  • Видео 454
  • Просмотров 20 919 366
Serious eyes of Orangutan looking at tourists / 真剣な目で人間を見つめるオランウータン
January 2025.Sometimes this orangutan stares at humans for a long time 👀 He was staring at the family, who were eating oranges that day🍊
⚠️ I put background music in my videos in consideration of the conversation of people around me.
⚠️Reproducing all or any part of my contents is prohibited.
#オランウータン #orangutan #動物園 #zoo #funnyanimals
Просмотров: 860


Big Orangutan shows his stubborn side / 頑固な一面を見せる大きなオランウータン
Просмотров 837Месяц назад
December 2024. He is usually very obedient, but he expresses his will when he really doesn't want to do something. ⚠️Reproducing all or any part of my contents is prohibited. 2024年12月撮影。いつもはとても聞き分けの良い大きなオランウータンですが、嫌な時は嫌だと意思表示をします。 ⚠️無断転載はご遠慮ください。 #オランウータン #orangutan #動物園 #zoo #funnyanimals
Big Orangutan is beaten with a wooden stick / 棒で攻撃される大きなオランウータン
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.Месяц назад
It has been a little while since I posted a video. I hadn't been to the zoo in two months and was relieved to see that all the orangutans were doing well🤎 As usual, the big orangutan is too gentle and keeps getting beaten up, but I think that's part of his charm🦧 久しぶりの動画投稿になってしましました。約2ヶ月ぶりに動物園に行けましたが、オラちゃんたちは前と変わらずとっても元気にしていて安心しました🌷 December 2024. ⚠️Reproducing all or any part of my contents is...
Orangutan plays on the tree by the pond / 池の側の木で元気に遊ぶオランウータン
Просмотров 6192 месяца назад
October 2024. Since I'll be going back to my hometown, the next video update will be a little later👋 ⚠️ I put background music in my videos in consideration of the conversation of people around me. ⚠️Reproducing all or any part of my contents is prohibited. 2024年10月撮影。実家に帰るため、次の動画の更新は遅くなる予定です🙇‍♀️ ⚠️周りの人たちの会話が聞こえないようにBGMをつけています。ご理解ください。 ⚠️無断転載はご遠慮ください。 #オランウータン #orangutan #動物園 #zoo #funnyanimals
Big Orangutan is bothered by children following him around / 子どもオランウータンにひっつかれて困る大きなオランウータン
Просмотров 2,2 тыс.3 месяца назад
October 2024. The child orangutans are not afraid of the big orangutan. ⚠️ I put background music in my videos in consideration of the conversation of people around me. ⚠️Reproducing all or any part of my contents is prohibited. 2024年10月撮影。子どもたちは大きなオランウータンを全く怖がりません。 ⚠️周りの人たちの会話が聞こえないようにBGMをつけています。ご理解ください。 ⚠️無断転載はご遠慮ください。 #オランウータン #orangutan #動物園 #zoo #funnyanimals
Orangutan keeps staring at the Big Orangutan / 大きなオランウータンをじっと見つめるオランウータン
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.3 месяца назад
September 2024. This smaller orangutan is usually very active, but when he is with the big orangutan, he is very calm. ⚠️ I put background music in my videos in consideration of the conversation of people around me. ⚠️Reproducing all or any part of my contents is prohibited. 2024年9月撮影。この小さなオランウータンは普段すごくヤンチャですが、大きなオランウータンと一緒にいるときは落ち着いていることが多いです。 ⚠️周りの人たちの会話が聞こえないようにBGMをつけています。ご理解ください。 ⚠️無断転載はご遠慮...
Orangutan wants to be alone with his friend / 友達と二人で過ごしたいオランウータン
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.4 месяца назад
September 2024. 🦧🦧 ⚠️ I put background music in my videos in consideration of the conversation of people around me. ⚠️Reproducing all or any part of my contents is prohibited. 2024年9月撮影。🦧🦧 ⚠️周りの人たちの会話が聞こえないようにBGMをつけています。ご理解ください。 ⚠️無断転載はご遠慮ください。 #オランウータン #orangutan #動物園 #zoo #funnyanimals
Orangutans playing excitedly in the water / 水の中で激しく遊びまくるオランウータン
Просмотров 9214 месяца назад
September 2024. It is said that orangutans do not normally go into water. The orangutans at this zoo only dipped their feet in the water for a short while. But for the first time, I was able to see them enter the pond so boldly 🌊 This time, I want you to listen to the sound of water, so I didn't include background music in this video. ⚠️Reproducing all or any part of my contents is prohibited. ...
Orangutans want to fit in a box / 箱にすっぽり収まりたいオランウータン
Просмотров 2694 месяца назад
September 2024.They seemed to have been given cardboard boxes frequently lately, and there were tattered pieces of cardboard everywhere📦 ⚠️ It was very windy, so please forgive he wind noise. ⚠️ I put background music in my videos in consideration of the conversation of people around me. ⚠️Reproducing all or any part of my contents is prohibited. 2024年9月撮影。最近よく段ボールをもらっているようで、あちこちに段ボールの残骸が落ちていまし...
Each pare of Orangutans enjoys the after rain / ペアになって雨上がりを楽しむオランウータンたち
Просмотров 5784 месяца назад
September 2024. They all get along well and are so cute♡ ⚠️ I put background music in my videos in consideration of the conversation of people around me. ⚠️Reproducing all or any part of my contents is prohibited. 2024年9月撮影。みんな仲良しでとっても可愛かったです♡ ⚠️周りの人たちの会話が聞こえないようにBGMをつけています。ご理解ください。 ⚠️無断転載はご遠慮ください。 #オランウータン #orangutan #動物園 #zoo #funnyanimals
Orangutans can't leave big orangutan alone / 大きなオランウータンを放っておけないオランウータンたち
Просмотров 6405 месяцев назад
August 2024. This big orangutan rarely gets angry and doesn't fight back. ⚠️ I put background music in my videos in consideration of the conversation of people around me. ⚠️Reproducing all or any part of my contents is prohibited. 2024年8月撮影。この大きなオランウータンは滅多に怒らないしやり返しません。 ⚠️周りの人たちの会話が聞こえないようにBGMをつけています。ご理解ください。 ⚠️無断転載はご遠慮ください。 #オランウータン #orangutan #動物園 #zoo #funnyanimals
Big Orangutan is getting interested in Cardboard / 実は段ボールで遊びたい大きなオランウータン
Просмотров 8455 месяцев назад
August 2024. This is a continuation of the previous video🌻 ⚠️ I put background music in my videos in consideration of the conversation of people around me. ⚠️Reproducing all or any part of my contents is prohibited. 2024年8月撮影。前回の動画の続きです🌻 ⚠️周りの人たちの会話が聞こえないようにBGMをつけています。ご理解ください。 ⚠️無断転載はご遠慮ください。 #オランウータン #orangutan #動物園 #zoo #funnyanimals
Orangutan wants to wear small cardboard box / 小さな段ボールを着たいオランウータン
Просмотров 4995 месяцев назад
August 2024. I edited the video to make it shorter, but he spent a lot of time playing with the cardboard by himself📦🦧 ⚠️ I put background music in my videos in consideration of the conversation of people around me. ⚠️Reproducing all or any part of my contents is prohibited. 2024年8月撮影。かなり編集で短くしましたが、ひとりでずっとこの箱で遊んでいました📦🦧 ⚠️周りの人たちの会話が聞こえないようにBGMをつけています。ご理解ください。 ⚠️無断転載はご遠慮ください。 #オランウータン #orangutan ...
Child orangutan disturbing a sleepy orangutan / 眠たいオランウータンを邪魔する子どもオランウータン
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.6 месяцев назад
August 2024. This video may be a little hard to see because it was backlit☀️ But I hope you enjoy it! ⚠️ I put background music in my videos in consideration of the conversation of people around me. ⚠️Reproducing all or any part of my contents is prohibited. 2024年8月撮影。 修正は頑張りましたが、逆光がすごくて映像が見えにくいかもしれません🙇‍♀️でも楽しんでいただけたら嬉しいです。 ⚠️周りの人たちの会話が聞こえないようにBGMをつけています。ご理解ください。 ⚠️無断転載はご遠慮ください。 #オランウータン #orang...
Orangutans surround Big Orangutan / 大きなオランウータンを取り囲むオランウータンたち
Просмотров 3,8 тыс.6 месяцев назад
July 2024. Whenever the big orangutan gets food, the other orangutans always stick with him🦧🦧 ⚠️ I put background music in my videos in consideration of the conversation of people around me. ⚠️Reproducing all or any part of my contents is prohibited. 2024年7月撮影。大きなオランウータンが食べ物を手に入れると、いつも他の子たちがくっついてきます🦧🦧 ⚠️周りの人たちの会話が聞こえないようにBGMをつけています。ご理解ください。 ⚠️無断転載はご遠慮ください。 #オランウータン #orangutan #動物園 #zoo #funnyan...
Orangutans go home for a moment / 少しだけ一時帰宅するオランウータン
Просмотров 34 тыс.6 месяцев назад
Orangutans go home for a moment / 少しだけ一時帰宅するオランウータン
Gibbons sneakily eating leaves from Orangutans / オランウータンの葉っぱをコソコソいただくテナガザル
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.7 месяцев назад
Gibbons sneakily eating leaves from Orangutans / オランウータンの葉っぱをコソコソいただくテナガザル
Orangutans gradually gathering in one place / 少しずつ一ヶ所に集まってくるオランウータンたち
Просмотров 2 тыс.7 месяцев назад
Orangutans gradually gathering in one place / 少しずつ一ヶ所に集まってくるオランウータンたち
Orangutans coming to meet a Big Orangutan on a tree /木の上にいる大きなオランウータンに会いにくるオランウータンたち
Просмотров 2,9 тыс.7 месяцев назад
Orangutans coming to meet a Big Orangutan on a tree /木の上にいる大きなオランウータンに会いにくるオランウータンたち
Otter relaxes comfortably in front of orangutans / オランウータンの前で余裕でくつろぐカワウソ
Просмотров 4318 месяцев назад
Otter relaxes comfortably in front of orangutans / オランウータンの前で余裕でくつろぐカワウソ
Orangutans chasing each other with a lot of forward rolls / 前転で追いかけっこするオランウータンたち
Просмотров 2,9 тыс.8 месяцев назад
Orangutans chasing each other with a lot of forward rolls / 前転で追いかけっこするオランウータンたち
Orangutan playing excitedly in a thunderstorm / 雷雨の中大興奮で遊びまくるオランウータン
Просмотров 7178 месяцев назад
Orangutan playing excitedly in a thunderstorm / 雷雨の中大興奮で遊びまくるオランウータン
Orangutans share water from their mouths / 口の中の水を分けるオランウータン
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.9 месяцев назад
Orangutans share water from their mouths / 口の中の水を分けるオランウータン
Orangutans play tag-of-war / 綱引きをするオランウータン
Просмотров 9379 месяцев назад
Orangutans play tag-of-war / 綱引きをするオランウータン
Big orangutan moves quickly and energetically / 素早く移動する大きなオランウータン
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.9 месяцев назад
Big orangutan moves quickly and energetically / 素早く移動する大きなオランウータン
Child orangutan picked up a big orangutan poop / 大きなオランウータンのうんちを拾う子どもオランウータン
Просмотров 1,6 тыс.10 месяцев назад
Child orangutan picked up a big orangutan poop / 大きなオランウータンのうんちを拾う子どもオランウータン
Orangutans raised together since babyhood / 赤ちゃんの頃から一緒だったオランウータンたち
Просмотров 61810 месяцев назад
Orangutans raised together since babyhood / 赤ちゃんの頃から一緒だったオランウータンたち
Orangutan curious about otters' meal time / カワウソのごはんが気になるオランウータン
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.10 месяцев назад
Orangutan curious about otters' meal time / カワウソのごはんが気になるオランウータン
Orangutans always together like mother and son / 親子のようなオランウータンたち
Просмотров 2 тыс.10 месяцев назад
Orangutans always together like mother and son / 親子のようなオランウータンたち
Child orangutan is curious about big orangutan / 大きなオランウータンに興味津々な子どもオランウータン
Просмотров 3,1 тыс.11 месяцев назад
Child orangutan is curious about big orangutan / 大きなオランウータンに興味津々な子どもオランウータン


  • @amysupanich2677
    @amysupanich2677 День назад

    Are you done yet, this is boring!

  • @amysupanich2677
    @amysupanich2677 День назад

    I just changed my mind!

  • @JasonSpielberg
    @JasonSpielberg 17 дней назад

    Nice, creamy and buttery, like a korma

  • @famouslegend3649
    @famouslegend3649 23 дня назад

    Bino you are so beautiful❤❤

  • @34spirals
    @34spirals 24 дня назад

    wow bino looks very grown up now

  • @かみねこ-g6s
    @かみねこ-g6s 25 дней назад


  • @zlobonya9023
    @zlobonya9023 27 дней назад

    soooo sad :( ouuuuuu 😪🦧

  • @kraftdinner2336
    @kraftdinner2336 29 дней назад

    2:07 that is Not a female. I've seen it all now. I can't believe that the younger male is allowing this for that long. Those 2 dudes are messed up.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @xeleris1
    @xeleris1 Месяц назад


  • @famouslegend3649
    @famouslegend3649 Месяц назад

    Beautiful video. Satria has a really sweet face. This capture - 2:02 ❤❤

  • @BebeesHuman
    @BebeesHuman Месяц назад

    They are so sweet!

  • @BebeesHuman
    @BebeesHuman Месяц назад

    That orangutan dipped his hand into the water to entice the otter to come over!! It was premeditated!

  • @BebeesHuman
    @BebeesHuman Месяц назад

    Orangutans are so intelligent. All of that wonderful red hair is beautiful. It would be wonderful if they could be brushed. I think they would like that on their skin. It can't be done because they are wild animals. 🥰🥰🥰

  • @pejkovicbozena
    @pejkovicbozena Месяц назад

    The Orangutans are amazing❤ they are very inteligent and beautiful❤, I admire them❤😍💕🥰 Thank you for this wonderful video💖😊💕

  • @irene1234
    @irene1234 Месяц назад

    Haha, what? 😂

  • @SakeGemini.24
    @SakeGemini.24 Месяц назад

    This is so sad 😢Poor Satria is being bullied!!! Generally males with cheek pads aren't so gentle and can be quite aggressive however, they looked more like they were playing than attempting to do harm to Satria! He's quite a ⭐❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @jenskarlsson4744
    @jenskarlsson4744 Месяц назад

    What A Pool Party Wish i was there 😉🤣😂🥰

  • @BebeesHuman
    @BebeesHuman Месяц назад

    Satria ducks and covers himself knowing what is going to happen. Poor guy has been hit before with sticks. They have very rough games!

  • @ForestGirlTeresa
    @ForestGirlTeresa Месяц назад

    Big Orangutan is too kind. He generally seems to be a peaceful fellow.❤

  • @SherWali-g1r
    @SherWali-g1r Месяц назад


  • @LankyKong-b7d
    @LankyKong-b7d Месяц назад

    Satria the big friendly giant 🦧

  • @jolantakall8656
    @jolantakall8656 Месяц назад

  • @famouslegend3649
    @famouslegend3649 Месяц назад

    2:28 Bino is beautiful❤️

  • @famouslegend3649
    @famouslegend3649 Месяц назад

    Poor Satria, he is so sweet and patient, but clearly that young oraguntan wants to play and has no bad intentions. It would be great if you explained the name of each oraguntan and their date of birth (information) It's advice I give you because I follow ape channels.❤ This will help more people join this beautiful channel. Good video😍

    • @animalko-chan
      @animalko-chan Месяц назад

      Thanks for the nice comment and advice🌷I am thinking of writing the name of the orangutans from next year's video as per your advice🥰

  • @Valenzuelamalaboncaloocan
    @Valenzuelamalaboncaloocan Месяц назад

    😄Yellow fountain⛲

  • @heribertogonzalez4520
    @heribertogonzalez4520 2 месяца назад

    She is holding her head like saying hurry up already 😂😂😂

  • @bruanlokisson8615
    @bruanlokisson8615 2 месяца назад

    At the end the last Otter marking the rocks as his.

  • @ФатимаБайзулаева-г6ю
    @ФатимаБайзулаева-г6ю 2 месяца назад


  • @XenoREYGustavoSúperSaiyajin4
    @XenoREYGustavoSúperSaiyajin4 2 месяца назад

    0:54 Penis Salva Nice Like Bien 🦓

  • @ForestGirlTeresa
    @ForestGirlTeresa 3 месяца назад

    Big Orangutan is so tolerant of these annoying youngsters, even when he has to hold on to his palm leaves. ❤

  • @infinitejest441
    @infinitejest441 3 месяца назад

    Can you really blame him? 😂

  • @famouslegend3649
    @famouslegend3649 3 месяца назад

    Satria is such a lovely male. I would love for him to have offspring. Plus he's beautiful What is young Oragutan's name? And how old is he?❤️❤️

    • @animalko-chan
      @animalko-chan 3 месяца назад

      Thanks for the comment. This young orangutan is Bino. He is 13years old. He is usually very energetic and playful🏃‍♂️♡

  • @ForestGirlTeresa
    @ForestGirlTeresa 3 месяца назад

    Big Orangutan is so tolerant. Can we say “ in your face?” Love the younger one leaning on the rail by the water as he stares at the big guy.❤

  • @dutchcoven4256
    @dutchcoven4256 3 месяца назад

    2:00 Little do you know your timing…

  • @ForestGirlTeresa
    @ForestGirlTeresa 3 месяца назад

    Big Orangutan is so chill.

  • @pejkovicbozena
    @pejkovicbozena 3 месяца назад

    Orangutans are fascinating, adorable,❤ I admire their beauty and intelligence❤️💕💕 Thank you for this amazing video ❤️

  • @ForestGirlTeresa
    @ForestGirlTeresa 3 месяца назад

    I suppose the new one feels he has to fight for his place, but the one he attacked looked like his feelings were hurt.

  • @catalinamarquez6937
    @catalinamarquez6937 4 месяца назад


  • @kuatsantoso9186
    @kuatsantoso9186 4 месяца назад


  • @pejkovicbozena
    @pejkovicbozena 4 месяца назад

    Orangutans are fascinating Thank you for this amazing video ❤️😊

  • @ForestGirlTeresa
    @ForestGirlTeresa 4 месяца назад

    Oh dear, they drink out of that water, too!😂

  • @ForestGirlTeresa
    @ForestGirlTeresa 4 месяца назад

    I’m grateful for your video-I love seeing this orangutan troupe with laid-back guru, Big Orangutan and his followers. This little interaction between two of them is so heartwarming ❤.

    • @animalko-chan
      @animalko-chan 4 месяца назад

      Thanks for your comment🌷Please look forward to the next video, which will also have some cute orangutan friendship scenes😉

  • @LankyKong-b7d
    @LankyKong-b7d 4 месяца назад

    Amazing bond🦧🦧

    • @animalko-chan
      @animalko-chan 4 месяца назад

      They’ve always been the best friends🦧🦧

  • @Elsa-zr8qd
    @Elsa-zr8qd 4 месяца назад

    What fun they were having! I love it!!!❤️beautiful

  • @ColinPickney
    @ColinPickney 4 месяца назад

    Must be nice to cool down and freshen up

  • @rosikany
    @rosikany 4 месяца назад

    wow orangutans having so much fun in the water

  • @pejkovicbozena
    @pejkovicbozena 4 месяца назад

    Amazing 💖❤💕💕💕😍🥰 🌊💦💦💦They make a shower with their hands👍❤️🥰Thank you for this wonderful video 😊❤

  • @ForestGirlTeresa
    @ForestGirlTeresa 4 месяца назад

    Wonderful video. Orangutans love to copy each other. Wonder what Big Orangutan thinks? 🦧💦💦💦💦

  • @allaboutmeits7898
    @allaboutmeits7898 4 месяца назад

    Oh uncle Bob is visiting again and wants to play our games!!!

  • @pejkovicbozena
    @pejkovicbozena 4 месяца назад

    Orangutans are fascinating ❤, so beautiful and intelligent 😍🥰💖💞💕💖 Thank you for this amazing video 😍🥰❤💖😊