Sam Hankins
Sam Hankins
  • Видео 289
  • Просмотров 144 924
July 15, 2024
July 15, 2024
Просмотров: 4


July 12, 2024
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July 12, 2024
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October 9, 2023


  • @Jessycheese
    @Jessycheese Год назад

    I swear you guys play the coolest songs my band teacher would probably lets us do this if we asked

    • @MyTrumpetman1
      @MyTrumpetman1 Год назад

      Thank you Jessy for your kind words and support. Thank you!

    • @craigbrowning9448
      @craigbrowning9448 10 месяцев назад

      Is his thing more like Glenn Miller's In The Mood?

    • @craigbrowning9448
      @craigbrowning9448 10 месяцев назад

      Chabot College in Hayward (a/k/a "Hesperian High" among Intellectuals) did this chart (orca chart of this song) back in the 1980s. Frank Sumares was the director at the time

  • @dubbingbyxiaoqingyang4771
    @dubbingbyxiaoqingyang4771 5 лет назад

    🐶 Fei Fei's story,不到两年,我的人类姥姥 -杨小青,居然成了老年爵士乐歌手,怎么做到的? To harmonize Sam Hankins music to introduce Académie de Musique "Hubert Keldenich"​ de Welkenraedt -MOZART À LYON (petite musique de nuit) 发布日期: 2019 年 3 月 3 日 屈指一算,我来到小青姥姥身边,住在比利时小镇 Welkenraedt 也有8年多了。之前,小青已在这个法语区住了差不多20年了! 我俩深居简出,连乡镇办事处和警方都知道,这么多年,我们居然不会说法语,但还能把小日子过得风生水起😄。 小青为什么没有掌握法语?这和我要讲的故事 -小青成为爵士乐歌手 -有嘛关系呢? 嗨,🐶狗狗飞飞我,也听不懂法语。小青不会说法语,难道是因为她懒惰呆笨吗?狗狗飞飞我可不这样认为。小青是个有用之才,她的工作语言是英语/德语和汉语同传,经常出差出国去当口译员。你说,人有多大精力啊?她和法语区的人互动, 能带来经济效益吗?再说,狗狗飞飞我,也需要花钱吃的好点儿,不是吗? 还有呐,平时,小青总把自己关在家里,从网上,勤学苦练英语和德语,还要巩固汉语,以便让国际客户招之即去,去之能战啊! 没错,我们是住在比利时法语区 -一个只有9000多人的小镇!这回你知道了吧,我们用的是另外三种语言呀,好惨! 好,言归正传。还是让我说说,小青成为老年爵士乐歌手的“秘诀”吧! 2016年的夏天,为了尽快学好法语,小青报名参加了当地老年法语合唱团,法语全称是 Académie de Musique "Hubert Keldenich" de Welkenraedt。小青告诉我,想当初,她的英语就是通过唱歌自学成才了。啊,这我知道,多年前,在中国外语大学,小青系德语专业毕业。 合唱团人员的情况,请看下面,去年出去演出的照片。兼职音乐老师的名字是 Mr. Bonoit Scheuren (is a tenor opera singer and piano accompanist. One of his songs is: Aimer)。他是一位男高音歌剧演员和钢琴演奏家。小青真是有福之人呐,遇到这位老师,对小青今天的演唱事业有着举足轻重的作用。 话说那晚8点整,小青首次走进合唱团排练大厅。音乐老师和大家用法语欢迎她,发现小青只是点头微笑,才知道她不会说法语。然后,一位年长负责人给了小青一个歌本,指着下面的法语示意,今天,我们要学唱这首歌。你先坐这里。待会儿休息时,让音乐老师听听你的音高。我们是男女四重唱,要按音域给你排座位。 MOZART À LYON (petite musique de nuit) 莫扎特在法国 LYON ( 小夜曲 ) Texte intégral : À table ! À table les amis ! Choisissez vos plats, bon appétit! Caviar, salade aux harengs saurs, la tarte aux épinards, les oeufs en mayonnaise, la salade niçoise, salade lyonnaise, salade grenobloise, l'assiette anglaise : foie gras rillettes, andouillettes, vol au vent, boudin blanc, saumon fumé, et cervelle de canut miam! Arrosé avec du beaujolais, fleury, morgon, brouilly, chénas, juliénas, saintamour, chiroubles, côtes de brouilly, moulin à vent, régnié durette, montrachet et muscadet, sauternes, pouilly, sancerre, entredeuxmer, monbazillac, gewürztraminer et riesling !Puis merlan, mulet, la barbue à l'oseille, morue, les maquereaux marinés, le cabillaud mornay et truite et turbot, haddock, hareng, lotte, limande, colin, anguille et daurade, homard, crabe et langoustines, et les sardines grillées, moules frites, huitres, écrevisses et scampi frits, coquilleS saint jacques et bien sur des quenelles ! Une petite pause pour digérer, prenez donc le trou normand ! Tripes ! Des tripes ! Le tablier d'sapeur ! Les rognons aux pommes à la vapeur, lapin, liévre, coq et pigeon, agneau, boeuf, chevreuil et mouton, canard, faisan, perdreaux, poulet, une escalope de veau, une entrecôte grillée, le poulet marengo, rôti d'agneau au lait, le gratin dauphinois, les pommes de terre au lard, les aubergines sautées et les carottes glacées, sanglier, porc, dinde et coquelet, courgettes, poivrons, bettes et oignons, tomates, endives et champignons, choux, haricots verts, asperges, artichauts, cèpes, petits pois et frites, et des pommes frites ! Le choufleur gratiné, les salsifis sautés, le plateau de fromages : fromage blanc à la crème, cantal, munster, roquefort, guyère, bresse bleu, saint paulin, saint félicien... Attends ! Attends ! C'est toujours pas fini ! Rebelote, tant pis pour l'appétit,! Caviar, salade aux harengs saurs, la tarte aux épinards, les oeufs en mayonnaise, la salade niçoise, salade lyonnaise, salade grenobloise, l'assiette anglaise : foie gras, rillettes, andouillettes, vol au vent, boudin blanc saumon fumé, et cervelle de canut, miam! Arrosé avec du beaujolais ! Au dessert : les îles flottantes ou la tarte tatin au caramel, au beurre, au kirsh, chantilly, chocolat, mousse au chocolat, tarte au citron, un café bien serré avec un pousse café pour digérer ! Goûtez donc ce vieux cognac, un vieil armagnac ! Ah! Si vraiment vous insistez, encore un verre pour digérer, encore un verre à votre santé! Faites appeler le chef pour le féliciter ! Quel somptueux repas ! Oui, c'était délicieux, vraiment délicieux! 后来,小青告诉我,那晚,音乐老师用钢琴弹奏一段,让小青“干吼”一段。听小青唱不出法语,就用英语说,你只要跟着节奏发声就成,开口闭口哼唱或放开唱,即兴编词唱,甭管什么语,都可以。 老师听了几分钟,对小青说,你的音色像夜莺,一个人很不容易有这样的条件。而你的音域嘛,属于美声女高音。但你需要练习喉头放松,注意共鸣音的运用。歌唱得好不好,最终取决于歌手的乐感和文化底蕴。鉴于你的情况,就是在法语歌词的元音方面下番功夫。只要坚持下去,两年后,你应该可以跟我们登台演唱。 不过,音乐老师不知道,小青的初衷,就是想学习法语,通过学唱法语歌来实现。可怜的小青,她没敢告诉老师,自己根本看不懂歌本上的五线谱,她连简谱也不会,更不知道自己的声音还像夜莺,什么女高音,还是美声的! 小青的性格是坚持不懈, 喜欢受到表扬和鼓励。从那天起,每周一的晚八点,小青就去合唱团,还被允许坐在女高音的前排位置,尽管她是个法语哑巴,可是慢慢能唱较慢节奏的法语歌了。 然而,客观情况有时是不以人的主观意志为转移的。 次年初,小青在脸书的即兴练唱视频,被加纳一位黑大个记者和他的爵士乐鼓手兄弟听到,于是,他们鼓动小青,向着爵士乐歌手的方向发展。 讲到这里,狗狗🐶飞飞我,心潮澎湃,热血沸腾。从人类,我学到很多东西。加入人类以来,我终于明白了:发展是硬道理! 好,飞飞我要去休息了。养精蓄锐后,再给大家接着讲,小青是如何被 “绑架” 到爵士乐的歌坛。 待续 stay on

  • @dubbingbyxiaoqingyang4771
    @dubbingbyxiaoqingyang4771 5 лет назад

    Welcome to my Facebook: Dubbing by Xiaoqing Yang

  • @dubbingbyxiaoqingyang4771
    @dubbingbyxiaoqingyang4771 5 лет назад

    引吭高歌,走向全球,我的未来不是梦,我认真度过每一分钟 🎙️ 🎶

  • @dubbingbyxiaoqingyang4771
    @dubbingbyxiaoqingyang4771 5 лет назад


  • @dubbingbyxiaoqingyang4771
    @dubbingbyxiaoqingyang4771 5 лет назад


  • @dubbingbyxiaoqingyang4771
    @dubbingbyxiaoqingyang4771 5 лет назад


  • @dubbingbyxiaoqingyang4771
    @dubbingbyxiaoqingyang4771 6 лет назад

    Team event to make 9 boats going to river On 06. June 2018, in Braunschweig 🎬 ,< 小小木排 >,an international film about VSM · Vereinigte Schmirgel- und Maschinen-Fabriken AG will be translated into Chinese by Dubbing by Xiaoqing Yang Yang's contribution / Friendship Sponsorship is also as a Chinese lyrics writer and vocal for this documentary film:видео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.html…/dream-catcher-by-sam-hankins

  • @dubbingbyxiaoqingyang4771
    @dubbingbyxiaoqingyang4771 6 лет назад

    English lyrics for you, dear friends: (translated by Kwabena Boadu Anafo from Ghana) Little white goose, I want to fly, Leaving my mother, I want to fly Say goodbye to my little friends, I want to fly Little white goose, bless you, Dogs and cats salute you. Little white goose, bless you, Duck duck and rooster are sending you I'm going to kiss white clouds and overlook the earth. I am going to catch up with the eagle and greet the ocean. I want to fly over the mountains and board the Great Wall. I want to fly over the mountains and board the Great Wall Little white goose, bless you, Dogs and cats salute you. Little white goose, bless you, Duck duck and rooster are sending you I'm going to kiss white clouds and overlook the earth. I am going to catch up with the eagle and greet the ocean. I want to fly over the mountains and board the Great Wall. I want to fly over the mountains and board the Great Wall Barely, oh, Hit the drum and knock it out. Hey, hey, Hit the drum and knock it (📯 🎷 🐦) I kissed the white clouds and overlooked the earth. I caught up with the eagle and greeted the ocean. I flew over the mountains and boarded the Great Wall. I flew over the mountains and boarded the Great Wall Barely, oh, Hit the drum and knock it out. Hey, hey, Hit the drum and knock it (🎷 🎶) Ah, this is my dream to fly high. Flying, Flying, Flying, Ah, Flying High, I want to tell my mother that I have grown up I want to tell my little friends that love gives me strength, We cheer, we sing, We cheer and we sing.

  • @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495
    @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495 6 лет назад

    Spell Check Is Very Aggressive !!! Correction: Mr. Samuel H. Hankins©

  • @dubbingbyxiaoqingyang4771
    @dubbingbyxiaoqingyang4771 6 лет назад

    A Chinese professional writer, named Yao Zhen ( 姚真), wrote about me to our Shanxi TV Station who made this MTV for Sam Hankins Music and my perfermance with my dancer, in Chinese: 解说词:旅欧比利时华侨杨小青女士是著名的英语、德语、汉语三国语言的同声翻译,她业余非常喜欢唱歌,是以色列爵士乐队的歌手,还是小有名气的中文歌曲词作者、创意演唱者和有声书作者。杨女士是我们土生土长的太原人,她爱中国、爱太原,这次回到家乡,为家乡的父老乡亲献上她中文填词并演唱的原创歌曲。歌名是“Dream Catcher,”中译歌名是“追梦”。“追梦”根据作者的亲身经历,表达了中国青少年,冲破传统观念束缚,志存高远,离开家乡,离开妈妈的怀抱,即将奔赴远方,去追逐自己的梦想,和亲爱的妈妈、亲爱的的小伙伴告别时的心情。歌词采取拟人的手法,巧妙地表达了作者(歌唱者)离别时的复杂心情和坚定信念。伴舞小姑娘孟婧还原了歌者年轻时的形象,用舞蹈的形式表达了同样的情感。歌声和舞蹈相辅相成,相得益彰。

    • @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495
      @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495 6 лет назад

      Ms. Lady Yang, thank you for showing such great respect to the music of artist Mr. Sam Hankins©, from the song Dream Catcher©, from the Album Do That Thang©, by creating this MTV Video, in Chinese, which is your native Asian language, by song with artistic dance interpretation, by your beautiful dancer. We appreciate you and your music, by allowing me to become affiliated 38th your artistic work when you reached out to me via LinkedIn. Through that correspondance, via electronic media, a kinship of musicianship was formed on behalf of the music of Mr. Sam Hankins©. It was only my professional request to have Mr. Hankins music be listened to, and enjoyed as an art of jazz, through Music both locally and internationally, especially, in your geographic area to extend and have Mr. Samurl H. Hankins©, music and original brand as a creator of international World Music© reestablished culturally, on all continents. Thank you for thinking of the artists and musicians who live in the North Americas, South Americas And Central Americas Europe, and every place globally who respect all genre's of musical artistry. For We, as professionally educated and gifted musicians, there are No Boundaries©, for The Universal Mystery System and The Principals of Harmony, through Positive Music, are Limitless©. For All Positive Music© is a gift We are given, from Our Creator, Our Divine One, to give to each other to Heal, the Spirit, Soul and Mind©. As artists, especially musicians, We Ascend to A Higher Realm©. Respect and Gratitude, From 1Musician 2Another© From 1Innovator 2Another©. In Harmony, Venita K. Bennett- Bonaparte Bonaparte International© Simone T. Bonaparte ENOS© Lady Venita© Sphere Entertainment© Bennett Peterson Management© For Sam Hankins© With CARSAM Publishing© Sam Hankins© Distinguished Military Veteran Award Winning Label Artist Songwriter Composer Producer Jazz Trumpeter Band Director Educator World Music© Smooth Sam Hankins© Trumpeter Extraordinaire© Dream Catcher© The Coolest Cat I Know© Listen-You Will Love What You Hear©

  • @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495
    @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495 6 лет назад

    The beautifully interpreted song Dream Catcher, by Sam Hankins©, vocally created by Ms. Yang, singing in her native Asian language, brings the music of Mr. Sam Hankins©, as an artist to a different platform of artistry as a musician for World Music©. The musical tone of Dream Catcher©, in Mr. Hankins CD, Do That Thang©, have a distinct tonality of the Asian culture, which is why Ms. Yang, as a vocal musician chose to create art through her lyrical compostion, giving new definition to a already stellar compostion by Mr. Sam Hankins©. One of the things about this compostion, is now it can be created in any language within the Asian culture, because of how Mr. Hankins created this compostion. Why I am most intrigued, is because this song Dream Catcher©, can be identified and recreated to be showcased as a theme song internationally, and locally for cultural events, throughout all cultures. With Ms. Yang's creativity, and with Mr. Sam Hankins artistry, this song Dream Catcher©, now can be translated, not only to just English, but to any and all languages. This is the defintion of World Music©. Universal Mystery System, through Music©, through the Principals of Harmony©, to Heal, and give Life, to the Spirit, Soul and Mind©. Thank you Mr. Sam Hankins©. Thank you Ms. Yang. We appreciate the gift of music and for you for educating us on the message of Dream Catcher, by for(Mr. Sam Hankins©,), with the artistry as a vocal musician, and songwriter and composer for World Music©. Respect and Gratitude, Venita K. Bennett Bonaparte Bonaparte Bonaparte International© Lady Venita© ENOS© Sphere Entertainment© Bennett Peterson Management© For Sam Hankins© With CARSAM Publishing© Sam Hankins© Distinguished Military Veteran Award Winning Label Artist Songwriter Composer Producer Jazz Trumpeter Band Director Educator World Music©. Smooth Sam Hankins© Trumpeter Extraordinaire© Dream Catcher© Listen-You Will Love What You Hear©

    • @dubbingbyxiaoqingyang4771
      @dubbingbyxiaoqingyang4771 6 лет назад

      Dear Venita K. Bennett Bonaparte, now my home town Taiyuan in China starts a hot discuss about the music < Dream Catcher > by Sam Hankins. A lot people asked me why are there so many lovely animals for your music - small white goose, 🐶 🐕,🐱🐈 ,🐓 🐔 鸭子... Our city will invite Sam and his band to come for a good explain 🎷 🎺 🎵 🎶 We can make this happen!

  • @jacobaguado8928
    @jacobaguado8928 6 лет назад


  • @rhythmicboy
    @rhythmicboy 6 лет назад

    Here the news about Mr. Tedeschi

  • @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495
    @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495 6 лет назад

    This is How it is Done. Mellow..

  • @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495
    @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495 6 лет назад

    The South Suburban Jazz Combo, are all professionally educated, highly accomplished classically trained gifted, musicians. The level of understanding of music that these musicians have collectively, and the body of work they have created, as educators is beyond description. As artists, they are individuals who teach children and young adults, to become musicians and how to play, music as it was created. Multilayered, polished, seasoned, intellectuals. Sam Hankins, the conductor, who is leading the South Suburban Jazz Combo, is a professionally educated, highly accomplished, classically trained, legendary award winning label artist. As a licensed educator, for both elementary and higher education, for music programs, both here in the United States and Internationally, Mr. Samuel H. Hankins, has created acsdemic international music programs, in South Africa, in the US, lead Edison School, to greatness, was awarded a Golden Apple Award, recognized by the White House, and played with, some of The most respected, storied musicians, in every genre' in the music industry. As a professional musician, also as a retired military Air Force Band member, Sam Hankins, was a "backing musician" for the "Queen of Soul" Aretha Franklin, Legendary Award Winning Label Artist, Jazz Griot, the late, Al Jaurreau, The Temptations, The O'Jays, The Dells, and Clark Terry, and The Glenn Miller Band. By Shaping The Sound©, of those other historical aforementioned, Grammy Award winning label artists, now Mr. Sam Hankins, has decided to pursue, and showcase his own music. When You review the music by listening to the Jazz artists, and R&B legends, he has played with, Sam secured their place in history by allowing them to achieve this type of immeasurable success,By playing with them as a band member on their projects. Without the signature trumpet riffs provided by Sam, those musicians, may not have the same level of artisty, may not have achieved the greatness for their music in the music industry. Sam Hankins, is, and will always be, "A Musicians Musician"©, for he is the musician, and artist we learn from and study, and one day hope to become, as a musician. This is why I am acknowleging the body of impressive professional creative work, through many different musical platforms, he has mastered. More importantly, what he has given not only to many children, and young adults. through teaching them the gift and love of music, but his genuine humane compassion, and commitment for others in Industry through arts, and music and education. This leader, that I know him to be, Mr. Samuel H. Hankins, whom chose, me to represent his works, brand and collaborate with him as his management team, as a classically trained gifted educated musician, and artist as well, and for this I am is very humbled. This is why I call Mr. Sam Hankins, The Coolest Cat I Know© Please vist Mr. Sam Hankins, Facebook Page, subscribe to his RUclips Channel, purchase his music, relax and enjoy, what he has created artistically, then you will understand why, I call Mr. Sam Hankins, Trumpeter Extraordinaire©. With sincere and Respect and Gratitude, From 1Artist 2Another© From 1Musician 2Another© In Harmony, Venita K. Bennett-Bonaparte Bonaparte International© Booking Manager Publicist For Sam Hankins Distinguished Military Veteran Legendary Award Winning Label Artist Composer Songwriter Producer Arranger Educator Jazz Trumpeter World Music Smooth Sam Hankins Trumpeter Extraordinaire© Listen-You Will Love What You Hear© Lady Venita© Columbia College Chicago Legacy Alumnus© Chicago State University 2nd Generation Graduate Legacy Alumnus©

  • @rhythmicboy
    @rhythmicboy 6 лет назад


  • @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495
    @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495 6 лет назад

    With all due respect, The Yellowjackets, were playing in Canada, When I had the opportunity to "Break," their music artistically, as a very young student, (yes, I am also a professional musician,) on the Mirage A Trios' Album, while at College Radio, while jazz program director, and announcer and jazz DJ, all at WCRX 88.1 FM Chicago - Columbia College Chicago. The Yellowjackets, flew in from Canada, to thank me personally, in the Radio Station at Columbia College, in the Station, WCRX, (I was very humbled, they wanted me to work with them professionally, my Father said No, you cannot drop out of school, to chase music) so, this is a running joke, that only the late Mike Alexandroff, and Thaine Lyman, all of my Peers, Jim Mitchum, Bryan Wiiliams, my Scribes, the great late Richard Pegue, who taught me Radio, and Mr. Abe Thompson my Peer, George Green Jr, all from Columbia College Chicago, for WCRX 88.1 FM. Yes, I know The Yellowjackets, are from the United States. No, I will Not tell you what they told me about why they named the Band The Yellowjackets. Be Peaceful, Special thanks to Mr. Sam Hankins, Thank you. Mr. Robert Calhoon, for South Suburban College, Music Department, Thank you. South Suburban Jazz Band, Suburbanthank you. Sam, We have work to do. Keep Swinging! Much True Respect, From 1Musician 2Another© From 1Artist 2Another© Venita K. Bennett-Bonaparte Lady Venita© Columbia College Chicago Legacy Alumnus© Chicago State University 2nd Generation Graduate Legacy Alumnus© Smooth Sam Hankins Trumpeter Extraordinaire© Listen-You Will Love What You Hear© Lady Venita©

  • @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495
    @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495 6 лет назад

    The Tightly knit musicians from the University of Illinois Jazz Ensemble, directed by Tom Birkner, are seasoned accomplished musicians. We, as fellow classically educated, trained and gifted musicians, thank you. This is why We choose this artistic creative platform, as a means of expression through our profession, which is Music. The Art of Jazz©, is a movement that creatively, clearly never dies. This genre of music, reaches all people of every ethnicity around the world. Music has no barriers, and unites everyone across the spectrum. When you listen to heart of how these musicians play, brings joy and warmth to each listener. From Rag Time, to Straight Ahead, Swing to Be Bop, Bossa Nova, to Boogie-Woogie, to Contemporary, and Jazz Rock Fusion, it all just speaks Just Good Music©. Listen with your heart, mind and soul. It's Beautiful. Special thanks to Smooth Sam Hankins Jazz Trumpeter Extraordinaire© Listen-You Will Love What You Hear© Venita K. Bennett-Bonaparte Lady Venita©

  • @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495
    @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495 6 лет назад

    "All pots on High!" "Hot and Cool!!" This is how the Real Jazz Cats, Swing. Smooth Sam Hankins, Jazz Trumpeter©, is bringing the Sauce on this piece, "Who Me," with the University of Illinois Jazz Ensemble. Nice. Cooking on High! Smooth Sam Hankins Jazz Trumpeter Extraordinaire© Listen-You Will Love What You Hear© Venita K. Bennett-Bonaparte Lady Venita

  • @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495
    @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495 6 лет назад

    Sam Hankins© Distinguished Military Veteran Legendary Award Winning Jazz Trumpeter Composer Songwriter Producer Arranger Band Director World Music Listen-You Will Love What You Hear© Smooth Sam Hankins Trumpeter Extraordinaire© The Coolest Cat I Know© Venita K. Bennett-Bonaparte Bonaparte International© ENOS© Lady Venita© Sphere Entertainment© Bennett Peterson Management© CARSAMS Publishing© For Sam Hankins©

  • @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495
    @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495 6 лет назад

    Sam Hankins Distinguished Military Veteran Legendary Award Winning Label Artist Composer Songwriter Producer Arranger Band Director Educator Jazz Trumpeter World Music Smooth Sam Hankins© Trumpeter Extraordinaire© Listen-You Will Love What You Hear© South Suburban Jazz Band Artistic Creative Collective© The New Jazz Masters© Swinging© Lady Venita© Venita K Bennett-Bonaparte Bonaparte International© ENOS© Bennett Peterson Management© Sphere Entertainment© CARSAMS Publishing© For Sam Hankins© The Coolest Cat I Know©

  • @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495
    @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495 6 лет назад

    Sam Hankins© Distinguished Military Veteran - Legendary Award Winning Label Artist - Composer - Songwriter - Producer - Arranger - Band Director - Educator - Jazz Trumpeter - World Music Smooth Sam Hankins Trumpeter Extraordinaire© Listen-You Will Love What You Hear© South Suburban Jazz Band Artistic Creative Collective© The New Jazzmasters© Swinging© Lady Venita© Venita K. Bennett-Bonaparte Bonaparte International©

  • @ericrichards1664
    @ericrichards1664 6 лет назад

    BRAVI! You all sound wonderful!

  • @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495
    @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495 6 лет назад

    Nicely Presented. Smooth Sam Hankins© Distinguished Military Veteran Award Winning Jazz Label Artist Composer Songwriter Producer Arranger Band Director Educator World Music Jazz Trumpeter Listen-You Will Love What You Hear© Trumpeter Extraordinaire© www. Trumpeter Extraordinaire

  • @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495
    @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495 6 лет назад

    Smooth Sam Hankins© Distinguished Military Veteran Legendary Award Winning Label Artist Composer Songwriter Band Director Educator World Music Trumpeter Extraordinaire© Listen-You Will Love What You Hear© Venita K. Bennett-Bonaparte Bonaparte International© Lady Venita© ENOS© Bennett Peterson Management© Booking Manager Publicist Ethereal Music©

  • @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495
    @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495 6 лет назад

    Spell Check is Annoyingly Aggressive Correction: Mr. Samuel Houston Hankins, Please give your Beautiful South African Wife, Carol Ann Hankins, My Very Best. We, Namely, My Children, and I would like to thank you, for allowing Us, to work with you and your Wife Carol Ann Hankins, professionally, for CARSAMS Publishing©, for your Companies and Our Respective Companies, Namely Bonaparte International ©, in the Arts, Music and Entertainment Industry. With Honor and Gratitude, From 1Musician 2Another© Venita K. Bennett-Bonaparte Bonaparte International©

  • @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495
    @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495 6 лет назад

    The South Suburban Jazz Band, is an Artistic Creative Collective©. The rhythmic timing and clear vibrant tones, and delivery of the Legendary Pianist Herbie Hancock's "Tell Me A Bedtime Story" played by the classically trained gifted tightly knit group of musicians - South Suburban Jazz Band, are always connected and are totally "in the pocket." Swinging... Now one of the Most Creative Musicians in Contemporary Jazz, has Set The Standard©, in music artistry.. with a sound of which can not be recreated. With the Classic "Tell Me A Bedtime Story," written and created the Guru himself, the Legendary Jazz Man, Straight From The Go© a indigenous, Cool Chicago Brother, Herbie Hancock, who built the genre' Jazz Rock Fusion. With everything, Herbie Hancock has his own Sphere of Influence© Next, the we must acknowledge Musician who is the Band Director who brings movement to help to interept this piece, which brings color, light, and energy to this mastery..which will touch the mind, to heal the Heart.. Spiritually...with music, under the direction of Band Director, for South Suburban Jazz Band, is Mr. Sam Hankins, who is a professionally educated, and classically trained gifted jazz artist, who is a masterful trumpeter, who brings new, and higher planes of musicianship with SSCJB, by including within the song a jazz piece from Jazz Rock Fusion Band "Yellowjackets." In addition, this peice created by SSJB, which includes by giving honor to The innovative jazz musicians from Canada "The Yellowjackets," who learned the Jazz Rock Fusion, artform from listening to the Guru himself, "Herbie." Thank you South Suburban Jazz Band, for giving this piece of Classic Jazz Music, under the Leadership, of Sam Hankins, a New Beginning, by including serenely peaceful risings, and floating melodies, beautifully performed by the storied, musicans, who are immersed, in the music. This is where this begins again... Jazz Rock Fusion.. "Tell Me A Bedtime Story" by Herbie Hancock, directed by Sam Hankins, performed by South Suburban Jazz Band. This is a "Dream Catcher." So let the music heal your spirit and flow "Like A River" while you wait for your " Maiden Voyage." With Respect.. Stay Wonderful... Stay Inspired... Stay Creative... For the Mind.. Body.... And Soul... In Harmony.. Stay Forever Free© With Honor and Gratitude, In Harmony, Venita K. Bennett-Bonaparte Bonaparte International© Bennett Peterson Management© Booking Manager Publicist For Distinguished Military Veteran Legendary Award Winning Label Artist - Sam Hankins - Jazz Trumpeter - Composer Band Director Jazz Realist© Smooth Sam Hankins© Listen-You Will Love What You Hear© South Suburban Jazz Band.. Let's "Do That Thang" because...there is "Nothing Between Us" So Hear.. "Sound of The Rain©" Creatively, Lady Venita©

  • @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495
    @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495 6 лет назад

    Sam Hankins - Distinguished Military Veteran - Legendary Award Winning Label Artist - Jazz Trumpeter - Composer - Band Director - World Music Listen-You Will Love What You Hear© www.

  • @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495
    @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495 6 лет назад

    Sam Hankins - Distinguished Military Veteran Legendary Label Award Winning Jazz Trumpeter - Composer - Band Director - Jazz Artist - World Music - Listen-You Will Love What You Hear© Smooth Sam Hankins - The Coolest Cat I Know© Trumpeter Extraordinaire© Serenely Peaceful.. Healing... Harmoniously... Joyful.. Music.. That Heals.. The Mind... Body.. And Spirit.... Trumpeter Extraordinaire© Listen-You Will Love What You Hear©

  • @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495
    @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495 6 лет назад

    Sam Hankins, Distinguished Military Veteran - Label Award Winning Jazz Trumpeter - Composer Band Director - Jazz Artist - World Music - Listen-You Will Love What You Hear© Smooth Sam Hankins... The Coolest Cat I Know© Trumpeter Extraordinaire - Listen-You Will Love What You Hear©

  • @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495
    @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495 6 лет назад

    Spell Check is Annoyingly Aggressive Correction: Sam Hankins, Please give your Beautiful Wife, Lady Carol Ann Hankins, My Very Best... Thank you for acknowledging and creating this Jazz Rock Fusion interpretation, For The Legendary Canadian Jazz Fusion Rock Band The Yellowjackets. This piece... This sounds like "7 Stars" "Mirage A Troi" "Greenhouse" "Like A River" From The Legendary Jazz Fusion Rock Band The Yellowjackets© "They Flow Like A River"© In Harmony, From 1Artist 2Another© Lady Venita

  • @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495
    @venitak.bennett-bonaparte7495 6 лет назад

    Sam Hankins - Distinguished Military Veteran Label Artist - Award Winning Jazz Trumpeter - Composer - Band Director -Educator - Smooth Sam Hankins - Trumpeter Extraordinaire© The Coolest Cat I Know© Listen-You Will Love What You Hear© Respect and Gratitude.. Sam, Thank you. Give Lady Carolina My Very Best From 1Musician 2Another© In Harmony, Venita Lady Venita©

  • @robcalhoon4563
    @robcalhoon4563 6 лет назад

    Nice work!!

  • @rhythmicboy
    @rhythmicboy 6 лет назад


  • @rhythmicboy
    @rhythmicboy 6 лет назад


  • @yvettejones7656
    @yvettejones7656 6 лет назад

    This sounds so beautiful

  • @rhythmicboy
    @rhythmicboy 6 лет назад

    You used to be my crete monee middle school band teacher. Thank you for teaching us. 👍

  • @ikimono0523gkr
    @ikimono0523gkr 7 лет назад

    beautiful song

  • @venitakbennett-bonaparte5833
    @venitakbennett-bonaparte5833 7 лет назад

    Sam Hankins has mastered the art and the genre' of Jazz music. Samuel Hankins, is an excellent musician, instructor, and knows how to bring out the best in his students. As a 2014 - 2015 and 2016 Indie and Academia Awarding Winning Musician and performing artist, Mr. Hankins, in my opinion, has the musical style of the legendary Jazz artists who built, and created the industry and made Jazz the art it is today. Please visit Sam Hankins. website, at www. Purchase his music on CD Baby, "Nothing Between Us," and his current compuliation, "Do That Thang." Both CD's are creatively beautiful pieces of work. Once you listen to Sam play, we know You won't be dissappointed, and we know you will love what you hear. Thank you, Venita K. Bennett-Bonaparte Bennett Bonaparte Management Booking Manager For Sam Hankins

  • @olgadolan6304
    @olgadolan6304 8 лет назад

    omg. what a style. love it x

  • @beas7743
    @beas7743 8 лет назад


  • @MeganRosemarieS
    @MeganRosemarieS 8 лет назад

    I love you style great music :)

  • @mauricewilliams758
    @mauricewilliams758 9 лет назад


  • @TheHerbexpert
    @TheHerbexpert 9 лет назад

    Your skills are off the chain

  • @moonchilddreaman5972
    @moonchilddreaman5972 9 лет назад

    Love your horn blowing, sweet.

  • @alexanderdeguzman3513
    @alexanderdeguzman3513 9 лет назад

  • @rainey7777
    @rainey7777 9 лет назад

    Excellent Performance!!!

  • @rainey7777
    @rainey7777 9 лет назад

  • @wedhalaksana6045
    @wedhalaksana6045 9 лет назад

    So love your tone color.