- Видео 26
- Просмотров 30 433
Bart Napierala
Добавлен 14 фев 2012
PAPUA NEW GUINEA, one day in East New Britain
Please enjoy my little production from my third trip to the beautiful country of Papua New Guinea. No narration, no background music, just pure natural background audio.
This time I went to the picturesque East New Britain Province.
All footages in this production were taken in Gazelle Peninsula during the Warwagira and Mask Festival.
Bart Napierala, June 2019
Facebook Papua New Guinea: %C5%9Aladami-betel-nuts-Wyprawy-do-Papui-Nowej-Gwinei-132499470221848/
Facebook backpacking/podróże : bart.napierala
Instagram: ...
Please enjoy my little production from my third trip to the beautiful country of Papua New Guinea. No narration, no background music, just pure natural background audio.
This time I went to the picturesque East New Britain Province.
All footages in this production were taken in Gazelle Peninsula during the Warwagira and Mask Festival.
Bart Napierala, June 2019
Facebook Papua New Guinea: %C5%9Aladami-betel-nuts-Wyprawy-do-Papui-Nowej-Gwinei-132499470221848/
Facebook backpacking/podróże : bart.napierala
Instagram: ...
Просмотров: 426
PAPUA NEW GUINEA, one day in New Ireland
Просмотров 11 тыс.5 лет назад
www.snapshotniugini.com Please enjoy my little production from my third trip to the beautiful country of Papua New Guinea. No narration, no background music, just pure natural background audio. This time I went to the picturesque New Ireland Province. All footage in this production were taken in New Ireland, New Hanover and on tiny islands between Kavieng and New Hanover. Bart Napierala, June 2...
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PAPUA NEW GUINEA, one day in Milne Bay
Просмотров 3,1 тыс.5 лет назад
www.snapshotniugini.com Please enjoy my little production from my second trip to the beautiful country of Papua New Guinea. This time I went to the picturesque Milne Bay in order to participate the unique Canoe and Kundu Festival in Alotau. All footages in this production were taken in Alotau, East Cape, Wagawaga and on Dawadawa River. Special thanks to the Kaikuwali Theatre Group from Waema fo...
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CANADA, cross country adventure, from The Pacific to The Arctic Ocean
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CANADA, cross country adventure, from The Pacific to The Arctic Ocean
CANADA, road trip from Vancouver to Whistler and Okanagan Valley
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CANADA, road trip from Vancouver to Whistler and Okanagan Valley
POLAND, Northern Lights, September 7/8 2015
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POLAND, Northern Lights, September 7/8 2015
POLAND, Northern Lights, March 17/18 2015
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POLAND, Northern Lights, March 17/18 2015
THAILAND and MALAYSIA, winter trip from Bangkok to Cameron Highlands
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THAILAND and MALAYSIA, winter trip from Bangkok to Cameron Highlands
POLAND, one day trip to Łagów near Poznań
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POLAND, one day trip to Łagów near Poznań
PAPUA NEW GUINEA, trip to the Highlands and Madang Province
Просмотров 3,7 тыс.10 лет назад
PAPUA NEW GUINEA, trip to the Highlands and Madang Province
My home for almost 23 yrs ...I miss this country so much ...
Out of this world!
Beautiful. Well done
This is just beautiful! You have captured New Ireland wonderfully.
Alotau what a beautiful place
Hi lo tarinaro neke ❤️❤️❤️
I grew up in the east coast of the province beautiful ⛱ beaches along the coast place to be love the place called belaspeles
Hile..ta Rina ro..ke.. Siva ..ro Sikira.. lovongai❤️🏝️
Rhondie Badcock Life is simple no stress on the island people are happy of what have.Abundant blessings from the sea and Land.Nice treaking up to New Hanover.Beautiful view from top of mountain looking down to another beautiful group of islands call Tsoi Been their.....🙏👍
This New Hanover island..lovongai..
Hey there. Do you remember what's the price to rent a boat from wagawaga to this river? Thanks.
hi mate, it really depends on how far you want to go. The other thing is that the prices are not fixed, so you'll need to use your negotiation skills
Great video mate. I was wondering if you know what's the price to rent a banana boat for 1 day from Kavieng ? Thanks.
it's quite expensive to rent a boat for yourself, so the best option is travel with the locals in my opinion
is this every year or once in a lifetime? and is this show's in all part of Poland?
Hi Paul, thanks for your comment. Weak northern lights appear actually every year in the northern part of Poland where I am from. Most of them are usually detected by camera, no by a naked eye. However, such spectacular displays like this presented happen let say every 10 years or so.
@@bartnapierala A really but this year has no sign of aurora's light? ahmm where u in Poland Bro!
@hola I did'nt ask your opinion
This is New Hanover ISLANDS.. lovongai island.. some of This place is kavieng mix
That's Our Great Yahweh's Powerful Black man's Paradise.
What a beautiful place😀
Nice video bro !
thanks barata!
Love and miss my island, I hope you enjoyed the boat trip and going on the outrigger canoe
A new Ireland of course its nicer then the original
hah, who knows? I haven't been to the original one yet!
hahaha lol.
Oh wow. My parents worked out on New Ireland when I was a kid, down in the Lelet area. I knew Kavieng and Namatanai well growing up! I miss this ocean and these people!
Thank for your comment, I spent only a few weeks up there, but feel the same!
Yeh beautiful place..I grew up in PNG, spent 16 years there and have been to Kavieng many times and all along the East Coast down to Namatanai and West Coast down to Kontu and out to most of the islands...magical place and gets even better the further down the Island you go. Covered most of PNG, but the Islands and the true Highlands in the West from Mt Hagen and then Mendi in the South, just pristine and beautiful...and the people, awesome...I still speak Tok Pisin fluently.
Hey! Tenk yu tru for your comment! Absolutely agree what you wrote. You have been still speaking fluent Tok Pisin, but I have already started to learn. I love the landscapes and the melanesian hospitality. Where are you based now, barata?
Proud of you wantok..
Thanked you for your beautiful comments sir regarding PNG Tank yu.tru..wantok..mi hamamas tru
@@reatea3708 nogat samting, mi tok tru tasol 🙂👌....was a little white kid growing up with all my Papua New Gujnean friends, but back then we didn't see colour and race was not an issue....stap bung wantaim na hamamas tasol. Was my home as a kid and teenager and will always be a part of me till I die. Stay safe wantok.
@@Bobskiboy85 mi.. stap,.. England...mi Kam.. long.. Island 🏝️ lovongai...na yu tok tru ..yet.. mipela.... been.. stap.. hamamas tasol long kavieng province..ol'..pipol ol'.. happy.. with having nothing...ol'.. live for each other.. tank..yu...tru..wantok..
New sub :)
thanks! are you from PNG maybe?
@@bartnapierala yes i'm from PNG
@@OzWorld675 gut tumas! yu bilong we?
@@bartnapierala mi blo New Ireland Province.
Wow! Amazing scenery! Thumbs up! Thanks for sharing this.
thank you for your comment, PNG is amazing, I wish I could document it better!
Wow. The best mate.
Thank you Hilton, can't wait to make a similar video from the Sepik!
Great video!
thank you!
Ok, I'm neither scared by any of those insects but the sight of a huntsman would delay the moment I drop off :)
Hah, huntsmany nie zle, tylko tak wygladaja :)
Właścicielka nie oferowała jedzenia, czy wolałeś sam przygotować?
Hej Andrzej. Myślę, że wyżywienie w tym hostelu - po wcześniejszym dogadaniu - byłoby dostępne. Często jednak rezygnuję z tej opcji w PNG z kilku powodów. Po pierwsze w PNG panuje niezrozumiała dla mnie maniera serwowania turystom jedzenia pod nich, czyli typu zachodniego, jak kanapki, steki, McD. Po drugie moje podróże polegają na próbowaniu lokalnego jedzenia i potraw. Pod tym względem Zatoka Milne była wyjątkowa - różnorodność owoców morza była oszołamiająca! Po trzecie cena usług turystycznych, w szczególności zakwaterowania i wyżywienia są często nieadekwatne do jakości (jest bardzo drogo). Poza tym mój zamysł na podróże do PNG to zrównoważony backpacking, czyli podróżowanie bez wydawania fortuny, maksymalna interakcja z mieszkańcami oraz wspieranie drobnych usług. Wątek pichcenia na własną rękę będzie się jeszcze przewijać wielokrotnie w kolejnych odsłonach ;) Pozdrawiam i dziękuję za komentarz
Totalne zazdro ;)
Dzięki za komentarz, pozdrawiam!
Hi Bart, the video footage is incredible and very representative of the Milne Bay culture. The video itself tells a thousand words even without narration. Well done brother! Good work. See you soon...
thanks for your comment, wantok!
I love it! ♡ Rewelacyjna, przygoda, świetne zdjęcia i cały klip ogląda się z zapartym tchem! Super!
Dziękuję Paulina. Fajnie jest wrócić to tych wszystkich wspomnień po roku. Pozdrawiam!
Great video
Cool video
+Hike with Mike thanks buddy!
Bardzo fajne wideo, ciekawe ujęcia, fajne pokazanie Łagowa, dla mnie szczególnie interesujące ze względu na to, że w najbliższe wakacje zamierzamy z kolegami urządzić wyprawę rowerową z Poznania do Łagowa :-) Natomiast szkoda, że nie pokusił się pan o nagranie z tego wyjazdu jakiejś komentowanej wideorelacji, z wypowiedziami na temat atrakcji i przemyśleniami na temat miejscowości, bo tego typu relacje są często niezwykle ciekawe :-)
Dzięki za opinie! Ja dopiero zaczynam zabawę w montowanie krótkich filmów, tak więc proszę o wyrozumiałość ;-) Na pewno wezmę pod uwagę Twoje uwagi. Pozdro!