Just a minute here guys, none of you know what you're talking about except Tom Johnson ! This kit is NOT contracted by Tamiya! This is not a Tamiya at all. This kit was originally produced by an Italian company name Protar! Ttaleri have reissued it under their name! I know because I had the Protar kit and it is over 600 parts! Just look at the sprues, they don't look anything like Tamiyas at all!!
In case anyone is wondering, this kit is an old Tamiya kit from the 80s that Italeri has reboxed. So unless Italeri ruined the molds, this should be a nice kit. Big difference in the packaging, however. For the price of this kit, I'd expect a nicer presentation than this.
Hey, I'm back! It is not a rebox of the Tamiya kit after all. I've done quite a bit of research recently in light of Tamiya announcing their upcoming release of the 1/12 Renault RE20 and it turns out that Italeri's version is actually reboxing of the old Protar kit. They are completely separate and different kits. From what I can see, the Italeri/Protar kit may be more detailed but may not be as finely crafted as the Tamiya, if that makes sense. They both make nice finished models but the Tamiya is probably going to be easier to build while sacrificing a little accuracy to the real car whereas the Italeri is probably more accurate but will require more skill to get it there.
You're clinging to the details, dude. I compare both sets and I can clearly see that Italeri offers more than Tamiya this time. Although usually the Japanese are much more accurate than the Italians, we are talking about kits. So, stick to your opinion and don't be such an oracle.
@@Karakulimbro Did you happen to notice the other comment I made, the one that is directly above your comment? I said exactly what you said 6 months ago. "Don't be such an oracle." WTF does that even mean?
@@Karakulimbro I have both. The Tamiya is slightly simpler but easier to build. The Protar is a horrible kit. Simply put the fit of parts is a nightmare. The quality of mouldings is awful compared to Tamiya. Also the 2 kits represent 2 different versions. (The cowlings are different...I can't remember which is the later version). Protar kits are generally sub standard compared to Tamiya. If your aim in scale modelling is pleasure not hair-pulling get tha Tamiya kit.
こないだこれ買って開けてみたらクリアパーツの裏に傷みたいのがいっぱいついてて これって自分だけですかね?
So many parts, can you get new ones if loosing some..
where did you get this from?
Purchased at Yodobashi Camera
横須賀在住です 1度は行きたいと思ってました やはり立派ですね
スコープドッグを見るとどうしても言いたくなるセリフ、 「コイツの肩は赤く塗らねえのかい?」 日本全国に1億人はいるはずだ!
Los tubitos Led tienes que meterlos al final para que te alumbre mejor, el pilder.
Hola, veo que no te encaja bien la boca, si quieres te digo el problema.
出来良いのになぁ。素タコとブルーティシュ、RSC、ペールゼン版(換装パーツ付き)、ペールゼン版のファッティ― (TV版出さずに何故? と言われた)、プレバン限定でLRS版TCとリーマン機が出て終わり。 ストライク犬にラビドリー、ベルゼルガ、亀シリーズとか出しゃ売れる物は一杯あっただろうに、やる気の無さは 正直呆れるよな
Just a minute here guys, none of you know what you're talking about except Tom Johnson ! This kit is NOT contracted by Tamiya! This is not a Tamiya at all. This kit was originally produced by an Italian company name Protar! Ttaleri have reissued it under their name! I know because I had the Protar kit and it is over 600 parts! Just look at the sprues, they don't look anything like Tamiyas at all!!
再生リストの件 ありがとうございます 少しずつですが再生リストにあげていきます
Stb tank?
This tank is a Japanese Type 74 tank
私も100号作りあげましたが 充電器が悪いのか バッテリーが悪いのか本体側に電源が 入らない コードをつなぎっぱなしではギミックが作動します。 どうなってるのでしょうか?
完全おめでとうございます。 私も完成させました! 他の方も言ってますが、やはりみなさんエンジン音が10式戦車の音ですよね〜 アシェットさんにエンジン音が違いますとメールしました…あの74の独特なエンジン音じゃないと作った意味が半分ありませんから…
良いですね良いですね。 二年間程待ち望んだこの瞬間ですよホンマ。 私はまだ100号を組んでいません。 でもこの動画で、自分が作った気分で楽しむ事が出来ました。 早く100号を組み立てたいと思います。
量産機の代名詞はリアル・・ !
履帯は片方 当たり何個繋げると完成なのでしょうか。
こんにちは ! 私はその製品に関心がある韓国人です! 正式サイトが日本語ばかりで商品に関する詳細な情報を得ることができませんが、その商品はどのような形で購入、組み立てが行われるのですか? それは、タミヤ1/16のキットと同じように、すべての部品が箱に収まっている形ですか?
코멘트 고맙습니다. www.tank74.jp/home.html 여기를 참조하십시오. 지금은 모든 상품을 얻는 것이 어려울 수 있습니다.
バッテリーパックの両面テープ貼り付けにはちょっと驚いた。 どれでもこんな感じなんかは知らんが、ちょっとチープ過ぎやしませんかって言いたいなホンマ。
Its tamiya model kit? Amazing job WoW i love this tyrel p34
Thank you for your comment. It's not Tamiya. This is Hachette Collections Japan.
WoW amazing i love this car tyrel p34 6 wheels good job
In case anyone is wondering, this kit is an old Tamiya kit from the 80s that Italeri has reboxed. So unless Italeri ruined the molds, this should be a nice kit. Big difference in the packaging, however. For the price of this kit, I'd expect a nicer presentation than this.
Hey, I'm back! It is not a rebox of the Tamiya kit after all. I've done quite a bit of research recently in light of Tamiya announcing their upcoming release of the 1/12 Renault RE20 and it turns out that Italeri's version is actually reboxing of the old Protar kit. They are completely separate and different kits. From what I can see, the Italeri/Protar kit may be more detailed but may not be as finely crafted as the Tamiya, if that makes sense. They both make nice finished models but the Tamiya is probably going to be easier to build while sacrificing a little accuracy to the real car whereas the Italeri is probably more accurate but will require more skill to get it there.
You're clinging to the details, dude. I compare both sets and I can clearly see that Italeri offers more than Tamiya this time. Although usually the Japanese are much more accurate than the Italians, we are talking about kits. So, stick to your opinion and don't be such an oracle.
@@Karakulimbro Did you happen to notice the other comment I made, the one that is directly above your comment? I said exactly what you said 6 months ago. "Don't be such an oracle." WTF does that even mean?
@@Karakulimbro I have both. The Tamiya is slightly simpler but easier to build. The Protar is a horrible kit. Simply put the fit of parts is a nightmare. The quality of mouldings is awful compared to Tamiya. Also the 2 kits represent 2 different versions. (The cowlings are different...I can't remember which is the later version). Protar kits are generally sub standard compared to Tamiya. If your aim in scale modelling is pleasure not hair-pulling get tha Tamiya kit.
Wow 1/16 RC Type 74🤩🤩
RENAULT SI , FERRARI NO ! Un ufficio marketing meraviglioso!
動画、楽しみにしています。 パーツの精度など、どんな感じですか?
キリコはずーっと耐圧スーツを着てるけど そんなに着心地が良いのかな ?
完成おめでとうございます。カッコよいですね。2年ほど前でしょうか? フロントパーツが付いた初回号を購入し、定期購入をさんざん悩んで契約しませんでした。すっかり忘れておりましたが、こうして完成した姿を見ると、やはり素敵ですね。良い物を見せて頂きありがとうございました。
コメントありがとうございます スコープドッグが好きなので 余り意識していませんでした
通販のプレミアムバンダイ限定で発売されてました。 今は中古ショップ等で扱ってる事もありますが、プレ値がついております。
@@takaohasegawa9701 情報ありがとうございます。