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[aly7147] - Lienyuan
Добавлен 14 окт 2009
濟公活佛慈悲【修道功夫 就在反省自己】
濟公活佛慈悲【修道功夫 就在反省自己】
Просмотров: 29
濟公活佛慈悲【修持的入手 誠敬信】
Просмотров 3810 часов назад
濟公活佛慈悲【修持的入手 誠敬信】 徒兒們天天拜觀音菩薩, 有沒有觀音菩薩, 那種宏誓大愿啊? 徒兒們想想, 修行要由哪裡入手呢? 是不是由 至誠入手? 由誠發出敬, 再由敬產生信, 由 誠、敬、信, 這樣來入手呢! 徒啊,你們能夠發出至誠的心, 對道永遠始終如一嗎? 你們是怎麼樣一個誠法呢? 是至誠也好,還是石沉也好, 為師所看的每一個徒兒, 的那個誠,都是虛偽的誠, 是不是啊?來做一點事情, 就要跟仙佛算帳的那種誠 。 今天你佈施了多少, 你渡了多少人, 你講了幾堂課, 你做了幾場秀, 都執相執名,是不是? 你們都不能用那個 無為之誠來行善。 行善的最高超、最神聖處, 就是無為之善! 由至誠才能夠, 自然地產生敬。 譬如你今天雖能夠對為師敬, 但是你能夠對一個可憐的人, 對一個跟你不相干的人, 也同樣地產生尊敬的心嗎? 天下最有心的人是誰? 觀世音菩薩啊! 祂對每一個眾生都尊敬,...
濟公活佛 韓湘子大仙 慈訓【悲智雙運】
Просмотров 2810 часов назад
濟公活佛 韓湘子大仙 慈訓【悲智雙運】 一九九七年十二月 十二日 十三日. 台南 濟德佛院 法會. 寫字下筆的時候要專注, 這是第一個要件, 這跟修道是一樣的, 在揮筆的時候,要有精神, 這也是辦道精神, 那還要什麼?轉的時候, 要夠力也就是說, 辦道要有足夠的勇氣嘛! 韓大仙慈悲,唱了這首歌, 是不是覺得, 回家的腳步更近了?是, 是不是覺得走起來, 很平穩,很平順啊?是, 似乎感覺家就在前方, 這首晚鐘陣陣, 希望真正能夠響徹, 賢士們個個的心靈, 也希望賢士們個個, 腳步加緊,趕快回理天。 濟公活佛慈悲: 何謂悲智雙運啊? 一個人光有慈悲的, 還不夠,當你處世的時候, 得運用一點智慧,對不對啊?對, 如果你沒有智慧, 只有小小的聰明, 那怎能夠辦大事啊? 不管你們學道的年齡有多長, 一定要記住,不要認為, 自己學的已經足夠了, 人最怕就是太過於滿足, 太過於知足, 記得知足常樂...
南屏道濟 八仙鐵拐李 韓湘子大仙 慈訓【悲智雙運】
Просмотров 1610 часов назад
南屏道濟 八仙鐵拐李 韓湘子大仙 慈訓【悲智雙運】 一九九七年十二月 十二日 十三日. 台南 濟德佛院 法會. 菩薩慈心懷悲願, 眾生無邊誓願渡, 法門無盡誓願學 , 無上佛道誓願成, 智慧觀照內外徹 , 煩惱暗宅阻前路, 一燈能除千年暗 , 一智破愚輪迴中, 莊嚴道場集眾智 , 心手相連儒風復, 悲智雙運法輪轉 , 日月常清心常明, 來者正是 南屏道濟, 今奉 皇母敕諭 下至娑婆, 至了佛幃 隱身早將, 皇母叩畢 再問徒兒們, 安心否安心, 我道人生如夢, 板蕩中驗出英雄, 我笑黃粱一夢, 醒來後已過三秋, 我哭紅塵迷子, 尚留戀不知回頭, 我救苦海眾生, 走天涯遍訪賢儔, 千山萬水踏破僧鞋, 三界笑傲遊, 狂顛濟世, 釣賢徒歸, 緣深情更留, 用盡一生, 瀟洒一生, 慈悲一生,普化一生, 盼徒兒解師心憂. 調寄:刀劍如夢. 語寄:寄徒師心聲. 觀看世間俗情, 歲月風裡飄蕩, ...
Просмотров 612 часа назад
濟公活佛慈語【要能入塵俗而不染】 徒啊!當勇猛加緊腳步進修, 怎可再等待呢? 如若虛度光陰, 錯過了此良辰佳期, 就千古空留遺恨了。 就修道辦道的歷程而言, 唯當辦道,才可言曰修道。 由此看來,修道一事, 絕非求個人之清淨境地, 而是要能入塵俗而不染。 猶若蓮藕生於污泥中, 終不改其質地之潔白。 當經由辦道了愿, 恢復本來面目, 來消除自己 累世的業障, 如果一個人內心, 很富有很健康, 一定能夠幫助人, 時時存著感恩的心, 每天都會過得很快樂 。 為師希望徒兒時時存三心: 感恩心、包容心、法喜心。 時時知三好: 修道好、福報好、辦道好。 徒啊!你們要 效法仙佛 菩薩的心, 為世界注入一股清流, 將你們的聖情貫穿天地, 把你們的愛燃燒整片大地, 照亮世界每一個黑暗處。 你們每一個人都有慈悲心, 只不過你們的愛, 大都只愛自家人, 那是不夠廣大, 不夠圓滿的。 你只愛你自己所認識的人,...
Просмотров 652 часа назад
濟公活佛慈語【良知良能處事,叫做率性】 誠於中、形於外, 按個人的氣質風範, 內心蘊藏多少, 表現就有多少。 每個人內心所涵養的不一樣, 所表現出來的是一種氣質, 而且是理直氣和。 要率性而行,勿 性而為, 但率性而為, 不是為所欲為, 必須要合情合理。 所謂合情合理, 就是凡事將心比心, 站在他人立場著想。 率性就是我們的七情六慾, 都能發乎中節,些微的念頭, 能不失中道那就是率性。 你能時時刻刻, 依照你的天理良心來做事, 不逾矩那就是率性。 如果憑著自己的喜怒哀樂, 來做事,那不叫率性。 總而言之,依照你的良知, 良能去處事,那就叫做率性。 一個人如果被迫, 做出不自然的動作, 那就不會有靈活的天性流露, 因而不會有智慧; 因而不能夠投入, 而生不出經驗,生不出靈感, 所以人在不自然的時, 就很容易迷失自己。 你們是不是常帶面具, 矇騙自己矇騙別人? 矇騙別人的人很可憐, 但...
Просмотров 352 часа назад
智慧小語【喜歡與愛有什麼不同呢】 有人問佛; 喜歡與愛有什麼不同呢? 佛指了指一個孩子, 只見孩子站在花前, 久久不肯離開,最後, 孩子被花的美麗迷醉, 不由得伸出手把花摘下來。 佛說:這就是喜歡。 接著,佛指了另一個孩子, 只見孩子滿頭大汗的, 在給花澆水, 擔心花被烈日曬著。 於是自己站在花前, 佛說:這就是愛。 喜歡是為了得到, 而愛是為了付出, 這就是喜歡與愛, 最本質的差別。 喜歡是停留在眾生意識中, 只想得到。 愛是呈現菩薩心識裡, 慈悲關懷別人。 祝大家平安 健康 快樂, 把心放空人生輕鬆, 快樂的人,就像一束光, 感染了別人, 也溫暖了自己。
Просмотров 322 часа назад
【照顧好自己】世界才會屬於你, 很溫暖的一段話: 風雨由天,快樂由己, 保重身體,健康第一。 心中若有桃花源, 何處不是水雲間。 天冷了,就抱抱自己取暖, 天亮了,告訴自己向前看, 感覺累了, 找個地方緩一緩。 降溫了,你要適應, 這個世間所有的溫度, 無論是四季,還是人心。 要學會,天黑自己點燈, 天冷自己加衣。 有人疼,要懂得珍惜; 沒人疼,也要照顧好自己! 希望大家,天天開心, 悲喜自渡,冷暖自知, 健康的活著,平靜的過著, 開心的笑著,適當的忙著, 歲月匆匆,不念過去, 不畏將來,不負現在!
南海古佛慈語【去除身體 陰濁之氣】
Просмотров 794 часа назад
南海古佛慈語【去除身體 陰濁之氣】 修身養性,就是讓賢士們, 身上的氣能祥和、平順, 就像賢士們看見了有修之人, 是不是會很想與他親近? 因為有修之人, 他身上所散發出來的氣息, 磁場很祥和、很穩定, 所以會讓人有想親近的感覺。 就像磁鐵一般的磁性, 正與負的磁性是相吸的, 所以能相合,而負負正正, 之磁性是相斥的, 沒有辦法相合, 所以『有修之人』, 才能使四方歸順, 引渡眾生上岸. 清口茹素,就是讓賢士們, 身上的氣能夠清, 不帶陰濁之氣。 有些人會時常覺得身體, 很重、不舒服,或是覺得, 成天非常的昏沈, 精神不清朗,這就是, 吃太多陰濁之食物, 讓一些穢氣、濁氣、陰氣, 殘留在身體上而產生出來, 讓身體不舒服之狀況。 五葷還有酒, 亦是屬於濁性之食物, 五葷是吸收天地間, 不好之氣所生長, 而酒多喝會使人, 抑智昏昧,亦會傷身, 所以亦是屬於濁性之食物。 還有什麼原因, 也會...
Просмотров 524 часа назад
濟公活佛慈語【從自己的自性探索】 每個人都有每個人的心事, 老師我也不能完全, 針對你們的心而講, 不是你心中所想要的, 那就好好面對你自己, 面對你的自性老母吧! 祂可以告訴你, 你的問題在哪裡? 你的癥結在哪裡? 你的困頓在哪裡? 你的不進步在哪裡? 你的矛盾在哪裡? 不用別人來說, 也不用老師, 仙佛借竅來說, 一切你都可以得到解答。 『研理必須深入』, 你研究這個道理, 就是要研究得透徹, 明明白白地, 才能將這個理宣揚出去。 『三寶印心體入』, 你們每個人都會講三寶, 但是沒有辦法印你們的心, 為什麼?因為你們沒有, 用在日常生活當中, 天地所有的一切, 都在告訴你什麼是道。 道的消息在哪裡? 在天地宇宙之間, 你們本身就是個天地, 就是個世界, 從自己的自性, 探索消息吧! 你們是上天的一份子, 如果上天的消息你不了解, 那是因為你自己障蔽住了。 如何降伏不定的心? 以慚...
濟公活佛慈語【學習謙下 步步合宜】
Просмотров 274 часа назад
濟公活佛慈語【學習謙下 步步合宜】 再高的學歷, 在我濟公的眼裡, 也只不過是一張紙而已, 而且再高的學歷, 也不會帶你成仙做佛, 想成仙做佛, 應該要學習謙下, 你愈明白就應該, 學道理的淺顯深入, 更應該去明白, 當中在指引什麼?徒兒啊! 課本上的書,只不過是, 要讓你淺淺的去明白, 做人的一點點道理, 但是真正的 行 字, 還是得自己去做, 才能得到經驗啊! 為什麼樹大會招風? 為什麼果實愈重的, 愈會低頭?有沒有發現? 因為一個人, 到了五十歲的時候, 他就沒有二十歲年輕人, 的那一股衝勁?為什麼昵? 因為他明白處事, 要步步合宜, 那得步步謹慎小心才可以。 一個人在世間上, 你們認為什麼是最有價值的? 不是僅僅只有生命而已? 而是把你有限的歲月, 發揮出來,活得愈老, 應當去學得愈多, 在處事的道理中, 我們就是應該如此。 一顆蘋果它也有生命, 試想它從那麼小一個果實, 慢...
濟公活佛慈語【圓融付出 無上的愛】
Просмотров 444 часа назад
濟公活佛慈語【圓融付出 無上的愛】 若你認為這個團體不好, 就應該去把它圓融, 就應該去付出, 應該去投入、把他改造。 在這個苦海裡頭, 真的是酸甜苦辣、樣樣皆有, 就看你如何去改造。 而不是讓自己一天到晚, 在那邊抱怨而已。有 錢的人常常會抱怨錢太少, 沒有錢的人, 也會抱怨沒有錢。 無的人求有, 而有的人求更多呀! 這樣子一直一直的追求下去, 那是無止盡的呀! 但生命有限, 更應該在這短短的, 生命歲月當中, 盡情去發揮, 讓自己的每一天, 都能夠過得更充實。 愛有分博愛、私愛。 愛一個人的那一種愛, 只有一個人能夠感受到而已, 而你愛千萬眾生的那一種愛, 無上的愛,才是千萬眾生, 能夠感受到的, 所以要讓你這份愛心, 這一點的光, 讓全世界各個角落, 都能夠光亮起來。 修道不論年紀呀。 年紀小懂得當下修, 那是最好不過了, 若是中年了,你才得遇大道, 就要趕緊修, 因為你不知道...
濟公活佛慈語【心境美 想什麼它都美】
Просмотров 637 часов назад
濟公活佛慈語【心境美 想什麼它都美】 如果你們站著的不拍手, 坐著的也不用心聽講, 怎麼能夠叫我, 用心的告訴你們, 你們迷惑的地方呢? 想不想來這邊, 真正的學到一點東西, 帶回去啊? 想是不是啊?好! 拿個蘋果過來! 不是送給人家的, 來!告訴我, 它好不好吃啊?好吃, 你的心境美, 即你想 何事情, 它都一定是好的, 對不對啊?對,反過來, 你的心境不夠美的話, 你想什麼它都不會美的嘛, 明白嗎?一個人的外在美, 並不代表內心, 真正涵養的美啊!知道嗎? 一個人內心真正的涵養, 需要靠你的文學、處事, 還有學習而得來, 人要腳踏實地才好, 現代人就是太不腳踏實地, 也因為都不腳踏實地, 卻又想要事業愈做愈大, 就難免有苦惱嘛! 想要錢賺得愈多, 可是錢偏偏愈來愈薄啊! 世間的萬事萬物, 都無時無刻在改變, 現在這一盞燈還亮著, 等你們走的時候, 他們把燈熄了, 這是不是有亮就...
Просмотров 807 часов назад
濟公活佛慈語【力行三省四勿】 當老師的要把東西, 教給學生,可是用心良苦, 肯用心學的學生, 就可以從他們老師身上, 去發現到那一點的精神所在。 而眾生就是因為無知, 所以徒兒們必須, 發起那一顆慈悲心腸。 尤其在你身旁, 看了不順眼的人, 更應該化阻力為助力, 去影響他、造就他,明白嗎? 何一個人, 都要用一顆慈悲的心, 來看眾生,學習觀音菩薩, 倒駕慈航的精神。 人要謙虛不要看輕別人, 人外有人、天外有天啊! 別以為自己, 樣樣都比人家強, 要知道強中自有強中手。 每個人在每天的過程當中, 難免會有一些無明纏身, 所以就更應該, 力行三省四勿。 並從當中去明白, 瞭解其本質。 例如梅花在寒冷的天氣當中, 愈綻放愈美麗, 人也是這樣, 才會在離開人世間時, 能留下來那個美名, 和那份精神。 來學道都應該, 要學習如何成道? 如果你只是來這裡, 看一看、湊熱鬧, 吃個飯、拍拍手,...
李鐵拐大仙慈語【今世人間 速速修】
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李鐵拐大仙慈語【今世人間 速速修】 如果要聞得天上曲, 今世人間速速修。 有沒有賢士想要小仙, 手上這顆蘋果? 點傳師說 仙佛手上的蘋果, 跟我們在桌面上和市場上, 看到的是不一樣的, 是沾了仙氣的, 講得真好,可惜沒你的份。 在做每件事情的時候, 不要巴望別人給你讚賞, 只要你真心去做, 誠心去做就好了, 凡事不應當要求有報酬, 人如果打轉在 報酬, 這兩個字當中, 那你的人生, 得失心就會很重, 也會很難放下, 相對的你的修道路途, 就會更痛苦。 有沒有賢士要到前頭來, 看小仙這會兒走來走去, 來學學看,有位班員, 學大仙走路,賢士瞧一瞧, 學得像不像啊!說說看! 賢士,剛才這樣走, 有何心得啊? 班員說:真的不怎麼好走, 不過可以感受到, 大仙的慈悲,自己覺得, 來到這裡很開心,能丟的, 能拋的都差不多了。 是啊!你拋得非常完整, 丟得也非常完整, 連名牌都倒了。 所以囉!不必...
The Kind Words of Living Buddha Ji Gong [Exploring from One’s Own Nature] Everyone has their own concerns. Teacher, I can't completely Speaking to your heart, It's not what you want in your heart, Then face yourself. Face your mother nature! He can tell you, What's your problem? What's your problem? Where is your dilemma? Where is your lack of progress? Where is your contradiction? No need for others to tell you, No need for a teacher, The immortals and Buddhas use the orifices to speak, You can get answers to all of them. "Research must be in-depth" You study this principle. It is necessary to study thoroughly, Clearly, Only then can this truth be spread. "The Three Treasures seal the mind and enter it." Each of you can talk about the Three Treasures. But there is no way to seal your hearts. Why? Because you don't have, Used in daily life, Everything in heaven and earth, They are all telling you what Tao is. Where is the news of Tao? Between heaven and earth, You are the world in yourselves, It's a world. From one's own nature, Explore the news! You are part of God. If you don't understand the message from heaven, That's because you are blocking yourself. How to subdue an unsettled mind? Use a guilty conscience to spur yourself on; Use a calm heart to stop it, insatiable desire; Encourage yourself with true Taoism; Discipline yourself with strict discipline; With a courageous and diligent heart, To achieve yourself. Wisdom comes from inner peace. The realization of one’s ambition lies in selfless dedication.
That’s why complaints arise; If you know how to be grateful, You will know how to be content. Successful people are because, He can be content and happy, with unsuccessful people, It's because he is greedy. Hope, it can be done, Hope is not desire. If you do it and get it, Such hope, It must exist, And it can definitely be achieved. But if you want, There is a lot of money, Then you will definitely be disappointed. Happiness forever, They are all for those who know how to be grateful, To those who know how to be content and happy, Only when you know how to be satisfied will you be happy, Don't know how to be satisfied, There will be a lot of complaints. If you encounter difficulties, or lost once, I got discouraged and gave up. It's not worth it. So my disciple remembers, Break through the tests and difficulties before you, victory success, It will be yours forever. One minute and one second of time, You can accumulate sand into a tower, It's called "seizing the time". To learn Taoism, don’t think that I don’t have time. Disciple, you have a lot of time. Just spend it all on, On the matter of broken locks, Chatting, talking on the phone, watching TV. Be careful if something goes wrong while chatting. Misfortune comes from the mouth, between people, Just because I talk too much, So there is always endless talk of right and wrong. If you know how to empathize with others, Be considerate of others, Being able to put yourself in the shoes of others and think about them, Then you can, To give people real relief from suffering and joy, He is also a truly compassionate person. You can guide others, Let the other person understand immediately, Then it is simply the Tathagata coming to the world, Because you have Tathagata, The mind of a Bodhisattva. Why care about everything so much? Prosperity is like a dream! Disciple, don’t worry too much. It’s okay to suffer a little loss. Remember, God makes up for what man loses. Use your sincerity to practice the Dao, This is a reminder. I hope every disciple, Be able to truly understand and feel with your heart. Why is it often said that time is urgent? Where is the emergency? Can you see today’s lesson? You thought it was a disaster, Is it just what you see in front of you? Remember that immortals and Buddhas always speak first and then respond. No matter when or what day, If you tell me, won't you reveal all the secrets? Only if you cultivate your moral character, Ability to do good deeds immediately, To avoid disaster. Repair it well, Work on your own character, Cultivation is not for others to see. Since my disciple is destined to enter Buddhism, You should get your sincerity back, If you enter Buddhism, Still as stubborn as before, Then let me ask you, my disciple, When will you wake up? The truth is so simple, You can realize it by doing it, Then you will be more than ready to become a Buddha. Every disciple is a teacher, A good disciple and a good talent in my heart, Take this little bit of your heart, This little light, this little heat, Bring it to millions of sentient beings, I believe you can definitely do it. I hope my disciple will understand my teacher’s instructions, Do it well. Cultivate well and do well, Hold your disciple's hand again, I hope my disciple’s hands are still as good as before, Hold the disciple's hand again, Those familiar hands, I once took my disciples with me, How many springs, summers, autumns and winters have we gone through? Those warm hands, I used to accompany my disciples, How many ups and downs have we gone through! Disciple! Hold your free hand again, I hope every disciple, Remember the teacher’s advice. The mortal world is bitter, The pain lies in my disciple’s stubbornness, Could it be that glory and wealth, Can it be compared to the true love of being a teacher? The so-called master and disciple are like father and son, Why does the disciple have the heart to forget his master? Thousands of mountains and rivers, No matter how hard you work as a teacher, I will never forget any of my disciples, lost lamb, The lost innocence, How much I look forward to becoming a teacher, Disciple can let go of the evil spirit, Step by step on the holy path. Disciples, it’s the end of the world, late autumn, Stop hesitating, Determine your direction, Grasp your direction and do it well. All the teachers are by your side, Accompanying your joys and sorrows! Is it mysterious, wonderful, or mysterious? You should be a disciple and think carefully, Don’t think that material fame and wealth are good, I can't come even with a single breath, The glory has never been caught in one's hands.
The loving words of Ji Gong Living Buddha [Use your true heart and your own nature to study the Tao] No matter how great a scientist is, There is no way to dominate the world. Therefore, whatever you have in your destiny will naturally come to you. Even if you ask for something that is not in your destiny, you can’t get it! In the same way, there will be a day when heaven and earth will be destroyed, Only with your sincerity and sincerity, To heaven, to earth, to people, Come and imitate the saints, Dharma and sages, cultivate your moral character, Only then can we transcend all this. Seek guidance from the Master, Only then can we know the door of our life and death, In the same way, at the Dharma conference, Baptized by immortal Buddha, Only then can your karma be eliminated, Therefore, we should be more grateful, Regarding the mistakes made in the past, You must reflect thoroughly in your heart, Make some efforts for your future, Give yourself a goal and direction, Only in this way can we be worthy of the saints, immortals and Buddhas. I am worthy of your parents and teachers! Only with a sincere heart, Come to cultivate the virtues of saints, Only then can the hinge of heaven and earth be opened. Use your sincerity, Come and study the Tao from your own nature, Cultivate yourself well and become benevolent, Only in this way can we return to heaven. Enlightenment! That is to accept Buddhism, Let you understand the preciousness of Tao, Only in this way can we "know our destiny". Just because of bad temper, Too many to mention, That’s why we need to practice it. The so-called repairer changes it, If you can change it, it will become a climate. If you practice well, you can Close to the hearts of immortals and Buddhas. Remember! Proximity is not an external image; But the mood is improved. You will not be happy if you care too much. Only plainness and plainness, To get happiness. The truth is not strange, Weird, It's not the real truth, The more prosaic and down-to-earth, This is returning to nature! Cultivating the Tao and cultivating the mind starts from now on. Not slow at all, I'm just afraid that my disciple is still where he is, It's just a matter of wasting time and not moving forward. Cultivating this road, You should look back and take a picture of yourself, What you do, what you do, what you say, All must be in line with the Tao. "Conforming to the heart of heaven is the way." You quarreled with your brothers and sisters, Make parents sad, This is not in line with the parents! You cheated on the exam, I don’t have the teacher’s heart. This is losing your sincerity, A true self-reflection, It’s from your true point of view, Really work hard. It’s not just superficial work, But have an explanation for yourself. Life is full of imperfections, That's why we can Work hard from this point. People are not saints and sages, and there is no fault in their persistence? Just because everyone, There is also a little temper, Small problems, small habits, So fix it quickly. Remember that the present moment is practice, Even if someone treats you badly, People scold you and slander you; Even make you worthless, In order to cultivate your temperament, You must be patient too, But patience is not true practice yet; It must be digested immediately, Because the moment is to change your mind and practice! The so-called "reasonableness is called Tao", It's not like you curse or glare at people when you're unhappy. The so-called rate means "bringing up your true nature", true nature, It means not treating anyone with respect, Neither can you do it to colleagues, classmates, or friends. Even if there is a little friction, You can't ignore people either. Life is like a play, Why worry about gains and losses? So the present moment is practice. The homophone of grapefruit is, "If you don't escape," Don't run away from anything, anything. Where there are disciples, there is little Ji Gong; Where there is little Ji Gong, there is the right path. Start from the ordinary, You have to do it calmly every step of the way! Do it well, start from beginning to end, You can’t rest while practicing Tao! In the process of practicing Taoism, the disciples Don't just look at other people's shortcomings, If you don’t look at other people’s strengths, How to get along with each other? Remember to look back sometimes, Take a look at other people’s strengths, Don’t just dislike, dislike, and dislike others. Same thing, looking at things, We should also look at it from the front. Don't look at it from the side or prejudice. Driving the Dharma boat back to my hometown, The tangible Dharma Ark is a ship, Or a temple or a Buddhist hall, And the invisible Dharma boat, It's in the hearts of the disciples. "It's hard to do, but it's hard to do, and it's hard to endure, it's hard to endure." These eight words tell the truth, Your current environment, Everything you see before you, The difficulties and pains encountered, The disciples have to grit their teeth and push through. Just because it is difficult and not easy to walk, It’s not easy to succeed, Only then can we experience the real kung fu. If it's too easy to get, You don’t know how to cherish and be grateful, Because people often don’t know how to be grateful,
Great Immortal Li Tie Guai & Nan Ping Tao Ji Tzu's training [Courage Forward to build the Cultivate Road Journey] It is the 88th year of the Republic of China. November 12th and 13th in the Chinese calendar. The fifth and sixth day of the tenth lunar month. Tai Nan Ji De Palace. Build the road bravely, With courage and warmth, Righteousness fills the chest, Master yourself and have direction, The road is long and desolate, This is how the world of mortals is, Relying on a gentleman to strengthen himself, Why be too nervous about everything? Look at the world, who is the soldier and who is the king? I have nothing to ask for. I will only be with the Tao in this life. To meet the challenges of the future, Not afraid of falling and getting hurt, Whisk the dust and clear the mind to see the light, Driving the Dharma boat back to my hometown, Transfer: It’s a long road with me, We are the Eight Immortals Tie Guai Li, Nan ping Silly Dao ji, Following my mother’s orders, I came to Ji De Palace. Bow down and take early ginseng, Queen Mother Bi, Ask this group again, lovely disciples, Wise sages, okay? If fame and wealth are bitter, Why do you keep chasing, If love is bitter, To have it or to end it, If you choose the wrong one, Do you want to start over again or ignore it? The mind is filled with ignorance and pain, Should we resolve it or should we persist in it? If impermanence is suffering, To whom do you want to complain? If reincarnation is suffering, Why don't you want to jump out, If you get lost in one thought, Don’t make any mistakes at every step, Look at life, old age, sickness and death, Sincerely seek enlightenment through inaction, To be a hero, Still an ordinary person, It's all up to you, If you really practice hard and work hard, Live in poverty and live in peace with contentment in your heart, I don’t feel any pain, The mind has nothing to live in, calm and at peace, Come across by yourself, be compassionate, Building a spiritual house is better than wealth, Don't let greed, anger and ignorance lead you to Flooded the way home, Turn knowledge into wisdom, Resolve the joy, joy and anger in life, Being plain and ordinary is also a kind of happiness, Transmission: Love is like a shooting star.
Immortal Li Tie Guai’s loving instructions [Having the heart of a saint and being sincere and sincere] Is the world measurable? Soaring mountains and lofty peaks, The mountains and trees are bright and green, This is the merit of the creation of heaven and earth. However, the sky is brilliant and the earth is rich and generous, Can we predict it? But things change overnight, and stars change. vicissitudes of life, But in an instant, the earth is turned upside down, Flying sand and rocks, This is not a matter of weighing the importance, Measurement can tell the length, This cannot be said by a prophet, Scientists can determine whether No, God cannot take away everything that is life. What God has given cannot be denied. At that time, people wanted to know the secrets of heaven and earth, Only with the heart of a saint and unfailing sincerity, Cultivate the virtues of saints and get close to the new people, Use the medium to achieve success, implement the medium consistently, Then the opportunity of heaven and earth, The bonds of all things are opened,
[Cultivation of TaiHe, Return to Innate Nature] There are four key points: 1. A person with profound heavenly virtue, Like an innocent baby, Ignorant and desireless, let nature take its course. 2. People with deep moral character, A heart without harmful things, Nor is it subject to physical harm. The essence is sufficient and the vitality is pure, The soul is silent and always maintains peace. 3. People with deep moral character, Know the true nature, understand the true self, Guaranteed to live forever, He is the most auspicious person. 4. People who do not know how to cultivate their heavenly virtues, Wrong thoughts drive violent anger, Show off your strength and harm TianHe, Being too strong accelerates aging. Early self-destruction. Heaven and earth have natural ways, And luck turns into inaction; A child has natural virtue, And subtle and profound. So cultivate your nature, Be like babies. Chapter 10 of the Tao Te Ching says: Can a baby be born if he specializes in qi and becomes soft? Chapter 28 says: Permanent virtue is inseparable and returns to the baby. Therefore, when talking about cultivation, The mind must be at ease, Sex must be indifferent, The qi must not be ominous, God cannot be uneasy. If not, the mind is not pure, With a discordant air, There is no time to settle down and settle down, then confusion, shame, and evil things, It's hard to avoid. Just like a child, Because there is no love or hate, Therefore, there is no fear or anxiety in the mind, It will not inspire vicious murderous intentions. Therefore, like poisonous insects and wild beasts, Seizing birds and other evil things, There will be no harm done. This is the TaiHe of self-restraint, So it can calm all the killings, It can resolve all unforeseen disasters. The Jade Emperor's Heart Seal Miao Sutra says: TaiHe is overflowing, and the bones are scattered and cold. Remove acquired turbidity and coldness, To gain the full power of rebirth, The most important thing is to cultivate the innate harmony. If you have enough energy, you don’t want to think about sex, Too angry to think about food, The mind is full of energy and does not want to sleep; Otherwise, the energy will be scattered, the spirit will be weak and discouraged, and There is nothing but hardship and confusion, Frustrated and discouraged, he eventually died of old age and failed. Just because I don't understand Know how to stop, stay in the middle, hold on to the essentials of the Dharma, Innate perfect harmony, Shaken by acquired knowledge and emotions, The instrument was broken. To return to innocence, The energy is so refined and the spirit is calm, The instrument has no leakage. If a person can be alone without forgetting to nourish himself, I can't afford to think too much when I'm idle, Keeping one in mind won't move people's hearts. can achieve the non-harmful nature of love, Things do not obscure your thoughts, your mind is bright, Thinking clearly, being able to make the best use of it, And stop at the highest good. Mencius’ nourishment and dedication, Intellect, knowing the sky, is from It is passed down from generation to generation and achieved through cultivation. Therefore, being angry makes you angry, It will pass through old age and death; Knowledge and knowledge can benefit growth and development. Those who understand the true self follow the path and practice it, can achieve the same level as a pure child, Be the same as the saints, be the same as heaven and earth, The same state of perfection as the great road.
Nan Ping Dao Ji Compassion's words [The difference between doing good deeds and fulfilling vows] Doing good deeds and doing things in the monastery fulfilled your wishes, What's the difference? A disciple wants to ask: Teacher, I have created good causes, Do good deeds and give a lot, I can become a great immortal of the Qi realm in the future, No punishment. Such good deeds and alms, With the current cooperation of the dojo, What difference will it make if you get things done? Why in the dojo, You can achieve attainment status, That ordinary act of charity, You can only become a great immortal of the Qi Realm, What's the difference? For Western countries, There are many priests, The nun’s practice is very good; Well done too, I also dedicate myself to saving people, In the cause of saving sentient beings, Why is it still there after death? You can only become a great immortal of the Qi Realm, Or a proxy god, And not real relief? The difference lies in seeking the Tao; To enter the hall, This is a big difference, Because this is the period, Bai Yang period, the last period, There are different dharma doors opened by God, To save everyone, They can all be saved, Different methods of amnesty, So in these last days, To practice Taoism, one must seek the Tao; Ask for help and register on the heavenly list. The underworld will remove the name first. But the prerequisite is that the disciple must practice cultivation. We must continue to practice and fulfill our vows, Continue to cooperate with Taoist affairs, Only if you have the talent to cultivate yourself, True transcendence from the cycle of life and death, So during this period We must seek and cultivate the Tao, And believe and do the Way, Only in the end can the true enlightenment be achieved. In the process of seeking and cultivating the Tao, Doing good deeds and giving alms in the ashram, This is because the disciples sought the Tao, know morality, What is the true meaning of Tao? Therefore, when a disciple is practicing Taoism and practicing Taoism, In the process, I will continue to ask myself, Tell yourself how to do it, It is the most correct way of truth. When cultivating and practicing Taoism, I have been trying to make myself understand, in one's own mind No more ordinary worldly greed, Anger, jealousy, resentment, no more of these, Bad thoughts arise, Finally, a normal mind came into being, Tao mind was born. When bad thoughts are constantly removed, Compassion, love, equality, The heart of justice will continue to appear, When these thoughts appear, will deal with unequal things Feeling unsatisfied, You will think that improvement is needed. Therefore, people with karma come to seek retribution, Or when you come to show yourself, I will feel guilty in my heart, You don’t even need to look at the karmic person to manifest it, will continue to arise in my heart, Feeling guilty. Because a good heart appears, For enemies, creditors and even, Cause and effect, people will feel guilty. Since I feel guilty, Then he will come willingly, Very willing to eliminate karma. Because of these good hearts, A display of compassion, For one’s ancestors, And the people who are destined to me in many lives, Or next to me now, These friends and colleagues who are destined to will produce a sense of compassion, will be willing to help them, For example, if you come to attend a Dharma conference, I am willing to use my merits to help, These lucky people. My disciple is currently practicing Taoism in the dojo. It’s no longer just about creating good causes; The final result of good deeds can at most reach the Qi realm. Today’s monasticism, It’s about cultivating the original light, So now come to practice Taoism, It's called wish fulfillment. The word "wish" is the original intention, Coming to practice Taoism now is called fulfilling one’s vows. That is to say, to get back my original heart. Only by finding the original heart, Only then can we truly return, Heaven is the peaceful and infinite heaven. Although nuns and priests themselves, Practicing is good, but for the Tao, to this natural operation I don’t really understand yet, I still don’t understand the invisible world, Just with a heart to save the world, But there is no way to eliminate karma, Because everyone has spent many lifetimes, There must be others, I did a lot of bad things, Created a lot of karmic debt, Such karmic debt is not eliminated. In the Bible it says: Don't worry about your life, What to eat, what to drink, Don’t worry about your body and what to wear; Isn’t life better than food? Isn’t the body better than clothes? It’s just talking about the value of life, And the importance of having this body. In the dojo, we should also teach the children, Understand the value of life, Understand the importance of your body, In the process of making a wish, You are already understanding the value of life. And the more the disciples understand morality, you will know better, The importance of this human body, Know the difference between human beings and the invisible world, It just depends on whether you have this physical body, Now I have this body, Whether you are eighty or ninety years old, can be used freely, Living freely in this world, But when there is no body, Even if he is three or four years old, In the invisible world, There is just no freedom. Therefore, we must take advantage of the opportunity to fulfill our wish, When there is a body, When you are free to dominate, When in this physical body, Come as soon as you want to come, Don't hesitate any longer. After a person dies, The spiritual body must be controlled by God. By immortals, Buddhas, and generals from the underworld, The judge and Lord of Hell come to rule, Rather than where you want to go, Wherever you can go. Disciples should slowly understand life, The importance of life and this body, You must have a clear understanding, In this way, my disciple has fulfilled his wish, In the process of spiritual practice, Only then will you be willing.
Pi Pi Fairy Child’s compassionate words [How to help yourself find the true meaning of life] Everyone knows that when you are hungry, To supplement food, But many people are short of spiritual food! A lifetime of studying, taking exams, serving in the military, and getting married. My whole life is busy, busy, busy, busy, I don’t know what I’m busy with. The Tao is telling you, How to keep yourself from being busy, how to make yourself, Find the true meaning of life, How to get out on your own, A bright road. A person thinks he has not yet, When you open up your own nature, It's like living in a room, Inside a very dark room, No light can come in, He does not know where his own nature is, I don't know where I'm going, But when the house is lit up, Immediately light up the path of your life, You will also be brave enough to step out, Neither will be afraid. Tao is like this electric light, He lit up the hearts of countless sentient beings, Don't underestimate this heart lamp, If you are determined to do it and practice it, Able to perform to perfection, Its function is different! We are going to Li Tian (Heaven), You must take this path of cultivation, Maybe the road is bumpy, It’s rough, but there’s a Taiwanese saying, People may fall down on a flat road, Sometimes the road is smooth, It may not be easy to walk! On the contrary, everyone has a smooth road, I'll be less concerned about it, It's easy to be careless, It’s also easy not to appreciate it; On the contrary, they are those who have walked through a rough road, He will feel that this paragraph, It is the best memory of his life, I will cherish it even more and move on. Don't care too much about gains or losses in your life. When you care more, The less you can get, Then you will, The more upset and painful it becomes. Let all external things take their own course, What's yours is yours, But for Tao, you can’t just let it happen! He said yes, we should do it as soon as possible. Go and fix it quickly! Time waits for no one, Impermanence does not wait for people, When you feel happy, Don’t forget to let the people around you, can also be happy, Let him escape from the sea of suffering, Then you are a Bodhisattva, Do you want to be a Bodhisattva or not? Just in your thoughts, Think of the best, Then you will go to the realm of Bodhisattva, Take a step forward, when your thoughts, When things get bad, Then you just go down, A step back. Sometimes, people’s difficulties, I came up with it myself, If you haven't done it yet, I find it difficult in every possible way, Of course when doing it, It feels more difficult, So don’t be afraid of difficulties, a true winner, It is from the training of failure that It was tempered. A good piece of pottery, For example, a vase is fine. Before it became a vase, It's just a pile of dirt, The earth needs to be burned, and then go, Slowly made layer by layer. So I have never experienced it, I have never experienced the growth process of life, The tempered person who failed, If you want to be on the road to success, is very difficult. If you are in difficulty, In the temper of failure, Be able to bear failure bravely, If you have the courage to strive for the top on your own, Then, the closer you are to success, The more you can surpass yourself. I’ll give you a wishful verse: Everyone has their own ideas, I have my own ideas, What suits me may be difficult for others. What suits people's wishes may be difficult for me. What people want is what I want, but it may not be God’s will. If it is in harmony with God's will, it will naturally go as planned. When everyone is doing something, People will inevitably criticize you. Because of everyone’s position, The opinions are different, Tolerance is also different. So, everything is as long as, There is nothing wrong with doing it in accordance with God's will. Tao, since ancient times, passed down from saint to saint, It is unchanged layer by layer, Saints also follow this pace. Those who become immortals in the human world, They didn't just repair it when they went back. The same goes for you, We must also follow the steps of sages, Do it step by step, and then, You can be saved. Only if you do things according to God's will, Only then will you be truly satisfied. Everyone, don’t underestimate yourself, Everyone is something to be made of, Just look at yourselves, It’s just a matter of whether you want to do it or not. I hope that in the new year, Everyone can build one, lofty ambitions and goals, I wish you all the best, They can all be promoted step by step. But most importantly, or do anything, No one can deviate from this middle path, When you deviate from this middle path, Then it is not the true Tao, The Word is not spoken with words; It requires people to actually do it. Everyone can talk about filial piety, But what we actually do is There are not many people, I hope brothers and sisters, be able to do it well, Do everything on time and accurately, Be efficient, have goals and have direction, And don’t follow blindly, I really want to take you to the sky to play, So happy in heaven! But when I saw the living Buddha teacher, I think it’s so hard for him! Living Buddha Teacher, he works so hard, You all don’t know, In order to save all sentient beings and his disciples, Always not afraid of hard work, There is no such thing as a typhoon day or a holiday. Open all year round! So we practice Taoism, We must also have such a spirit, Be sincere and move forward courageously, do anything, It has to be like this.
Ji Gong Living Buddha’s Compassion [The Realm of Cultivation] Although cultivating the Tao does not rely on human feelings, But there is also the nourishment of moral sentiment, It is a kind of harmony between heaven and heart, The goodness and beauty of heart and heaven, Nothing pretentious or pretentious. If you reach such a state, Only then can we truly be considerate, Tolerance and no suspicion are also talents, No one and I can work together to run the Three Lever (Caos.) To practice Tao, you must cultivate an upright and aboveboard attitude. No shame, no greed, A heart that is not greedy, Able to see through and let go, That's called realm, this is, One step at a time and one seal at a time. Every step you take, No fear at all, Not at all uneasy, Every footprint I walk on, They are all examples for future generations to learn from. We conduct ourselves as human beings, Don’t seek merit, but seek no faults. Have any of the disciples ever tried to take credit? A true gentleman must understand Make meritorious deeds, establish virtue, and establish reputation, To know how to share the pain of others, To resolve the dissatisfaction of things, your practice, That’s a little bit of effort. Those who truly follow the Tao must have true spiritual practice. Only then can we carry out the karma of all sentient beings, A true preacher, You must strictly abide by the rules. Only then can the disaster be postponed. Today's situation, Everyone is exposed to illness, Sharing the same fate with pain, If you don’t practice, You can’t escape this common deed. How can you blame God? How can you be so special? God’s will is unpredictable. Even if you are as smart as Yan Hui, Zi Gong’s eloquence, There is no way to guess God’s will, If God's will has been decided, And you can disobey it, Can it be reversed? Disciple! You can only accept it, Live in poverty and be happy, be content and happy, Actively do good deeds, Only then do you have enough strength, Go and transform these common karma. Disciple should cherish it forever, This fate. Do you know that somewhere in the dark, God has already provided for the disciples, We made the best arrangements, God will make up for man's losses, But what comes next, It depends on your diligence, sincerity, and integrity. I have not put enough effort into self-cultivation.
The loving words of Ji Gong Living Buddha [Seeing the clear nature with a whisk in the dust] January 31, 1998 Tainan Ji De Buddhist Temple I will give you the instructions to "see the clear nature with a whisk of dust", Remember to dust the dust in the new year, Don't carry the past with you anymore, Brushing means sweeping. Get rid of the colors of the past, Throw away those images, Brush away this dirt, Only then can you see the king of your own nature, Only then will the cultivation become brighter and brighter! Everyone has provoked San Cao Pu du It's your responsibility! Disciple! Look at the world, Is there anything you can miss? Fame, wealth and honor, the shackles of love, All this will only confuse your mind. You need to understand your life goals clearly. We must walk on the road ahead with strength. No matter whether people approve of you or not, Our hearts are only for God, No matter how much we pay, Regardless of whether others will applaud us, In short, we should not be ashamed of God. Everyone has his or her own part, Everyone has things they should do, Just like the heart of a teacher who loves his disciples, Thousands of words cannot represent it, My love for you as a teacher! Disciples! The flowers in Yaochi are in full bloom, Why haven’t the disciples come back yet? What makes you blind? What factors make you persistent? For the New Year, what do you wish for, Your whole family is reunited, As a teacher in Nan Ping, I've been waiting for you! Is it because I have a weak moral character? It’s hard to convert you, The vows made before the Buddha are made with every word, In the end, I completely forgot about it. What are the factors? Has your heart changed? Where is the love in this world left? Love in this world is so generous! Collect your selfishness, Collect your hypocrisy, Find your heart. Ji Gong is stupid, Ji Gong is arrogant, He fooled Ji Gong just to save his disciple. All causes and effects, When will my disciple be freed? True love, master and disciple, Who is really willing to exchange it? The teacher's heart, the teacher's disciple, Are they connected again? Could it be that you love a disciple? Does it have to be so hard? I think I, Ji Gong, am also a man. Why are my breasts wet with tears for you all the time! Disciple! Starting today, From now on, start again, Start over, tell yourself not to be addicted anymore, Tell me, you will definitely have a beginning and an end. No matter how hard it is to practice Taoism, What difficulties we encountered, A little sincerity transcends heaven and earth, Even copper and iron walls can be worn through! It’s that sincerity!
Lan Cai He, the Great Immortal’s loving words [To practice Tao, one should follow nature] I like people to say nice things to you, Then you have to treat others first, Just say some words of praise, People nowadays are just too stingy, They all hide their great love, And let all those private loves go to heaven and earth, This will lead to so much trouble! Everyone's feelings are different, Only I can, Express that feeling. Just like cultivating the Tao, you must practice it with your heart. Only then did I realize how profound the meaning was. Although we know that Tao is in daily life, But the details of daily life, Wise men must first understand, Only then can we learn well. When a person has not yet, When you see your future clearly, I will use a lot of past experience, To judge now, this is called, Preconceived notions. What ordinary people see is tangible, A world of color and sound, So what you see and comment on, It's all sensual. Don't use your own standards, to measure others, Then others will have a hard time. Cultivation should conform to nature, In this natural state, You learn from your heart, Then you can understand the great principles of heaven and earth. Immortals and Buddhas are also made by people through cultivation. It’s just that the wise men are too lazy to practice. To welcome the new year, You have to get rid of your temper, If you still have those past tempers, Carrying a lot of faults and shackles, Wouldn't that be pitiful? Don't put the old skin in your bag, The more you wear it, the heavier it becomes, Put away the shackles of the past, The burden is getting heavier and heavier. People cannot be burdensome, The more baggage your path brings, The harder it is to go far. Exactly, it is in life The most difficult principle to learn, And this is the golden mean. If you hear too many rumors, It's called having too much baggage. If you criticize others a lot, Then your heart is like, It's like carrying a baggage, Completely polluted. When you criticize others, In fact, it is already polluted, your own mind. You should listen carefully to your words, as the saying goes, The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention. If you don’t understand what you hear, Then how can others, I can communicate with you! Modesty means harmony, emptiness means emptiness. Sometimes you think, When it's almost ready, But it’s not up to standard yet! You should follow certain footsteps, Follow a certain trajectory, Only in this way can we truly reach the standard. To build the ideal of Datong, It depends on everyone’s united efforts. You and I are side by side, holding hands, If there is one person among them, Missing one's own abilities, A share of power, Then the team will inevitably lose its own strength. In the family it should also be Do your part well, Human life is like a flower, There must be a moment of blooming and withering, Able to grasp the fragrance of bloom, Spread it everywhere, Then your life will not be wasted. Ask for nothing and ask for nothing, Whatever you know and want, you will never ask for anything! What you ask for is true, But in the end, it still becomes empty, To put it over and over again, It’s just reality and fiction, Isn’t life just a mixture of reality and reality? It’s real and empty! Don’t forget to use one, Look at the world with a compassionate heart.
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s kind words [Why are there heaven, hell and earth] Why is there heaven? Is there a hell and a human world? The three talents of heaven, earth and man, The upper part is clear and the lower part is turbid. The upper part is clear and is the sky. If your heart Your spirit is good, Then it is a breath of fresh air, Then you can be very close to the sky, Heaven is in your heart, with you, On the contrary, if the mind cannot cultivate, If the mind always creates karma, So distressed, Just show it in life, Make yourself feel like you are living in hell, when you are sick, When you are in a bad mood, Be it sadness or fear, Be it angry, all kinds of feelings, It's not all like hell, Can't you transcend? You don't go to hell only after you die; Hell is in every thought! Heaven and hell are in my heart, Good and evil are all cultivated by one thought.
[The more filial you are, the richer you are] This blessing is a blessing in this world. The merit is too great, Even if it is a bad fate, You can't stop your own merit at all. Be filial and provide for your parents, Even if it’s just for one day, Life will undergo incredible changes, Don’t contradict your parents for a year, Can extinguish thirty years of hostility, Then what you lack will come together, Everything that doesn't go well will automatically go well. Even if you take it for a month, Be filial and provide for your parents, Make parents happy, This troublesome thing on your hands, It will all be solved automatically. If you want to accumulate great merit, Accumulate merit that can be enjoyed in this life If a good marriage goes smoothly, Work goes smoothly and wealth accumulates. Excellent performance in important exams, All applications are not rejected, In real life, all the blessings go smoothly. As long as you don't contradict your parents, Facing his parents with a soft face and a smile, talk to parents, Speak softly and be happy, These basic things, There is no obstacle to possessing it, The ghosts and gods see that you are filial to your parents, He respects you very much, I dare not hinder you at all, Such a good way to change your life, It’s such a pity that everyone doesn’t know. If you want a smooth career, Usually since childhood, Those who do not contradict their parents, Because every day since he was a child, They are all helped by the luck of their parents, Very powerful, no one else can match it. Also, be careful not to say, Ancient Chinese sages such as Lao zi and Confucius, Bad words from eminent monks and great virtues, Just say it and it's over, don't even think about getting promoted. Unless you repent deeply. Treat your parents respectfully, Make your parents happy, There is something good, They should all be used to support their parents. Be respectful to your parents, This is the fastest growing official salary. Nothing is faster than this, You respect your elders, that's natural, You will also become an elder and be respected by others; To support parents is, The fastest growing wealth. Let me tell you something that people don’t like to hear. No matter what a person says, My heart is filial, A person does not support his parents, His poor character, It's written very big on the face. So, What the Buddha taught us is filial piety. After the thought of filial piety, there is another sentence: A few small things to provide for parents, You can't just think about being filial; After reciting it, there is no part about making offerings. I usually need as much as I need, Use your property to support your parents, Don't hold me so tightly, Don't make excuses, My wife and children need money for a house. If you look like this, you will grow old in the future. Your children will not support you either. Even the excuses are the same as yours, This is called the father's actions and the son's actions. Changing one’s life is always, It starts with being filial and providing for your parents. If you can't do it, It's impossible for you to change your life. Because it is not as fast to accumulate blessings as to lose them.
The loving words of Ji Gong Living Buddha [Remember to change your thoughts] A word to fulfill others, Can speak like pearls of wisdom, It can also be poisonous snakes and beasts; Change your position and be an obedient person, Always listen to bad words as good words, Listen to negative words as positive words, This is obedient and wise. Disciple, if you are unable to do it for the moment, At least remember to change your mind, Don't say a word for others, Just dance with him, Resentment, hatred, annoyance, anger, annoyance, Isn't that silly? You don't even know you're being taken advantage of. How can we distinguish between the grudges and grudges in the world? Who is right and who is wrong? Let God judge. Why bother? Let your own mouth be the judge! Let others take advantage, Let's suffer a little loss, It is also an art of practice.
【What should I let go off】 We often say we need to "let go"; What exactly do you want to let go of? 1. Let go of the debate about right and wrong There are many people who cannot realize that I also made mistakes, But I hope that myself, Always correct, as everyone knows, This is good for our good interpersonal relationships, is a huge risk, also to us or others, Causes tremendous stress and pain. Think about it, is it really worth it? So when you feel yourself, When eagerly engaging in arguments about right and wrong, Please ask yourself, Is this really the right thing to do? Is it really beneficial to you? our self, Is it really that big? 2. Let go of your desire to control, Be willing to give up on the people around you, The desire to control the environment and things. Whether they are the ones you love, Or your work partner, Or just a stranger on the street, Please allow them to follow their own status, This way you can feel better. 3. Let go of blame, Don't blame others for what they did, or did nothing, Don't rely on your feelings, To blame someone else. 4. Let go of your self-pity mentality, The reason why many people suffer is because, They repeat negatively, A self-defeating mentality appears. Don't believe anything negative, Thoughts of self-pity, You'll be better off this way. 5. Let go of your limited understanding of yourself, what can i do, What can't I do? what is possible, What is impossible? Now, let go of you, Thinking about your own problems, limited understanding of oneself, You shouldn't be allowed to box yourself in. Spread your wings and fly! 6. Put down the mentality of complaining, Stop what you always do, Complain about people, environment, and things! Unless you want, No one can make you unhappy, No environment can make you depressed and miserable. It was not caused by the environment, These feelings of yours, It's your choice. The power of positive thoughts cannot be underestimated. 7. Let go of criticism Don't criticize easily, People and things that are different from you. We are all different, But we are all the same, We all want to be happy, Want to be loved and understood. 8. Put down your vanity, Stop trying to cater and please others, Because it can't be done. Only when you let go of your pretense, When you take off your mask, Only then can you accept and embrace the truth, Only then can others be attracted to you. 9. Let go of inertia, Change is good, Change can improve you and the lives of those around you. Follow your luck, Embrace change, don't fight it. 10. Let go of random judgments Don't give to those you don't understand, People and things can be easily defined, label, albeit sometimes, They look weird and different, Try to open your mind a little bit. Remember, the mind is opening, will work when Advanced ignorance is to refuse easily, Things you don’t understand at all. 11. Let go of fear Fear is just an illusion, It doesn't really exist, It's just you who created it, It only exists in your mind. There is only one thing that scares us, That is fear itself. Modify your inner self, Things will naturally get better on the outside. 12. Let go of excuses most of the time, We limit ourselves, because we always Use this or that excuse, Instead of improving us, life and strive to grow. We are hindered by them, deceived by them, To know 99% of the excuses, It's all false. 13. Let go of the past It's hard, Especially when the past was very beautiful, And there are scary times ahead. Don't confuse yourself, Live in the moment and enjoy the moment. After all, life is a journey, rather than the end. prepare yourself, Keep a clear mind, Just live in the moment. 14. Let go of attachments Letting go of attachment means, Be detached, let go of everything, But that doesn't mean you can give up on love, Because love and persistence are two different things, Persistence comes from more sources, Fear of loss. And love is pure, Tolerant and unselfish. when you love, You won't be afraid of losing. Therefore love and attachment cannot coexist. Let go of your attachments and you will become, Very peaceful, tolerant and serene. At this time, you can understand everything, Even things you have never experienced. This state transcends language. 15. Put aside other people’s opinions, Live your own life, Too many people live for others, rather than myself. They always base their decisions on others, to live from the perspective of Including what others think is good. They ignore the inner voice, The call of the heart. They are always busy pleasing others, Live for the expectations of others, And forget to control your own life, Forget what you really like, What do you want? What exactly is needed. Eventually, they forget themselves. Remember, you have your own life, This is a right, it belongs to you, You have to live your life. Be especially careful not to let others, Opinions shape your path. Some people think that letting go Just don't care, Or just casually. Actually it is not the case, Regardless of whether you give up or not, Just a sloppy customer. Really let go, It's not about coping with the problem, But do things with your heart. Doing things includes work, Life, study, practice, etc. Your summary of good experiences, Learn lessons from the bad, Then let it all go from your heart, Don't miss it again and again, The bad ones are not sad or sad, Don't be persistent anymore. Because you have tried hard. Letting go is a kind of wisdom in life. Letting go is a kind of calmness, It's not helplessness, nor is it giving up. Letting go is a kind of magnanimity, It is a kind of enlightenment and a kind of spirituality. Only let go when it’s time to let go, Only then can you free up your hands, Seize what truly belongs, Your joy and happiness.
The kind words of Ji Gong Living Buddha [Respect the teacher and the Tao, connect the past and the future, and abide by the Buddhist rules] Practice Tao all your life, It is to test your respect for teachers, Connect the past and the next, strictly abide by Buddhist rules, These are just virtues. No matter what position you hold in the dojo, The former sages are the former sages, Even if my knowledge is not higher than yours, Disrespecting the predecessors means that you have no connotation. These are very important, Disciples, please pay attention. Don't be negligent. Sometimes you have to understand your position, Those who need to ask for instructions should ask for instructions. Don't think you are good at it, Just decide everything yourself. There are also some people who are in charge, Without first asking for advice from the sages, Just announce this to everyone, Then he said to his predecessor: That’s great, Mr. Xian! Okay! What is this attitude? Look at "Cheng men Li xue", Focus on spirit rather than form, The students are going home, Seeing the teacher sleeping, I dare not go home. I don’t dare to wake up the teacher either. Just stood by respectfully. Although the snow outside has accumulated very high, But still wait until the teacher wakes up, Only students dare to go home, This is inherent respect. Instead of standing around and waiting, Keep complaining, Why hasn’t the teacher gotten up yet? In this way, there would be no good words from Cheng Men li xue. Do you understand? This is a question of intention. Even in one place, You are more familiar than your predecessors, You must be prepared to entertain your predecessors, Just issue the command yourself: What should I give to my predecessor? What to entertain the predecessor? I didn’t even ask my predecessors if I wanted it? It's subtle and it's possible for you all, As a dojo manager, I often come into contact with former sages, These can't be done well, What good example should we leave to future generations? Bai yang Hadith-Saint Fu lun yin (Volume 4) AD 2006 Year Bing xu May 16th Send a Spiritual Hidden Confucius Temple, Suratthani Province, Thailand
【Tomorrow comes first or impermanence comes first】 If life is not given, death is given first. From the moment everyone is born, Start running towards death! Some even said: Life is like a car that is driving fast, But there is no brake on the death train. At first glance, this sentence, A bit scary, But if you calm down and think about it, Isn't it? This sentence originally said, It is the language of truth, Who is not there every second? Heading towards death? The only difference is arriving early or arriving late. And most people don't know, I didn’t even think about myself, Will you arrive late or early? This is impermanence. Open the newspaper or TV every day, News of death was everywhere. May I ask those who were involved in the crash? or someone who died in a car accident, The second before they were killed, Have you ever thought they would die? They are like everyone else, Take life for granted. We often hear from friends we know, Or a loved one died suddenly? We don’t even have to be sick to die; It is possible for our bodies to It will suddenly collapse and become unable to function, Like a good car, It's like breaking down suddenly. One morning we Maybe it's still fine. But he fell ill and died the next day. "Death" sounds like, It's a very serious matter, No one wants to die, So people are afraid of death. And those who say they are not afraid of death, Actually there are many I don’t know the meaning of death, thus to death Someone who has a careless attitude. Ask yourself if you knew, I am about to die, what should I do? We lay down to sleep at night, The body is completely unable to control itself. I don’t know tomorrow, Will you ever wake up again? Or where it's going tonight. If you exhale, But when I can no longer breathe, you die, die, It's that simple. As a Tibetan proverb says: Whichever comes first, tomorrow or the next life? We won't know.
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Ji Gong Living Buddha’s loving words [The true way really tests the heart] The true way really tests the heart, In the last moment, wisdom appears; This is the day of doom, The great test of wisdom comes to a successful end. Each of the disciples was tested. The last time tests a strong heart; The dojo tests the truth and lies, The true way will bring out the true and the virtuous. The heavenly cauldron and the earthly furnace serve as a test, Adversity tests the heart. Test you're three pure and four righteousness, Test you're Buddhist rules and etiquette are complete; Is it profitable for Test to practice Tao? Is Test fighting for power? Is Test against his wishes? Is Test repentant? Is Test spiritual practice a pretense? Is Test spiritual practice pious? Is Test 's character cultivated? Is Test s fire condition is full of virtue; Is Test firm in his decision? Is there something biased in Test you're heart? Is Test bright-hearted? Test you're inner denial? Is Test committed to the Tao? Are Test you're words and deeds biased? Test continues the previous and the next, Is Test you're thoughts correct? Does Test you're know the truth? Is Test you're seeking his own power? Is Test you're leading the way? Does Test you're follow his predecessors? Big test, small test, big test, Good times and bad times test the heart; The smooth test, the reverse test and the magic test, You cannot become an immortal without being tested by demons; There is no chance of great compassion as the purpose, The great compassion of the same body is the benchmark; Is Kaur far off the mark? Is Calder a law-abiding person? Everything tests God’s intention, The body and heaven support people in overcoming difficulties. As a teacher, how can I bear to be tested by my disciples? Disciple’s patience strengthens his heart; I love my disciple so much that I can’t bear it. Those who hope to be disciples must not retreat; The final test tests wisdom, The experience of internal and external examinations; I hope that the disciples will strengthen themselves and join forces, Work together to transform the universe. The saints, deities, gods and Buddhas also constantly remind you, Told to practice sincerely, With "wisdom, benevolence and courage to cope with all changes"; Use the "Sword of Wisdom" to eliminate evil and eliminate evil; Face various challenges.
The Holy Buddha’s Merciful Instructions [Tests are unavoidable, so we should respond accordingly] Cause and effect are not unknown, Sixty thousand years of great reckoning of cause and effect, It should be Baiyang in the third period. So the final test will always come, And "One Chapter of the Last Repair and Management", It is my mentor Jigong Living Buddha, Various ways of responding. The excerpts are as follows: The wisdom test in the future of the dojo, I can't believe it, Being a teacher cannot take the place of a disciple in settling down his body and mind. I just hope you can understand, Heaven’s heart, Buddha’s heart, teacher’s heart, Practice the Tao honestly and stick to your vows; As Brother Lutong said: The divine weapon in the world cannot be used! Quit it! Be careful! As a Taoist in the age of Dharma-ending, Make great aspirations. Let your heart Ascend to the ten directions, The hearts of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are the same, Otherwise, we are just seeking relief from this life and this world. How can one enter into the sea of truth and Dharma? As a Taoist, we should dedicate ourselves to secular sentiments and talk about sacred sentiments. Feel at ease and feel at ease everywhere, A monk should never enjoy it too much, Talk about pomp and style; I am used to being poor as a teacher, One bowl of food for thousands of families, traveling thousands of miles alone, I can't accept being carefree and unrestrained. I can't train these wealthy disciples either. Don’t put too much emphasis and attention on the Buddhist hall, Or the number of relatives, And it creates the desire to fight for possessions, This is all incorrect, A slight deviation, If you start to care, you will easily fall into the wrong path. What you need to know: God’s final evaluation of merit and results, Therefore, with virtue, discipline, and mind, Willingness will rise and fall depending on the temperature of the fire. It does not lie in the external names and appearances of merit. How many people have been involved in Dao Quan before their eyes? Tao momentum, the trap of Tao name without knowing it, It’s really heartbreaking and regretful; The monk is here at last, If you don't understand your appearance, what can you say? To my teacher and your teachers and wives, I took nothing with me back then, Leaving behind the responsibility of San Cao, Let you do it with the human dojo, What are you so persistent about? What about your fight and mine? The test will always come, Especially those at the end of Baiyang, The great test of wisdom is coming soon. Everyone must be mentally prepared. The so-called "stay calm to resist the wind and rain". The disciples are in this Tao game, You must go through trials and tribulations, Only then can one become a great talent. This Baiyang exam is imminent, This will be the dividing line for Tianyan to be eliminated! The world situation, the Tao situation, and the human situation are all changing. Even a teacher cannot balance it. I usually don’t read the books and teachings of sages. Then you will not be able to understand the aspirations of the sages, In times of danger, How can we face it calmly? What about the choice between life and death and ascending and descending? If you only seek liberation in this life, Then the relationship with being a teacher, Only in this life; If one can generate vast bodhicitta thoughts without being ignorant, Establishing widespread good karma to facilitate all sentient beings, Then the next dollar will definitely come again, I will always accompany you as my master to cross the Saha River. I will always be my teacher and friend in all my life, This is a monk, Eternal sorrow and pride.
The kind words of Ji Gong Living Buddha [Be a happy little Ji Gong] Disciples, you don’t know, After cultivating for several lifetimes, You don’t even know, and me, a monk, How long have we been together? In this life, we I have just been a master and apprentice for a lifetime, That is, the master and disciple will live forever. As a master, who cares about the affairs of his disciples? Your business is my business, If I don't help you, who will? The most important thing is you, You have to stand up by yourself, If you are willing to stretch out your hands, Being a teacher will give you a lot of strength; If you don’t even raise your hands, He can't exert any strength, he can only shout to the sky and the earth, If you blame everyone, where can you help me as a teacher? I hope you all learn, As happy as a teacher, You also want to be a happy little Jigong; I will give you my love as a teacher, You should also show your love, Give the world more people, okay? Life is short, If we don’t do good deeds in time, when will we wait? Why should we be stingy in giving? Just a concern and a contribution, A support, a love, I believe you can do it. The disciples came to this earthly world, It came because of fate, It always comes with some purpose. So don't forget, Why did we come? Don't be confused and confused, Just walked around again, Just like this, another life passed, How many years have the disciples had? You can afford it! You said you want to share the teacher's worries, then, You know the sorrow of being a teacher, What is it? When you are awake, You all know that as a teacher, What are you worried about? But when you are confused, When the fire of ignorance arises, Or karma is present, Temper problems cannot be controlled, It cannot be perfect in human matters, Or feel everywhere Insufficient and inferior to oneself, Difficulty cooperating and communicating with others, When such difficulties occur, You have forgotten to be a teacher, Only remember yourself, only care about yourself, At that time, he became a mortal again. Therefore, I always say thank you to you, We must always use the mind of immortals and Buddhas. When the disciples use the hearts of immortals and Buddhas, Just doing your duty as a good person, Just like being a teacher all the time, They all put their hearts into their disciples, I hope my disciples can, Practicing the Tao well is the same; Which one has been tested? Just hurry up and enlighten him, otherwise, When he stops practicing Taoism in the future, That would be a real pity; Which one is in bad health? Just quickly eliminate his karma and eliminate his karma; Which one has something going on in his heart? Let me tell you as a teacher, So that you can have fun.
The loving words of Ji Gong Living Buddha [Cause and effect follow each other like a shadow] People practice in the world, In addition to one’s own karma, Cause and effect follow each other like a shadow, and are inseparable. Therefore, in every moment of the human world, Everyone should treat everything with kindness, Because it is now, Create retribution for the next life! All living beings in the world are confused, The comfort of instant pleasure, In addition to self-interest, If you don’t think about other things, how can you know that there are sentient beings? Love continues, Cause and effect are also closely connected. In this connection of cause and effect, Trying to find a solution, Before getting the answer, I still don’t know why? Why! In addition to taking care of one's own feathers, You must also care for the people, things, and things around you. This is a perfect practice. And don’t suffer it on your own body, To the people around you who care about you, This will cause irreparable consequences, And do it this way, It will be implicated in the cause and effect of the next life! All sentient beings can practice in this world, It’s because of sufficient causes and conditions, This reason is that in a gathering society, forming a network of connections, At a certain moment, All can make everyone understand, Seize the opportunity to practice, Don't let yourself sink into oblivion again.
The kind words of Ji Gong Living Buddha [Learn gentleness. Learn wonderful wisdom] Learn to be gentle: Why be soft? Do you think that knife is very hard? Often cut hard things, The knife will break; That bow and arrow are very hard and break easily; Look at your teeth and tongue, Teeth will fall out first. Softness can overcome hardness, We must be kind and gentle, Think of each other in everything, When things happen, don’t argue or argue, Not impulsive, not impatient, neither angry nor sulky, Let yourself be calm and calm at all times, Let your virtue increase more and more. Learn wonderful wisdom: How to cultivate wonderful wisdom, Listen carefully! This is very important, You must take the exam, you must take it every year, And no matter who it is, All will take the exam. Able to turn big things into small things, Make things okay. Able to conceal evil and promote good, and to take credit for mistakes. Wonderful wisdom will be opened, To consummate others is to consummate yourself. If this can be done, Then every day is a good day, Everyone is a good person and heaven is everywhere.
The loving words of Living Buddha Ji Gong [Go down to earth to save all sentient beings on the basis of your wish] The same is true of wishing to descend to the mortal world to save sentient beings. Some missions are to teach teachers, Some are lecturers, lecturers, and forum hosts; I want to ask you if you are walking in the right position, Or is it overstepping the bounds? In other words, if you don’t do your duty, I always think bad things about others, Criticize others. Villains like to be flattered, Like to hear nice words; A gentleman is magnanimous, Dare to correct your own mistakes, I hope someone can give me advice and be happy to hear it. If the road construction goes astray, A slight difference is a thousand miles away. We must understand the truth and practice it seriously. Individual cultivation leads to personal gain, Don’t cultivate based on human feelings; It’s not about passing people over to teach teachers. It is according to your wish, I know your 60,000 years of cause and effect, For your sins, you have to fix them and do something about it. The ancestors also benefited from it. Baiyang Sancao Pudu, It means that one child becomes enlightened, The Seventh Ancestor of the Nine Mysteries is honored. Regardless of whether the environment is favorable or adverse, The original intention of Tao, To be able to keep it forever, Don't be unable to withstand a little storm, Just staggering this way and that, A small setback will knock you out. This is very sorry for the Seventh Ancestor of the Nine Mysteries. It’s not worth it!
[How can a perfectly healthy person die suddenly? 】 Author: Huang Xuan Department of Thoracic Medicine, Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, and critical care medicine specialist, It was very cold yesterday, all over Taiwan in two days About 74 people have been reported to have died suddenly. I'm worried that it will continue to freeze like this. Maybe hundreds of people will die suddenly. Everyone must be very curious, Good and healthy people, Why did you leave suddenly? Especially if there is no history of cardiovascular disease, Take your medicine on time obediently. I didn’t smoke or stay up late, Did not drink, before sudden death, Nothing uncomfortable? These questions are often asked clinically, Yes, I obviously wore thick clothes to keep warm. Why is there still sudden death? I deal with these patients in the acute and critical care unit, Discover the actual crisis, Hidden in personal living habits, Rather than how many pieces of heavy clothing you wear: 1 Get up immediately When you get up in winter, you should stay in bed for a while. Get up slowly again, Instead of kicking away the warm quilt. No one can compete with you on how fast you get out of bed. You have to know, the warmth under the quilt It's life-saving, Don’t take off your thermal insulation measures suddenly. Being exposed to cold air without defense, your skin reacts, Just shrink quickly, Of course the blood vessels in your body will also constrict. Please make sure before removing the blanket, Put on a warm-up jacket first. Keep your limbs and body warm. 2 When washing your face and brushing your teeth After getting up, everyone goes to the bathroom. Please turn on the hot water and cold water first and mix them into warm water. Just wash your face and brush your teeth. Avoid the entire face and blood vessels, Shrunk by freezing in cold water. Don’t think that washing your face and brushing your teeth is It's just a local coldness for a while. The bathroom is very humid and cold. The most important thing is to be careful. when taking off clothes Take a bath and wash in hot water in winter, Taking a bath is very comfortable. But don’t forget to leave the hot water source The body is naked, hot water beads on skin, Sudden exposure to freezing air, The body will instantly tremble. Please remember to bring towels, Put it somewhere easily accessible, Get a towel and wipe off the water droplets immediately. Put on your clothes now, It’s really not advisable to take off your clothes for too long in winter! 4 Ignore the ears and neck I have seen many patients who died suddenly. Before death, his ears and neck were completely unprotected. Please don’t think that the limbs of the body, If you dress well, you will be warm. Our ears and necks are exposed to the cold wind, 2 thin ears lack body fat, It can provide warmth and concentrate on the neck. The head and body have many tiny ones, Sympathetic nerves and blood vessels, Wearing an extra scarf and earmuffs can protect you. 5 Wearing the wrong layers of clothes I once rescued a patient who died of sudden cardiac death. It was only when the paramedics cut open the clothes and gave first aid that they found out. He was wearing two layers of T-shirts and a jacket. There is no sweater on top of the T-shirt! In fact, wearing a sandwich is the correct way to wear it. The innermost layer is a cotton coat to absorb sweat. The sweater in the middle maintains body temperature. The outside is a windproof and waterproof jacket. If you wear it wrong, no Able to retain one's own body temperature, Sudden death from cardiovascular constriction is easy. 6 Sudden death during exercise Exercise is a good thing, But you have to understand your physiology, The most common sudden death due to exercise occurs in: Sudden exercise without warming up, Stop suddenly after intense exercise, High mountains and ridges are in a hypoxic environment. Or you are doing an unfamiliar sport. Normally when we are not exercising, blood returns to the atrium, Venoconstriction alone is sufficient. But during strenuous exercise, The heart pumps out every minute 6-17 times that of no exercise, blood flow to your muscles, It will also increase by more than 25 times. When the outside environment is cold, Your blood vessels will resist and continue to contract, At this time, the blood flow to the heart is restored It must be insufficient, it is possible, Risk of sudden death. Sudden death tends to occur late at night and early in the morning. Except for those who do morning exercise, Most people die suddenly at home. When encountering the winter cold snap, We need to change our daily habits, Don’t think that wearing warm clothes is enough. Don’t take advantage of your youth, Don't care about prevention. The incidence of sudden death in Taiwan, Showing an upward trend year by year, Moreover, the age of onset is on a downward trend. It also often occurs in healthy young people, In middle-aged people, The family is extremely hurt. After taking a shower, 400 cc of dehydration will occur. Remember to add water before taking a shower This will prevent myocardial infarction, Because after taking a shower, Will lose 400 CC of water. Love your family, love yourself. The weather is cold, Everyone should keep warm and don't be negligent. Please inform patients, relatives and friends!
Ling Miao Tian zun Ci yu [Real good friend] You are looking for a speech, Don't say that your skin is thin, afraid of being poked, Our skin is very thick, Improve when you do wrong. Go to find it yourself, Then you have to tell your friends, tell your friends, I have any mistakes, please tell me, I will definitely improve. Don't say when people tell us, Just swoop the face (Taiwanese ) for others, People won't tell us in this way! We have to make progress, Just want someone to remind, Remind and change it, People who are willing to talk about us, It's a real good friend, do you know?
[The saint takes the hearts of the people as his heart] There are four key points: 1. The intention of the saint, There is no selfish opinion, prejudice, or discrimination, Can contract the hearts of the people with the heart of heaven. 2. The teachings of saints, with a kind heart, Get close to good and bad people, With an honest heart, Treat people with integrity and those without integrity. 3. The attitude of a saint, Worried about the ignorance of the people, To save sentient beings, they muddy their own souls. 4. When the people understand the truth, When you want to learn Taoism and practice Taoism, The saint treats the people, Just like educating your own children. The sage has a body of nothingness, with nothingness as his body and nothingness as his heart; No body is a sexual body, Wuxin is the heart of heaven and the heart of Tao. stubborn prejudice, Strong disgust and discrimination, Create your own thoughts and doctrines, These are all inseparable from the two characteristics of human and me, and law enforcement and self-enforcement, Neither of them has enlightenment. With intentions like this, education and attitude, It cannot lead people to break through all phenomena, All the energy goes directly back to Litian. The saint's human body says, Take the hearts of all living beings in the world as your heart, Caring for the people all the time, I don’t have my own likes, dislikes, or prejudices. But secular people are just the opposite. Have a strong ego and opinion, Selfish; not based on morality, Create your own thoughts and doctrines, To confuse sentient beings; these are inseparable, Qi is driven by material desires, Without seeing one’s nature and realizing the Tao, It cannot transcend life and death. Saints have destiny, Can wake up San Cao, Being moral can lead all sentient beings, Live in harmony with all living beings in the world, Give great love at random; And treat all living beings like children, Patience and encouragement. Zen Master Huang He said: If I don't lead the crowd, I will purify the six roots. The saint is for all living beings in the world, To muddy your own body and mind, If you only care about the dignity and purity of your image, Then Confucius would not be in panic, Like a lost dog. In the Analects of Confucius, It is recorded that some hermits Having left the crowd society, And far away from the court, family and country. They say Confucius is the phoenix in the sky, Another stray dog in the world. Confucius was willing, to accept bereaved dogs, He also said that it was so well said and so apt. To muddy the heart of the world, His appearance is turbid, his emotions are worried, Which living Buddha is alive? Not with a disgraced face and tears streaming down his cheeks? People in the world understand that goodness is based on nature, Unwholesomeness is indulging in human desires; Integrity is pursuing the truth, To not believe is to be deceived by human feelings. Holy religion can save people, and holy virtue can eliminate confusion; Then the life of desire is transformed into the life of righteousness, Human feelings are sublimated into heavenly principles. Ordinary people can become saints, It all depends on the saint’s tireless will, Good teaching and good guidance lead to success.
The kind words of Ji Gong Living Buddha [If you don’t read the four books, you will lose four things] Do you read the "Four Books" on weekdays? If you don’t read the books of sages, How can one appreciate the ambition of a sage? If you don’t read the books of sages, How can one understand the heart of a saint? If you don’t read the books of sages, How can we stabilize the country? Therefore, one should not read the Four Books when practicing cultivation. You will lose four things: First, the export is unregulated; Second, doing things in a bad way; Third, the appearance is immodest; Fourth, life is without light. If you can finish reading the "Four Books", able to understand, The heart of a sage, the ambition of a saint, The saint’s saving spirit, your life, It will emit light.
[Learn to give, and you will gain happiness] Care is the beginning of poverty; Giving is the best communication. Zhuang zi's "Equality of Things" says: The great knowledge is leisurely, the small knowledge is momentary. the wisest person, will always show, An open-minded attitude; A little talented person, Always love the trivial right and wrong And care about everything. The reason why a person is happy is It’s not that he has much, But he cares less. Our most important, Don't care about the truth and falsehood, Gains and losses, fame and fortune, Noble and humble, rich and poor, But how to live happily and happily, And discover the poetry of life. If the heart is careless, there will be complaints everywhere; If you relax your mind, it will be spring all the time. Giving is the best communication, Because giving is always better than taking, Makes people feel happier. meaning of life, It’s not about receiving, it’s not about asking, It's about giving and giving. The poor asked the wise: Why am I so poor? The wise man replied: Because of you, Have not learned to give to others. The poor said: I have nothing, How to give to others? A wise man said: A person has nothing; You can also give it to others, Seven good things: Yan Shi, handle things with a smile; Give words, say words of praise and comfort; Be generous, open your heart, and be kind to others; Look at others with kindness; Give personally and help others with actions; Take a seat and give up your seat humbly; House facilities are tolerant of people. Life is happy because of giving, Happiness increases in value through sharing. Otherwise the heart will be like the Dead Sea, The water can only flow in but not out, Finally there was dead silence. Obtaining is a kind of satisfaction, Giving is a joy. Only by learning to give can you gain happiness; Only when you know how to pay can you get more rewards.
The kind words of Ji Gong Living Buddha [Cultivation and practice of Tao are like planting lotuses in the fire] As a teacher, it is empty to come, and it is empty to go. Ragged clothes, nothing left, But! This being is a wonderful being in the sky, The teacher is holding a bag of candy in his hand, What kind of candy is this bag? What picture is drawn above? Yakult, Why give you Yakult? Nutritious and happy, Enter this Buddhist door today, Dao seedlings sprouted slowly, After sprouting, Just like my disciple, you farm, Leave it to waste, let it fend for itself, It will look beautiful, Will it bear fruit for you? Won't, It needs to be irrigated and nourished, How to nourish it? Then you will be watered with more water of merit, But where does the water of merit come from? The heart is unclean and impure, Acting without reason, No wisdom, no sincerity, You realize this truth, Doing things suddenly and suddenly stopping, Like a lamp in the wind, Because the cognitive logic is not clear enough. Therefore, cultivating the Tao must be based on one’s own state of mind. Change, how to change, Delete all the seven emotions and six desires and temper problems. Then body, mind and soul can, Only when you are truly healthy can you be happy. There will really be a lot of achievements in the future. Next, this candy is snow plum, Practicing Taoism is like planting lotuses in the fire; This artistic conception is like plum blossoms in the snow, Not because of adversity, And change your integrity and ambition! Although not very flashy, Very eye-catching appearance, But it has its own elegant fragrance. This is how we as Taoists should approach Taoism. If you don't have that sense of integrity, you have to be a clear stock. Then life will not follow, The seven emotions and six desires drift with the tide. Therefore, if a lotus is planted in the fire, Can overcome all kinds of things, No matter the trials or obstacles, Nature is like a proud plum blossom in the snow.
The loving words of Ji Gong Living Buddha [Monkhood at home, Tao Education family] Disciple! Become a monk cultivated at home and Tao Education the family, You have careers, studies, and family fortunes, To really do it, In the twenty-sixth hour, stop at perfection, It was not easy to begin with, The seven-emotion worldly love does not last long; Decades go by in a blink of an eye. The ancient sages and sages are also, Abandon the country and practice wholeheartedly, How much sorrow and sorrow there is in this world, Let it be like the smoke of the past, Do not contaminate the soul, To enjoy happiness is to eliminate happiness, If you endure hardship, you will get rid of it. This is the truth, If you still don’t understand, It is not easy to feel free. In good times, our aspirations, To make a bigger profit than others, Don’t say: When the children grow up, Come again to practice Taoism and conduct Taoism, This way you leave it to your children, The blessings are very limited. We have to think about it, although the child is small, At this time, the spirit is the clearest, As parents, You should also set an example for them to watch. Get out of the shackles of your own heart, Do more meritorious deeds and sacrifices, This way the children will watch it, I can feel it all, The blessing you leave to your children, is infinite, The combination of each family member, It all comes from fate, can be your daughter, That's because she is destined to you. If I can't be your daughter, I will also leave you for some reason, So, have positive thoughts, Be more considerate and tolerant. Cherish the time you get together, once you lose it, To bless, let every fate, Every time we get together, there are good results. The husband and wife are destined to practice together, No matter whether it is going smoothly or against, We all have to walk together, Because you are on the road of repair and development, Best mate. Always remember the goodness of the other person, Forget all the bad things, Only then can we create more Taoist families, Be neither greedy nor arrogant, Happiness is inner peace, With words and deeds of great compassion, Accumulated bit by bit. Everyone can find happiness, Everyone should be happy, But to be your own master, Only then are you qualified, Take control of your own happiness, Create a beautiful and happy life.
The loving words of Ji Gong Living Buddha Are you feeling at ease or feeling guilty? 】 Scenes of the past are rewinded and reappeared, Are you feeling at ease or are you worried? It is a memory picture full of brilliance, Or is it a lackluster feeling of guilt and debt? Not afraid of shocking and heinous crimes, I'm afraid that the willful and stubborn will not be stubborn in their evil ways, God is merciful, forgiving and forgiving, Given a great opportunity to reset and regroup, Those who see an opportunity and seize it must take the lead. Make big wishes without delay, Cherish the special destiny of this moment, Keep in mind the tangible and intangible support and support, Make good use of your sound limbs and practice the Tao, Make good use of infinite wisdom and adapt to situations, Make good use of your unique talents to help spread the Dharma, Make good use of existing resources to plan and develop, Seeing relatives and friends confused, hesitant and helpless, Come forward quickly and resolve the entanglement. Seeing fellow practitioners facing bottlenecks and stagnating, Come forward quickly and be with us with love, support and justice. Seeing the world constantly falling and disasters happening one after another, Quickly stand up and promote Confucianism and truth. Seeing that the hardware and software of the dojo are not perfect, Come forward quickly, participate in planning and be the backbone.
Tao Te Ching [Daily looses Chapter 48] For the sake of learning, the day goes by, but for the sake of the Tao, the day goes by; Damage after damage, to the point of doing nothing. Do nothing and do nothing. Therefore, those who conquer the world always have nothing to do; Even if you have something to do, it is not enough to conquer the world. 【译】If a person is, It is beneficial to seek knowledge for the sake of learning. But this benefit is only short-lived. But learning Taoism is different. Because learning the Tao means losing knowledge, Get rid of lust, and even more, get rid of delusions. Therefore, it is a loss for the Tao. In addition to the loss of knowledge, desires, and delusions, More importantly, we should pay attention to human feelings and the state of the world, Throw away all the vanity and fame; In this way, things and myself are forgotten. After selfish desires are purified, You can reach the state of self-nature and inaction. Reach the state of inaction, You can do anything. There is a profound mystery hidden in inaction. There is stillness in movement, and movement in stillness; It is reality within emptiness, emptiness within reality. For example, the sky moves through the four seasons without doing anything, All things come into being through the inaction of the earth. Man, heaven and earth combine into three talents, If people can do nothing, their true nature will be clear, So the creation of all things, Everything is in the body and mind, This is the beauty of inaction. So to gain the world, If you have selfish desires, Or rely on your own strength, To get it, it will not be available. So a person who truly understands the Great Way, Will conquer the world with morality, benevolence and righteousness. Such as Yao, Shun and Yu in ancient times, These saints are an example, Not only did he conquer the world, and won the hearts of the people, This is the real winning of the world. But Qin Shihuang was different. He acts according to his selfish desires, I want to take the world as my own, On the contrary, it makes people hate, To displease the gods of heaven and earth, Like this method of conquering the world, It is not enough to follow. Cultivating the Tao means cultivating the mind and nature. Return to the avenue. therefore, To remove obstacles from your mind, These sounds of lust, All conditioned knowledge and views will be removed, Only then can the light of sex be restored. By practicing in this way, you have reached the point of doing nothing. Finally, there is not even a mind to do nothing. In this way, we can sense the hearts of people all over the world. And get everyone's return.
The kind words of Ji Gong Living Buddha [See clearly the ins and outs of the human world] Not everything is possible on the road of life, Everything will suit your wishes, What do you do when things don’t go your way? Just make a breakthrough, don’t be persistent! Use your bad luck, To make up for your success, Use success to make up for your misfortune. If you can see clearly, The ins and outs of this world, You won't be troubled, You can live comfortably. Filial piety comes first among all good deeds, I hope you will start with filial piety. People who don’t know how to be loyal and filial, How can one become a saint or a Buddha? You want to be a sage and immortal Buddha today, Look at ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad, There are so many immortal Buddhas, No one disobeys his parents, There is no one who is unfilial to his parents. There is no such thing as disloyalty and filial piety. There is no god in heaven without merit.
[The process of life] is the process of cultivation What you cultivate is a heart, When your heart is gentle, everything will be perfect, When your heart is pure, your situation will be better. When the heart is happy, life will be happy, For a lifetime, no matter how you live, Don't pass the responsibility to others, All joys and sorrows, It’s all caused by oneself, Be more indifferent, be less vain, Only when you live authentically can you feel comfortable, Live your life in a way, Live without time and age, This is the most beautiful cultivation, As the saying goes, when water reaches a desperate situation, it becomes a waterfall. When a person reaches a desperate situation, he is reborn, Cultivate your mind and nature, be at ease with the situation, Be a happy and true self, happiest.
The kind words of Ji Gong Living Buddha [Clear & understand principle / and sensible/understanding] I hope you are sensible and sensible, A sensible person may not necessarily be sensible; But a sensible person must understand, I hope you are sensible A sensible person, This way you start doing things, To achieve perfection, Don't be attached to what you have done. Put it down and don't be attached to it, One’s own merits and virtues, Don't be obsessed with it either, How much have I paid? How much God must give me back. We don’t practice, You can go along with the worldly people, Since I am practicing today, Do you have to give yourself a principle? It’s the same for everyone, Only then can you make this dojo Present the most perfect, so that all sentient beings can believe, Affirm the supreme dignity of Buddhism. You should always listen to the truth and reflect on it often. Put these principles into practice, You do it and do it, It's your own harvest, It's his business whether others do it or not. Individual cultivation leads to personal gain, You eat to satisfy yourself, Others will not be full. Everyone’s eyes, Everyone must be able to see far. Doing things is a matter of dedication, Our practice is to cultivate our mind; Adjust our thoughts from time to time, Correct our thoughts, If your views and thoughts are correct, You must act like a gentleman, And elegant, What you say and do, We can all know and act as one, There are many people you can learn from. We not only need to be eloquent, And Ned, We must have that sincerity, Come and take in everyone next to you, Even those who have no faith in the Tao, He can ignite faith, That is one of the merits of your life
Chá tóng shīxiōng cíbēi zhǔ yǔ [bǎ zìjǐ de xīn guǎnlǐ hǎo] yīgèrén rúguǒ hěn shǎo tīng dàolǐ, nèixīn de yùwàng jiù duō, jiù bù nénggòu bǎ zìjǐ de xīn guǎnlǐ hǎo, yīn wéi rén de yùwàng, tānxīn hěnduō, suǒyǐ yào chángcháng jiēshòu dàolǐ de guàngài, nǐ de xīnzhōng de yùniàn, nénggòu yītiān bǐ yītiān jiǎnshǎo, dào xīn jiù huì yītiān yītiān zēngjiāle, yīnwèi yùniàn duō, rénxīn jiù huì duō; yùniàn shǎo, dào xīn jiù xiǎn. Lái dào fó táng yǒu fóguāng pǔzhào, huì ràng nǐ juédé yī fèn ānníng, xīnzhōng yǒu yīzhǒng hépíng, chūle fómén dào huāhuā shìjiè, jiù bù yīyàngle, rén dài yè xiūxíng, yǒu shíhòu huì fánzào, yǒu shíhòu yòu huì juédé, shìjiān shìqíng zhème duō, yǒu zuò bù wán de shì, yuè xiǎng xīnlǐ jiù yuè fán, qíshí zhèxiē dōu shì, nǐ zìjǐ de zhízhuó, yīnwèi nǐ méiyǒu bànfǎ fàngxià, cái huì juédé hěn fánzào, lái dào fó táng ràng zìjǐ xuézhe qīngjìng, dào zài xìwéi, yào hěn yòngxīn de qù tǐwù, bùshì zài zhèlǐ tīng dàolǐ éryǐ, zài rìcháng shēnghuó dāng zhòng yào qù tǐwù, hěnduō de dàolǐ shì wù chūlái de. Rén yǒu zhème hǎo de tóunǎo, yào shícháng sīkǎo yīxià, nǐ rénshēng de juézé, shì yào zěnme zǒu cáinéng huíguī zhèng tú? Zěnyàng háng chū guāngmíng de rénshēng? Zhè dōu yào qù sīkǎo de! Guāng yǒu tóunǎo bù qù sīkǎo huì shēng xiù de, jiù xiàng shēntǐ nǐ dōu bùdòng, yě huì shēng xiù, yǒu yījù huàshuō: Rén yào huó jiù yào dòng, shēntǐ cái bù huì shēng xiù, yīnwèi shēntǐ xiàng yī bù jīqì yīyàng, yào chángcháng qù yòng cái bù huì shēng xiù, hái yào qù wéixiū, méiyǒu yóule hái yào jiāyóu. Rén yě yīyàng, xiàng yī bù jīqì, yào chīfàn cái bù huì èsǐ, xīnlíng yào jiēshòu dàolǐ de guàngài cái bù huì kōngxū, shìshàng yǒu hěnduō shìqíng, dōu shì bìxū qù zuò de, yǒu hěnduō hǎo shìqíng, nǐ hái méiyǒu qù zuò, yào jiājǐn jiǎobù, gǎnkuài bǎ nàxiē hǎo shìqíng jiē lái zuò, jiàngōng lì dé de jīhuì shì yào qù qiǎng de. Lǎoshí de rén shì bù shuōhuǎng de, zhōnghòu de rén shì hěn shǒu guījǔ de, nǐmen jiùshì tài cōngmíngliǎo, yǒu shíhòu yào ràng zìjǐ shǎ yīdiǎn, lǎoshí xiūdào, lǎoshí chīfàn, lǎoshí shuìjiào, lǎoshí zuòshì, zhèyàng zǐ de rén, jiānglái yīdìng huì chénggōng. Nǐmen jìrán zhème cōngmíng, jiù yào hǎo hào shàn yòng cōngmíng, bùyào xué rénjiā tóujīqǔqiǎo.
Brother Cha Tong’s compassionate words [Manage your heart well] If a person rarely listens to reason, There are many desires in the heart, If you can't manage your heart well, Because people have many desires and greeds, Therefore, we must always accept the irrigation of truth. the desires in your heart, can be reduced day by day, The Tao heart will increase day by day. Because there will be many desires in the human heart; When there are fewer desires, the Taoist mind is revealed. When you come to the Buddhist hall, the light of the Buddha shines everywhere. It will make you feel at peace, There is a kind of peace in my heart, Leaving Buddhism and entering the world of flowers, It's different, When people practice karma, they sometimes become agitated. Sometimes I feel, There are so many things in the world, There are endless things to do, The more I think about it, the more annoyed I feel. In fact, these are all, Your own persistence, Because you can't let go, Only then will I feel very irritable, Come to the Buddhist hall and learn to be quiet, The truth is subtle, You have to understand it very carefully, I'm not just listening to reason here. To realize in daily life, Many truths have been realized. People have such good minds, Always think about it, your life choices, How can we get back to the right path? How to live a bright life? This is something to think about! Just having a brain without thinking will make you rusty. Just like if you don’t move your body, it will still cause embroidery. There is a saying: If people want to move, they must move. The body will not rust, Because the body is like a machine, It needs to be used regularly to prevent it from rusting. I still need to repair it. If you run out of oil, you have to refuel. The same goes for people, like a machine, You have to eat so you don't starve to death. The soul must be irrigated by the truth I won't be empty, There are many things in the world, All must be done, There are many good things, You haven't done it yet, We must step up our steps, Hurry up and do those good things, Opportunities to make meritorious deeds must be grabbed. Honest people don't lie, Honest people are very disciplined. You are just too smart, Sometimes you have to be a little silly, Practice the Tao honestly and eat honestly, Sleep honestly, work honestly, Such a person, It will definitely be successful in the future. Since you are so smart, We must make good use of our wisdom, Don't imitate other people's opportunism.
Ji Gong Living Buddha’s loving teachings [Code of Practice and Causes and Conditions for Perfect Practice] May 8, 2022 Ren yin, the eighth day of April Chung Hsing Dojo Taiping Li de College husband cultivator, Take precepts as your teacher, and discipline yourself as a discipline, Take loyalty as a guarantee and righteousness as a pledge. Yes, The precepts are the standards for practitioners, Benevolence is the connotation of a practitioner, Loyalty is the spirit of a practitioner, Integrity is the implication of a cultivator. If there are no rules and regulations, it will be chaos; If there is no connotation of benevolence, it will be arrogant and self-absorbed; If there is no spirit of loyalty, trouble will arise; If there is no integrity contained in it, then one will rely on power and greed. Therefore, keep the precepts and cultivate benevolence, Be loyal and honest, This is the code of conduct. If practitioners do not follow Buddhist rules, the Taoist temple will be in danger; If practitioners do not observe etiquette, the Taoist temple will be in chaos; If practitioners do not follow the right path, the ashram will surely fail; If practitioners are not loyal and righteous, the monastery will be scattered. Practitioners must also remember: Don’t betray God’s grace and always respect your teacher; Never forget the virtues of teachers and always respect the elderly and the virtuous; Don’t lose sight of the fundamentals, always drink water and think of its source; Don't humiliate your predecessors, always repay your kindness and fulfill your wishes. I hope everyone will follow the rules to protect the monastery, May everyone practice benevolence and righteousness to maintain the Taoist temple, May everyone be self-loving and self-disciplined, and solemnize the Taoist temple, I hope everyone will do their best to protect the monastery. All true practitioners must follow the rules of practice. Implement the work in a practical manner and actively participate in it, Be spontaneous and pursue the Four Truths, It is also the cause and condition of perfect cultivation.
Ji gong Living Buddha’s loving teachings [Code of Practice and Causes and Conditions for Perfect Practice] May 8, 2022 Ren yin, the eighth day of April Chung Hsing Dojo Taiping Li de College husband cultivator, Take precepts as your teacher, and discipline yourself as a discipline, Take loyalty as a guarantee and righteousness as a pledge. Yes, The precepts are the standards for practitioners, Benevolence is the connotation of a practitioner, Loyalty is the spirit of a practitioner, Integrity is the implication of a cultivator. If there are no rules and regulations, it will be chaos; If there is no connotation of benevolence, it will be arrogant and self-absorbed; If there is no spirit of loyalty, trouble will arise; If there is no integrity contained in it, then one will rely on power and greed. Therefore, keep the precepts and cultivate benevolence, Be loyal and honest, This is the code of conduct. If practitioners do not follow Buddhist rules, the Taoist temple will be in danger; If practitioners do not observe etiquette, the Taoist temple will be in chaos; If practitioners do not follow the right path, the ashram will surely fail; If practitioners are not loyal and righteous, the monastery will be scattered. Practitioners must also remember: Don’t betray God’s grace and always respect your teacher; Never forget the virtues of teachers and always respect the elderly and the virtuous; Don’t lose sight of the fundamentals, always drink water and think of its source; Don't humiliate your predecessors, always repay your kindness and fulfill your wishes. I hope everyone will follow the rules to protect the monastery, May everyone practice benevolence and righteousness to maintain the Taoist temple, May everyone be self-loving and self-disciplined, and solemnize the Taoist temple, I hope everyone will do their best to protect the monastery. All true practitioners must follow the rules of practice. Implement the work in a practical manner and actively participate in it, Be spontaneous and pursue the Four Truths, It is also the cause and condition of perfect cultivation.
Tao Te Ching [Zhirou Chapter 43] The most gentle thing in the world, Galloping through the world to be the strongest, Nothing enters into the infinite. I think it is beneficial to know that there is nothing to do. Teaching without words is beneficial by doing nothing. The world hopes to reach it. 【译文】The weakest thing in the world, It is water, but although water is weak, On the contrary, it can penetrate the mountains and the ground. Another example is invisible gas, Can carry various planets, So these invisible, weak forces, Often better than tangible and robust objects. Another example is that all mothers in the world are weak, But everyone in the world is not bad, Growing from mother's arms. So the invisible and weak power, It looks useless from the outside, But it is the greatest. So the invisible force, Can penetrate tangible objects, and invisible space, More control over them. Therefore, I know, What a benefit of doing nothing! Another example is that saints often lead by example, Practice it with your body and stay true to your nature at all times. This kind of unspoken teaching by example is better than words. Another example is the change of the four seasons, The biochemistry of heaven and earth, It’s all the movement of nature and inaction, Let all things grow together without causing harm, and move together without turning their backs on each other. It's really helpful. Like these teachings without words, The power of inaction, There are really few in the world that can compare with it. The avenue of nothingness, The reason why it can be everywhere, omnipresent, It’s because the body is essentially empty and has nothing. People are born with this way, so they are born with their own nature. And fell into the two qi and five elements, So it has a body and breath. If people understand that true nature is nothing, Don’t be obsessed with false appearances of form and energy; Then you can return to the Tao body, And get the great benefit of doing nothing.
【Time is ruthless, time never stops】 The days passed quietly day by day, We are also getting older day by day. Although time has aged my appearance, But he also developed open-mindedness. Many things are taken lightly. Many people have given up, No longer take everything seriously, No need to hold a grudge. No longer will I wrong myself for anyone, Don’t pay attention to other people’s opinions; Don't care about other people's opinions. Try to live the way you like, Never wear out your body for money; A healthy body is better than a huge fortune, A happy mood is the immortal Penglai. On the way to getting older, be kind to yourself, A little confused, not serious; Be cool and unrestrained, not aggrieved; Be generous and don't get angry. There are three things in life, It cannot be saved: life, time and love, So all you can do is cherish it. Years are hard to spare, time is not available, In fact, happiness is all around you. When you are hungry, food is happiness, just enough to satisfy you; When you are thirsty, water is happiness, just enough to drink; When you are poor, money is happiness, as long as it is enough; When you are tired, leisure is happiness, as long as you have enough fun. Life is up to me and not up to God; Happiness comes from the heart and not from the environment. Remember: Instead of looking for happiness, It is better to cherish the happiness around you. Look down on wealth and live an easy life; Forget age and be the best version of yourself.
The loving words of Ji Gong Living Buddha [Only when you are content can you be happy] People must know how to be content, Only when you are content can you be happy. Don't be satisfied, you will never have enough, Live in hell forever, Always trapped in the sea of suffering. I want to learn how to laugh like Patriarch Maitreya, You have to know how to let go, After letting go, your mind will naturally calm down. If you want to be calm, don't have delusions. Delusion will become a kind of greed, Greed will form desire, When there is desire, there is suffering. So how can you laugh? If the human heart can be content, you won't be insulted, The ancients said, "The human heart is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant." Such is human desire, What you get in this life, All are material gains, But the result of greed, But it shows you more, Psychological insufficiency. Everyone is lost sometimes, Just the word "greed", That's enough to get you spinning, isn't it? The glory and wealth of life, In fact, it is just a dream! People are involved in many things in the world, And these entanglements are all caused by oneself. To understand that the journey of life has its ups and downs, Isn’t the journey of spiritual cultivation the same? As long as you have a strong will, You have a yearning mood, Ambitious and ideal, wish can come true, If there is only three points of heat, Then all this becomes vain, Not real. Disciple, don’t do it because, The current situation is turbulent, Your heart is also in turmoil. You must first steady your steps, The prophet has stopped, but where should he stop? Stop at "the place pointed by the Master." If you know how to stop, you will not be in danger; And what about contentment? He who is content will not be humiliated. You know where to end, There will be no danger.