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蔡加加 Gaga
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經文歌曲☘️箴言23|不要勞碌求富 休仗自己的聰明
Просмотров: 4


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經文歌曲☘️箴言7|你要遵守我的言語 將我的命令存記在心


  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 8 часов назад

    我中意听 呢首( 暧昧 ),太好听 ,好动听

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 8 часов назад

    呢首 ( 如愿 )我比较喜欢( 翻唱版 ) ( 单依纯 )

  • @aussiegaga168
    @aussiegaga168 10 часов назад

    你若與官長坐席,要留意在你面前的是誰。 你若是貪食的,就當拿刀放在喉嚨上。 不可貪戀他的美食,因為是哄人的食物。 不要勞碌求富,休仗自己的聰明。 你豈要定睛在虛無的錢財上嗎?因錢財必長翅膀,如鷹向天飛去。 不要吃惡眼人的飯,也不要貪他的美味; 因為他心怎樣思量,他為人就是怎樣。他雖對你說,請吃,請喝,他的心卻與你相背。 你所吃的那點食物必吐出來;你所說的甘美言語也必落空。 你不要說話給愚昧人聽,因他必藐視你智慧的言語。 不可挪移古時的地界,也不可侵入孤兒的田地; 因他們的救贖主大有能力,他必向你為他們辨屈。 你要留心領受訓誨,側耳聽從知識的言語。 不可不管教孩童;你用杖打他,他必不至於死。 你要用杖打他,就可以救他的靈魂免下陰間。 我兒,你心若存智慧,我的心也甚歡喜。 你的嘴若說正直話,我的心腸也必快樂。 你心中不要嫉妒罪人,只要終日敬畏耶和華; 因為至終必有善報,你的指望也不致斷絕。 我兒,你當聽,當存智慧,好在正道上引導你的心。 好飲酒的,好吃肉的,不要與他們來往; 因為好酒貪食的,必致貧窮;好睡覺的,必穿破爛衣服。 你要聽從生你的父親;你母親老了,也不可藐視他。 你當買真理;就是智慧、訓誨,和聰明也都不可賣。 義人的父親必大得快樂;人生智慧的兒子,必因他歡喜。 你要使父母歡喜,使生你的快樂。 我兒,要將你的心歸我;你的眼目也要喜悅我的道路。 妓女是深坑;外女是窄阱。 他埋伏好像強盜;他使人中多有奸詐的。 誰有禍患?誰有憂愁?誰有爭鬥?誰有哀歎(或譯:怨言)?誰無故受傷?誰眼目紅赤? 就是那流連飲酒、常去尋找調和酒的人。 酒發紅,在杯中閃爍,你不可觀看,雖然下咽舒暢,終久是咬你如蛇,刺你如毒蛇。 併於上節。 你眼必看見異怪的事(或譯:淫婦);你心必發出乖謬的話。 你必像躺在海中,或像臥在桅杆上。 你必說:人打我,我卻未受傷;人鞭打我,我竟不覺得。我幾時清醒,我仍去尋酒。 If you sit at a table with a ruler, pay attention to who is before you. If you are a glutton, put a knife to your throat. Do not covet his delicious food, for it is deceiving food. Don't work hard to get rich and stop using your own intelligence. Do you want to focus on vain money? For money will have wings and fly to the sky like an eagle. Do not eat the food of the evil-eyed, nor covet his delicacies; For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Although he says to you, please eat and drink, his heart is against you. The little food you eat will be spit out; and the sweet words you speak will come to nothing. Do not speak to fools, for they will despise your words of wisdom. Thou shalt not remove the ancient boundaries, nor intrude upon the fatherless's fields; For their Redeemer is powerful, and He will plead their cause to you. You must pay attention to receive instruction and listen to the words of knowledge. Do not neglect a child; if you strike him with a rod, he will not die. You shall strike him with the rod, and you shall save his soul from going to Hades. My son, if wisdom exists in your heart, my heart will also rejoice. If your mouth speaks what is right, my heart will be happy. Do not envy sinners in your heart, but fear the Lord all the days of your life; Because good will come to you in the end, and your hope will not be cut off. Hear, my son, and be wise, that you may guide your heart in the right path. Do not associate with those who love wine and those who eat meat; For a drunkard and a glutton will become poor, and a sleeper will wear rags. You must obey your father who gave you birth; do not despise your mother when she is old. Buy the truth; do not sell wisdom, instruction, or understanding. The father of a righteous man will have great joy, and a wise son will rejoice in him. You must please your parents and make your child happy. My son, give your heart to me; let your eyes delight in my ways. A prostitute is a deep pit; a prostitute is a narrow well. He lies in wait like a robber; he makes many treacherous among the people. Who is in trouble? Who has sorrow? Who has a fight? Who has any lament (or translation: complaint)? Who was injured for no reason? Who has red eyes? He is the one who lingers and drinks wine, seeking to mix wine with it. The wine turns red and sparkles in the cup. You cannot look at it. Although it is comfortable to swallow, it will eventually bite you like a snake and sting you like a poisonous snake. And in the previous section. Your eyes will see strange things, and your heart will speak perverse things. You will be like lying on the sea, or like a masthead. You will say: They beat me, but I was not hurt; they whipped me, but I did not feel it. Whenever I am sober, I still go looking for wine. 《聖經箴言》是一部充滿智慧和教訓的書卷,收錄了所羅門王及其他智慧人的言語。書中以簡短、精緻的語句,探討人生中各種道德、倫理和實際生活中的課題,如智慧、正義、誠實、勤奮、謙卑等。箴言的主題集中在教導人如何在神的引導下過一個敬虔、有智慧的人生,強調敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端。透過箴言,我們可以學會在日常生活中作出正確的抉擇,並領悟到智慧與生命的真諦,帶領我們走向平安與祝福的道路。 The Book of Proverbs in the Bible is a collection of wisdom and teachings, primarily attributed to King Solomon and other wise men. It presents practical advice and moral guidance on various aspects of life, such as wisdom, justice, honesty, diligence, and humility. The central theme of Proverbs is teaching how to live a godly and wise life under God’s guidance, emphasizing that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Through Proverbs, we learn to make right choices in everyday life and understand the true essence of wisdom and life, leading us toward a path of peace and blessing.

  • @SimplyIreneNZ
    @SimplyIreneNZ День назад


  • @aussiegaga168
    @aussiegaga168 День назад

    《聖經箴言》是一部充滿智慧和教訓的書卷,收錄了所羅門王及其他智慧人的言語。書中以簡短、精緻的語句,探討人生中各種道德、倫理和實際生活中的課題,如智慧、正義、誠實、勤奮、謙卑等。箴言的主題集中在教導人如何在神的引導下過一個敬虔、有智慧的人生,強調敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端。透過箴言,我們可以學會在日常生活中作出正確的抉擇,並領悟到智慧與生命的真諦,帶領我們走向平安與祝福的道路。 The Book of Proverbs in the Bible is a collection of wisdom and teachings, primarily attributed to King Solomon and other wise men. It presents practical advice and moral guidance on various aspects of life, such as wisdom, justice, honesty, diligence, and humility. The central theme of Proverbs is teaching how to live a godly and wise life under God’s guidance, emphasizing that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Through Proverbs, we learn to make right choices in everyday life and understand the true essence of wisdom and life, leading us toward a path of peace and blessing. 美名勝過大財;恩寵強如金銀。 富戶窮人在世相遇,都為耶和華所造。 通達人見禍藏躲;愚蒙人前往受害。 敬畏耶和華心存謙卑,就得富有、尊榮、生命為賞賜。 乖僻人的路上有荊棘和網羅;保守自己生命的,必要遠離。 教養孩童,使他走當行的道,就是到老他也不偏離。 富戶管轄窮人;欠債的是債主的僕人。 撒罪孽的,必收災禍;他逞怒的杖也必廢掉。 眼目慈善的,就必蒙福,因他將食物分給窮人。 趕出褻慢人,爭端就消除;紛爭和羞辱也必止息。 喜愛清心的人因他嘴上的恩言,王必與他為友。 耶和華的眼目眷顧聰明人,卻傾敗奸詐人的言語。 懶惰人說:外頭有獅子;我在街上就必被殺。 淫婦的口為深坑;耶和華所憎惡的,必陷在其中。 愚蒙迷住孩童的心,用管教的杖可以遠遠趕除。 欺壓貧窮為要利己的,並送禮與富戶的,都必缺乏。 你須側耳聽受智慧人的言語,留心領會我的知識。 你若心中存記,嘴上咬定,這便為美。 我今日以此特特指教你,為要使你倚靠耶和華。 謀略和知識的美事,我豈沒有寫給你嗎? 要使你知道真言的實理,你好將真言回覆那打發你來的人。 貧窮人,你不可因他貧窮就搶奪他的物,也不可在城門口欺壓困苦人; 因耶和華必為他辨屈;搶奪他的,耶和華必奪取那人的命。 好生氣的人,不可與他結交;暴怒的人,不可與他來往; 恐怕你效法他的行為,自己就陷在網羅裡。 不要與人擊掌,不要為欠債的作保。 你若沒有什麼償還,何必使人奪去你睡臥的床呢? 你先祖所立的地界,你不可挪移。 你看見辦事殷勤的人嗎?他必站在君王面前,必不站在下賤人面前。 A good name is better than great wealth; favor is better than gold and silver. Wherever rich and poor meet, they are all created by the Lord. A wise man hides when he sees trouble; a foolish man goes to suffer harm. Humility in the fear of the Lord will reward you with wealth, honor, and life. In the path of the perverse are thorns and snares: but he who guards his life shall keep them away. Train up a child in the way he should go, so that even when he is old he will not depart from it. The rich rule over the poor; the debtor is the servant of the creditor. He who sows iniquity will reap disaster; the rod of his wrath will be destroyed. He who has kind eyes will be blessed, for he gives his food to the poor. Cast out the scorner, and dissension will cease; strife and reproach will cease. The king will be friends with those who love the pure in heart because of the kind words of his lips. The eyes of the Lord favor the wise, but the words of the treacherous are defeated. The lazy man says: There is a lion outside; I will be killed in the street. The mouth of an adulteress is a deep pit; the abomination of the LORD shall fall into it. Foolishness captivates the hearts of children, but the rod of discipline can drive it away far away. Those who oppress the poor for self-interest, and those who give gifts to the rich, will all be in need. Attend your ears to the words of the wise, and pay attention to my knowledge. If you remember it in your heart and insist on it with your mouth, this is beautiful. I am teaching you this especially today, so that you may rely on the Lord. Have I not written to you the good things of counsel and knowledge? That you may know the truth of the truth, that you may answer it to him who sent you. Do not rob the poor because he is poor, nor oppress the needy at the gate; For the LORD will plead his cause; the LORD will take away the life of anyone who robs him. Do not associate with an angry person; do not associate with a furious person; Lest you imitate his conduct, you yourself will be caught in a snare. Don’t high-five people, don’t vouch for debts. If you have nothing to repay, why should you let others take away the bed on which you sleep? You shall not remove the boundaries established by your ancestors. Do you see people who work diligently? He will stand before kings, not before vile men.

  • @amyamy5062
    @amyamy5062 День назад


  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 День назад

    ( 我没听过 )呢首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,音乐( 好轻快 )

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 День назад

    ( 我没听过 )呢首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,音乐( 好轻快 )

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 День назад

    ( 我没听过 )呢首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,音乐( 好轻快 )

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 День назад

    ( 我没听过 )呢首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,音乐( 好轻快 )

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 День назад

    我最中意听( 自作多情 )好好听

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 День назад

    我最中意听( 爱定你一个 )好好听

  • @indylui5834
    @indylui5834 2 дня назад


  • @aussiegaga168
    @aussiegaga168 2 дня назад

    王的心在耶和華手中,好像隴溝的水隨意流轉。 人所行的,在自己眼中都看為正;惟有耶和華衡量人心。 行仁義公平比獻祭更蒙耶和華悅納。 惡人發達(發達:原文是燈),眼高心傲,這乃是罪。 殷勤籌劃的,足致豐裕;行事急躁的,都必缺乏。 用詭詐之舌求財的,就是自己取死;所得之財乃是吹來吹去的浮雲。 惡人的強暴必將自己掃除,因他們不肯按公平行事。 負罪之人的路甚是彎曲;至於清潔的人,他所行的乃是正直。 寧可住在房頂的角上,不在寬闊的房屋與爭吵的婦人同住。 惡人的心樂人受禍;他眼並不憐恤鄰舍。 褻慢的人受刑罰,愚蒙的人就得智慧;智慧人受訓誨,便得知識。 義人思想惡人的家,知道惡人傾倒,必致滅亡。 塞耳不聽窮人哀求的,他將來呼籲也不蒙應允。 暗中送的禮物挽回怒氣;懷中搋的賄賂止息暴怒。 秉公行義使義人喜樂,使作孽的人敗壞。 迷離通達道路的,必住在陰魂的會中。 愛宴樂的,必致窮乏;好酒,愛膏油的,必不富足。 惡人作了義人的贖價;奸詐人代替正直人。 寧可住在曠野,不與爭吵使氣的婦人同住。 智慧人家中積蓄寶物膏油;愚昧人隨得來隨吞下。 追求公義仁慈的,就尋得生命、公義,和尊榮。 智慧人爬上勇士的城牆,傾覆他所倚靠的堅壘。 謹守口與舌的,就保守自己免受災難。 心驕氣傲的人名叫褻慢;他行事狂妄,都出於驕傲。 懶惰人的心願將他殺害,因為他手不肯做工。 有終日貪得無饜的;義人施捨而不吝惜。 惡人的祭物是可憎的;何況他存惡意來獻呢? 作假見證的必滅亡;惟有聽真情而言的,其言長存。 惡人臉無羞恥;正直人行事堅定。 沒有人能以智慧、聰明、謀略敵擋耶和華。 馬是為打仗之日預備的;得勝乃在乎耶和華。 The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, like the waters of a long ditch, it flows freely. All a man's ways are right in his own sight; but the Lord weighs the heart. To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than to sacrifice. A wicked person is prosperous and has a proud heart. This is a sin. He who plans diligently will have plenty, but whoever acts hastily will be in want. He who seeks wealth with a deceitful tongue brings death upon himself; the wealth he gets is a floating cloud that blows here and there. The violence of the wicked will sweep them away, because they will not act with justice. The paths of the sinful are crooked, but the ways of the pure are upright. It is better to live in the corner of the house than to live in a spacious house with quarreling women. The heart of the wicked rejoices in misfortune; his eyes have no mercy on his neighbor. When a scornful person is punished, a foolish person will gain wisdom; when a wise person is instructed, he will gain knowledge. A righteous man considers the house of the wicked, knowing that the fall of the wicked will lead to his destruction. He who shuts his ears and refuses to listen to the cry of the poor will not receive an answer to his call in the future. A gift given in secret averts anger; a bribe carried in the breast quells rage. Justice brings joy to the righteous, but brings ruin to the workers of iniquity. He who strays from the way of understanding will abide in the assembly of spirits. He who loves pleasure will become poor; he who loves wine and anointing will not be rich. The wicked became a ransom for the righteous; the treacherous took the place of the upright. It is better to live in the wilderness than with a quarrelsome and angry woman. The wise store up treasures and anointing oil in their houses, but fools swallow them up as they come. He who pursues justice and mercy will find life, righteousness, and honor. The wise man climbs the wall of the mighty man and overthrows the stronghold in which he relies. He who guards his mouth and tongue will keep himself from disaster. A proud and arrogant person is called a scoffer; he acts arrogantly out of pride. The desire of the lazy man kills him because his hands refuse to work. There are those who are greedy all day long; the righteous give charity without being stingy. The sacrifice of an evil man is abominable; how much more should he offer it with malice? He who bears false witness shall perish; but he who speaks the truth shall his words endure. The wicked have no shame, but the upright are firm in their conduct. No one can oppose the Lord with wisdom, understanding, or counsel. The horse is prepared for the day of battle; the victory is the Lord's.

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 3 дня назад

    ( 我没听过 )这首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 3 дня назад

    ( 我没听过 )这首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 3 дня назад

    ( 我没听过 )这首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 3 дня назад

    ( 我没听过 )这首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 3 дня назад

    ( 我没听过 )这首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 3 дня назад

    ( 我没听过 )这首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 3 дня назад

    这个( 停车场)好大 ,他的( 驾驶技术 很好 )( 驾的好快 )

  • @kimhungwu3516
    @kimhungwu3516 3 дня назад


  • @aussiegaga168
    @aussiegaga168 3 дня назад

    Wine can make people scornful, and strong wine can make people shout. Anyone who makes mistakes because of wine has no wisdom. The king's threats are like a lion's roar; whoever provokes his anger does so to his own death. It is a man's honor to stay away from strife; all fools love to quarrel. A lazy man who refuses to plow due to the cold winter will be begging for food at harvest time and will have nothing to gain. The human heart is like a deep water, but only a wise man can draw it out. Many people talk about their kindness, but who can find a faithful person? Blessed are the descendants of the righteous man whose deeds are pure! The king sits on the throne of judgment and drives away evil with his eyes. Who can say, I have purified my heart and been freed from my sins? Both kinds of weights and both kinds of fighting are an abomination to the Lord. A child's actions are clean and upright, showing his true nature. The ears that hear and the eyes that see are created by the Lord. Do not be greedy for sleep, lest you become poor; keep your eyes open, and you will be full. The buyer says, "It's not good, it's not good." But when he buys it, he boasts about it. There is gold and many pearls, but the mouth of knowledge is a precious treasure. Whoever is surety for a stranger shall take his clothes; whoever is surety for a stranger shall bear the responsibility. The food obtained by lies is sweet to a man; but later his mouth will be full of dust. Strategies are based on planning; wars are fought on the basis of wisdom. He who gossips will reveal secrets; he who opens his mouth must not associate with him. Whoever curses his parents will have his lamp go out and turn into pitch black darkness. What may be a quick inheritance at first may not be a blessing in the end. Do not say, I will repay evil with evil; but wait on the LORD, and he will save you. Both kinds of weights are an abomination to the LORD, and deceitful scales do no good. A man's steps are determined by the Lord; how can a man know his own way? If a person rashly says that this is a holy thing and then inquires about it after making a wish, he will be trapped in a trap. The King of Wisdom drives away the wicked and rolls them with mills. The human spirit is the lamp of the Lord, searching the heart of man. The king's kindness and honesty preserved his throne, and his kindness made him secure. Strength is the glory of youth; gray hair is the honor of old age. The stripe cleans away a person's sins; the chastity penetrates into the heart of a person. 酒能使人褻慢,濃酒使人喧嚷;凡因酒錯誤的,就無智慧。 王的威嚇如同獅子吼叫;惹動他怒的,是自害己命。 遠離紛爭是人的尊榮;愚妄人都愛爭鬧。 懶惰人因冬寒不肯耕種,到收割的時候,他必討飯而無所得。 人心懷藏謀略,好像深水,惟明哲人才能汲引出來。 人多述說自己的仁慈,但忠信人誰能遇著呢? 行為純正的義人,他的子孫是有福的! 王坐在審判的位上,以眼目驅散諸惡。 誰能說,我潔淨了我的心,我脫淨了我的罪? 兩樣的法碼,兩樣的升斗,都為耶和華所憎惡。 孩童的動作是清潔,是正直,都顯明他的本性。 能聽的耳,能看的眼,都是耶和華所造的。 不要貪睡,免致貧窮;眼要睜開,你就吃飽。 買物的說:不好,不好;及至買去,他便自誇。 有金子和許多珍珠(或譯:紅寶石),惟有知識的嘴乃為貴重的珍寶。 誰為生人作保,就拿誰的衣服;誰為外人作保,誰就要承當。 以虛謊而得的食物,人覺甘甜;但後來,他的口必充滿塵沙。 計謀都憑籌算立定;打仗要憑智謀。 往來傳舌的,洩漏密事;大張嘴的,不可與他結交。 咒罵父母的,他的燈必滅,變為漆黑的黑暗。 起初速得的產業,終久卻不為福。 你不要說,我要以惡報惡;要等候耶和華,他必拯救你。 兩樣的法碼為耶和華所憎惡;詭詐的天平也為不善。 人的腳步為耶和華所定;人豈能明白自己的路呢? 人冒失說,這是聖物,許願之後才查問,就是自陷網羅。 智慧的王簸散惡人,用碌碡滾軋他們。 人的靈是耶和華的燈,鑒察人的心腹。 王因仁慈和誠實得以保全他的國位,也因仁慈立穩。 強壯乃少年人的榮耀;白髮為老年人的尊榮。 鞭傷除淨人的罪惡;責打能入人的心腹。

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 4 дня назад

    ( 我没听过 )呢首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 4 дня назад

    ( 我没听过 )呢首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 4 дня назад

    ( 我没听过 )呢首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 4 дня назад

    ( 我没听过 )呢首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 4 дня назад

    ( 我没听过 )呢首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

  • @aussiegaga168
    @aussiegaga168 4 дня назад

    It is better for a poor person who behaves in a pure way than a rich person who behaves foolishly and perversely. He who has no knowledge in his heart is not good; he who is quick in his steps will inevitably commit sin. Man's foolishness corrupts his ways; his heart complains against the Lord. Wealth brings many friends; but the poor keep his friends far away. He who bears false witness shall not go unpunished, and he who utters lies shall not escape. He who loves giving has many people seeking his favor; he who loves giving gifts has many people as his friends. A poor man is hated by his brothers; not to mention his friends stay far away from him! He followed with words, but they went away. He who has gained wisdom cherishes his life; he who keeps his understanding will gain good things. He who bears false witness shall not go unpunished, but he who utters lies shall perish. It is not appropriate for a fool to spend his days enjoying themselves; how much more for a servant to rule over a prince? Discernment slows down a man's anger; it is his glory to forgive others' faults. The king's wrath is like a lion's roar; but his grace is like dew on the grass. A foolish son is a scourge to his father; a wife's quarrels are like rain. Houses and wealth are inherited from the ancestors; but a wise wife is a gift from the Lord. Sloth causes sleep; the slacker will suffer hunger. He who keeps the commandments will preserve his life; but he who neglects his own way will perish. He who shows mercy to the poor lends to the Lord, and the Lord will repay him for his good deed. Discipline your son while there is hope; do not let him die in your heart. The angry man will be punished; if you save him, you must save him again. You must listen to advice and receive instruction, so that you will always be wise. There are many plans in the human heart; only the plan of the Lord can stand. He who shows kindness is loved; but it is better to be poor than to tell lies. He who fears the LORD has life; he will always be content, and no evil will come to him. A lazy man puts his hand on the plate and refuses even to withdraw it to his mouth. Beaten the scorner, and the foolish man will gain knowledge; rebuke the wise man, and he will gain knowledge. He who abuses his father and drives away his mother is a son who brings shame and disgrace. My son, do not hear instruction and turn away from the words of knowledge. The robbers bear witness and mock justice; the mouth of the wicked swallows iniquity. Punishment is for the scorners; stripes are for the back of fools. 行為純正的貧窮人勝過乖謬愚妄的富足人。 心無知識的,乃為不善;腳步急快的,難免犯罪。 人的愚昧傾敗他的道;他的心也抱怨耶和華。 財物使朋友增多;但窮人朋友遠離。 作假見證的,必不免受罰;吐出謊言的,終不能逃脫。 好施散的,有多人求他的恩情;愛送禮的,人都為他的朋友。 貧窮人,弟兄都恨他;何況他的朋友,更遠離他!他用言語追隨,他們卻走了。 得著智慧的,愛惜生命;保守聰明的,必得好處。 作假見證的,不免受罰;吐出謊言的,也必滅亡。 愚昧人宴樂度日是不合宜的;何況僕人管轄王子呢? 人有見識就不輕易發怒;寬恕人的過失便是自己的榮耀。 王的忿怒好像獅子吼叫;他的恩典卻如草上的甘露。 愚昧的兒子是父親的禍患;妻子的爭吵如雨連連滴漏。 房屋錢財是祖宗所遺留的;惟有賢慧的妻是耶和華所賜的。 懶惰使人沉睡;懈怠的人必受飢餓。 謹守誡命的,保全生命;輕忽己路的,必致死亡。 憐憫貧窮的,就是借給耶和華;他的善行,耶和華必償還。 趁有指望,管教你的兒子;你的心不可任他死亡。 暴怒的人必受刑罰;你若救他,必須再救。 你要聽勸教,受訓誨,使你終久有智慧。 人心多有計謀;惟有耶和華的籌算才能立定。 施行仁慈的,令人愛慕;窮人強如說謊言的。 敬畏耶和華的,得著生命;他必恆久知足,不遭禍患。 懶惰人放手在盤子裡,就是向口撤回,他也不肯。 鞭打褻慢人,愚蒙人必長見識;責備明哲人,他就明白知識。 虐待父親、攆出母親的,是貽羞致辱之子。 我兒,不可聽了教訓而又偏離知識的言語。 匪徒作見證戲笑公平;惡人的口吞下罪孽。 刑罰是為褻慢人預備的;鞭打是為愚昧人的背預備的。

  • @6713stephen
    @6713stephen 4 дня назад

    hello 你轉直播台?

    • @aussiegaga168
      @aussiegaga168 4 дня назад

      @@6713stephen 我沒有轉 仍然保持😌

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 5 дней назад

    ( 我没听过 )呢首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

  • @kingpongko2333
    @kingpongko2333 5 дней назад


    • @aussiegaga168
      @aussiegaga168 5 дней назад

      @@kingpongko2333 好好保存🙏

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 5 дней назад

    ( 我没听过 )呢首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 5 дней назад

    ( 我没听过 )呢首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

    • @aussiegaga168
      @aussiegaga168 5 дней назад

      @@siewmay7951 🦋may多謝支持

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 5 дней назад

    ( 我没听过 )呢首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 6 дней назад

    ( 我没听过 )呢首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 6 дней назад

    ( 我没听过 )呢首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 6 дней назад

    ( 我没听过 )呢首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

  • @aussiegaga168
    @aussiegaga168 6 дней назад

    《聖經箴言》是一部充滿智慧和教訓的書卷,收錄了所羅門王及其他智慧人的言語。書中以簡短、精緻的語句,探討人生中各種道德、倫理和實際生活中的課題,如智慧、正義、誠實、勤奮、謙卑等。箴言的主題集中在教導人如何在神的引導下過一個敬虔、有智慧的人生,強調敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端。透過箴言,我們可以學會在日常生活中作出正確的抉擇,並領悟到智慧與生命的真諦,帶領我們走向平安與祝福的道路。 The Book of Proverbs in the Bible is a collection of wisdom and teachings, primarily attributed to King Solomon and other wise men. It presents practical advice and moral guidance on various aspects of life, such as wisdom, justice, honesty, diligence, and humility. The central theme of Proverbs is teaching how to live a godly and wise life under God’s guidance, emphasizing that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Through Proverbs, we learn to make right choices in everyday life and understand the true essence of wisdom and life, leading us toward a path of peace and blessing.

  • @aussiegaga168
    @aussiegaga168 6 дней назад

    與眾寡合的,獨自尋求心願,並惱恨一切真智慧。 愚昧人不喜愛明哲,只喜愛顯露心意。 惡人來,藐視隨來;羞恥到,辱罵同到。 人口中的言語如同深水;智慧的泉源好像湧流的河水。 瞻徇惡人的情面,偏斷義人的案件,都為不善。 愚昧人張嘴啟爭端,開口招鞭打。 愚昧人的口自取敗壞;他的嘴是他生命的網羅。 傳舌人的言語如同美食,深入人的心腹。 做工懈怠的,與浪費人為弟兄。 耶和華的名是堅固臺;義人奔入便得安穩。 富足人的財物是他的堅城,在他心想,猶如高牆。 敗壞之先,人心驕傲;尊榮以前,必有謙卑。 未曾聽完先回答的,便是他的愚昧和羞辱。 人有疾病,心能忍耐;心靈憂傷,誰能承當呢? 聰明人的心得知識;智慧人的耳求知識。 人的禮物為他開路,引他到高位的人面前。 先訴情由的,似乎有理;但鄰舍來到,就察出實情。 掣籤能止息爭競,也能解散強勝的人。 弟兄結怨,勸他和好,比取堅固城還難;這樣的爭競如同堅寨的門閂。 人口中所結的果子,必充滿肚腹;他嘴所出的,必使他飽足。 生死在舌頭的權下,喜愛他的,必吃他所結的果子。 得著賢妻的,是得著好處,也是蒙了耶和華的恩惠。 貧窮人說哀求的話;富足人用威嚇的話回答。 濫交朋友的,自取敗壞;但有一朋友比弟兄更親密。 He who lives alone pursues his desires alone and hates all true wisdom. Foolish people do not like wise men, but only like to reveal their thoughts. When evildoers come, contempt comes with them; when shame comes, insults come with them. The words of a man's mouth are like deep waters, and the fountains of wisdom are like flowing rivers. It is unwholesome to show favoritism to the evildoer and to judge the case of the righteous. A fool opens his mouth to start a dispute, and opens his mouth to be whipped. A fool's mouth brings his own destruction; his mouth is a snare for his life. The words of a messenger are like delicacies, penetrating into people's hearts. A slacker in work is a brother to a wasteful person. The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe. A rich man's possessions are his strong city, like a high wall in his mind. Before corruption, there is pride in the human heart; before honor, there must be humility. He who answers before listening is his ignorance and humiliation. When a person is sick, his heart can endure it; but when his heart is sad, who can bear it? The heart of a wise man brings knowledge; the ears of a wise man seek knowledge. A man's gifts open the way for him and lead him to those in high positions. The one who complained first seemed to be justified; but when the neighbor came, he discovered the truth. The casting of lots can put an end to strife and dissolve the victorious. When a brother has a grudge, it is more difficult to persuade him to make peace than to conquer a fortified city; such strife is like the bars of a strong stronghold. The fruit of a man's mouth will fill his belly; the fruit of his mouth will satisfy him. Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and whoever loves it will eat its fruit. He who finds a good wife gains good things and receives favor from the Lord. The poor speak in supplications; the rich answer in threats. He who makes friends too often brings his own ruin; but there is a friend who is closer than a brother.

  • @kingpongko2333
    @kingpongko2333 6 дней назад

    原來: 作曲是:梁志堅 作詞是:高敬邦

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 6 дней назад

    ( 我没听过 ) 呢首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

    • @aussiegaga168
      @aussiegaga168 6 дней назад

      @@siewmay7951 真的嗎?多謝你

  • @aussiegaga168
    @aussiegaga168 6 дней назад

    Proverbs Chapter 17, 28 verses in total If a banquet fills the house and everyone is quarreling, it is better to have a piece of dry cake and everyone can be at peace. A servant who acts wisely will rule over the son who brings shame on him, and he will share the inheritance among his sons. The cauldron is for refining silver, and the furnace is for refining gold; but the Lord refines the heart. He who does evil pays attention to deceitful words; he who speaks liars gives ear to evil words. He who mocks the poor dishonors his Maker; he who rejoices in his misfortune will not go unpunished. Children and grandchildren are the crown of the elderly; a father is the glory of his children. It is not appropriate for a fool to speak kindly, let alone a king telling lies? Bribery is regarded as a gem in the eyes of the person who gives it, and any movement will go smoothly. He who covers up others' faults seeks love; he who repeatedly finds faults alienates close friends. A word of rebuke goes deeper into the heart of a wise man than a hundred blows to a fool. The evil man seeks only rebellion, so a stern messenger will be sent against him. It is better to meet a she-bear who has lost her cubs than a fool who is doing foolish things. Whoever repays evil for good will not let evil leave his house. The beginning of strife is like the release of water, so strife must be stopped before quarrels arise. Whoever justifies the wicked and whoever declares evil is an abomination to the LORD. If a fool has no understanding, why should he buy wisdom with money in his hand? Friends are always dear, brothers are born for adversity. High-fiving people in front of their neighbors is an ignorant person. Whoever loves strife loves transgression; whoever builds a high house brings his own destruction. Those with evil minds will find no benefit; those with evil tongues will be in trouble. He who gives birth to a son of fools will be miserable; the father of a fool has no joy. A joyful heart is medicine; a broken spirit dries up the bones. The wicked are secretly bribed to turn their judgment upside down. A wise man has wisdom in his eyes; a fool's eyes look to the ends of the earth. A foolish son troubles his father and distresses his mother. Punishing the righteous is unkind; beating the gentleman is unjust. He who has few words and few words has knowledge; he who is kind-hearted has wisdom. If a fool keeps silent, he is considered wise; if he keeps silent, he is considered wise. 箴言 第十七章 共 28 節經文 設筵滿屋,大家相爭,不如有塊乾餅,大家相安。 僕人辦事聰明,必管轄貽羞之子,又在眾子中同分產業。 鼎為煉銀,爐為煉金;惟有耶和華熬煉人心。 行惡的,留心聽奸詐之言;說謊的,側耳聽邪惡之語。 戲笑窮人的,是辱沒造他的主;幸災樂禍的,必不免受罰。 子孫為老人的冠冕;父親是兒女的榮耀。 愚頑人說美言本不相宜,何況君王說謊話呢? 賄賂在餽送的人眼中看為寶玉,隨處運動都得順利。 遮掩人過的,尋求人愛;屢次挑錯的,離間密友。 一句責備話深入聰明人的心,強如責打愚昧人一百下。 惡人只尋背叛,所以必有嚴厲的使者奉差攻擊他。 寧可遇見丟崽子的母熊,不可遇見正行愚妄的愚昧人。 以惡報善的,禍患必不離他的家。 紛爭的起頭如水放開,所以,在爭鬧之先必當止息爭競。 定惡人為義的,定義人為惡的,這都為耶和華所憎惡。 愚昧人既無聰明,為何手拿價銀買智慧呢? 朋友乃時常親愛,弟兄為患難而生。 在鄰舍面前擊掌作保乃是無知的人。 喜愛爭競的,是喜愛過犯;高立家門的,乃自取敗壞。 心存邪僻的,尋不著好處;舌弄是非的,陷在禍患中。 生愚昧子的,必自愁苦;愚頑人的父毫無喜樂。 喜樂的心乃是良藥;憂傷的靈使骨枯乾。 惡人暗中受賄賂,為要顛倒判斷。 明哲人眼前有智慧;愚昧人眼望地極。 愚昧子使父親愁煩,使母親憂苦。 刑罰義人為不善;責打君子為不義。 寡少言語的,有知識;性情溫良的,有聰明。 愚昧人若靜默不言也可算為智慧;閉口不說也可算為聰明。 《聖經箴言》是一部充滿智慧和教訓的書卷,收錄了所羅門王及其他智慧人的言語。書中以簡短、精緻的語句,探討人生中各種道德、倫理和實際生活中的課題,如智慧、正義、誠實、勤奮、謙卑等。箴言的主題集中在教導人如何在神的引導下過一個敬虔、有智慧的人生,強調敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端。透過箴言,我們可以學會在日常生活中作出正確的抉擇,並領悟到智慧與生命的真諦,帶領我們走向平安與祝福的道路。 The Book of Proverbs in the Bible is a collection of wisdom and teachings, primarily attributed to King Solomon and other wise men. It presents practical advice and moral guidance on various aspects of life, such as wisdom, justice, honesty, diligence, and humility. The central theme of Proverbs is teaching how to live a godly and wise life under God’s guidance, emphasizing that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Through Proverbs, we learn to make right choices in everyday life and understand the true essence of wisdom and life, leading us toward a path of peace and blessing.

  • @kingpongko2333
    @kingpongko2333 7 дней назад


    • @aussiegaga168
      @aussiegaga168 7 дней назад

      @@kingpongko2333 忘記了 找不到😀

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 8 дней назад

    ( 我没听过 )呢首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 8 дней назад

    ( 我没听过 )呢首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 8 дней назад

    ( 我没听过 )呢首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 8 дней назад

    ( 我没听过 )呢首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

  • @siewmay7951
    @siewmay7951 8 дней назад

    ( 我没听过 )呢首歌 ,第 1 次听 ,好好听

    • @aussiegaga168
      @aussiegaga168 8 дней назад

      @@siewmay7951 慢慢聽 細味🙏

  • @aussiegaga168
    @aussiegaga168 8 дней назад

    箴言 第十六章 共 33 節經文 心中的謀算在乎人;舌頭的應對由於耶和華。 人一切所行的,在自己眼中看為清潔;惟有耶和華衡量人心。 你所做的,要交託耶和華,你所謀的,就必成立。 耶和華所造的,各適其用;就是惡人也為禍患的日子所造。 凡心裡驕傲的,為耶和華所憎惡;雖然連手,他必不免受罰。 因憐憫誠實,罪孽得贖;敬畏耶和華的,遠離惡事。 人所行的,若蒙耶和華喜悅,耶和華也使他的仇敵與他和好。 多有財利,行事不義,不如少有財利,行事公義。 人心籌算自己的道路;惟耶和華指引他的腳步。 王的嘴中有神語,審判之時,他的口必不差錯。 公道的天平和秤都屬耶和華;囊中一切法碼都為他所定。 作惡,為王所憎惡,因國位是靠公義堅立。 公義的嘴為王所喜悅;說正直話的,為王所喜愛。 王的震怒如殺人的使者;但智慧人能止息王怒。 王的臉光使人有生命;王的恩典好像春雲時雨。 得智慧勝似得金子;選聰明強如選銀子。 正直人的道是遠離惡事;謹守己路的,是保全性命。 驕傲在敗壞以先;狂心在跌倒之前。 心裡謙卑與窮乏人來往,強如將擄物與驕傲人同分。 謹守訓言的,必得好處;倚靠耶和華的,便為有福。 心中有智慧,必稱為通達人;嘴中的甜言,加增人的學問。 人有智慧就有生命的泉源;愚昧人必被愚昧懲治。 智慧人的心教訓他的口,又使他的嘴增長學問。 良言如同蜂房,使心覺甘甜,使骨得醫治。 有一條路,人以為正,至終成為死亡之路。 勞力人的胃口使他勞力,因為他的口腹催逼他。 匪徒圖謀奸惡,嘴上彷彿有燒焦的火。 乖僻人播散紛爭;傳舌的,離間密友。 強暴人誘惑鄰舍,領他走不善之道。 眼目緊合的,圖謀乖僻;嘴唇緊閉的,成就邪惡。 白髮是榮耀的冠冕,在公義的道上必能得著。 不輕易發怒的,勝過勇士;治服己心的,強如取城。 籤放在懷裡,定事由耶和華。 33 verses in total The counsel of the heart is of man; the counsel of the tongue is of the Lord. All a man's ways are pure in his own sight; but the Lord weighs the heart. Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will come true. Everything the LORD has created is for its purpose; even the wicked was created for a day of trouble. Whoever is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD; even if they join hands, he will not go unpunished. By mercy and truth there is atonement for sin: but he who feareth the Lord shuns evil. If a man's conduct pleases the LORD, the LORD will make peace with his enemies. It is better to have a lot of wealth and act unjustly than to have a little wealth and act righteously. The heart of man plans his own way; but the Lord directs his steps. The king has divine words in his mouth, and his mouth will not make mistakes in judgment. The just scales and scales are the Lord's; all the weights in the bag are his ordained. Doing evil is detestable to the king, for the kingdom is established by righteousness. A righteous mouth is a delight to the king, and he who speaks uprightly is a delight to the king. The king's wrath is like a murderous messenger; but a wise man can turn away the king's wrath. The light of the King's face gives life; the King's grace is like spring clouds and seasonal rains. It is better to gain wisdom than gold; it is better to choose wisdom than silver. The way of the upright is to avoid evil; but he who keeps his own way preserves his life. Pride goes before destruction; arrogance goes before a fall. It is better to associate with the needy with humility of heart than to divide the spoil with the proud. He who keeps his precepts will do good; he who trusts in the Lord will be blessed. He who has wisdom in his heart will be called a prudent person; sweet words in his mouth will increase his knowledge. If a person has wisdom, he will have the source of life; if a person is wise, he will be punished by ignorance. The heart of a wise man teaches his mouth and gives his mouth knowledge. Kind words are like a honeycomb, sweetening the heart and healing the bones. There is a path that seems right to a man, but in the end it becomes the path of death. The appetite of a laborer makes him labor, for his appetite compels him. The gangsters are plotting evil, and their mouths seem to have burning fire. A perverse person sows strife; a gossip divides close friends. A violent man seduces his neighbor and leads him into evil ways. He who shuts his eyes plots perverse things; he who shuts his lips accomplishes evil. Gray hair is a crown of glory, which is found in the way of righteousness. He who is slow to anger is better than a mighty man; he who subdues his spirit is better than taking a city. The lots are placed in the lap, and the decision is made by the LORD.