kocmoc being a slaughterhouse sequel, cherry team and the entire demon list aside, this is a really good song, it may be written in the cyrillic alphabet and its words may represent a foreign language, but i like it for that, and for how goddamn cool the 2nd drop is
I feel this is a song you would see in a geometry dash top 1 extreme demon Edit: I already know that there is one but Im talking about if icedcave we're to make one.
@@zenvoGD Wait, haven't you heard the news about KOCMOC? A megacollab hosted by Cherry Team? The difficulty of it is Top 1, but it might change. If you haven't heard about it yet, please go watch a showcase of it. It is an absolute banger.
New Thumbnail 🔥❗
COCK MOCK 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥
"A black hole does not let anything out, On the moon we build a private island." - MetLife [GD]
kocmoc means space guys
If slaughterhouse was top 8 and kocmoc is top 10 then kocmoc is a nerfed slaughterhouse
If slaughterhouse was top 8 and kocmoc is top 10 then kocmoc is a nerfed slaughterhouse
Isnt this the remix? (ruclips.net/video/DdH9sLXtJxQ/видео.htmlsi=-hr2NqMcSGBREzV6)
Fucking sick as shit 🔥
you are in danger if you hear this coming from space
these beat is moc my koc 😭🙏
This song is so flipping hype and I just love it!
1:40 EXPANSION 1:21 before the sun starts explode
morning titstand
i tried playing ruins of destiny from 1:21 it was so good
Я сразу вспомнил тот момент когда я прошёл космос с 13987 попытки
1:21 kocmoc unleashed
Koc unleashed 🗣️
kocmoc unleashed has remix "G2961" check his channel
@@whistleetv9676 specific ahh information 😭😭
nah it’s OG Kocmoc, check out the og song.
Kocmoc unleashed, GEOMETRY DASH
kocmoc being a slaughterhouse sequel, cherry team and the entire demon list aside, this is a really good song, it may be written in the cyrillic alphabet and its words may represent a foreign language, but i like it for that, and for how goddamn cool the 2nd drop is
Its Russian
@@obsolence thx i was scared it could of been ukrainian or belarussian
its not a sequel its a remakes actually
@@TheBigBubba2000 it's not a remake.
i dont know any of these words 🔥🔥🔥
Me too, but this beat is fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Is this okay to use? :3 hehe i was hoping to use the drop for a video ^^
what’s the original video?
this is my favorite song!
Me too
Have you guys heard about GD? (-_-)
@@CrystalledYT almost spent half a year playing it
my spotify playlist represents 10 different languages
Lemme see it
@@AftonGMD69 English Spanish Korean Japanese Russian Arabic German Mandarin French Swedish Since then I've realized there's one more: Amharic
@@nayR5 thanks where is the playlist btw?
@@nayR5 add polish pretty please
Услышала эту песню На соревнованиях по воркауту и сам под неё выступал.
"I can't fucking react or else I'm gonna cough so much."
It's space🇬🇧
<( ̄︶ ̄)>
@@classicrlbx nah it's EarthUs
Cockmock- i mean kocmoc
0:40 there is an airleak in your spaceship 0:50 you're beginning to run out of breath 1:10 your vision starts fading
Air leaks can take a few days to be fatal but ok
@@GdMan11. it’s like in the Jesus book maybe it happens in different time frame
Уᴧᴇᴛиʍ ᴄ ᴛᴏбᴏй дᴏ ʙᴇᴄны ʙ ᴋᴏᴄʍᴏᴄ Нᴀ ᴧунᴇ ᴨᴏᴄᴛᴩᴏиʍ ᴧичный ᴄʙᴏй ᴏᴄᴛᴩᴏʙ Тᴀʍ нᴇ будᴇᴛ ɜᴀʙᴇᴄᴛи и ᴄᴧᴏʙ ᴨᴏɯᴧых Будᴇʍ ᴧиɯь ᴄ ᴛᴏбᴏй ʍы Зᴀᴄᴛыʙᴀᴧ ᴩᴀᴄᴄʙᴇᴛ ʙ ᴋᴏᴄʍичᴇᴄᴋᴏй ᴨыᴧи Пᴩяᴛᴀᴧи уᴋᴩᴀдᴋᴏй ʍы ᴄʙᴏи ᴛᴇни Уᴨᴀдᴇᴛ ᴩᴇᴄницᴀ ᴄ ᴛʙᴏих ᴦᴧᴀɜ ʙ ᴩуᴋу Я нᴀиʙнᴏ ᴄᴏхᴩᴀню Нᴇʙᴇᴄᴏʍᴏᴄᴛь нᴀᴄ нᴇᴄᴧᴀ ʙдᴀᴧь ᴏᴛ дᴏʍᴀ Нᴀʍ нᴇ ʙидᴇн нᴇ Пᴀᴩиж, нᴇ Лᴏндᴏн Нᴀ ᴧунᴇ нᴀʍ ʍиᴧ ᴏᴄᴛᴩᴏʙᴏᴋ ᴄчᴀᴄᴛья О ɜᴇʍᴧᴇ ɜᴀбыᴧи ʍы
Космос верифнули!
застывал рассвет
космичекой пыли
@@DargOgdshkaESHKERE Прятали украдкой
insane song.
i unironically love this
first comment about kocmoc being verified award
perfect slaughterhouse sequel
no grief
@@zisok4me grief is the prequel
To be exact it is a remake of 2015 slaughterhouse
Erm acthually it’s a remake
For the longest time I thought this was pronounced cockmock lmao
Geometry Dash moment
......а знаете предысторию этой песни и что стало с группой...?
No what happened
This beat actually slaps 🔥🔥
I sing it by tue lyrics I don't know by ear and it calms me
Está muy mela está música muy chimba
Много снееров
Че за кокмок
I feel this is a song you would see in a geometry dash top 1 extreme demon Edit: I already know that there is one but Im talking about if icedcave we're to make one.
@@ThunderClipz or a song if slaughter house had a sequel
@@zenvoGD sadly they don't allow russian letters in titles, i doubt a level with this will ever be made, especially considering it's NONG
@@RubyPiec big saf
@@zenvoGD Wait, haven't you heard the news about KOCMOC? A megacollab hosted by Cherry Team? The difficulty of it is Top 1, but it might change. If you haven't heard about it yet, please go watch a showcase of it. It is an absolute banger.
quien mas habla español que me siento solo xd PD que epico
Próximamente nuevo top 1 en el cuadradito que salta triangulitos
yo estoy aprendiendo español, no sé mucho y uso traductor para unas cosas
Debo decir que esta nice la pista 🗿🍷
Épico el nivel :v
Hola wenas
no longer top 1 :(
@@namespaced4437 coming soon newer top 1
Я зрабіў узровень з гэтай песняй у працяжніку геаметрыі
Скажи пожалуйста айди своего уровня
Але гэтая песня дурань, як дзярмо
Ты тоже
@@4game691 damn.
Nah not really. This song kinda goes hard
Говорит тот кто играет в Adopt me😂😂😂