the Passover. God led the Israelites across the Red Sea and gave them the Torah at Mount Sinai, where He adopted them as His own people. 0:00 Trailer ...
A12 - Jacob and His Sons: The Birth of Israel (Gen 25-50)
Просмотров 903 месяца назад
The second half of the book of Genesis focuses on the life of the patriarch Jacob. Starting off as a cunning trickster, Jacob undergoes a profound transformation during his 20-year exile in Haran. In that time, Jacob’s sons are born; they will become the fathers of the twelve tribes of Israel. When they turn against their brother Joseph and he ends up in Egypt, God raises him up and makes him a...
A11 - Our Father Abraham: Father of the Faith (Gen 12-25)
Просмотров 963 месяца назад
God made a covenant with Abraham after calling him to leave his country and settle in the land of Canaan. God promised to make of Abraham a great nation, to make his name great, and to bless through him all families of the earth. These three promises were later fulfilled through the Mosaic, Davidic and New covenants. Abraham’s obedience and willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac reversed Adam’s...
A10 - The Flood: Covenant with Noah and Birth of the Nations (Gen 5-11)
Просмотров 1334 месяца назад
God did not abandon man after the fall but promised him a future redemption (Gen 3:15). But humanity became so corrupt that God decided to destroy the world by means of a flood, preserving only Noah and his family in the ark. After the flood, God made a covenant with Noah, promising to never again wipe out the human race with a flood. He also gave seven basic commandments to Noah and to the new...
A09 - The Fall and Original Sin: Man Loses Paradise. How Will He Find it Again? (Genesis 3-4)
Просмотров 834 месяца назад
Tempted by the devil and wanting to be “like God, knowing good and evil,” Adam and Eve disobeyed God and sinned. As a consequence, their relationship with God was broken. They lost the grace of original holiness and justice and became afraid of God. The harmony between them and all of creation was destroyed. Suffering and death entered the world, and they were cast out of paradise. Adam and Eve...
A08 - Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden: Made in the Image and Likeness of God (Genesis 2)
Просмотров 478 месяцев назад
God created man in His own image and likeness, as the crown of creation. God created man as body and soul, male and female, and He calls them to love. Man and woman are to become “one flesh” and be fruitful and multiply. By nature, man is God’s creature and servant; by grace, man is God’s beloved son, called to partake in God’s own life of love. Adam and Eve were created in a state of original ...
A07 - Creation: God Creates the World in Wisdom and Love (Genesis 1)
Просмотров 578 месяцев назад
This lesson begins the study of salvation history. God created the world “out of nothing” in wisdom and love, to show forth His glory and share His truth, goodness and beauty with His creation. He created an invisible (angelic) world and a visible (earthly) world. Man is the crown of creation. The Sabbath is the sign of the covenant between God and man. The world is a macro-temple; Eden is a sa...
A06 - Prayer: Our Response to God's Revelation
Просмотров 788 месяцев назад
Prayer is our response to God’s revelation. God has spoken to us; He also wishes that we speak to Him from our hearts. Every person is called to a loving relationship with God through prayer. Presents a historical overview of prayer in salvation history and Jesus’ teachings on prayer. Describes forms of prayer, sources of prayer, expressions of prayer, and obstacles to effective prayer. 0:00 Tr...
A05b - God's Providence and the Mystery of Evil: A Biblical Narrative
Просмотров 608 месяцев назад
The second part of our lesson on God the Father is a biblical narrative on God’s providence and the mystery of evil. 0:00 Introduction and overview 1:44 God's Providence and the Mystery of Evil 2:14 Suffering: Consequence of original sin 3:39 The Torah: Source of life and blessing 5:02 Satan afflicts the righteous 6:20 God's chosen people are often persecuted 9:30 God refines those whom he love...
A05a - God the Father: Calling Us to Be His Children
Просмотров 518 месяцев назад
God reveals Himself as Creator of the world and loving Father, who calls Himself “I AM.” He is holy, merciful, loving and true, and He provides for our every need. 0:00 Trailer 0:20 Intro 0:37 Recap and overview 2:31 From natural reason to divine revelation 3:35 Shema Israel; God reveals his name 7:23 God is holy, merciful and gracious 10:01 Truth and love 11:38 Creator and Father; the work of ...
A04 - Divine Revelation: How Does God Speak to Us?
Просмотров 538 месяцев назад
We can know God through human reason, but only in a limited way. Yet if God exists and is personal, He may well want to speak to us. But how? Through nature, private revelation, prayer, organized religion? Genuine divine revelation should agree with what we have learnt about God through reason. God has revealed himself progressively, in words and deeds, to the people of Israel, leading up to th...
A03b - God's Attributes: What is God Like?
Просмотров 478 месяцев назад
A03b - God's Attributes: What is God Like?
A03a - God: Does He Exist?
Просмотров 309 месяцев назад
A03a - God: Does He Exist?
God's Story, Our Story: An Introduction to Catholics for Israel's Bible Course
Просмотров 1869 месяцев назад
God's Story, Our Story: An Introduction to Catholics for Israel's Bible Course
A02 - God's Story, Our Story: The Story of Salvation and Your Part in it
Просмотров 579 месяцев назад
A02 - God's Story, Our Story: The Story of Salvation and Your Part in it
A01 - The Gospel Message: An Overview of God's Plan of Salvation
Просмотров 1009 месяцев назад
A01 - The Gospel Message: An Overview of God's Plan of Salvation
A00 - Man and His World: Our Search for Meaning and Happiness
Просмотров 1659 месяцев назад
A00 - Man and His World: Our Search for Meaning and Happiness
Wisdom 14: Theology of the Body
Просмотров 3235 лет назад
Wisdom 14: Theology of the Body
Wisdom 13: Wisdom of Solomon
Просмотров 3845 лет назад
Wisdom 13: Wisdom of Solomon
Wisdom 12: Sirach
Просмотров 3245 лет назад
Wisdom 12: Sirach
Wisdom 11: Tobit
Просмотров 1645 лет назад
Wisdom 11: Tobit
Wisdom 10: Song of Songs
Просмотров 2605 лет назад
Wisdom 10: Song of Songs
Wisdom 09: Ecclesiastes
Просмотров 2335 лет назад
Wisdom 09: Ecclesiastes
Wisdom 06: Proverbs
Просмотров 2255 лет назад
Wisdom 06: Proverbs
Wisdom 08: Job
Просмотров 2195 лет назад
Wisdom 08: Job
Wisdom 05: The Psalms
Просмотров 2235 лет назад
Wisdom 05: The Psalms


  • @ricetanzania4148
    @ricetanzania4148 8 дней назад

    Thanks and shalom!

  • @nicbentulan
    @nicbentulan 2 месяца назад

    What if Allah is Satan the 1st anti-semite hence why Muslims hate Israel the 1 Jewish nation?

  • @colombobeatricebeatrice6027
    @colombobeatricebeatrice6027 3 месяца назад

    Congratulations Dr, it's a clean video, high quality 🙏 good teaching, thanks for the message

  • @slsmith181
    @slsmith181 3 месяца назад

    The exodus story is just that, a story. Propaganda, and myth. Historical facts refute the story. Please provide scientific peer reviewed evidence of ANY god. Stop the insanity.

  • @nicbentulan
    @nicbentulan 3 месяца назад

    ALLAH IS SATAN. Islamophobia helps cure (or is the actual cure for?) anti-semitism. Perhaps Israeli-Palestinian conflict relates to not just Genesis 16:12 but Zechariah 8:23. Like Muslims & liberals (Pharisees Sadducees) attack Jews & Israel (Jesus) who are followed by Christians - conservatives (apostles). Islam was behind the Holocaust cf Amin Al-Husseini. Colours of flags re Revelation 6:1-17 - Palestine = Nazi red white black + Islam green - The US = Israel / Mary white blue + Jesus’ blood = red - Palestine flag = ALL 3 COLOURS OF NAZI FLAG RED WHITE AND BLACK + green favourite colour of ISLAM/MOHAMMED/ALLAH = ALL 4 COLOURS of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse. Actually I just noticed the 1st equation after I found out the favourite colour of Islam. Later someone told me the 2nd equation. And like ok wow someone else noticed. It's like undesigned coincidence. Islam is the 1 ANTI-ABRAHAMIC religion. Islam is anti-Abrahamism, anti-Zionism, anti-Christianity, anti-Judaism, Israelophobia, anti-semitism, anti-Jewishness, etc. Abrahamism is simply Christianity or Judaism (or Samaritanism etc). Islam & anti-theism are the only 2 evil major religions. Each is a religion you either hate or adhere to. Like communism. Judaism Christianity Hinduism Buddhism Sikhism Jainism Zoroastrianism atheism agnosticism Taoism Confucianism et al are ok. The 1st anti-Semite is not a human but an angel as Jonathan Cahn says. Unfortunately, e doesn't say Satan disguised as Allah. Islam is Satanism. Mohammed is the anti-Christ Son of Satan just as Jesus is the Messiah Son of the Living God. Jewish Christian Michael L Brown believes anti-semitism has no natural explanation but from Satan in 'our hands are stained with blood'. E believes Holocaust was an attack by Satan like when Jesus & Moses were born. I agree. Unfortunately, Michael doesn't say Allah is Satan. I've come to realise Islam is a cover for anti-semitism. Anyone who is truly open-minded moral etc will watch David Wood, Apostate Prophet PBUH, Nabi Asli, et al and then leave Islam. Any Zionist Muslim is ignorant. Imam Tawhidi, Imam Abdullah Antepli, Luai Ahmed, Nas Daily and all Israeli Muslims eg Lucy Aharish are FAKE MUSLIMS. --- Statistics: - Every Muslim apologist hates Israel. - Every Abrahamic apologist loves Israel. - 99.9% Zionists are gentiles. - 99.9% anti-Zionists are Muslims or liberals. --- More info: - Ha6uVGB-Mtw - aoq2HZvK-2Q - 6FP5w_VSHmw What do you think Catholics for Israel?

  • @jeffreyerwin3665
    @jeffreyerwin3665 3 месяца назад

    Ishmael was Abraham's first-born, and, as such, he was Abraham's primary heir. Abraham was the person who gave Ishmael his name. Ishmael became a part of YHWH's convenant with Abraham when he was circumcised at the age of thirteen. YHWH gave Isaac's descendants the land of Canaan based on the covenant of keeping YHWH's laws. When those people broke that covenant they were no longer entitled to Canaan, and YHWH expelled them. That territory then became the Roman province of Palestine and was inhabited by its rightful heirs, the descendants of Ishmael. European zionists have used the three ploys of illegal immigation, military conquest, and ethnic cleansing in an unlawful attempt to re-established the State of Israel that YHWH eliminated a long time ago. Scripture predicts that the zionists will be deported to Egypt where, " .. .you will want to sell yourselves to your enemies as serving men and women, but no one will buy you." Deut. 28:68

  • @henitatheodora4042
    @henitatheodora4042 3 месяца назад


  • @fruitingfungi
    @fruitingfungi 3 месяца назад

    Catholics are 100% against any birth control and obviously any type of abortion. Isreal provides both for free to their citezens, so does this complicate the Catholic/Isreal relationship? And do Catholics only support Isreal because they want the apocalypse to happen so Jesus will return?

  • @JimODonnell-en2be
    @JimODonnell-en2be 3 месяца назад


  • @gilbertbloomer842
    @gilbertbloomer842 4 месяца назад

    Thanks for sharing your wisdom and insights.

  • @SRSOS2
    @SRSOS2 4 месяца назад

    So the IDF called the Pope Hamas recently for calling for a case-fire. How does that sit with Catholics?

  • @Bigfatfrog83
    @Bigfatfrog83 4 месяца назад

    I’m a Catholic and I could never support the country that slaughters children. What would Jesus say about such things? It’s totally ridiculous that ANY Christian would endorse Israel. Might as well put an endorsement out for Satan at that point. Pharisaical baby killers aren’t Allie’s of Christian or Jesus. I can’t possibly imagine what your thought process is that got you to the side that slaughters babies by the thousands.

  • @colombobeatricebeatrice6027
    @colombobeatricebeatrice6027 4 месяца назад

    Great teaching, thankyou Dr.Andre

  • @colombobeatricebeatrice6027
    @colombobeatricebeatrice6027 6 месяцев назад

    Thankyou for talking about this too❤

  • @colombobeatricebeatrice6027
    @colombobeatricebeatrice6027 6 месяцев назад

    I love alot the story of Tobit and Tobias, i used to read this many times, i love his friend Azarias ( the angel) how he travel with him... Etc

  • @colombobeatricebeatrice6027
    @colombobeatricebeatrice6027 6 месяцев назад

    This is something great Andre, congratulations 🤝

  • @MikeTMike
    @MikeTMike 8 месяцев назад

    When people speak to God, it's called "prayer". When God speaks to people, it's called "schizophrenia".

  • @afterhourscinema782
    @afterhourscinema782 8 месяцев назад

    A *"Catholic for Israel"* 😂 You're an embarrassment. Standing up for an Apartheid state that exiled *OUR* people out of the Holy Land.

  • @afterhourscinema782
    @afterhourscinema782 8 месяцев назад

    Apartheid Israel LITERALLY exiled *OUR* people out of Bethlehem. You're an embarrassment.

  • @afterhourscinema782
    @afterhourscinema782 8 месяцев назад

    A *"Catholic for Israel"* 😂 You're an embarrassment. Standing up for an Apartheid state that exiled our people out of the Holy Land.

  • @MarcantonioSandra
    @MarcantonioSandra 9 месяцев назад

    Great video. I really like how you explained Paley's argument!

  • @JohnLowell-xs8ro
    @JohnLowell-xs8ro 9 месяцев назад

    You are not following Christ's Bride. You are in error. You are following the Satanic cult of "Christian Zionism". The Church is Israel Phil. 3:3 1 Peter 2:10 etc. Look up Pope Pius X's response to atheist and communist Zionist Theodor Herzi.

    • @afterhourscinema782
      @afterhourscinema782 8 месяцев назад

      Zionism is a disease that has controlled our churches, govts, and media. I PRAY for the day that Christians stop bowing down to the "cHoSeN pEoPLe"

  • @cheeyap
    @cheeyap 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you

  • @jorgeabuauad
    @jorgeabuauad 9 месяцев назад

    Zionism is fraud created by occultist masons nothing holy about it , all states belong to hell.

  • @yvonnediezpeters
    @yvonnediezpeters 9 месяцев назад

    These are excellent. Thank you my friend

  • @MarcantonioSandra
    @MarcantonioSandra 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you

  • @philhenke1533
    @philhenke1533 9 месяцев назад

    Intriguing first lesson. I look forward to hearing more.

  • @MarcantonioSandra
    @MarcantonioSandra 9 месяцев назад

    Congratulations Andre! This is wonderful!

  • @asfasw
    @asfasw Год назад

    May God destroy the false state of "israel" that has been supperseded by the Church

  • @goldenbadger4570
    @goldenbadger4570 3 года назад

    Aren't Catholics idolators and blasphemers? They pray to and worship Mary and the Saints, bring idols into the Church, have added and subtracted from God's word, and exalted a man to the place of God. The Catholic church is the Great White of Revelation. God tells His people to come out so you won't have to be apart of their punishment. My friend please understand that the Catholics have made their own beliefs, created their own gods, and and live by their own traditions in stead of God's. Please understand that the things they do are wrong. God clearly despises the Catholic Church and considers her sins worthy of the pit.

    • @CatholicsforIsrael
      @CatholicsforIsrael 3 года назад

      You greatly misunderstand the Catholic faith. See here for a primer on the Church's teachings: You can also consult our online course, which addresses most common anti-Catholic objections: The Catholic Answers website also has a plethora of sources, explaining the biblical foundations of all Catholic doctrines:

    • @goldenbadger4570
      @goldenbadger4570 3 года назад

      @@CatholicsforIsrael I really don't. The bible is very clear on what shouldn't be done. But Catholics have took their own route.

  • @silvertrumpet5313
    @silvertrumpet5313 4 года назад

    🕊*𝐆𝕃𝐎ℝ𝑰𝔽𝑰ℂ𝑨𝕋𝑰𝕆𝑵 ᵒⁿ ᴛᴀʙᴇʀɴᴀɴᴀᴄʟᴇs*🕊видео.html

  • @iansmith9474
    @iansmith9474 5 лет назад

    Isn't it against catholic doctrine to allow a Jewish Christian to consider the Torah binding?