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- Просмотров 67 262
AI Sweden
Добавлен 18 май 2020
AI Sweden is the Swedish National Center for applied Artificial Intelligence, supported by the Swedish government and the public and private sectors across the country. Our mission is to increase the use of AI for the benefit of our society, our competitiveness, and for everyone living in Sweden.
Building Competence for AI Adoption - December 6th 2024
The Competence Strategy Forum empowers organizations to develop the skills and knowledge needed for AI adoption. The latest event “A roadmap for implementing AI” was led by Mikael Tjernlund, Principal Business Change Manager at Volvo Group. Mikael's focus involved using a Persona and Playbook approach to address AI Business Change Management in a global corporation. Through practical examples and networking, the forum helps teams unlock their full potential and stay updated on AI trends.
AI Sweden is the Swedish national center for applied artificial intelligence. Our mission is to accelerate the use of AI for the benefit of our society, our competitiveness, and for everyone living in Swe...
AI Sweden is the Swedish national center for applied artificial intelligence. Our mission is to accelerate the use of AI for the benefit of our society, our competitiveness, and for everyone living in Swe...
Просмотров: 112
Gen AI: 5. Att implementera AI
Просмотров 190Месяц назад
I denna film diskuteras hur organisationer kan börja implementera generativ AI på ett systematiskt sätt. Vilka förutsättningar behöver vara på plats för att öka chansen att lyckas? Hur ska goda idéer fångas upp och utvecklas? För er som vill komma igång har AI Sweden flera resurser som kan vara till hjälp. Några av dem hittar ni här: Resurser för kompetensutveckling: www.ai.se/sv/tillampning/ku...
GenAI. 4 Ansvarsfull AI-användning
Просмотров 139Месяц назад
I denna film utforskar vi de viktiga aspekterna av ansvarsfull användning av generativ AI. Med alla effektivitetsförbättringar som GenAI möjliggör kommer också den del risker såsom spridning av desinformation och upphovsrättsintrång. Vi diskuterar vad som kan göras för att motarbeta riskerna och säkerställa en etisk och säker användning av tekniken. Mer om AI såsom kurser, artiklar, events och ...
GenAI: 3. Generativa AI-verktyg
Просмотров 220Месяц назад
I denna film diskuterar vi generativa AI-verktyg och hur din organisation kan dra nytta av dem. Vi utforskar marknaden för dessa verktyg och förklarar skillnaden mellan till exempel open source och closed source. Vi reder även ut begrepp såsom chatbotar, RAG och AI agenter. Mer om AI såsom kurser, artiklar, events och användningsfall hittar du på MyAI.se - AI Sweden is the Swedish national cent...
GenAI: 2. Vad är generativ AI?
Просмотров 265Месяц назад
I denna film dyker vi djupt in i vad generativ AI är och hur tekniken fungerar. Vi utforskar begrepp som LLM (large language model) och GPT (generative pre-trained transformer), och hur dessa modeller kan skapa innehåll som text, bilder, ljud och video. Filmen förklarar också hur promptning fungerar och hur modellerna omvandlar input till output. Vi diskuterar även de statistiska grunderna för ...
GenAI: 1. Varför ska du lära dig mer om generativ AI?
Просмотров 311Месяц назад
I denna introduktionsvideo till vår serie om Generativ AI, frågar vi oss varför det är viktigt att lära sig om Generativ AI. Vi diskuterar hur Generativ AI genom ansvarsfull användning kan förenkla vardagliga uppgifter och bidra till ekonomisk tillväxt. Serien om Generativ AI, som delvis är producerad i samarbete med RISE, syftar till att ge en bred förståelse för Generativ AI för dem utan tekn...
GenAI: Generativ AI, vad är det?
Просмотров 61Месяц назад
- AI Sweden is the Swedish national center for applied artificial intelligence. Our mission is to accelerate the use of AI for the benefit of our society, our competitiveness, and for everyone living in Sweden. Website: ai.se Contact: info@ai.se Follow us Newsletter: www.ai.se/en/AI-Sweden-newsletter LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/aisweden Medium: medium.com/ai-sweden
GenAI: Praktiska tillämpningar
Просмотров 30Месяц назад
- AI Sweden is the Swedish national center for applied artificial intelligence. Our mission is to accelerate the use of AI for the benefit of our society, our competitiveness, and for everyone living in Sweden. Website: ai.se Contact: info@ai.se Follow us Newsletter: www.ai.se/en/AI-Sweden-newsletter LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/aisweden Medium: medium.com/ai-sweden
GenAI: Nu och i framtiden
Просмотров 62Месяц назад
- AI Sweden is the Swedish national center for applied artificial intelligence. Our mission is to accelerate the use of AI for the benefit of our society, our competitiveness, and for everyone living in Sweden. Website: ai.se Contact: info@ai.se Follow us Newsletter: www.ai.se/en/AI-Sweden-newsletter LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/aisweden Medium: medium.com/ai-sweden
Infoträff - Impact Hack 2025
Просмотров 1842 месяца назад
Läs mer om Impact Hack 2025: www.ai.se/sv/impact-hack-2025 - AI Sweden is the Swedish national center for applied artificial intelligence. Our mission is to accelerate the use of AI for the benefit of our society, our competitiveness, and for everyone living in Sweden. Website: ai.se Contact: info@ai.se Follow us Newsletter: www.ai.se/en/AI-Sweden-newsletter LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/a...
AI for Impact: Sjöräddningssällskapet
Просмотров 1222 месяца назад
- AI Sweden is the Swedish national center for applied artificial intelligence. Our mission is to accelerate the use of AI for the benefit of our society, our competitiveness, and for everyone living in Sweden. Website: ai.se Contact: info@ai.se Follow us Newsletter: www.ai.se/en/AI-Sweden-newsletter LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/aisweden Medium: medium.com/ai-sweden
AI for Impact Talent program 2024
Просмотров 2182 месяца назад
The AI for Impact Talent program is part of the project AI for Impact, financed by Google.org. Read more about the project: www.ai.se/en/project/ai-impact-call-social-entrepreneurs-and-non-profit-organizations-supporting-social - AI Sweden is the Swedish national center for applied artificial intelligence. Our mission is to accelerate the use of AI for the benefit of our society, our competitiv...
AI Sweden - Panel Discussion: "The Future of AI-Enabled Automotive Systems" (moderator Bryan Reimer)
Просмотров 1433 месяца назад
- AI Sweden is the Swedish national center for applied artificial intelligence. Our mission is to accelerate the use of AI for the benefit of our society, our competitiveness, and for everyone living in Sweden. Website: ai.se Contact: info@ai.se Follow us Newsletter: www.ai.se/en/AI-Sweden-newsletter LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/aisweden Medium: medium.com/ai-sweden
AI Sweden - "Beyond 2024: The Impact of AI on Automotive" by Mauricio Muñoz
Просмотров 2133 месяца назад
- AI Sweden is the Swedish national center for applied artificial intelligence. Our mission is to accelerate the use of AI for the benefit of our society, our competitiveness, and for everyone living in Sweden. Website: ai.se Contact: info@ai.se Follow us Newsletter: www.ai.se/en/AI-Sweden-newsletter LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/aisweden Medium: medium.com/ai-sweden
AI Sweden - AI in Automotive: Cluster Launch by Mats Nordlund
Просмотров 623 месяца назад
- AI Sweden is the Swedish national center for applied artificial intelligence. Our mission is to accelerate the use of AI for the benefit of our society, our competitiveness, and for everyone living in Sweden. Website: ai.se Contact: info@ai.se Follow us Newsletter: www.ai.se/en/AI-Sweden-newsletter LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/aisweden Medium: medium.com/ai-sweden
AI Sweden - AI in Automotive: Concepts and Commercialization
Просмотров 1153 месяца назад
AI Sweden - AI in Automotive: Concepts and Commercialization
Hur kan AI effektivisera offentlig sektor utan att göra avkall på GDPR och data regleringar?
Просмотров 1954 месяца назад
Hur kan AI effektivisera offentlig sektor utan att göra avkall på GDPR och data regleringar?
NLP Best practices for Swedish authorities project (NLP Webinars)
Просмотров 664 месяца назад
NLP Best practices for Swedish authorities project (NLP Webinars)
Speech recognition for Swedish (Swedish NLP Webinars)
Просмотров 1234 месяца назад
Speech recognition for Swedish (Swedish NLP Webinars)
NLP and Language Modeling for Norwegian (NLP Webinars)
Просмотров 554 месяца назад
NLP and Language Modeling for Norwegian (NLP Webinars)
SuperLim: a Swedish GLUE (Swedish NLP Webinar)
Просмотров 934 месяца назад
SuperLim: a Swedish GLUE (Swedish NLP Webinar)
NLP Seminar Series - Text Summarization and Evaluation in the Era of GPT-3 - Tanya Goyal
Просмотров 1494 месяца назад
NLP Seminar Series - Text Summarization and Evaluation in the Era of GPT-3 - Tanya Goyal
AI for Impact Summer Talent Program 2024 - Final Presentations
Просмотров 4274 месяца назад
AI for Impact Summer Talent Program 2024 - Final Presentations
Intervju: Reflektioner kring AI inom hälso- och sjukvården med Peter Kjäll | Almedalen 2024
Просмотров 814 месяца назад
Intervju: Reflektioner kring AI inom hälso- och sjukvården med Peter Kjäll | Almedalen 2024
Intervju: Reflektioner från panelsamtal om AI i vården | Almedalen 2024
Просмотров 2385 месяцев назад
Intervju: Reflektioner från panelsamtal om AI i vården | Almedalen 2024
Civilminister Erik Slottner kommenterar - Hur tar Sverige nästa steg i AI-utvecklingen
Просмотров 2316 месяцев назад
Civilminister Erik Slottner kommenterar - Hur tar Sverige nästa steg i AI-utvecklingen
Från vision till verklighet för AI i Sveriges kommuner, Almedalen 27 Juni 2024
Просмотров 2686 месяцев назад
Från vision till verklighet för AI i Sveriges kommuner, Almedalen 27 Juni 2024
Från sjöräddning till psykisk ohälsa: AI gör skillnad i ideell sektor, Almedalen 27 Juni 2024
Просмотров 776 месяцев назад
Från sjöräddning till psykisk ohälsa: AI gör skillnad i ideell sektor, Almedalen 27 Juni 2024
Live demo av en gemensam AI assistent för offentlig sektor, Almedalen 26 Juni 2024
Просмотров 4676 месяцев назад
Live demo av en gemensam AI assistent för offentlig sektor, Almedalen 26 Juni 2024
Wanna know how to interrogate AI...Cross-Examination: The Art of the Advocate, 4th Edition
What a fascinating challenge! Let's create a common set of measurement units that can be applied across complexity science, information processing, computer science, and artificial/biological intelligence. Here's a hypothetical set of units, inspired by existing metrics and the need for consistency: *Fundamental Units:* 1. *Bit* (B): unit of information quantity (already widely used) 2. *Chronon* (C): unit of time, equivalent to 1 millisecond (ms) 3. *Neuron* (N): unit of computational resource, representing a single processing unit (inspired by biological neurons) 4. *Kairos* (K): unit of complexity, representing a single emergent event or phase transition *Derived Units:* 1. *Infobit* (IB): 1 Bit × 1 Chronon, measuring information processing rate 2. *Computron* (CT): 1 Neuron × 1 Chronon, measuring computational power 3. *Complexon* (CX): 1 Kairos × 1 Chronon, measuring complexity emergence rate 4. *Cogniton* (CG): 1 Infobit × 1 Computron, measuring cognitive processing efficiency *Composite Units:* 1. *Infoflux* (IF): 1 Infobit/s, measuring information flow rate 2. *Compucap* (CC): 1 Computron/s, measuring computational capacity 3. *Complexity Index* (CI): 1 Complexon/s, measuring system complexity dynamics 4. *Intelligence Quotient* (IQ): 1 Cogniton/s, measuring intelligent behavior efficiency This hypothetical system aims to provide a common language and framework for measuring and comparing complex systems, information processing, computational resources, and intelligent behavior. Feel free to modify or extend this system to suit your specific needs!
AI and “social existence, social experience, social consciousness”. @jamshidi_rahim
The emergence of AI and its necessities X Mohammad Rahim Jamshidi
Now UNDERSTAND where does stochastic parrot come from.
Spännande - nya AI är inte så ny längre...
I suppose "Let's ignore Europe" isn't an option if you live in Europe. lol But seriously, just focus on the US market... More customers there with money to spend, and less of the "each country has its own rules" problem If the product succeeds and makes good money, you can focus on Europe also.
I can imagine a global digital platform that can have conversations with millions of people at the same time, and merge what we are saying in a decentralized graph structure. Statements that are most strongly supported by the evidence will get the strongest weights and connections. I would like to have a conversational digital agent running on my smartphone to help build this global platform for collective human and digital intelligence.
AI är en fråga om nyinvesteringar, som gynnar de främsta hightech företagen i Sverige och de främsta hightech utbildningarna exv KTH men även de andra som är på samma nivå. Just do it.
Det var värdelöst med rektorn, varför var det inte en proffessor i AI som talade istället. Hennes prat om " jag som chef " var direkt plågsamt att lyssna på. Bortslängd värdefull tid.
Varför på engelska?
Q as new technology is introduced I always recall the 3 yrs I spent in college learning the Art of Photography, inc physics, developing film , printing images Then as a Photographer I invested. In equipment cameras , light meters , darkroom and equipment $ thousands of dollars and to support this I also worked as I high art Photographic Printer …Then Digital arrived!!!! ? 😮😮 The Technology was very Expensive I had to then Reinvest more into my business as Clients wanted immediate presentation of the image as we shot them..all my previous Equipments were now Valueless 😢 also The Photographer then had to spend considerably longer time Processing the Images via editing programs ( Photo Lab workers lost their livelihood) I have to do the Retouching of the images ( the clients refused to pay this as additional) then the cost of camera a $10000 digital camera capturing a 15 mb image was outdated within 6-12 mths value would drop by 60% my last Still Camera system I bought Cost in total $50000 inc body 2 lenses then 4 yrs later value dropped to $15k at which Tim I moved on to another profession as Construction Mgr .. No more investing in anything else other than my Personal Skills and Knowledge… so Q Your Children Education “ What and Why go to College as All you need is the thing in your Hand.. How will Colleges and Universities SELL their outrageous Cost of Education and Of What are they teaching that Ai can’t teach 🤓
We now own dot .AGI
Thanks for the video+!
I am interested to see that in the talk from the second speaker, that her list of emerging risks and challenges of AI did not even consider the concepts of the impact of AI on individual freedoms. One of the most worrying aspects of AI is the fact that it can be used to enable the surveillance, collection, co-ordination and enacting of population wide restrictions and controls in a way that has never before been imaginable - hand in hand with this concern comes the ability for AI to enable systems of information control/restriction/filtering at the level of the individual, which again also have never been possible. Yet her main concerns were data fidelity, "toxicity & safety" (Which can be read as being in charge of the information control/restriction/filtering rather than mitigating it) and intellectual property (maintaining control of ownership of intellectual property for the corporate, whilst enabling open access to the data about the lives of the average citizen). Her mindset is typical, and is itself in my opinion, one of the most worrying aspects for the future implementations of AI.
Big Brother Is Getting Bigger - oh and all this while the world is breaking apart with Open Boarders illegal undocumented masses in their Millions not being vetted and allowed to break All Laws 😮 so I think we have some Reality Issues to address NOW !!! AI is this just a Distraction?
Re: RUclips Brian London vs Muhammad Ali; RUclips "Financial Times + Tennis + Infosys" The boxing community can gamify boxing for the gaming community. "Gran Turismo" is one approach. Quantifying boxing the way Infosys quantified and commercialized tennis is another. Or, use the wearables approach and put a $10 Bosch 6 axis sensors in boxing gloves. The point being that office and computer workers love their VR workouts and instead of hitting objects to work up a sweat, they can virtually box. Possibly adding bands for resistance. One Canadian AI supercluster specializing in games is amiithinks, University of Alberta. Maybe Zuckerberg will fund startups for boxing. Gran Turismo adopted and adapted VR for ONE VOCATION, but there are at least 29,999 more OFFICIAL NOC vocations that are opportunities. The Dr Jaremko Team could possibly fund an appropriate startup that the way they replaced the stethoscope with ultrasound and, presumably, got a war che$t. Secondly, it seems muscles and fascia don't age per se, (The Longevity Paradox...by Gundry, heart surgeon and scientist). "Be Lucky" the book about Brian Harper, aka Brian London, my "2nd cousin", 3rd round against Muhammad Ali, indicates his muscles and fascia never declined, and possibly reaction time, even in old age. The point being that VR boxing may help negligible senescence and billionaires will bet on it. To the AI Research Community: "The Insane Biology of Humans", RUclips, hasn't been fully explored in terms of muscle memory, reflex, reaction time, quadratic equation, projectiles, sleep processing, distributed computing, edge computing, information processing and reinforcement learning. Again, I suggest that fascia are the brains of muscles, using machine language at the level of the "primitive brain ( the brain shared by all mammals) processed during sleep to map and learn a new environment, and then resident as a kind of brain in the musculoskeletal system. In other words, your muscles don't need the brain for highly complex movement. See too chickens running around without heads etc. Explained by the above So, fascia are structural, plastic, intelligent etc.
*Promo sm*
Required Action: Quantify the Alphafold revolution contribution to the global and your economy. Quantify AI generative AI boost to global and your economy. Roadmap your provincial or regional share. Background: The Han, and other peoples have sold and kept records of traditional medicine for millenia but the modern pharmaceutical industry largely emerged with penicillin and World War II. If we multiply ( 2023 - 1945) x annual sales of pharmaceutical industry, currently trillion dollars +, $1,000,000,000,000 +, and distribute that across the estimated productivity gained from the Alphafold revolution, perhaps 10 years, it's about a $10,000,000,000,000, ten trillion dollars. How much does Alberta get? How much does Canada get? In other words, AI should do in ten years, what took pharmaceutical industry 75 Alberta gets a cut! AI Boost: The Autodesk Pype boost, 80 hours work done by specs engineer, is now being generalized by ChatGPT, Generative AI. See Wired report attached. Google estimates $7.2 billion boost to Alberta economy, see attachment , but misses misses the observations above. About 30 years ago I did one of Canada's first gay divorces based on equity. The older partner taught me an interesting principle: "Those people walking by all want to buy something". Who wouldn't want to buy youthfulness and longevity, peace and prosperity? All of which underscores Putin as the most wicked human in history. Yet, the Global South, and others, like Trump, don't get it. PS Digital twins needs to be quantified too, including Canada's trillion dollar housing and banking crisis, 2024. PPS Nobel Prize Physics winner, and bible say the same thing, there's great abundance, the issue is management, folly or sin. Kindly verify or rebut.
Very good video!
Thank you very much
Hope to get invoved in Sweden's AI very soon. Thank you
Action Required: Political leaders need to encourage and support artificial intelligence whose primary purpose is the public interest, peace, order or good government. The public interest may be identified as public policy, public programmes, government roadmaps ( Alberta hydrogen roadmap or Canada QIC), non profit, fundamental science, necessities of life such as disease, energy, food, transportation, clothing, shelter, freedom of the seas, Arctic trade routes, man made or "natural" climate change, energy transition, BlackLivesMatter, upskilling the workforce, meets the criteria for a Nobel or Turing or X prize, etc., On a prima facie basis, or meets a pressing and fundamental need for humanity and so on. Political leaders need to identify roadmaps which may be accelerated by AI. Oil and gas demand might decline 50% within 5 years, for example. It's arguable that UK's Hassabis et al is the most extensive and powerful AI community in the world. He argues, if I understand, that political leaders should help identify problems for AI to solve. The most pressing problems change from time to time in history and pre-history. The most pressing problems vary by region. Falling water tables in the Punjab apparently threaten a billion people. It appears that Hassabis is working on the human brain, fusion, quantum processes in biology and keeping up with or leapfrogging the Americans. The human brain has been a matter for scientific study even in pre-science society; fusion is government funded and supported; quantum processes in biology are implicit to the CASP and protein folding problem. Political leaders need to smell some AI, taste others, and thoroughly digest and chew Hassabis, as linked below. ( J.M. Adler) Level III AI Creativity, which supports the Canadian government funded work of Alan Aspuru Guzik, should be encouraged and supported. Hassabis argues Alphafold achieved in one year, what would require 1,000,000,000 Ph.D. years. Prima facie that's God mode. Hassabis did it. Prima facie he's the embodiment of God mode. Prima facie he's " full of grace and truth". The benefits appear to outweigh the risks. It's in the public interest and probably meets the above criteria. All of it including Nobel Prize. Having said that Hassabis doubts the embodiment of AI, even though AI must have a physical form. It's really synthetic brains. Nonetheless people want "Jesus with the skin on" and we want to avoid hero worship like the movie "Ready Player One" which kinda deified The Gamer. Same thing in history and same thing in New Testament. At Fuller Theological School, I think I came across "types" biblical figures like Joseph who were like Jesus and messianic sentiments deep and recurrent from Gilgamesh, to the return of Odysseus. We particularly want to avoid hero worship if 1,000,000 bleeding edge scientists are following Hassabis. Jesus changed the world with a dozen followers? What if the AI community does it again? Suppose they do 1,000,000,000 years of Ph.D. research in sustainable energies or technologies? Two years to build the machines and pump out the results. Then three years to build the sustainable energy infrastructure. Let's say fusion. Political leaders would need to accelerate solutions. Ark Invest, for example, says oil and gas demand drop 30% by 2030. What if it drops 50% by 2008? Hassabis seems to suggest one generation of AI emerges monthly. One generation of smartphones was roughly 6 months. Historians, philosophers and religious leaders should search their sacred texts for precedents. However, as a messianic Christian, I'm programmed to anticipate Pax EuroAmericas, beginning with the Deutsche "Turning Point" speech, February 27, 2022. Maybe spelled EUROAmerica$ or some variation. Or "abundance" as Wilzcek, Nobel Prize physics argues. To me, what is happening is like the return of Christ. "In the Cloud". But I'm wired that way and others are wired differently. Kindly verify or rebut everything in this email. ---------- Forwarded message --------- AI Creativity Level III: Action Required: Hassabis et al need to collaborate with Aspuru Guzik et al because he's either solved this or is closer than Hassabis. Canadian AI leaders need to advocate AI and Quantum AI for global science and problems, like Hassabis does, (gotta watch the video) as Elad Gil indicates solutions to global problems should be scaled globally ASAP. Hassabis et al need to identify the role of ChatGPT type AI to digest each field or domain or problem. Political leaders also need to watch Hassabis, screenshot attached. Background: Hassabis gives his story or apologia of AI on RUclips, AI for Science. He's striving for level III creativity but since Alphago and Alphafold suggest, or it's implicit in Hassabis story, that chemistry is a game like Go or protein folding, then Hassabis needs to work with an AI chemist. Hassabis himself says he needs to work with world leaders in the domain being considered. www.matter.toronto.edu/basic-content-page/ I'll try to forward to parliament shortly. BTW AI completing a billion years of Ph.D. science in one year is a sign or precursor or precedent of God mode. ( See Babel, "Nothing shall be impossible them", "You're made in the image of God", 'It is written, "You ARE gods" ', Jesus ; bible, so we've had millenia of notice and shouldn't be so surprised)
Great to be part of the launch!
Thank you for this talk
If you can't see the player in front, how are you going to play leapfrog?
ChatGPT + Boston Dynamics + Sanctuary AI = Star Wars C-3PO? As far as I know, the realization that chess and chemistry may be part of an unknown science, is quite rare. There was a recent comment corroborating this from the Nobel Committee following the Nobel Prize for click chemistry. However, I understand ChatGPT was trained on content prior to 2022. Initially ChatGPT gave a conventional answer but seemed to change it's position following Socratic argument, Socratic method. It learned. It grew in intelligence. It's kinda like Her, the movie. As far as I know common law lawyers are rigorously trained by Socratic method but other university facilities may not be. This can save hours of literature search and iterations of ideas over months. It's a synthetic brain where we can upload our best insights for the common good. For science and understanding our world, from atomic to cosmic. Socrates would be delighted.
🤷 𝓟Ř𝔬𝓂𝔬𝐒ϻ
Awesome. Within seconds I see this is relevant and I've downloaded to watch. Jerome Mortimer Adler "How to Read a Book" paraphrased... Some RUclips videos are to be smelled, some to be tasted, some to thoroughly chewed and digested.
Where do I find Dakota State theme? I scan 40 to 70 sources for something new and can't wade through any more than a few minutes of this. You have to enable browsing to find the meat of this.
AI Sweden. The problems and suffering of millions of people are increasing daily due to governments and companies’ reliance on mass transport planes because they are large planes and depend on human leadership for the plane So we ask all engineers and technologists in the field of mechanical engineering and artificial intelligence we ask them to cooperate in the design of (self-flying taxis) in order to transport travelers directly from their homes to the homes of their mistresses in distant countries. Here are the problems and suffering due to aircraft that depend on human command 1/The first problem is that the majority of young people cannot travel because of the large financial costs due to the costs of travel procedures such as taxis that depend on human leadership in order to complete travel procedures such as passports, booking airline tickets and air transportation costs In large aircraft that rely on human leadership. 2/The second problem is the long distances, exhaustion, fatigue, transportation crisis, and the search for taxis in order to complete travel procedures. Sometimes taxi drivers refuse to deliver passengers to the required areas. 3/The third problem is the lack of air transportation services for travelers from their homes to the homes of their mistresses. Therefore, young men and women suffer from psychological problems, anxiety, depression and pain after distances because of these three problems. Therefore, we suggest that engineers design Self-flying flying taxis that contain artificial intelligence technology, imaging techniques, and temporary storage of personal card information for travelers in order to send passenger information over the air to aircraft control agencies In government centers and institutions for monitoring, and This is in order to remove the problems of travel procedures for travelers (We so ask you to send these problems, sufferings, and suggestions to technicians, engineers, and officials in mechanical engineering and artificial intelligence departments in institutes and universities)
Super! 100%
Is the "Linkedin for AI" platform a part of LinkedIn to collaborate? or is it a different program/search engine to filter talents and contents and match talents with startUp implementors?
Welcome to Montreal, Peter. Hope to see you soon at Mila :)
Thanks to AI Sweden from Hugging face for this presentation. Transformer and hugging face will solve many challenges of NLP in the future!
A bit more info and links in the description go a long way!
Really great, the future of ML is FL. Thanks for sharing.