  • Видео 346
  • Просмотров 3 472 322
sonicbrat - december wind
Просмотров: 234


bother catherby - i still love you alot and i hope you hear this
Просмотров 91914 дней назад
Forever Crescendo - Come Home (Full Album)
Просмотров 507Месяц назад
Officially released on the niplet youtube channel! very excited to bring you this awesome album from an awesome project. Forever Crescendo: Tracklist: 00:00 She Would Step Right Over The River 02:13 Sarah's Room 04:36 Empty Rooms, Empty House 07:20 Last Festival 10:57 A Hand On The Glas...
physi - time
Просмотров 632Месяц назад
Joy - Late_01
Просмотров 7642 месяца назад
twil - free fall
Просмотров 9232 месяца назад
ielrifice - Are we Mice?
Просмотров 8363 месяца назад
ninomiya tatsuki - entrust (loop)
Просмотров 5423 месяца назад
yourtwinflame - Innocence
Просмотров 4723 месяца назад
sore - Huhk
Просмотров 9174 месяца назад
tomi.kristian - Autumn
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.4 месяца назад
koji luna - Walnuts and Rain
Просмотров 7554 месяца назад
here we left it - Ember
Просмотров 6864 месяца назад
miltata - Snowdome
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.5 месяцев назад
miltata - Snowdome
marnie - birds poem "caramel mix"
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.5 месяцев назад
marnie - birds poem "caramel mix"
a single flower floating on a lake - run beside the light
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.8 месяцев назад
a single flower floating on a lake - run beside the light
doublearrm - 6 hands
Просмотров 7238 месяцев назад
doublearrm - 6 hands
user melancholy - falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.11 месяцев назад
user melancholy - falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling
harmlessfreak - you're going to have to leave some of those behind
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.11 месяцев назад
harmlessfreak - you're going to have to leave some of those behind
Wool Strings - another dream (another mix)
Просмотров 913Год назад
Wool Strings - another dream (another mix)
main character - worms
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.Год назад
main character - worms
yot - Dreams
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.Год назад
yot - Dreams
yourtwinflame - Even if things end worse
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.Год назад
yourtwinflame - Even if things end worse
harmlessfreak - the open end
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.Год назад
harmlessfreak - the open end
textural bug - water skin reflect
Просмотров 829Год назад
textural bug - water skin reflect
dawn111 - spinning
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.Год назад
dawn111 - spinning
Machinone - Phos (Proto Ver)
Просмотров 738Год назад
Machinone - Phos (Proto Ver)
ghostandtape - poble nou (daisuke miyatani remix)
Просмотров 688Год назад
ghostandtape - poble nou (daisuke miyatani remix)
catstem - apricot tree area
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.Год назад
catstem - apricot tree area
haikyo - pianos
Просмотров 1 тыс.Год назад
haikyo - pianos


  • @d2g121
    @d2g121 День назад

    Yesss i loved totokoko!! Really hope they'd come back

  • @awarena_yume
    @awarena_yume День назад

    Aun te pienso... pero

  • @NeonR32
    @NeonR32 День назад


  • @qurcao
    @qurcao 2 дня назад

    Merry Christmas

  • @trucklove6842
    @trucklove6842 2 дня назад


  • @gabu_1663
    @gabu_1663 2 дня назад


  • @kenselsepulveda2871
    @kenselsepulveda2871 3 дня назад

    Merry christmas Niplet

  • @niplet
    @niplet 3 дня назад

    merry christmas you guys

  • @Kawaiiestt
    @Kawaiiestt 4 дня назад

    Ohh i love this manga, that bish always played the victim tho XD

  • @Paritsvi
    @Paritsvi 4 дня назад

    Good times eh dearest uncle mine?

  • @flyingcat5146
    @flyingcat5146 5 дней назад

    Just wow,

  • @yoboigoofster7079
    @yoboigoofster7079 6 дней назад

    I’ve been listening to this song since 2 days ago I love it

  • @quimicalkirby
    @quimicalkirby 8 дней назад

    people like remixing this specific goreshit song huh, always a pleasure to hear them

  • @KnorelSvelfast-c8q
    @KnorelSvelfast-c8q 10 дней назад

    *F E E L S*

  • @wills.junks7
    @wills.junks7 10 дней назад

    brick core

  • @HardWorkingOrange
    @HardWorkingOrange 11 дней назад

    This song reminds me of my dead friend for unknown reason

  • @byeheaven
    @byeheaven 11 дней назад

    genuinely one of the best tracks ive ever heard

  • @Dingusdankus
    @Dingusdankus 15 дней назад

    My ass just woke up and this is real nice

  • @IFalling_CHERRY_BOY
    @IFalling_CHERRY_BOY 15 дней назад

    I have a test in a few hours. I don't think I studied enough to get the score I wanted. Is my fault, and despite not needing a whole lot to pass the class there is a world were I fail. There is always a reality were I fail in to everything, and pretty much like in the image as much as I curse god or destiny or all the things that came before, from the moment the universe was born the now that define the forever like echoes of something long past and yet to come, in the end is all my fault. I didn't study enough, I did not try as much as I could, I did not had enough, I was lazy and when the time came I only had excuses and lies to show and tell. There is a certain peace that comes with certain doom, with facing the inevitable. A certain freedom that comes when we delude ourselves in deterministic ideas that no matter what we do, the end result will always be the same, that peace comes from the idea that our choices do not matter and all that we did or could have done would had no effect, that our failure is not born of our own choices but by the evermoving clockwork that defines the rules of the universe, inescapable and uncaring about what we wish. Is cowardice, of running away from the responsibility of the things we decide to do, and most important of all, of all the things we wish we had done. Now I walk towards darkness, shedding alway the peace that comes from my delusions, the illusion that was the lies I told myself no longer in place to hide what I wish it was not so. I face it with a head high but a heavy heart and misty eyes. And I walk towards doom, if there is any peace in my heart now is not from my lies, but from the acceptance of my own faults. That I should really be studying instead of drawing lolis all day. what can you do really? ¯\_(•́⍜•̀)_/¯

  • @the_Fisher_King
    @the_Fisher_King 15 дней назад


  • @KajiCarson
    @KajiCarson 15 дней назад

    Your uploads are always really good.

  • @idkmedi
    @idkmedi 15 дней назад

    I slept listening to this

  • @Seeks__
    @Seeks__ 16 дней назад

    Get some sleep bro, she ain't thinkin' about you.🫂

  • @onikaru
    @onikaru 16 дней назад

    Thank you.

  • @Nick-yi4tr
    @Nick-yi4tr 16 дней назад

    hey the link isn't working...

  • @Pralii
    @Pralii 16 дней назад


  • @bholdimus
    @bholdimus 16 дней назад


    @LIXOUALeBg 19 дней назад

    this is so peak

  • @DeathLock420
    @DeathLock420 23 дня назад

    Reminds me of have a nice life

  • @josh-ig3dp
    @josh-ig3dp 26 дней назад


  • @rljisehy6223
    @rljisehy6223 27 дней назад


  • @Sinertaslvt
    @Sinertaslvt 28 дней назад

    i think i just fall in love

  • @true_equal
    @true_equal Месяц назад

    Forever Crescendo, my beloved

  • @SweetBeanz
    @SweetBeanz Месяц назад

    I love you niplet I Love you niplet I LOve you niplet I LOVe you niplet I LOVE you niplet I LOVE You niplet I LOVE YOu niplet I LOVE YOU niplet I LOVE YOU Niplet I LOVE YOU NIplet I LOVE YOU NIPlet I LOVE YOU NIPLEt I LOVE YOU NIPLET 😂😊🥹😓😢

  • @emilkarlskov
    @emilkarlskov Месяц назад

    to sleep forever would be my dream

  • @ibwazethuser2943
    @ibwazethuser2943 Месяц назад

    This song i always listen them on My morming coffe and i feel better to go on daily love THX 4 this

  • @its_fpm
    @its_fpm Месяц назад

    underestimated piece of art

  • @LiterallyUnpleasant
    @LiterallyUnpleasant Месяц назад

    Makes me think of the tears i wont be able to get back once i cry them all out, Makes me think of my body killing itself, Makes me think of who and what i am. I hope im dreaming and will wake up from this terrible place soon.... (i literally love this song as much as i love the idea of dying.)

    • @LiterallyUnpleasant
      @LiterallyUnpleasant 23 дня назад

      God this comment is so cringe what is wrong with me.

    • @AdamOwenBrowning
      @AdamOwenBrowning 12 дней назад

      @@LiterallyUnpleasant Nah it's not cringe bro. It's just self-expression and maybe the words aren't as 100% perfectly poetic as they could be. When some famous poet writes something that sounds incredible, he picked an assortment of words that didn't sound "cringe" even though that famous poet was also just.... expressing themselves in a similar way. One day you'll write a line that is perfect poetry. Be safe my man. sry if this makes no sense, im trippin balls rn and felt empathy for you

  • @DJK1RA
    @DJK1RA Месяц назад


  • @cursedvel
    @cursedvel Месяц назад

    сап двач

  • @matheusmoraessilveira8694
    @matheusmoraessilveira8694 Месяц назад

    Theme of Aqua

  • @jakubputala4216
    @jakubputala4216 Месяц назад

    Certified banger

  • @invisibleletter
    @invisibleletter Месяц назад

    How have you been niplet? Hope you're doing well!

  • @awarena_yume
    @awarena_yume Месяц назад

    Epic, new upload ❤

  • @wikaiii
    @wikaiii Месяц назад

    The World Is Healing ❤

  • @pandpicture
    @pandpicture Месяц назад

    I swear I've been listening to this song for 1 year and 3 months and I can't get enough. It's so epic.

  • @draco_ae
    @draco_ae Месяц назад

    All about lily ily Chou chou

  • @1aN.
    @1aN. Месяц назад

    hey man ive been listening to the music youve been sharing in youtube since 2021 and it really had helped me a lot while going through some stuff thanks for keeping on sharing these

  • @IcepickLarry
    @IcepickLarry Месяц назад


  • @wikaiii
    @wikaiii Месяц назад
