- Видео 1 952
- Просмотров 2 229 517
Добавлен 28 фев 2019
朋友们 好!欢迎大家来到我的频道。
我们一起去走访我们爱着的上海,去了解上海人是怎么生活的? 他們的文化如何?
爱上海 在这里......
Hello friends! Welcome to my channel.
This channel will show you the real street scenes of Shanghai, China, and help you get to know the city better.
Here, you won't miss every Shanghai city street scene.
If you want to know more about Shanghai, please subscribe to my channel.
Let's go together to visit the Shanghai we love, to find out how do Shanghai people live? How is their culture?
我们一起去走访我们爱着的上海,去了解上海人是怎么生活的? 他們的文化如何?
爱上海 在这里......
Hello friends! Welcome to my channel.
This channel will show you the real street scenes of Shanghai, China, and help you get to know the city better.
Here, you won't miss every Shanghai city street scene.
If you want to know more about Shanghai, please subscribe to my channel.
Let's go together to visit the Shanghai we love, to find out how do Shanghai people live? How is their culture?
Shanghai, China I The crowded streets of Shanghai during the Qingming Festival holiday I 4K
-戴上耳机 身临其境--
#清明節 #南京路步行街 #外灘 #WuWa #LOVESHANGHAI #走遍上海 #漫步在上海 #Shanghaistreets #Shanghaiwalk
Welcome to my other channel about Tesla's factories in China, with weekly aerial photos of the changes in Tesla's Shanghai factory and the latest information about Tesla in China, thank you.
Have a great...
-戴上耳机 身临其境--
#清明節 #南京路步行街 #外灘 #WuWa #LOVESHANGHAI #走遍上海 #漫步在上海 #Shanghaistreets #Shanghaiwalk
Welcome to my other channel about Tesla's factories in China, with weekly aerial photos of the changes in Tesla's Shanghai factory and the latest information about Tesla in China, thank you.
Have a great...
Просмотров: 8 940
Shanghai, China I Night Cherry Blossoms in Shanghai Park I Lu Xun Park I Hongkou Park I 4K
Просмотров 7678 месяцев назад
上海虹口公園又名魯迅公園,這里有魯迅紀念碑,也有中日青年友誼紀念碑。而魯迅公園內的櫻花樹更是滿園皆是,一到春天,這裏便是櫻花滿園盛開,很是好看,代表着中日友誼的美好的一面。今天,我們在黃昏之時,夜遊公園,一睹夜櫻的芳容。 -戴上耳机 身临其境 #WuWa #LOVESHANGHAI #走遍上海 #漫步在上海 #Shanghaistreets #Shanghaiwalk Welcome to my other channel about Tesla's factories in China, with weekly aerial photos of the changes in Tesla's Shanghai factory and the latest information about Tesla in China, thank you. ruclips.net/channel/...
Shanghai China I Romantic Walk on the Bund I Beautiful Night on the Bund I 4K
Просмотров 1,6 тыс.8 месяцев назад
外灘永遠是熱鬧的,如今不是節假日亦是如此,這比疫情前的客流還大,疫情前,只有在節假日人流是多的,平時的外灘還是屬於上海本地人的,但自疫情后,情況發生了改變,我想大概是中國的整體經濟不好導致的,有人會反問,經濟不好還出來旅遊?不然呢,如果經濟形勢大好,大家都忙着掙錢,哪有時間出來閒逛,經濟不好了,沒事可做,天天躺平不如出來旅遊,同樣,別看外灘,南京路步行街以及上海的一些網紅街道都是人,你到平時上海人生活的社區看看,再去市區的商業中心走走,多少店鋪關門,徐家匯商圈兩大知名商場都關門了,太平洋百貨和六百,這些都是我們能看到的,看不到的事情還有很多,所以,我們老百姓只有苦中自樂,願我們的生活美好 ! -戴上耳机 身临其境 #BUND #tulips #SHANGHAI #走遍上海 #漫步在上海 #Shanghaistreets #Shanghaiwalk Welcome to my othe...
Shanghai, China I Shanghai Cherry Blossoms I Hongkou Soccer Stadium I 4K
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.8 месяцев назад
4月1日前後是櫻花盛開的最佳時節,上海市民抓住這美好的時光,不管白天還是晚上,櫻花樹下都聚集了大量的賞花人,當然還有和櫻花爭艷一比高低的花癡們. 1:52 虹口足球場前的櫻花林 19:54 虹口足球場地鐵站 23:55 虹口足球場 25:00 東江灣路 -戴上耳机 身临其境 #WuWa #LOVESHANGHAI #走遍上海 #漫步在上海 #Shanghaistreets #Shanghaiwalk Welcome to my other channel about Tesla's factories in China, with weekly aerial photos of the changes in Tesla's Shanghai factory and the latest information about Tesla in China, thank you. rucl...
Shanghai, China I Spring Journey of Art on the banks of the Huangpu River I 4K
Просмотров 7088 месяцев назад
春天在上海黄浦江畔漫步,从徐汇滨江一路往南行,到达西岸美术馆,龙华直升机场,最后到西岸商务区.西岸凤巢建筑看上去内部结构错综复杂,非常创意的建筑. 1:55 光启龙华港湾 21:35 西岸美术馆 24:09 龙华直升机场 28:47 油罐艺术中心 39:30 西岸凤巢 1:01:03 西岸商务区 -戴上耳机 身临其境 #WuWa #LOVESHANGHAI #走遍上海 #漫步在上海 #Shanghaistreets #Shanghaiwalk Welcome to my other channel about Tesla's factories in China, with weekly aerial photos of the changes in Tesla's Shanghai factory and the latest information about Tesla in ...
Shanghai, China I New Jiangwan City I TikTok, home of the Shanghai headquarters I 4K
Просмотров 9398 месяцев назад
上海的春天是美麗的,鮮花開遍城市的每個角落.騎上自行車,感受這座城市的春意. 新江湾城是上海北部杨浦区的国际社区,以前这里是江湾机场,后来回归地方政府并开放房地产项目,成为了杨浦区环境优美的国际社区,随着网络社交媒体的发展,哔哩哔哩,抖音等互联网总部纷纷在此落脚,大量的公司员工,带动了这片社区发展,杨浦区政府也在新江湾城建了许多公寓住宅,满足这些员工的住宿需求.如今的新江湾城已变成充满生机的社区,如春天一样生机勃勃. -戴上耳机 身临其境 #花城上海 #新江灣城 #WuWa #LOVESHANGHAI #走遍上海 #漫步在上海 #Shanghaistreets #Shanghaiwalk Welcome to my other channel about Tesla's factories in China, with weekly aerial photos of the chan...
Shanghai's Most Beautiful Season I Shanghai Spring I Shanghai's Most Beautiful Bus Stop I 4K
Просмотров 7358 месяцев назад
上海最美季節,鮮花滿城綻放,我們遇見了"上海最美公交車站",也眼見了遍地郁金香的黃埔濱江,上海之春. 1:55 上海最美公交車站 10:27 花開黃埔濱江 23:57 上海當代藝術館 27:15 黃埔濱江 29:40 櫻花 郁金香盛開的黃浦江畔 46:57 春意融融的黃埔濱江 -戴上耳机 身临其境 #WuWa #LOVESHANGHAI #走遍上海 #漫步在上海 #Shanghaistreets #Shanghaiwalk Welcome to my other channel about Tesla's factories in China, with weekly aerial photos of the changes in Tesla's Shanghai factory and the latest information about Tesla in China, tha...
中國上海 I 黃浦江畔的休閑漫步 I 世博遺址的黃埔濱江 I 櫻花盛開的西岸徐匯濱江 I 西岸美術館 I 花朝節 I 櫻花 I 4K
Просмотров 6048 месяцев назад
這是上海美好的季節,鮮花盛開,我們漫步在黃浦江畔,在黃埔濱江,在西岸徐匯濱江,西岸美術館的櫻花已經盛開,招來花枝招展的美女們與其鬥艷,美好而愉快的季節. -戴上耳机 身临其境 #黃浦江 #黃埔濱江 #徐匯濱江 #西岸 #WuWa #LOVESHANGHAI #走遍上海 #漫步在上海 #Shanghaistreets #Shanghaiwalk Welcome to my other channel about Tesla's factories in China, with weekly aerial photos of the changes in Tesla's Shanghai factory and the latest information about Tesla in China, thank you. ruclips.net/channel/UCxAmZPvFRAc7...
China Shanghai I Spring Stroll in Shanghai Romantic Night I 4K
Просмотров 1,6 тыс.8 месяцев назад
春天的夜晚,在上海街道漫步,浪漫的夜步行. 1:53 虹口今朝8弄 8:24 武進路 10:51 乍浦路 19:07 百官街 22:44 四川北路 24:11 塘沽路 27:00乍浦路 35:31 北蘇州河路 38:11 四川路橋 39:55 南蘇州河路 -戴上耳机 身临其境 #WuWa #LOVESHANGHAI #走遍上海 #漫步在上海 #Shanghaistreets #Shanghaiwalk Welcome to my other channel about Tesla's factories in China, with weekly aerial photos of the changes in Tesla's Shanghai factory and the latest information about Tesla in China, thank you. ruc...
Shanghai, China I Spring Romantic Night I 4K
Просмотров 5278 месяцев назад
春天 在上海的夜色中漫步,這是個浪漫迷人的夜,我們行走在城市的街道. 1:53 中山東一路 廣東路口 2:09 廣東路 7:46 江西中路 17:41 外灘中央廣場 19:20 南京東路 21:16 江西中路 23:48 寧波路 28:15 山東北路 32:12 北蘇州河路 35:37 河南路橋 37:56 南蘇州河路 -戴上耳机 身临其境 #WuWa #LOVESHANGHAI #走遍上海 #漫步在上海 #Shanghaistreets #Shanghaiwalk Welcome to my other channel about Tesla's factories in China, with weekly aerial photos of the changes in Tesla's Shanghai factory and the latest information abo...
Asia's Largest Apple Store in Jing'an Temple Business District, Shanghai, China I 4K
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.8 месяцев назад
Asia's Largest Apple Store in Jing'an Temple Business District, Shanghai, China I 4K
Shanghai, China I A Good and Happy Night in Yangpu District I 4K
Просмотров 5558 месяцев назад
Shanghai, China I A Good and Happy Night in Yangpu District I 4K
One of the birthplaces of China's modern industrial civilization is now a public green space I 4K
Просмотров 4028 месяцев назад
One of the birthplaces of China's modern industrial civilization is now a public green space I 4K
Shanghai, China I Small Island in the East Section of Huangpu River I 4K
Просмотров 3918 месяцев назад
Shanghai, China I Small Island in the East Section of Huangpu River I 4K
Shanghai, China I Walking through the ruins of the city I Shanghai's old industrial area I 4K
Просмотров 4858 месяцев назад
Shanghai, China I Walking through the ruins of the city I Shanghai's old industrial area I 4K
Shanghai, China I Gucun Park in Cherry Blossom Season I Cherry Blossoms in Full Bloom🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 I 4K
Просмотров 8538 месяцев назад
Shanghai, China I Gucun Park in Cherry Blossom Season I Cherry Blossoms in Full Bloom🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 I 4K
Shanghai, China I Cute Afternoon Tea Time I Beautiful Scenery by the Suzhou River I 4K
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.8 месяцев назад
Shanghai, China I Cute Afternoon Tea Time I Beautiful Scenery by the Suzhou River I 4K
Shanghai, China I Springtime in Shanghai I Leisurely life in Shanghai I 4K
Просмотров 1 тыс.8 месяцев назад
Shanghai, China I Springtime in Shanghai I Leisurely life in Shanghai I 4K
Shanghai's beautiful cherry blossom season I Shanghai Jing'an Sculpture Park I 4K
Просмотров 1,9 тыс.8 месяцев назад
Shanghai's beautiful cherry blossom season I Shanghai Jing'an Sculpture Park I 4K
Shanghai's North Bund. The International Cruise Terminal is crowded with tourists I 4K
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.8 месяцев назад
Shanghai's North Bund. The International Cruise Terminal is crowded with tourists I 4K
Shanghai, China I A hundred-year old street, Huai De Road I 4K
Просмотров 4488 месяцев назад
Shanghai, China I A hundred-year old street, Huai De Road I 4K
Shanghai Spring Walk I at Sichuan Road I 4k
Просмотров 7889 месяцев назад
Shanghai Spring Walk I at Sichuan Road I 4k
Spring Beautiful Upper Beach Scented with Tulips I 4K
Просмотров 1,8 тыс.9 месяцев назад
Spring Beautiful Upper Beach Scented with Tulips I 4K
Shanghai, China I Walking in Shanghai at Night I From Hongkou to Yangpu I 4K
Просмотров 5789 месяцев назад
Shanghai, China I Walking in Shanghai at Night I From Hongkou to Yangpu I 4K
Shanghai, China I Haisha I Shanghai's "Golden Triangle" I 4K
Просмотров 5269 месяцев назад
Shanghai, China I Haisha I Shanghai's "Golden Triangle" I 4K
Shanghai, China I Walking the Streets of Pudong I 4K
Просмотров 3139 месяцев назад
Shanghai, China I Walking the Streets of Pudong I 4K
Shanghai, China I Early Spring Shanghai Night I On the Suzhou River On the Bund
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.9 месяцев назад
Shanghai, China I Early Spring Shanghai Night I On the Suzhou River On the Bund
中國上海 I 漫步在楊浦區街道 I 上海百年工業區 I 東方漁人碼頭 I 楊浦濱江 I 4K
Просмотров 1 тыс.9 месяцев назад
中國上海 I 漫步在楊浦區街道 I 上海百年工業區 I 東方漁人碼頭 I 楊浦濱江 I 4K
中國上海 I 三區交界處的豐莊 I 每天客流3-4萬人的上海輕紡市場,現人氣如何? I 4K
Просмотров 5179 месяцев назад
中國上海 I 三區交界處的豐莊 I 每天客流3-4萬人的上海輕紡市場,現人氣如何? I 4K
The video is great. Beautiful video. The Showing tour and Story is also good. Thank you sharing wonderful video. Have a nice day.
Bravo! You've exceeded my expectations.
25:59 peoples park pointy bld
6:13 skyscrapers
Very beautiful walk 👍
Well done to the camera person. I can only imagine how hard it would be to film with such a large crowd. Great video. The Chinese are world leaders when it comes to EVs
3:22 左边应该是零陵小区 现在拆了吧
This is beautiful ! Release the full version of it. In 16:9
extraordinary content here my friend big like
여기는 무슨 공원입니까? 공원이름을 알려주세요.여기 주소를 알려주세요
hopy 上海虹口老街 don san rode shank you very nuch
Beautiful Shanghai 😍 🤩 👌
Cool video bro, keep em comin!
I recently learned about this place from a book I saw in Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center, but did not know what happened... do you know the current state of this area? Does it exist at all??
If you love a city with 20 million people or more, you will love Shanghai.
Amazing quality of video resolution these days👍
Awesome video and videography 😊
大家好! 我是烏瓦 請移步新的頻道 謝謝!
大家好 !我是LOVE SHANGHAI频道主, 这个频道账号被盗了,大家要留意诈骗。
Hello everyone! I am wuwa. This channel has been stolen. Wuwa channel will not be able to update, including all my RUclips channels. The thief changed my Google account and all the information. The thief changed the name of wuwa channel to the current channel name. Please pay attention to its movement. Thank you for your continued support!
Hello everyone! I am wuwa. This channel has been stolen. Wuwa channel will not be able to update, including all my RUclips channels. The thief changed my Google account and all the information. The thief changed the name of wuwa channel to the current channel name. Please pay attention to its movement. Thank you for your continued support!
Hello everyone! I am wuwa. This channel has been stolen. Wuwa channel will not be able to update, including all my RUclips channels. The thief changed my Google account and all the information. The thief changed the name of wuwa channel to the current channel name. Please pay attention to its movement. Thank you for your continued support!
hmmmm, well if no more new videos are uploaded here then maybe we can believe this claim
朋友们 好! 本频道账号被盗了 将无法更新影片 抱歉!
大家好 !我是乌瓦 LOVE SHANGHAI频道主,今天账号被盗了 可能无法更新 正在想办法 大家有遇到这种情况吗?该如何找回账号。目前Google账号影响了RUclips我所有账号,盗取者除更改了账号密码外,手机,邮箱密码也更改了,所以无法验证,不知道有遇到同样情况吗? 有办法抢回账号吗?谢谢各位。
hmmmm, well if no more new videos are uploaded here then maybe we can believe this claim
Very nice day 🤝😎