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Добавлен 14 дек 2020
Crashes, Smashes & anything awesome.
If you have any dashcam clips or anything cool that you want to see on here, feel free drop send them over to
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If you have any dashcam clips or anything cool that you want to see on here, feel free drop send them over to
Don't forget to subscribe to get notified about my new videos.
Drone Footage of Suicide Car Bomber Destroying Compound
Просмотров 6 тыс.3 года назад
Suicide car bomber destroys compound. Drone footage.
Cutting up mobile phones
Просмотров 6553 года назад
Cutting up some old phones I’ve had kicking around in a drawer. It was very enjoyable and might do it more often 😀
Ice Tsunami's Crashing into the shore.
Просмотров 2,1 тыс.3 года назад
These Ice Tsunami's are so beautiful and hypnotic but these could have potential for danger.
Car Crash Compilation 20 Subs Special. Bad Driver Fails
Просмотров 2,7 тыс.3 года назад
Just passed 20 subscribers, thanks guys. Enjoy the video.
Car Crash Compilation UK #Bad Driver Fails & Crashes
Просмотров 3773 года назад
Crashes and bad driving from the UK. Enjoy Music: Birthday Musician: LiQWYD URL: www.soundcloud.com/liqwyd
Car & Truck Crash Compilation Bad Drivers 2020 #2 Karma
Просмотров 3,8 тыс.3 года назад
More top quality crashes and bad drivers. ENJOY!
MASSIVE!!! Explosion at Ammunition Depot, Ukraine
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.4 года назад
Huge Explosion destroys Ammunition Depot in Ukraine
Train Crash & Derailment Compilation
Просмотров 12 млн4 года назад
Trains derailing and crashing Music: Tom Musician: Arulo URL: mixkit.co/
Travelling Car Destroyed by Beirut Explosion
Просмотров 7844 года назад
Car destroyed by huge explosion in Beirut.
Semi Trucks & Cars Crash Compilation Bad Drivers Fails
Просмотров 12 тыс.4 года назад
More Crazy Truck and Car crashes.
Car Crash Compilation - Bad Drivers # Karma 2020
Просмотров 8144 года назад
More clips from bad drivers around the world. Sit back and enjoy.
Train Crashes, Tornado Causes Train to Crash, Tornado vs train
Просмотров 1,6 тыс.4 года назад
This tornado took the train right off the track!
Car and Truck Crash Compilation 2020 Epic Driver Fails # Karma
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.4 года назад
Car and Truck Crash Compilation 2020 Epic Driver Fails # Karma
That music is shit.
The Santiago train wreck 😢
Not really the right music choice for that first clip.. 👎
Thank you deregulation
Unwatchable due to stupid music.
1:30 soviele zuschauer..... Und keiner kann helfen.. #Pufferknutscher
I am riding a freight train watching this rn.
Nice one!
1:40 stop recording and call 911!! People are so worried about being news reporters or the "first ones to have exclusive video" had another train been coming and smacked that wheel in the crossing, things could have been real bad. Use your brain and not the camera people fuck.
It’s just like a fake Roblox game that you can’t even run Trainz 0:56 😂
2:02 RO scale train game on Roblox be like
2:12 Least deadly train derail?
That compilation sucked
Most ppl don’t realise it’s literally impossible to stop a train in a split second. It means that when a train starts to derail it’s already too late to prevent it.
На втором видео чел сигма
Starts with a stolen video that. was mirrored. Fail. Thumbs down.
OOF Talgo
One of the more uninvevtive and borinhg compilation that have been on other channels in bettere formats. This was juvenile at best, a first attempt.
1:10 This train went over a derailer set to active. Derailers are used to prevent accidental entry of a train.
Luckily no one was hurt
Lose the music
Comme disait Coluche: un train, des rails…😅
How long does it take, stop the d..... Train.
Сбрасывающий остряк
The Steam Train Just ran out of Track.
Hopper car getting dragged like it's going to the vet
1:15 who builds a switch too nowhere like that?
its to derail runaway trains
Missing free wheel.
1:11 looking at the rails and knowing what is coming.....
1:10 I see that the railroad somethin wrong, they are down lil bit, It visible, But I just can't bellieve it that the old train driver No see them??
1:04 I don't understand this switch? Regardless of what position is or should be, something is not right?? Especially the left side. Shouldn't the left rail be exactly counter placed?
музыка говно
That music is terrible. 😮
1:16 - куда смотрели работники, когда установили стрелки под откос 😵
Beta Male manbun alert around @0:30.
Kurang berhati-hati. Utamakan keselamatan dan keamanan.
I have the utmost respect to the people whose job is to clean after this mess the day after. 😂
Absolutely mesmerizing It's videos like these that make me fall in love with traveling all over again. train crash moments
The Safety 'CATCH' Point was 'OPEN!' The Tender Did Not Derail???
I seriously can’t comprehend how many of these derailments are cleaned up
1:17 he didn't have the switches set correctly smh
2:05 This happened to my FGW HST Train on ROBLOX when I was testing to drive since I've built. Lol
1:20 very funny. Lol
The steam train in reverse, i saw the rail fault ages before it happened
3:47 This derailment occurred between Tinley Manor and Groutville Stations, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. I worked as a Signal Technician on this section at this time. Rolls of paper that where not secured properly shifted, causing the derailment.
What is the name of the first song? Edit: lol it's in the description 😂 TOM- ARULO