刁一拾Diao Yishi
刁一拾Diao Yishi
  • Видео 23
  • Просмотров 217 542
中式傳統蝦醬 可鹽可甜的一桌飯| Diao yi shi
Hi I'm Diao Yishi,a girl who loves Chinese traditional culture
My father and I live in Suzhou, I will show you the unique Suzhou cuisine here
If you like my channel please remember to subscribe👉bit.ly/31t8Nkx
#刁一拾 #美食 #家常菜 #cooking #中國美食 #蘇菜 #Diaoyishi #傳統美食 #Chinesefood #foodrecipe #美食節目 #美食教程
Просмотров: 1 869


手工豆腐|黃豆 | Diao yi shi
Просмотров 1,9 тыс.3 года назад
Hi I'm Diao Yishi,a girl who loves Chinese traditional culture My father and I live in Suzhou, I will show you the unique Suzhou cuisine here If you like my channel please remember to subscribe👉bit.ly/31t8Nkx 嗨,我叫刁一拾,一個熱愛中國傳統文化的女孩 目前我和父親定居在蘇州,我會在這裏帶你品味獨特的蘇州美食 如果您喜歡我的頻道,請記得點擊訂閱哦!👉bit.ly/31t8Nkx #刁一拾 #美食 #家常菜 #cooking #中國美食 #蘇菜 #Diaoyishi #傳統美食 #Chinesefood #foodrecipe #美食節目 #美食教程
鴨蛋 鹹鴨蛋 鹹蛋黃醬 家庭自制美食| Diao yi shi
Просмотров 2 тыс.3 года назад
Hi I'm Diao Yishi,a girl who loves Chinese traditional culture My father and I live in Suzhou, I will show you the unique Suzhou cuisine here If you like my channel please remember to subscribe👉bit.ly/31t8Nkx 嗨,我叫刁一拾,一個熱愛中國傳統文化的女孩 目前我和父親定居在蘇州,我會在這裏帶你品味獨特的蘇州美食 如果您喜歡我的頻道,請記得點擊訂閱哦!👉bit.ly/31t8Nkx #刁一拾 #美食 #家常菜 #cooking #中國美食 #蘇菜 #Diaoyishi #傳統美食 #Chinesefood #foodrecipe #美食節目 #美食教程
如果爺爺還在的話,我一定讓他嚐嚐孫女自己做的青團 | Diao yi shi
Просмотров 9913 года назад
Hi I'm Diao Yishi,a girl who loves Chinese traditional culture My father and I live in Suzhou, I will show you the unique Suzhou cuisine here If you like my channel please remember to subscribe👉bit.ly/31t8Nkx 嗨,我叫刁一拾,一個熱愛中國傳統文化的女孩 目前我和父親定居在蘇州,我會在這裏帶你品味獨特的蘇州美食 如果您喜歡我的頻道,請記得點擊訂閱哦!👉bit.ly/31t8Nkx #刁一拾 #美食 #家常菜 #cooking #中國美食 #蘇菜 #Diaoyishi #傳統美食 #Chinesefood #foodrecipe #美食節目 #美食教程
Plum Blossom Recipes | 梅花酥/梅花糕/梅花茶 | 摘下春天的第一束梅花!| Diao yi shi
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.3 года назад
Pick off the first plum blossoms in spring and make them into a table of delicious food, full of fragrance!Only love and food cannot be disappointed! 親手摘下春天的第一束梅花,把它們製作成一桌的美食; 梅花酥/梅花糕/梅花茶,香氣四溢! 唯有愛與美食不可辜負! Hi I'm Diao Yishi,a girl who loves Chinese traditional culture My father and I live in Suzhou, I will show you the unique Suzhou cuisine here If you like my channel please remember to subscri...
How to make/eat Century Eggs | 用最傳統的方法自製皮蛋!皮蛋瘦肉粥/涼拌皮蛋 | Diao yi shi
Просмотров 135 тыс.3 года назад
The first time I ate century eggs, I was full of doubts; The second time I ate century eggs, I tried another one; The third time I ate century eggs, I wanted to have another plate! The happiness of preserved eggs is only known after trying it~ 第一次吃皮蛋是滿臉的疑惑; 第二次吃皮蛋是我再嚐一顆; 第三次吃皮蛋就想再來一盤! 皮蛋的快樂,只有試了才知道哦~ Hi I'm Diao Yishi,a girl who loves Chinese traditional culture My father and I live in Suzhou, ...
Pumpkin Recipes | 鹹蛋黃焗南瓜/南瓜餅/南瓜銀耳羹/南瓜子 | 治愈心靈的南瓜宴!| Diao yi shi
Просмотров 1,9 тыс.3 года назад
Pumpkin Recipes I don't know why the pumpkin sent by the neighbor is so sweet.I firmly believe that food can not only heal the soul, but also convey love.Cooking is a very happy thing, what do you think? 不知道為什麼,鄰居送來的南瓜格外香甜。 我堅信美食即是治愈心靈,同時也是愛的傳達。 做飯是一件非常快樂的事情,你覺得呢? Hi I'm Diao Yishi,a girl who loves Chinese traditional culture My father and I live in Suzhou, I will show you the unique Suzhou cui...
Sweet Rice Dumplings/元宵節/吃完這碗五彩湯圓,往後的日子都是甜的!| Diao yi shi
Просмотров 1,7 тыс.3 года назад
During the Lantern Festival, we must eat Sweet Rice Dumplings! The sesame sweet rice dumplings are sweet; I also used spinach juice & carrot juice to make two color glutinous rice balls. I wish you have a happy Lantern Festival! After eating this bowl of colorful Sweet Rice Dumplings, the days to come will be sweet~ 元宵節,一定要吃湯圓呀!黑芝麻湯圓香甜流沙;我還用菠菜汁&胡蘿蔔汁,做了兩種顏色的湯圓皮。 祝大家元宵節快樂!吃完這碗五彩湯圓,往後的日子都是甜的~ Hi I...
Stewed Chicken with Chestnuts | 板栗雞/糖炒板栗/板栗酥餅,軟糯香甜! | Diao yi shi
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.3 года назад
Make chestnuts into 3 kinds of delicious: Stewed Chicken with Chestnuts/Marrons Glacés/Chestnut Crisp Cake. When cooking chestnuts, many people have made a mistake from the first step.Learn this trick to make chestnuts that are sweet and easy to peel! 把板栗做成3種美味:板栗雞/糖炒板栗/板栗酥餅 煮板栗,很多人第一步就錯了,學會這個小竅門,板栗香甜又好剝! Hi I'm Diao Yishi,a girl who loves Chinese traditional culture My father and I live in Suz...
Chinese Lunar New Year Dinner | 掛燈籠 貼春聯 收紅包,吃頓充滿回憶的年夜飯吧!| Diao yi shi
Просмотров 2,7 тыс.3 года назад
#最远的团聚 更多新春特别企划请看👉bit.ly/3rJWSK7 The Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals in China.On this day, we have to do a lot of things, and it is also full of New Year memories when we were young:Praying for blessings, hanging lanterns, pasting Spring Festival couplets, going to the market to buy ingredients, and eating New Year’s Eve dinner. Of course, the most important thing is to r...
Braised Meatballs獅子頭/Stuffed Gluten Balls油麵筋塞肉 | 小火慢燉 肉餡多汁 入口即化! | Diao yi shi
Просмотров 6 тыс.3 года назад
Only the meat that has been beaten is combined with the broth that is slowly simmered in a low heat to have the Braised Meatballs that melt in your mouth; Only the dough that has been repeatedly cleaned and the plump meat can be fried to produce fluffy and juicy Gluten Balls. Tips: Don't waste the water used to clean the dough, it can also be made into a tender and refreshing cold skin! 只有歷經過敲打...
Stewed Crab with Chrysanthemum/蟹黃菊花羹/用菊花做碗鮮甜營養的蟹黃羹 | Diao yi shi
Просмотров 3,8 тыс.3 года назад
Have you tried making flowers into delicacies?The chrysanthemum can be used to soak in water to drink, and can also be used to make food.Not only can it be viewed, but from the perspective of Chinese medicine, it is also a must-eat ingredient in the dry autumn season.After the fresh chrysanthemum is cleaned and processed at high temperature, it retains the fragrance of the flowers and can be ea...
Steamed Pork with Preserved Vegetable 梅菜扣肉/Pandalus Borealis 元寶蝦/那些不該被遺忘的經典美味!| Diao yi shi
Просмотров 29 тыс.3 года назад
In my hometown, there are many ways to eat Mei Cai; it is the most common to make it directly into dishes and buns. The aroma of sweet ferment rice and the sweetness of honey cleverly bring the essence of Pandalus borealis to the extreme! 在我的家鄉,梅菜有很多種吃法;其中 直接做成菜肴和梅乾菜肉包是最常見的。 酒釀的米香與蜂蜜的甘甜巧妙的把元寶蝦精髓發揮到了極致! 如果不知道怎樣制做酒釀,可以看看我之前的視頻哦:bit.ly/3lstkgb Hi I'm Diao Yishi,a girl who loves Chinese traditional...
Bamboo Shoot Soup with Fresh and Pickled Streaky Pork 腌篤鮮/燉一鍋鮮美鹹香的經典名湯!| Diao yi shi
Просмотров 1,8 тыс.3 года назад
Chinese cuisine pays attention to heat and the order of adding ingredients. In the process of making soup, we often put some ham instead of MSG in order to adjust the flavor. Before the bacon is put in the pot, it will pass the boiling water again, which removes the salty taste, and only retains the salty fragrance, which is delicious and healthy. There is a Chinese saying: "Because it is too f...
Chinese Tea 中國茶文化/Bi Luo Chun 碧螺春/How to process fresh Green Tea:Bi Luo Chun | Diao yi shi
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.3 года назад
Picking tea, frying tea, making tea, tasting tea, this is the Chinese attitude towards tea, every piece of Biluochun is hard-won. 採茶、炒茶、煮茶、品茶,這是中國人對於茶的態度,每一片碧螺春都來之不易。 Hi I'm Diao Yishi,a girl who loves Chinese traditional culture My father and I live in Suzhou, I will show you the unique Suzhou cuisine here If you like my channel please remember to subscribe👉bit.ly/31t8Nkx 嗨,我叫刁一拾,一個熱愛中國傳統文化的女孩...
Double Ninth Festival/重陽節做傳統重陽糕,香甜軟糯 老少皆宜/Chongyang Cake Recipe | Diao yi shi
Просмотров 2,5 тыс.3 года назад
Double Ninth Festival/重陽節做傳統重陽糕,香甜軟糯 老少皆宜/Chongyang Cake Recipe | Diao yi shi
How to make Chinese Fermented Rice/自制經典傳統酒釀/甜口清香,老少皆宜 | Diao yi shi
Просмотров 7233 года назад
How to make Chinese Fermented Rice/自制經典傳統酒釀/甜口清香,老少皆宜 | Diao yi shi
Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish 松鼠桂魚/鮮美香甜,外酥裏嫩!| Diao yi shi
Просмотров 1,7 тыс.3 года назад
Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish 松鼠桂魚/鮮美香甜,外酥裏嫩!| Diao yi shi
The secret of Soup Dumplings 讓人吃一口就忘不掉的蘇式湯包,秘密在這裏!| Diao yi shi
Просмотров 3,2 тыс.3 года назад
The secret of Soup Dumplings 讓人吃一口就忘不掉的蘇式湯包,秘密在這裏!| Diao yi shi
Traditional Mung Bean Cakes/蘇式傳統綠豆糕 | Diao yi shi
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.3 года назад
Traditional Mung Bean Cakes/蘇式傳統綠豆糕 | Diao yi shi
Mid-autumn Festival | 中秋節吃月餅、藕夾、糖芋苗,全家團圓的好日子!| Diao yi shi
Просмотров 1,7 тыс.3 года назад
Mid-autumn Festival | 中秋節吃月餅、藕夾、糖芋苗,全家團圓的好日子!| Diao yi shi
Catch and Cook Crabs | 中國大閘蟹從捕撈、烹飪到品嘗的講究,你知道多少?| Diao yi shi
Просмотров 6 тыс.3 года назад
Catch and Cook Crabs | 中國大閘蟹從捕撈、烹飪到品嘗的講究,你知道多少?| Diao yi shi
How to Make Chinese Braised Pork Belly(東坡肉)| Diao yi shi
Просмотров 2,9 тыс.3 года назад
How to Make Chinese Braised Pork Belly(東坡肉)| Diao yi shi


  • @SalvationTenshi
    @SalvationTenshi 2 дня назад

    Lovely video! It's better to let out every single drop of the Gaiwan patiently in order to keep the brewed tea leaves dry for best taste quality imo. 🙏🥰

  • @rizalapriawan6033
    @rizalapriawan6033 4 дня назад

    Kesini gara gara mursid 🫵

  • @echolot
    @echolot 9 дней назад

    i'll stick with my balut, thank you very much

  • @For_freedom_naturalrights
    @For_freedom_naturalrights Месяц назад

    The toxicity of traditional preserved eggs is mainly due to excessive lead and mercury, and it is an accumulation process. It is adsorbed on the brainstem, spinal cord, reproductive system, and stem cells, and acts on the immune system, nervous system, and endocrine system. It is not obvious when you are young, but becomes apparent in middle age. It begins to exhibit trembling hands and forgetfulness. Premature Alzheimer's disease, and it can have profound effects on your offspring. The incidence of malformations, cerebral palsy and Down syndrome is much higher than that of people who do not eat preserved eggs.

  • @ToyCar11250
    @ToyCar11250 Месяц назад


    • @For_freedom_naturalrights
      @For_freedom_naturalrights Месяц назад


    • @ToyCar11250
      @ToyCar11250 Месяц назад

      @@For_freedom_naturalrights !!是什麼步驟導致這些重金屬跑進來的?

    • @For_freedom_naturalrights
      @For_freedom_naturalrights Месяц назад


    • @ToyCar11250
      @ToyCar11250 Месяц назад

      @@For_freedom_naturalrights 感謝講解!

  • @Ange61000
    @Ange61000 Месяц назад


  • @weprekhupfu3118
    @weprekhupfu3118 2 месяца назад

    Who else notice preserved spelling is wrong?

  • @vivianneq3493
    @vivianneq3493 4 месяца назад


  • @cheatouch7738
    @cheatouch7738 4 месяца назад


  • @talkj2125
    @talkj2125 4 месяца назад

    Hello, I am writing to inquire about your permission to use a short clip of your video. This is <Talkpawon 25hrs>, the Korean TV show which is broadcasted on JTBC (Korean TV channel). With your permission, I'd like to use your video to introduce Pidan. It will be broadcasted at 9PM on 6 May, 2024. For further information, please contact us through an email.

  • @sundiyahkuliner
    @sundiyahkuliner 4 месяца назад

    Jadi ingin membuat telur pitan

  • @chefrodrigooliver7366
    @chefrodrigooliver7366 5 месяцев назад

    magic kitchen.. God! God! Just increble! Amazing! Beutfull Cook!❤

  • @kiki246810
    @kiki246810 6 месяцев назад

    The tongs threw me off lmao so advance in ancient china. These eggs are so good with chicken soup porridge. My family used to make it at home but in America it's cheaper to buy than make.

  • @MeiHengIntra
    @MeiHengIntra 7 месяцев назад


  • @mirasari5417
    @mirasari5417 7 месяцев назад

    Telur phitan kah

  • @yvang3665
    @yvang3665 9 месяцев назад

    能不能不模仿别人(李子柒)! Can you stop copying other person’s style (Liziqi)

  • @jay-ceeadventure1592
    @jay-ceeadventure1592 9 месяцев назад

    Do i need to boil the egg before covering it with the salted plant ash? Thanks

    • @freedom5658
      @freedom5658 5 месяцев назад


    • @rainbowcat83
      @rainbowcat83 Месяц назад

      No boiling just wipe out dirt from the duck eggs

  • @lailau1433
    @lailau1433 9 месяцев назад


  • @hidroponikfarmkendari9954
    @hidroponikfarmkendari9954 10 месяцев назад


  • @HaPham-ou4tn
    @HaPham-ou4tn Год назад

    English sub please

  • @anwar5792
    @anwar5792 Год назад

    Would love to see you make more videos

  • @killerczar
    @killerczar Год назад

    TFW no Chinese gf that prepares century eggs for the family

  • @FelixGL
    @FelixGL Год назад


  • @anwar5792
    @anwar5792 Год назад

    Would love to see more videos. This is amazing

  • @sethaperaya3913
    @sethaperaya3913 Год назад

    If you input ingredients in English , It's would be good for us to learn

  • @yohhkam
    @yohhkam Год назад


  • @sekarrahayu3427
    @sekarrahayu3427 Год назад

    Housek 😀👍👍👍

  • @n.n4896
    @n.n4896 Год назад

    Woooww, saya dari Indonesia belum tahu rasanya pasti enak❤

    • @supiyati2347
      @supiyati2347 Год назад

      Enak lo rasanya... Koyo gimana gitu

  • @foodday8519
    @foodday8519 Год назад

    how make pitan golden egg?

  • @modymohammed1766
    @modymohammed1766 Год назад

    Your videos super❤❤❤❤

  • @ostalosnedolgo8964
    @ostalosnedolgo8964 Год назад

    Здравствуйте. Что Вы можете сказать о 100 летних яйцах? Правда ли что императоры Китая жили по 200 лет, потому что кушали старые яйца?

    • @rainbowcat83
      @rainbowcat83 Месяц назад

      Lol, century eggs are not a hundred years old. It only took couple weeks to make.

    • @ostalosnedolgo8964
      @ostalosnedolgo8964 Месяц назад

      @@rainbowcat83 Это я понял, что женщины готовят их за 2 недели. Я знаю, что в те века императоры Китая ели 100 летние яйца, которые готовили из поколение в поколение. И простолюдинам было запрещено есть этот оздоровительный и омолаживающий продукт, как тогда это считалось у императоров Китая, под страхом смертной казни. Смысл в выдержке. И только 100 летние яйца имеют омолаживающий эффект. А то что показывают здесь, это полная ерунда на постном масле, просто наверное вкусно. Это у нас славян такое вырожение есть. Которое означает, что это полный бред или ерунда или попросту обман. Что то типа как у Вас ---- dont nasn dont ---- так вроде.

  • @HsinYangChang_TW_No1
    @HsinYangChang_TW_No1 Год назад


  • @twjplin
    @twjplin Год назад


  • @cypriankenny3888
    @cypriankenny3888 Год назад

    I love century egg.....

  • @cypriankenny3888
    @cypriankenny3888 Год назад

    So how many days out on jar ?

  • @lucaslu5177
    @lucaslu5177 Год назад

    ethan o is gay

  • @yyy0636
    @yyy0636 Год назад

    why no upload d?

  • @herytjan948
    @herytjan948 Год назад

    Aku jatuh cinta❤️❤️❤️

  • @AAS-so9sq
    @AAS-so9sq Год назад

    The taste and smell are disgvsting, very not worth making it.

  • @jasminechong4704
    @jasminechong4704 Год назад


  • @hoahuynh9744
    @hoahuynh9744 Год назад

    Can you show me how to do it?

  • @morado4u
    @morado4u Год назад

    From 1 week to 1 or 2 month, depends of the concistency i recomend 2 weeks to have a full dark color rho the yoke will be a little soft but just a little, so 3 weeks will do the trick

  • @guydelarupelle6134
    @guydelarupelle6134 Год назад

    Love the atmosphere and video and music 😊🙏

  • @elmalik7836
    @elmalik7836 Год назад


  • @mmaximo94
    @mmaximo94 Год назад

    RUclips just recommended me this channel. Pretty high quality content! Love the recipes, soundtrack, editing ! You're the next Liziqi Diao!

    • @mmaximo94
      @mmaximo94 Год назад

      If i could suggest one thing, it would be to add subtitles in english, so we can know what ingredients you're using

  • @2thumbs864
    @2thumbs864 Год назад

    She is so beautiful

  • @katbwoi
    @katbwoi Год назад

    damn thats a beautifully made video

  • @damian_smith
    @damian_smith Год назад

    Did I see that you batter and fry the crabs? Then you eat the whole thing, including shell?

  • @myprrrecious
    @myprrrecious Год назад

    with the fermenting crock, do we need to seal it wither water? Would an onggi work? How long was is stored for 1 month? 2?

  • @yonko4787
    @yonko4787 Год назад

    Dirty food