1890 atrs
1890 atrs
  • Видео 755
  • Просмотров 402 025
赤そばの里 (4K) / Red Soba Village (red buckwheat flower)
広島県北広島町東八幡原 / Higashi-Yahatahara,Kitahiroshima town,Hiroshima prefecture
The colorful red buckwheat flowers along with the highland breeze
(Quoted from the English version of the Kitahiroshima town tourist brochure)
Просмотров: 105


ルリコンゴウインコ (4K) / Blue-and-yellow Macaw
Просмотров 96День назад
広島市安佐動物公園 / ASAZOO in Hiroshima #ルリコンゴウインコ,#BlueandyellowMacaw
オオゴマダラ ② (4K) / Tree Nymph Butterfly (Idea leuconoe)
Просмотров 10214 дней назад
広島市森林公園こんちゅう館 / Hiroshima City Insectarium #オオゴマダラ,#TreeNymphButterfly
ヒマワリ畑 (4K) / Sunflower field
Просмотров 11221 день назад
風鈴・風車 (4K) / Wind Chime・Spinning Origami Windmill
Просмотров 120Месяц назад
広島県三次市鷺神社 / Sagi Shrine,Miyoshi city,Hiroshima prefecture ; 00:00 広島県世羅町旧報恩寺 / Former Hoonji Temple,Sera town,Hiroshima prefecture ; 05:49 #風鈴,#折り紙風車,#Windchime,#SpinningOrigamiWindmill
ブッポウソウ (4K) / Dollarbird
Просмотров 1,8 тыс.Месяц назад
ブッポウソウは繁殖のために東南アジアから日本に飛来します。その美しさから「森の宝石」と呼ばれて,大事に保護されています。 The Dollarbird migrates to Japan from Southeast Asia to breed. Because of their beauty, they are called the "jewel of the forest" and are carefully protected. #ブッポウソウ,#Dollarbird
温井ダム (中位標高放流) 4K / Nukui Dam (medium-altitude release)
Просмотров 260Месяц назад
広島県山県郡安芸太田町。アーチ式コンクリートダム。堤高156m,堤頂長382m,堤体積約810,000m3,集水面積253km2,湛水面積1.6km2,総貯水容量82,000,000m3,有効貯水量79,000,000m3。ダムの目的は,洪水調節・水道用水の確保・発電・正常な川の流れの確保。 平常時の下流への利水放流施設は,主バルブ(最大9m3/秒)と,副バルブ(最大3m3/秒)があります。 中位標高放流設備について,説明板にはつぎのように書いてあります。「洪水時に60m3/秒までの放流を行います。この設備は全国でも数えるほどのダムにしか付いていない珍しい設備です」 This dam is a arched concrete dam and located in Akiota Town, Yamagata District, Hiroshima Prefecture. Embankm...
仲のいいライオン・・・エル・アマレット・リク (広島市安佐動物公園) 4K / Friendly lions・・・Elle・Amaretto・Riku (ASAZOO in Hiroshima)
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.Месяц назад
2018年にサン・アース・ムーンが生まれて6年が経ちましたが,子供達の父親や母親達は穏やかに暮らしています。 動物園に掲示してある各ライオンの特徴です。 ◎アマレット (ムーンの母親) ・2016年4月2日 富士サファリパーク生まれ ・エルに比べて体色が薄い ・素直でやさしい ・リクと仲良し ・ケンカはいつも仲裁役 ◎エル (サン,アースの母親) ・2016年3月9日 富士サファリパーク生まれ ・アマレットに比べて体色が濃い ・リクと仲良しになりたい ・コミュニケーションが下手 ・リクにちょっかいを出す ・リクに怒られる ◎リク (サン・アース・ムーンの父親) ・2007年11月3日 安佐動物公園生まれ ・イケメンライオン ・りっぱなたてがみと,しっかりした体格 ・雨と寒さが苦手 ・冬の床暖房は独占したい Six years have passed since Sun, Earth ...
アジサイ寺・・・康徳寺 (4K) / Hydrangea macrophylla (Koutokuji Temple)
Просмотров 1372 месяца назад
#アジサイ ,#康徳寺,#Hydrangeamacrophylla
ヒツジの親子 (広島市安佐動物公園) 4K / Sheep and her baby (ASAZOO in Hiroshima City)
Просмотров 1322 месяца назад
広島市安佐動物公園で2024年6月14日にヒツジの赤ちゃん(雄)が生まれました。母親の名前はレンゲ(9歳),父親の名前はミロ(6歳)です。母親から時々乳を飲み,昨年生まれた優しそうなお姉さんなどと遊んでいます。現在,動物園ではヒツジの赤ちゃんの名前を3種類提示して,投票を受け付けています。この動画は赤ちゃんの生後22日目のものです。 A baby sheep (male) was born on June 14, 2024 at ASAZOO in Hiroshima City. The mother's name is Renge (9 years old) and the father's name is Milo (6 years old). He occasionally drinks milk from his mother and plays with his kind-...
ヌマジ交通ミュージアム (広島市交通科学館) 4K / Numaji Tranportation Museum (Hiroshima city Tranportation Museum)
Просмотров 2302 месяца назад
スイレンとウグイス (4K) / waterlilies & Japanese Bush Warbler
Просмотров 1412 месяца назад
スイレン / waterlilies ; 00:00 ウグイス / Japanese Bush Warbler ; 03:21 #スイレン,#waterlilies,#ウグイス,#JapaneseBushWarbler
オオルリ(雄)の鳴き声 / Blue-and-White Flycatcher (male) singing
Просмотров 1263 месяца назад
コシアカツバメとスズメ (4K) / Red-rumped Swallow & Tree Sparrow
Просмотров 1583 месяца назад
コシアカツバメの集団が建物の軒下にたくさんの徳利型の巣を作っています。コシアカツバメの繁殖が終わった後に,スズメがこの巣を再利用して子育てをしています。 A group of Red-rumped Swallows built many bottle-shaped nests under the eaves of building. After Red-rumped Swallows have finished breeding, Tree Sparrows reuse the nests to raise their young. コシアカツバメ / Red-rumped Swallow ; 00:00 スズメ / Tree Sparrow ; 01:15 #コシアカツバメ,#RedrumpedSwallow,#スズメ,#TreeSparrow
"うさぎの島"の子ウサギ (大久野島,2024) 4K / Rabbit Island (Okunojima Island)
Просмотров 2023 месяца назад
大久野島は広島県竹原市忠海に属し,忠海港から3km沖合の無人島です。(ただし,国民休暇村の宿泊施設のスタッフはおられます) アナウサギがたくさん生息していて,人にとてもフレンドリーです。 Okunojima island belongs to Tadanoumi, Takehara City, Hiroshima Prefecture, and is an uninhabited island 3km offshore from Tadanoumi Port. (However, there are staff at the accommodation facility.) There are many rabbits and they are very friendly to people. 【関連動画 / Related video】 "うさぎの島"の子ウサギ(大久野島)続編 /...
オオルリ(雄)の鳴き姿 (4K) / Blue-and-White Flycatcher (male)
Просмотров 1793 месяца назад
オオルリ(雄)の鳴き姿 (4K) / Blue-and-White Flycatcher (male)
モリアオガエル ② 4K / Forest Green Tree Frog
Просмотров 1184 месяца назад
モリアオガエル ② 4K / Forest Green Tree Frog
イソヒヨドリ ② 4K / Blue Rock Thrush
Просмотров 1504 месяца назад
イソヒヨドリ ② 4K / Blue Rock Thrush
花のまち・世羅 (4K) / Flowers of Sera Town
Просмотров 834 месяца назад
花のまち・世羅 (4K) / Flowers of Sera Town
テングシデの花 (4K) / Flowers of Tengushide
Просмотров 814 месяца назад
テングシデの花 (4K) / Flowers of Tengushide
うさぎの島 (大久野島,2024) 4K / Rabbit Island (Okunojima Island)
Просмотров 3364 месяца назад
うさぎの島 (大久野島,2024) 4K / Rabbit Island (Okunojima Island)
ダイサギと仲がいいヘラサギ (4K) / Eurasian Spoonbill, which is close to Great Egret
Просмотров 1075 месяцев назад
ダイサギと仲がいいヘラサギ (4K) / Eurasian Spoonbill, which is close to Great Egret
春の訪れ (4K) / Early Spring
Просмотров 1495 месяцев назад
春の訪れ (4K) / Early Spring
朝の溜め池 (4K) / Morning pond
Просмотров 965 месяцев назад
朝の溜め池 (4K) / Morning pond
ヘラサギ (4K) / Eurasian Spoonbill
Просмотров 1335 месяцев назад
ヘラサギ (4K) / Eurasian Spoonbill
河津桜とメジロ (4K) / Kawazu-zakura cherry blossoms and Japanese White-eye
Просмотров 1646 месяцев назад
河津桜とメジロ (4K) / Kawazu-zakura cherry blossoms and Japanese White-eye
知和ウェットランド (4K) / Chiwa Wetland
Просмотров 1256 месяцев назад
知和ウェットランド (4K) / Chiwa Wetland
ヤマガラはヒマワリの種が大好き ③ 4K / Varied Tit loves sunflower seeds
Просмотров 1446 месяцев назад
ヤマガラはヒマワリの種が大好き ③ 4K / Varied Tit loves sunflower seeds
ショウジョウトキ & アフリカトキ (4K) / Scarlet Ibis & Sacred Ibis
Просмотров 1356 месяцев назад
ショウジョウトキ & アフリカトキ (4K) / Scarlet Ibis & Sacred Ibis
ハシブトガラスの行水 (4K) / Jungle Crow bathing
Просмотров 1407 месяцев назад
ハシブトガラスの行水 (4K) / Jungle Crow bathing


  • @LetswalkaroundGothenburg3
    @LetswalkaroundGothenburg3 29 минут назад

    The video is great, great work, love it,see you soon😍Many greetings!👍👏👌😃( ͡❛ ᴥ ͡❛) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cool video⭐⭐+1👍 Have a great day!

  • @AishusCraftyKidsClub
    @AishusCraftyKidsClub 5 часов назад

    Red Soba Village What a beautiful scenery Full of flowers Wow

  • @PancingApik
    @PancingApik 6 часов назад

    Beautiful fields of flowers. Beautiful beautiful

  • @ikanlaut264
    @ikanlaut264 10 часов назад

    Preciosos Guacamayos . Beautiful macaw pair.

  • @agnieszkakwasniewicz
    @agnieszkakwasniewicz 15 часов назад

    Verrry beautiful bird. Cute!

  • @rpdhelp
    @rpdhelp 18 часов назад

    Very nice sharing my friend 😊😊😊😊😊

  • @musafirmusafir387
    @musafirmusafir387 20 часов назад

    Marvelous video.

  • @maibisnavarroart
    @maibisnavarroart День назад


  • @MbakTINA2027
    @MbakTINA2027 День назад

    Domba2 yg lucu dan jinak, sehat dan gemuk2 semua. Menggemaskan sekali 😍

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 20 часов назад

      Terima kasih banyak atas komentar hangat dan dukungan berkelanjutan Anda.

  • @rpdhelp
    @rpdhelp День назад

    Very nice video my friend 😊😊

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs День назад

      Thank you for taking the time to watch and comment.

  • @musafirlogofficial6570
    @musafirlogofficial6570 День назад

    Tremendous video, beautiful flowers.

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs День назад

      Thanks for your kind comment and continued support.

  • @gijsvermeulen5248
    @gijsvermeulen5248 День назад

    Hello, a nice movie of you and great to see!! Greetings Gijs😊😊

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs День назад

      Thank you very much for your kind comment and continued support.

  • @agnieszkakwasniewicz
    @agnieszkakwasniewicz День назад

    beautiful sunflowers !

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs День назад

      Thanks for watching and commenting.

  • @MbakTINA2027
    @MbakTINA2027 День назад

    Koleksi bunga yg sangat indah dan cantik 😊❤

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs День назад

      Terima kasih banyak atas tontonan dan komentar baik Anda.

  • @191christos
    @191christos 2 дня назад

    Beautiful sharing ! Like 34 !

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs День назад

      Thanks for your kind comment and continued support.

  • @LetswalkaroundGothenburg3
    @LetswalkaroundGothenburg3 2 дня назад

    Thank you for sharing a nice video. Have a wonderful day !💜 love it🥰❤😃( ͡❛ ᴥ ͡❛)🥳

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs День назад

      Thank you very much for your kind comment and continued support.

  • @jarmilakacirkova
    @jarmilakacirkova 2 дня назад

    Very interesting, thank you. Jarmila

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs День назад

      Thank you very much for your warm comment.

  • @ichxanthChuckmangio
    @ichxanthChuckmangio 2 дня назад

    Wooow, what a beautiful and spacious flower garden, thank you for sharing the video my friend 👍👍

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 2 дня назад

      Thank you very much for watching and your many kind comments.

  • @sarapdikit9902
    @sarapdikit9902 2 дня назад

    Sungguh pemandangan yang indah terimakasih berbagi

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 2 дня назад

      Terima kasih banyak atas tontonan Anda dan atas komentar-komentar baik Anda.

  • @finkaivanovska8016
    @finkaivanovska8016 2 дня назад

    Very nice 29👍🏼🎶👌🏻💕🍀🕊

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 2 дня назад

      Thank you very much for your warm comment.

  • @MbakTINA2027
    @MbakTINA2027 2 дня назад

    Bendungan yg sangat indah menakjubkan 🎉

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 2 дня назад

      Terima kasih banyak atas tontonan dan komentar baik Anda.

  • @mardyseanofficial9502
    @mardyseanofficial9502 2 дня назад

    Wow, what is this? Very beautiful, my friend. Lovely sharing. Cheers.

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 2 дня назад

      This is a fantastic work of light and reflection with the theme of space created by an art group consisting of members of various genres such as graphic designers, photographers, artists, and lighting engineers, using many mirror balls. Thanks for watching and commenting.

  • @mardyseanofficial9502
    @mardyseanofficial9502 2 дня назад

    Very beautiful sharing my friend. The Rabbit island is really beautiful. So many beautiful rabbit here. Unlike our Rabbit island here is nothing.

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 2 дня назад

      Thanks for your kind comment and continued support.

  • @ihsantani
    @ihsantani 2 дня назад

    Very beautiful 😊

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 2 дня назад

      Thank you very much for your visiting my channel and kind comment.

  • @quote_nature
    @quote_nature 3 дня назад

    Lovely views of the fields of buckwheat flowers and beautiful scenery in the village. Especially enjoyed seeing the wonderful spider webs! Best regards

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 3 дня назад

      It was my first time seeing such an artistic spider and I was impressed. Thank you for watching the video in detail.

  • @chuengueyhwang8558
    @chuengueyhwang8558 3 дня назад

    What a nice footage, great movie , I wish you happiness ! Have a good week!

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 3 дня назад

      Thank you very much for always watching and commenting.

  • @OlKo-hu4oz
    @OlKo-hu4oz 3 дня назад

    Beautiful video ❤❤❤

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 3 дня назад

      Thank you very much for your kind comment.

  • @MrArgoma
    @MrArgoma 3 дня назад

    Unas mariposas realmente hermosas. Bellamente filmadas 55👍.

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 3 дня назад

      Muchas gracias por su amable comentario y continuo apoyo.

  • @agnieszkakwasniewicz
    @agnieszkakwasniewicz 3 дня назад

    Beautiful lake!

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 3 дня назад

      Thanks for your kind comment.

  • @MrArgoma
    @MrArgoma 3 дня назад

    Preciosos Guacamayos 🤗👍.

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 3 дня назад

      Muchas gracias por tu amable comentario.

  • @OlKo-hu4oz
    @OlKo-hu4oz 3 дня назад

    Beautiful video ❤❤

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 3 дня назад

      Thank you very much for your visiting my channel and kind comment.

  • @mardyseanofficial9502
    @mardyseanofficial9502 3 дня назад

    Very beautiful flower field. Thank you for sharing my friend.

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 3 дня назад

      Thank you very much for watching and your polite comments. I really appreciate your continued support.

  • @mardyseanofficial9502
    @mardyseanofficial9502 3 дня назад

    Very beautiful my friend. The birds are colorful.

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 3 дня назад

      Thank you very much for watching and commenting.

  • @mariojsworld
    @mariojsworld 3 дня назад

    Beautiful fields of flowers.

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 3 дня назад

      Thank you very much for always watching and your polite comments.

  • @bunkowmoviebirds476
    @bunkowmoviebirds476 3 дня назад

    Wonderful shots of flowers😍👍

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 3 дня назад

      Thanks for your kind comment and continued support.

  • @agnieszkakwasniewicz
    @agnieszkakwasniewicz 3 дня назад

    Cute cats! nice music !

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 3 дня назад

      Thank you very much for watching and commenting.

  • @JesminCookingChannel
    @JesminCookingChannel 3 дня назад

    Beautiful flower

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 3 дня назад

      Thank you very much for your visiting my channel and kind comment.

  • @swisssights
    @swisssights 3 дня назад

    Beautiful light mood at the buckwheat field! The delicious soba noodles are made from buckwheat, aren't they? 👍

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 3 дня назад

      Yes, Soba noodles are made by locals from this red buckwheat flour and it is very delicious.

  • @Magnilay
    @Magnilay 4 дня назад

    Thanks for sharing the beautiful birds. Full support from relaxing music channel friend in the UK.❤🎉❤

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 3 дня назад

      Thank you very much for your visiting my channel and kind comment.

  • @bfoz
    @bfoz 4 дня назад

    I didn't know frogs are in trees

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 4 дня назад

      Thanks for watching and commenting.

    @NEMDUPARCDHIVER 4 дня назад

    Like21. Thanks you

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 4 дня назад

      Thank you very much for your visiting my channel and kind comment.

  • @Dannymuliana
    @Dannymuliana 4 дня назад

    Dear my friend, I really enjoy watching great nature and animals videos from your channel ! I am here aboard your channel, now we join hands as friends and LIKE #24. Greetings from Toronto, Canada Danny Muliana

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 4 дня назад

      Thank you very much for your visiting my channel and many wonderful comments.

  • @曽田歌子-c9f
    @曽田歌子-c9f 4 дня назад


    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 4 дня назад


  • @glyn829
    @glyn829 4 дня назад

    Very nice film 👌

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 4 дня назад

      Thanks for your kind words.

  • @adalbertosk
    @adalbertosk 4 дня назад

    Amazing place! Beautiful flowers!

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 4 дня назад

      Thanks for your kind comment and continued support.

  • @ptaszyny
    @ptaszyny 4 дня назад

    Beautiful flowers :)👍

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 4 дня назад

      Thank you very much for your warm comment.

  • @panoramicviolinist
    @panoramicviolinist 4 дня назад

    Very beautiful flowers 💐

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 4 дня назад

      Thank you very much for your visiting my channel and kind comment.

  • @250renfe
    @250renfe 4 дня назад

    Magnificent nature video! I'd liked the landscapes.

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 4 дня назад

      Thank you very much for your visiting my channel and kind comment.

  • @HikeToWildlife
    @HikeToWildlife 4 дня назад

    Thanks for the soothing moments in the nature 🌿 The spider web is impressive 👍

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 4 дня назад

      Yes, I too was impressed by the beauty of the spider web, which was the first time I had ever seen such an artistic one. Thank you very much for always watching and your thoughtful words.

  • @ayses.kkitchen-48
    @ayses.kkitchen-48 4 дня назад

    good view my friend. I am waiting for you. 14

    • @1890atrs
      @1890atrs 4 дня назад

      Thank you very much for your kind comment and continued support.