• Видео 35
  • Просмотров 242 455
Yoonjin Moments that will make your day
Hey Guys,
Sorry for the delay of the video.
This is the video of Yoonjin (Suga and Jin) Moments that will make your day , Hope you'll Enjoy the video till the end.....
Btw thank you so much for the 600 Subscribers we will continue to put more efforts in our video...
Also we would like to get suggestions of what videos you want us to upload.
Thank you for the love and support you gave us and we hope we would receive it till the end 🙏
Once again thank you for the Subscribers😍
Просмотров: 144


Jimin the king of cute falling 😍
Просмотров 1073 года назад
Hi guys!!! This is the video of Jimin cute falling. Sorry for the delay . Thanks for making us to reach 300 Subscribers. Thank you for supporting us and make us to reach 400 Subscribers as soon as possible. Like!! Share!!! Comment!!! Subscribe for more videos!!!! 💜🔥💜🔥
Namjin Jealous Moments | BTS | RM | JIN .
Просмотров 6283 года назад
Hi guys!!! This is the video of RM And Jin Jealous moments. Sorry guys we can't put video on time, sorry for the delay guys. Thanks for watching!!!!!! Please support us till the end!!!!
Jinkook Jealous Moments
Просмотров 46 тыс.3 года назад
Hi guys,, This is the video of Jin and Jungkook Jealous Moments of each other. Thanks for reaching us to 200 Subscribers and as soon as possible make it as 300 Subscribes soon!!! Stay alert!! Subscribe!! Like!! Share!! 💜💜💜
Yoonmin jealous of each other
Просмотров 5023 года назад
Hi guys!!! here is the video of “Yoonmin jealous moments" that the most suggested video. Thanks for supporting us. ☺ Subscribe for more Videos ☺
2020 Birthday special video for V (Kim Taehyung) Laughing Compilation
Просмотров 1223 года назад
Hi guys!! We army's wish V a very Happy Birthday today. We reached 100 subscribers with all of your support. Thank for supporting us and help us to reach 500 subscribers soon.
Jin Takes care of BTS
Просмотров 614 года назад
Hi guys!! Thanks for Supporting us..........
2019 Birthday of Jin 🎂& photo collection.
Просмотров 594 года назад
Hi guys , This video is about jin's birthday celebration 2019 . Here is the video link of : Jimin's birthday celebration and a recreation :видео.html Once again Happy Birthday to our lovable and caring Jin 💜💜🎂💜💜 Thanks for Watching and Supporting.
BTS Making Idols Laugh
Просмотров 10 тыс.4 года назад
Hi guys, This is the video of " BTS Making Idols Laugh" . plz watch the video and enjoy the video. Here is the video link of : Vmin jealous moments:видео.html Taekook jealous moments:видео.html Taegi jealous moments:видео.html Jikook jealous moments:видео.html Thanks for W...
Jikook jealous moments😘
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Jikook jealous moments😘
Normal People vs BTS Army 💜💜
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Normal People vs BTS Army 💜💜
Taegi jealous moments 😘😘
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Taegi jealous moments 😘😘
BTS Bad boys edit 😘😘
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BTS Bad boys edit 😘😘
Vmin jealous moments
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Birthday surprise to Jimin and recreation of Jimin 2020
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Birthday surprise to Jimin and recreation of Jimin 2020
Advance Happy Birthday to Jimin
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  • @ОльгаКлимова-ю2в
    @ОльгаКлимова-ю2в 3 месяца назад

    Чонгуку нравится Джин. Это факт.

  • @Bts_army_girl-q7p
    @Bts_army_girl-q7p 3 месяца назад

    Where can i watch the video 2:06

  • @НинаКузнецова-ъ4в
    @НинаКузнецова-ъ4в 10 месяцев назад

    Главная проблема Чг что он неможет разобраться в себе.Всех любит а так небывает.Но для него отношения игра и еще на ближайшие 5лет никто не нужен длясерьезных отрошений он свободен Страстный илишать себя удовольствия жить без проблем не хочет.Все сами дарят любовь и весь мир у его ног.Армия научит смотреть на жизнь подругому может поймет ценность любьви.Ппрвая любовь Чг детская ещё но это Сдж.Только ему признался в любьви поцеловав ногу.Это чтото.

  • @IvonePaula-o6o
    @IvonePaula-o6o 10 месяцев назад

    Eita que meninos mais lindos do mundo ❤❤❤

  • @IvonePaula-o6o
    @IvonePaula-o6o 10 месяцев назад

    BTS todos são lindos maravilhoso prefeito incríveis dançando muito bonito ♥️❣️❣️❣️

  • @aishakhadimtunio
    @aishakhadimtunio 10 месяцев назад


  • @HollyMood_
    @HollyMood_ 11 месяцев назад

    Lo siento kookie pero haga fila nene...yo estoy hace 3 años esperando a mi rey jinnie

  • @elisacajespepingco6393
    @elisacajespepingco6393 Год назад

    You are so lovely couple!!4❤❤❤

  • @Piedrazana1
    @Piedrazana1 Год назад

    Larga ya

  • @AjazKhan-me6qo
    @AjazKhan-me6qo Год назад

    I love you vmin

  • @AliHassan-wf8qn
    @AliHassan-wf8qn Год назад

    They are best lovers ❤️❤️😍❤️😍😍😍❤️

  • @БахадырИзнаев-я6в


  • @elizabethgarciamunoz6207
    @elizabethgarciamunoz6207 Год назад

    TAE siempre estuvo enamorado de jimin ,por eso el se metía al medio y le quitaba cada relación de Jimin para que quedara solo.

  • @FizaPower
    @FizaPower Год назад

    Saya suka jinkok saya suka BTS dengan terjemahan bahasa indonesia tlng gunakan terjema pakai bahasa indonesia

  • @rustisihombing1920
    @rustisihombing1920 Год назад

    Yes BG all woman jelous ilke boyfrens ilke that

  • @din10155
    @din10155 Год назад

    No exist jinkook! It's mean jhope and jim! Kook is only little brother they care forjimin! Kook is monitoring all rime.😢😢 Its so sad

  • @esperanzachaupishuamantinc7808

    BST 🥰🥰🥰 como

  • @taemeloxvjk
    @taemeloxvjk 2 года назад

    Jungkook jealous❤️🥰🥰😍I Love JİNKOOK ♥︎‿♥︎

  • @alpaca-RJ-
    @alpaca-RJ- 2 года назад

    Jk on mission

  • @swativerma3956
    @swativerma3956 2 года назад

    V is like- jimin tu mera h aur tu mera hi rhega... Mai tujhe kisi ke sath bant nai skta 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭.... Including jk😡.... 😂😂😂😂 I love you vmin 😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️❤️...... #mytiger🔥

  • @galinab.6278
    @galinab.6278 2 года назад

    СКОЛЬКО просмотрела роликов с Чимином -нежность ., в каждой шеперской паре!А вот ревность мемберов шеперством не вижу.Реал!!!Как все нравится.Пусть продолжается долго,долго.Чимин радость и любовь для поклонников!❤️❤️❤️

  • @raheenafaisalkk5013
    @raheenafaisalkk5013 2 года назад


  • @deborahrichardson2381
    @deborahrichardson2381 2 года назад

    Who sing the song it's perfect with vmin

  • @kathyabraquet578
    @kathyabraquet578 2 года назад

    I like Jimin a lot, one of my favorites, but Tae should realize by now, Jimin has to be the center of attention at all times.

    • @cindyyoung3994
      @cindyyoung3994 Год назад

      For a person who's says, Jimin is one of their favorites, you sure have an odd way of showing it by claiming that Jimin is an attention seeker. Bitter much, bc Jimin is liked more than your Tae......too bad!

    • @muhsinachowdhury2747
      @muhsinachowdhury2747 Год назад

      Jimin doesn’t have to do anything to be the center of attention he has a super star aura around him that drags people towards him. He is a born star

    • @cindyyoung3994
      @cindyyoung3994 Год назад

      @@muhsinachowdhury2747 this person is known as a Tae akagae troll who hates Jimin, bc he overshadows her bias through his talents, charm, visuals and amazing personality.

    • @pih433
      @pih433 Год назад

      ​@@cindyyoung3994 we understand that she is just being too much by saying that to our jimin but you are doing same for taehyung it clearly show how you think about taehyung and for your kind information no one overshadowed any member they all love eachother and we all know how strong and pure bond vmin share so stop increasing this hate don't be a toxic army

    • @cindyyoung3994
      @cindyyoung3994 Год назад

      @@pih433 you stop! I've been an Army since the very beginning and I speak pure facts about Taeyung, you don't like it tough!

  • @sandraaviles5332
    @sandraaviles5332 2 года назад

    Solo quiero saber quien no cela a jimin, así sea solo como amigo es que jimin, es un chico muy carismático, y tiene un no se que se yo.

  • @maddiebts150
    @maddiebts150 2 года назад

    My OTP ❤️

  • @marajbaloch6413
    @marajbaloch6413 3 года назад

    Vmin is the best ship in bts who agree

  • @mayjjks1029
    @mayjjks1029 3 года назад

    My favorite soulmate and Best friends Vmin

  • @nivakalita5697
    @nivakalita5697 3 года назад

    Where can I watch the video at 1:33 ?

    • @btsfansitnarmy3146
      @btsfansitnarmy3146 2 года назадвидео.html Sorry for the late reply😅

  • @RCCARREVIEW-bc8us
    @RCCARREVIEW-bc8us 3 года назад

    Vmin forever 😘

  • @maryammalik8380
    @maryammalik8380 3 года назад

    Vmin best frnds Vkook more than best frnds ❤💜

  • @Blckwallz
    @Blckwallz 3 года назад

    Vmin is not friends or boyfriends😑, They are soulmates🥰😘

  • @yancyticuru5881
    @yancyticuru5881 3 года назад

    VMIN 😍😍💜 QUE QUÍMICA #VMIN, 😍😍😍👬

  • @joselinbudiermendez5074
    @joselinbudiermendez5074 3 года назад

    Are friends jealous

  • @nidaahmedkhan0
    @nidaahmedkhan0 3 года назад

    I don't like taekook

  • @samia770
    @samia770 3 года назад

    Love you vimin so much

  • @vminworldofhappiness3585
    @vminworldofhappiness3585 3 года назад

    Taejin Vs minimoni 😂😂

  • @elianne1907
    @elianne1907 3 года назад

    where is 3:34 from LMAO

  • @belhoulhakim8201
    @belhoulhakim8201 3 года назад

    What is the name of the first song of bts Ilove vimin so much In fact I support them 💜💜💜

  • @fansopanjuyy4777
    @fansopanjuyy4777 3 года назад

    0:09 taehyung 🤣🤣🤣actually see j-hope touch jin? Taehyung jealouse 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @jovianapengiran6438
    @jovianapengiran6438 3 года назад

    But i like teakook 👍🥰🥰

  • @darkshifters8481
    @darkshifters8481 3 года назад

    VMin so cute but i'm JiKook shipper🥴

  • @esha6309
    @esha6309 3 года назад

    They r only bestfrnds . Not more than that like bfgf or huswife

    • @unicraft1250
      @unicraft1250 3 года назад

      Are u a teakook shipper

    • @Meusinar
      @Meusinar 3 года назад

      @@unicraft1250 I want to curse😑

    • @sadiaaktar1187
      @sadiaaktar1187 2 года назад

      They're more than boyfriends or husbands they're soulmates.. Yeah even lover is not superior than soulmate.. Soulmate is the ultimate relationship.. Much better than boyfriends things..

  • @esha6309
    @esha6309 3 года назад

    They r only bestfrnds . Not more than that like bfgf or huswife

    • @sadiaaktar1187
      @sadiaaktar1187 2 года назад

      Vminies doesn’t call them couple like other shipper.. We call them soulmates what they are.. Like jikooker calls them couple.. Taekookers calls them power couple and yoonmin also called couple.. But vminies are not like them..we call them soulmates be coz they also called each other as soulmates..

  • @islaybitchys8376
    @islaybitchys8376 3 года назад

    That hwarang one will always be epic. Aww poor jiminie doesn't want to share his soulmate. 🥺🤭🥰

  • @babylion_taegirl9505
    @babylion_taegirl9505 3 года назад


  • @Kahna2022
    @Kahna2022 3 года назад


  • @rrasika3712
    @rrasika3712 3 года назад


  • @sadiyaaafrinnn7875
    @sadiyaaafrinnn7875 3 года назад

    V and jungkook is best 🥰

  • @isalive
    @isalive 3 года назад

    2:14 Where should I get the full video ?