- Видео 5
- Просмотров 68 350
A Free China
Добавлен 18 мар 2015
中華民國最堅強 Republic of China is the strongest
Просмотров 27 тыс.9 лет назад
中華民國最堅強 青天白日照四方 艱苦的時候更團結 民心士氣更激昂 成功必須堅忍 奮鬥才有希望 冷靜剛毅沈著 信心產生力量 中華民國最堅強 百折不撓煉成鋼 畏難的時候不退縮 自立更生不徬徨 The Republic of China is the strongest The blue sky and white sun shines around More united in tough times The people are more passionate We must persevere to succeed We must strive for hope We become more calm and resolute, Confidence makes strength. The Republic of China is the strongest Undaunted by...
May the Republic of China be united ("People's Republic of China" is NOT China) 中華民國萬歲!
Просмотров 8219 лет назад
中華民國國歌 國旗歌 (National anthem and national flag anthem of the Republic of China)
Просмотров 15 тыс.9 лет назад
三民主義 吾黨所宗 以建民國 以進大同 咨爾多士 為民前鋒 夙夜匪懈 主義是從 矢勤矢勇 必信必忠 一心一德 貫徹始終 San Min Chu-i, our aim shall be: To found a free land, world peace, be our stand. Lead on, comrades, vanguards ye are. Hold fast your aim, by sun and star. Be earnest and brave, your country to save, One heart, one soul, one mind, one goal. 山川壯麗、物產豐隆;炎黃世冑,東亞稱雄。 毋自暴自棄、毋故步自封,光我民族,促進大同。 創業維艱,緬懷諸先烈;守成不易,莫徒務近功。 同心同德,貫徹始終,青天白日滿地紅。 同心同德,貫徹始終,...
The Anti communist and anti Russian agression song 反攻抗俄歌 (CHN/ENG)
Просмотров 22 тыс.9 лет назад
A song written by President Chiang Kai-shek to reunify mainland China, shall the dream come true one day.