- Видео 22
- Просмотров 105 096
escropion14 gxx
Добавлен 1 дек 2006
Bruno&Pedro 33 baby??
part 32 www.dailymotion.com/video/x4gusqs_bruno-pedro-part32-baby_shortfilms
new job and new laptop hopefully will be able to continue this storyline of Mexico soap El SEXO DEBIL
new job and new laptop hopefully will be able to continue this storyline of Mexico soap El SEXO DEBIL
Просмотров: 2 272
Bruno & Pedro 31 the wedding
Просмотров 7 тыс.9 лет назад
this was the first same sex marriage to be on Mexico tv
Bruno & Pedro 30 the trap
Просмотров 2,4 тыс.9 лет назад
part 29 www.dailymotion.com/video/x3a97v7_bruno-pedro-29_tv
Brunno & Pedro 27
Просмотров 2,2 тыс.9 лет назад
part 26 www.dailymotion.com/video/x39ohx9_bruno-pedro-26_tv
Bruno & Pedro25
Просмотров 1,7 тыс.9 лет назад
when the lies of Agustin are finally discover with Silvia ( Agustin Ex wife) knowing that Agustin cheat on her with her best friend with who had Dante, Dante half-sister found out her mom died and sue Agustin for stealing Dante and change his identity and put him in jail, only to be released with the help of Silvia.
Pedro & Bruno 23
Просмотров 2,8 тыс.9 лет назад
Silvia, Bruno's mother realize a global search for her youth friend, she find her in bed in a rehabilitation clinic and call Elena for support. knowing that Elena tells Dante everything reviling that Silvia's friend is Dante's mom and that he have a lost sister, that when she found out her mother died and Dante burn the body, she finds Dante and treat Agustin with a sue that it might cost all h...
bruno&pedro part 20
Просмотров 3,4 тыс.9 лет назад
it's finally here sorry for the delay but it's a very good ep part 19 www.dailymotion.com/video/x2f63uw_bruno-pedro19_tv part 21 www.dailymotion.com/video/x2kug9t_bruno-pedro-21_tv part 22 www.dailymotion.com/video/x2wdntp_bruno-y-pedro-22_tv
Просмотров 4,4 тыс.9 лет назад
part17 www.dailymotion.com/video/x2f339u_bruno-pedro-17_tv www.dailymotion.com/video/x2f63uw_bruno-pedro19_tv Agustin(Bruno's father) decided to formalize his relationship with Aida who was his lover while was still married with Silvia (Bruno's mother) now that he is divorced, but only Bruno and Dante join the dinner to meet with Aida cos Alvaro think that is not right for his father to have ot...
Bruno& Pedro 16
Просмотров 6 тыс.9 лет назад
part 17 www.dailymotion.com/video/x2f339u_bruno-pedro-17_tv
Bruno & Pedro part 15
Просмотров 8 тыс.9 лет назад
part14 www.dailymotion.com/video/x2e5eeo_bruno-pedro-part-14_tv
Bruno&Pedro part13
Просмотров 8 тыс.9 лет назад
part 14 www.dailymotion.com/video/x2e5eeo_bruno-pedro-part-14_tv
Bruno&pedro part 12
Просмотров 4 тыс.9 лет назад
part 11 www.dailymotion.com/video/x2e0dv1_bruno-pedro-part-11_tv
queria assiztir na tv mexicana.
quero q ele volte a passar.
hi. this channel has the storyline of bruno & pedro. ruclips.net/user/Gaba2906 not sure if its complete but I hope you continue subbing their storyline. gracias
Vencerão todas as formas de preconceito almofobico, quando tem amor tudo se torna mais facil....
Gosto muito desta novela linda historia de amor de bruno e pedro, fonte de inspiração para muitas pessoas.
Helena levou Pedro no bico, kkkk, vai se casar
Bruno, ciumes de mais não dá para aguentar eu saio forá
where's ep 4?
i am really enjoying this.
will you be posting soon?
unfortunately the laptop I was using to upload this series was stolen and I hadn't been able to find new links to download the series again.
hhahhahaaah me gustó!
Wow. That part at the end was profound. I've never thought of it that way before.
"A curse? Collective psychosis?" Haha it's obviously them
Estupenda serie...!! Para el año 2011 en el que fue grabada y para ser mexicana, muy adelantada. Gracias a Argos y gracias a Epigemnio Ibarra por mostrar al mundo que en México no todo es Mierdavisa (Televisa) ni las porquerías de telenovelas que exportan.
Siiiiii !! Bien pendejos!!!
wow, I can't believe this!
What's name of the show ? Thank you
El sexo débil (the weaker sex)
thank you so much
I would like to have a wedding like this.
i just laughed real hard ...poor boys hahaha .. thanks for the eng sub
hola donde se pueden ver los demas capitulos osea los demas 32 en adelante
i want to thank you so much for sub it and upload it. i will sup your channel and wait for you to upload episode 32 with eng sub. love you.
Delena Paw tot
where is ep 16?
Was this episode the last one, or will the story continu?
+Matheu Almer the story still contiinues but there are many copyrights problems with the next parts i'll upload it as soon as i can
+escropion14 gxx i want to thank you so kuch for sub it and upload it. i will sup your channel and wait for you to upload episode 32 with eng sub. love you.
+escropion14 gxx Do you have any idea, when these problems are solved?
Matheu Almer the story will continue as soon as my pc gets fix
great story, beautiful wedding.
So cute....
Thanks for the 2 eposides.
Thanks again for uploading the episodes of this soap.
gracias por el video
Thanks for uploading this great storyline.
Thank you for uploading
♥ this...thanks for uploading.
I am trying to practice my listening skills in Spanish. Can anyone tell me what Spanish words Pedro is saying for the part the is translated "It's awful when you hurt someone that you love."? Thanks!
Rass P Pedro said "es cabron cuando lastimas lo que mas quieres"
is there any more of this story?
Thanks for uploading, Great story.
Matheus Almer part 22 www.dailymotion.com/video/x2wdntp_bruno-y-pedro-22_tv
escropion14 gxx Thanks for uploading part 22, unfortunately are no subs with this part.
subs are added
+escropion14 gxx subs are added? how?
Pedro's so smart....
jona mack part 22 www.dailymotion.com/video/x2wdntp_bruno-y-pedro-22_tv
jona mack part 22 www.dailymotion.com/video/x2wdntp_bruno-y-pedro-22_tv
Wow what were they doing to those poor women?
I hope that you will upload next episode soon, or please indicate a date when this will happen.
if everythinh goes as I plan the next ep will be the next saturday
Thanks for subbing this story. Bruno and Pedro aren't stereotypes - hooray!
When will you upload next episodes?
I have had some trouble with my internet as soon as is fix the next ep will be upload to dailymotion
Thank you for sharing this with english subtitles!