- Видео 39
- Просмотров 14 588 039
Добавлен 27 окт 2016
Betty Boop -Charlie Puth
Просмотров 1 млн5 лет назад
Enjoy 💋 Follow me on RUclips Follow me on Instagram : thewolfballerina?hl=fr Thank you so much to support me on my RUclips and Instagram channels 🐺
Lou Bega Sweet Like Cola Movies Dance
Просмотров 2,1 тыс.7 лет назад
Lou Bega Sweet Like Cola Movies Dance
A Tribe Called Red, Electric Pow wow Drum.
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.7 лет назад
A Tribe Called Red, Electric Pow wow Drum.
Nah, The original wasn't a beat drop, More like a beat collapse.
C'è ne erano tantissime inizi anni 2000 ma questa in quegli anni che la sentivo mi è rimasta più impressa
MIckey demonstrates that he hasn't been paying attention to his banishing spells.
🇮🇱🇮🇹🇧🇪🇱🇺🏴 shaloooom 2024 anyone?
Qui et la en 2024
Gam stop😂
Does anyone know what movies the clips came from?
Tbh idc if the beat drop was bad, i still prefer this over the remix
the beat didn’t drop, it collapsed 💀⚰️🙏
That was Amazing!!!
Love the video! Would you be willing to tell me what the names of the films that were used in this? Thanks! 😁
love this upload .... love the execution lol ....... ain't gonna tell y'all whut brought me here !!! y'all wouldn't believe me but neverthe less I'm here !!!! TAAAHHHHH DAAAAHHHHHHHH ...............thumbs up here .... just sayen
@anne-flore7791 Le texte est effectivement un extrait du psaume 23 (aussi connu en hébreau comme Mizmor LeDavid - "Le Chant de David"). En tapant "Mizmor LeDavid" dans RUclips on pourra en trouver de d'autres versions. En traduction approximative (elles le sont toutes) cela donnerait "Si je devais marcher dans la vallée la plus obscure, je ne craindrais aucun mal car tu serais avec moi. ton bâton pour me guider m'apporterait la sécurité". La musique quant à elle a été à l'origine composée dans les années 80 par Elie Bitbol pour la chorale d'enfants Les Chevatim. Elle a notamment servi pour la bande sonore du film italien Années d'enfance (inspiré par les souvenirs d''enfance de Jona Oberski, un survivant de la Shoah - titre original du film: Jona che visse nella balena). Version chantée par le choeur d'enfants Les Chevatim : ruclips.net/video/nEhTcMtth5s/видео.html Extrait du film Jona che visse nella balena : ruclips.net/video/XbmrbK2pwTA/видео.html Un peu plus d'information sur Elie Bitbol et Les Chevatim: www.iemj.org/hommage-a-elie-botbol-1954-2018/
venite al kappa
Betty Boop.exe
My mind music 🎶
alt F4
Burh I didn't realize all the remixes were not the original lol
❤️ beautiful both Mendelssohn and the ballet with it. Thank you.
Süß ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
❤ ihr alle seid so🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍😍💋💋💋💋💋💘💘💘💌
Love it 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱❤❤❤❤
1920s dance.🎉
out of rythm, just pasted some jumpers over music, and 11mio views, damn
what happened entertainment was wonderful back then!
Как ни скачи-энергоресурсы ДОРОЖАЮТ!!! 😁
0:33 Caravan Palace? 👀
I like wearing classy clothes from 40s and 30s also they had good dance moves.
A cet instant tu te sens Surpuissant ...
This is my song for my Xmas performance at school😂 Love it!
I love the music !!!
Alguien sabe de qué año es está canción y de que género musical es
For people wondering this is the original one, the other one is a "fixed" remix of this one.
Is this even a real song? I can’t find it anywhere..
No cóż też bym tak chciał . szkoda
we will be victorious
grandma was shuffling long before we were... but man could they dance in those days!
this is not your video!!!
Where are they from
WOW! Awesome!
Superbe j adore
Ели я пойду долиной смертной тени, да не убоюсь я смерти......... Слова этой песни.
Алания вперёд!!!
1900 were the best dance age😂
I don’t know how to feel about this song.. either happy or scared
Хочу замучить жжженщину
Very bad middle finger to you