Conscious Living with Guy
Conscious Living with Guy
  • Видео 230
  • Просмотров 80 989


Heart Fire Life Coaching Academy with Guy Barrington
Просмотров 214 дней назад
For more information email;
Heart Fire Life Coaching Academy with Guy Barrington
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For more information, email Guy Barrington at;
Heart Presence & Authentic Expression with Guy Barrington
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Heart Presence & Authentic Expression with Guy Barrington
Boží Slunovrat… 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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Boží Slunovrat… 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Ecstatic Dance Festival, Ziva Voda Centrum, 18-21.07
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LETNÍ FESTIVAL EXSTATICKÉHO TANCE, Čt 18. - 21. července 2024 v Centru Živá Voda, Česká republika ODKAZ NA UDÁLOST, KTERÝ MŮŽETE SDÍLET SE SVÝMI PŘÁTELE; e/43pB0wirb JAK REZERVOVAT & ZAPLATIT; Nejprve mi napište zprávu a zanechte svou e-mailovou adresu buď na fb na; guybarrington/ Vstupenek je pouze 50, takže pokud chcete přijít, REZERVUJTE SI HNED. Podro...
Wealth Curriculum Introduction to The Inner Game of Wealth with Guy Barrington
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21 DAY WEALTH CURRICULUM - THE INNER GAME OF WEALTH This Free Event will be followed by The 21 Day Wealth Curriculum, beginning on Wed 26th June, which is a paid Program that you can go through in 21 days or at your own pace. It is a Program which will be yours for Life. It has 4 Price points based on your current budget; £111, £222, £333 or pay more if you like. You choose what Price / Investm...
Ecstatic Dance Festival, ZIVA VODA, 18th - 21st July 2024
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Ecstatic Dance Festival, ZIVA VODA, 18th - 21st July 2024
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WEALTH TALKS, reclaiming our Natural Abundance with Guy Barrington
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WEALTH TALKS, reclaiming our Natural Abundance with Guy Barrington
WEALTH TALKS, reclaiming our Natural Abundance 9:16
Просмотров 273 месяца назад
WEALTH TALKS, reclaiming our Natural Abundance 9:16
Life School Program to optimise your Living, Loving, Relating & Creating with Guy Barrington
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Life School Program to optimise your Living, Loving, Relating & Creating with Guy Barrington
Exploring the Nature of Anxiety with Guy Barrington & Petra Vinklerova
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Exploring the Nature of Anxiety with Guy Barrington & Petra Vinklerova
Petra & Guy Dialogue, 19 03 24
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Petra & Guy Dialogue, 19 03 24
Conscious Creativity, Buchov 31st Dec 2023
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Conscious Creativity, Buchov 31st Dec 2023
Nervous System, Wounding and Desires
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Nervous System, Wounding and Desires
PEACE - Breathing Into Sensation, Lean into Feeling
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PEACE - Breathing Into Sensation, Lean into Feeling
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AI Girlfriends & the loneliness of Men
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AI Girlfriends & the loneliness of Men
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Empowerment & Freedom through Life Coaching with Guy Barrington
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Empowerment & Freedom through Life Coaching with Guy Barrington
Authentic Relating: Being True To Yourself With Another
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Authentic Relating: Being True To Yourself With Another
HEART FIRE LIFE COACHING, to bring more HEART into your Business and Life
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HEART FIRE LIFE COACHING, to bring more HEART into your Business and Life
My Work, My Life, My Reason
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My Work, My Life, My Reason
My story of avoiding pain and seeking pleasure as a way to compensate for trauma by Guy
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My story of avoiding pain and seeking pleasure as a way to compensate for trauma by Guy
DANCE MEDICINE JOURNEY MASTERCLASS with Guy Barrington, 22-24.09, Czech Republic
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DANCE MEDICINE JOURNEY MASTERCLASS with Guy Barrington, 22-24.09, Czech Republic
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DANCE Retreat in Nature in Czech 8th to 10th Sept 2023
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DANCE Retreat in Nature in Czech 8th to 10th Sept 2023
Inviting you to be a Client for my 7 Stage Protocol
Просмотров 11Год назад
Inviting you to be a Client for my 7 Stage Protocol
I wish you a great Life
Просмотров 18Год назад
I wish you a great Life


  • @R-Will
    @R-Will 14 дней назад

    ❤ Thank you!

  • @TheMadnessOfMeMyselfAndI
    @TheMadnessOfMeMyselfAndI Месяц назад

    Were can i find info for your dances pls ? Needing to dance 😊

  • @TheMadnessOfMeMyselfAndI
    @TheMadnessOfMeMyselfAndI Месяц назад

    Ahhhh thankyou for sharing ..i want to come❤ amazing vibes

  • @timportfolio1062
    @timportfolio1062 Месяц назад

    We definetly had better tune on the GOA parties in the 90s. There was no spirituality though, but a lot of drugs😂

  • @consciouslivingwithguy
    @consciouslivingwithguy 3 месяца назад

    WEALTH TALKS, reclaiming our Natural Abundance with Guy Barringtonвидео.htmlsi=hYwodwYexELmYZBP WEALTH TALKS… So a consideration from beginning from Within or as our Authentic State of Wholeness and Completeness. Some people refer to this as “Original Blessing’ as opposed to Original Sin, that which is broken, separated from. So beginning from Original Blessing or Wholeness or Source Energy, we are already Full and Overflowing, like our Cup is Abundant. We are a Fountain of Generosity, Peace, Love, Truth, Wisdom, All Things Life Enriching, Quality of Life is in our State of Being, not in a state of having, unless you consider your Being as a state of having. So coming to a State of Presence with your Authentic Nature as Wholeness, you are Innately Wealthy. Now then we encounter the symbols of the world, the culture, expectations and belief systems and there are certain standards of what Wealth is or isn’t, what poverty is or isn’t, scarcity is or isn’t, how Thriving should or shouldn't look. And so then we get caught up in the game play of cultural expectation or the inbred beliefs that we are conditioned into about our own standardisation process of what we consider to be Valuable, Meaningful, Wealthy and Overflowing. And often all of this information from the culture and from our parents and early years teachers is transmitted from the unconscious. So the blind are leading the blind, the scarcity and the separation identity, the personality that's devoid of connection to the Source Energy, is teaching, guiding, leading conditioning. And so of course, we then follow on from what everyone else is doing around us with the peer pressure, cultural pressure, expectations in the norms of society, and we end up living in this impoverished state, which in many cases manifests as an impoverished state of Existence in terms of relationship, work, satisfaction and so forth. On it goes and goes. Now once we start to realize we are Master of our own State. Our State is our Choice. Our State of Emotion and Energy is within our hands, it's within our Hearts, it's within our Awareness to Deliberately Consciously Choose how we wish to Be in the World. Once you realize this, we start to uncondition ourselves from the noise of the culture and early years expectations and beliefs that are really not in alignment with who We Actually Are or how we actually are. So in the undoing and the unknotting, we start to release the contraction, the withholding from Abundance. So we are blocking our own State of Abundance, we are blocking our own State of Wealth, Happiness and Wholeness. So WEALTH TALKS is a reminder, as Wealth is talking from ‘inside-out’, for us to come back to our Natural State of Wholeness, Completeness, Overflow. This Fountain State of Being is already Given, always Given, already Here. And we start to recognise this more and more often as we undo ourselves from the limited conditioning that we've been brought up in and the cultural expectations that attempt to control and suppress and deny this Overflowing Potent Life Force that we actually are we are. We are all a Force of Nature, a Force of Manifestation, A Force of Creation, A Force of Vision and Energy and Beauty and Power, a Magnificent Creature. And as we start to reconnect to our Original Blessing, our Natural State of Wholeness, we come back into this Natural State of Wealth on All Levels. (CZECH) WEALTH TALKS, znovuzískání naší přirozené hojnosti s Guyem Barringtonemвидео.htmlsi=hYwodwYexELmYZBP ROZHOVORY O BOHATSTVÍ... Takže úvaha od začátku zevnitř neboli jako náš autentický stav celistvosti a úplnosti. Někteří lidé to označují jako "Prvotní požehnání" na rozdíl od Prvotního hříchu, tedy toho, co je rozbité, oddělené. Začínáme-li tedy od Původního požehnání neboli Celistvosti či Zdrojové energie, jsme již Plní a Přetékající, jako by náš Pohár byl Hojný. Jsme Fontánou Hojnosti, Míru, Lásky, Pravdy, Moudrosti, Všeho, co obohacuje život, Kvalita života je ve stavu našeho Bytí, nikoli ve stavu mít, pokud své Bytí nepovažujete za stav mít. Když se tedy dostanete do stavu Přítomnosti se svou Autentickou Přirozeností jako Celistvostí, jste vrozeně Bohatí. Nyní se setkáváme se symboly světa, kultury, očekáváními a systémy víry a existují určitá měřítka toho, co je nebo není Bohatství, co je nebo není chudoba, co je nebo není nedostatek, jak má nebo nemá vypadat Prospívání. A tak se pak dostáváme do hry kulturních očekávání nebo vrozených přesvědčení, kterými je podmíněn náš vlastní proces standardizace toho, co považujeme za Cenné, Smysluplné, Bohaté a Přeplněné. A často jsou všechny tyto informace z kultury a od našich rodičů a učitelů v raném věku předávány z nevědomí. Takže slepý vede slepého, nedostatek a separační identita, osobnost, která je zbavena spojení se Zdrojovou energií, učí, vede, podmiňuje. A tak samozřejmě pak navazujeme na to, co dělají všichni kolem nás, tlakem vrstevníků, kulturním tlakem, očekáváním v normách společnosti, a nakonec žijeme v tomto ochuzeném stavu, který se v mnoha případech projevuje jako ochuzený stav Existence, pokud jde o vztahy, práci, spokojenost atd. A tak to jde dál a dál. Jakmile si začneme uvědomovat, že jsme Pány svého vlastního stavu. Náš stav je naší volbou. Náš stav emocí a energie je v našich rukou, je v našem srdci, je v našem vědomí, abychom si záměrně vědomě vybrali, jak chceme ve světě být. Jakmile si toto uvědomíme, začneme se odpoutávat od hluku kultury a očekávání a přesvědčení z raných let, které ve skutečnosti nejsou v souladu s tím, kým ve skutečnosti Jsme nebo jací ve skutečnosti jsme. Takže v rozvázání a rozvázání začínáme uvolňovat kontrakce, zadržování od Hojnosti. Blokujeme tak svůj vlastní Stav hojnosti, blokujeme svůj vlastní Stav bohatství, štěstí a celistvosti. Proto je WEALTH TALKS připomínkou, protože Bohatství mluví "zevnitř ven", abychom se vrátili do svého přirozeného stavu Plnosti, Úplnosti, Přeplnění. Tento Stav Pramene bytí je již Dán, vždy Dán, již Zde. A začínáme si to uvědomovat stále častěji, jak se odpoutáváme od omezených podmínek, v nichž jsme byli vychováváni, a od kulturních očekávání, která se snaží kontrolovat, potlačovat a popírat tuto Přetékající Potenciální Životní Sílu, kterou ve skutečnosti jsme. Všichni jsme Síla přírody, Síla manifestace, Síla tvoření, Síla vize a energie, krásy a moci, velkolepé stvoření. A jakmile se začneme znovu napojovat na své Původní Požehnání, na svůj Přirozený stav celistvosti, vrátíme se do tohoto Přirozeného stavu Bohatství na všech úrovních.

  • @kelatomic2188
    @kelatomic2188 3 месяца назад

    Instant gratification 😢boring... and no interaction with real human is pointless 😢

  • @chechetteotf4339
    @chechetteotf4339 3 месяца назад


  • @Schmecker
    @Schmecker 4 месяца назад

    wow ❤

  • @meikebogaard8529
    @meikebogaard8529 9 месяцев назад

    Deeeeep Missed that... ❤ Dig deeeeper 😊

  • @aphilippinesadventure9184
    @aphilippinesadventure9184 11 месяцев назад

    A big thing is missing here. In reality, it's pathetic. Get your passport and GO. Why be crotchbound to Western women? Move your whole life away from the dying West. I did, 23 years back.

  • @kordell9864
    @kordell9864 11 месяцев назад

    100% agree with you brother!! 🤝👍

  • @danieldaniels7571
    @danieldaniels7571 11 месяцев назад

    Yeah, whatever… I was married and it sucked. Bring on the AI sexbots.

  • @Jishnu_b17
    @Jishnu_b17 11 месяцев назад

    The joy i need

  • @meikebogaard8529
    @meikebogaard8529 11 месяцев назад

    Yessss this vibrates within me Thank you, and more please 😊

  • @Cadaius
    @Cadaius Год назад

    PLUR. My family, the simple joy for frequency compounded by community is absolute bliss!

  • @versetronomy
    @versetronomy Год назад

    Wishing For You All The Success In The World. Start-ups Are Never Easy. However, Don't Give Up On Your Passion.

    • @1leggedbuttkicker
      @1leggedbuttkicker Год назад

      Exactly…. And I have to add if he asking people who knows his work for their response on his work then you know you can trust him to do great work !!

    • @consciouslivingwithguy
      @consciouslivingwithguy 11 месяцев назад

      I appreciate that

  • @evelynmcadams3028
    @evelynmcadams3028 Год назад

    Looks pretty, Guy. Glad you’re doing well

  • @brianseweya
    @brianseweya Год назад


  • @HGamarraDigital
    @HGamarraDigital Год назад

    ¿Este video tiene ondas binaurales agregado? Las músicas a lo mejor tendrán...(tengo epilepsia) escuchar para los que tiene problemas neurológicos ( las que son de tipo-ondas cerebro) te da un dolor de cabeza fuerte y ganas de vómitar.

  • @mathelyne8784
    @mathelyne8784 Год назад

    Dansons ! Dansons la vie !🥳👍👏💚💛🧡❤🤎💜💙

  • @thanks2hans
    @thanks2hans Год назад


  • @user-ii1dq6rl6g
    @user-ii1dq6rl6g Год назад


  • @audreylehyensemble777
    @audreylehyensemble777 Год назад

    rohhhh perfect!!! what is the track At 26 min pleasee ? thanks 💗💗💗💗💗💗

  • @Irene.Era.
    @Irene.Era. Год назад

    Love it! So much pure emotions vibrating from these beautiful people.. thanks for sharing. Our dear world is needing more people that are in true connection with their inner worlds so they can share this with others.. and so.. we can help each other to stand in our own uniqueness and fully shine! Love from Brazil❤

  • @Gregory2044
    @Gregory2044 Год назад

    Thank you ❤️

  • @KickOutTheJhm
    @KickOutTheJhm Год назад


  • @Viktoria3686
    @Viktoria3686 Год назад

    Это класс!) я тоже так танцую с друзьями в лесу

  • @rrarkazar9060
    @rrarkazar9060 Год назад

    Me gusta mucho. Tanto como para replicarlo aqui. Gracias por ser. Somos uno.

  • @consciouslivingwithguy
    @consciouslivingwithguy Год назад

    If you'd like to buy my online video CONSCIOUS CREATIVITY MASTERCLASS, packed full of Inspiration, Resources, Tools & Techniques to set you up for Living the Life you Love, then message me either on facebook, Instagram @dancingheartguy Or email, with best wishes & deep Heart Dreams from Guy

  • @karinakei4449
    @karinakei4449 Год назад

    Beautiful people! I feel happiness even by seeing them ❤️

  • @fzinspiration
    @fzinspiration Год назад


  • @Andrea-km4zj
    @Andrea-km4zj Год назад

    Hallo, kann mir bitte jemand sagen wie das Lied ab ca. Minute 7. heißt?

  • @loloavg
    @loloavg Год назад

    I dream to feel the accumulation of transferred energy 😍

  • @peteonella
    @peteonella Год назад


  • @alysononoahu8702
    @alysononoahu8702 Год назад

    Found my tribe in Hawaii 🌺💃💜🌻💃🌺💃🌺✌️💜🌻💃🌺✌️💜🌻

  • @PsyWalks
    @PsyWalks Год назад


  • @nerijusbaltakys7631
    @nerijusbaltakys7631 Год назад

    🥰 💗

  • @jeffc2630
    @jeffc2630 Год назад

    So what makes you apparently think we're timeless beings? There's zero proof for that from us to show that's what's happening. We cannot see, feel, or communicate with loved ones in any way after death. So why?

  • @tornadosfc.189
    @tornadosfc.189 Год назад

    HAPPY YEAR 💖⛰🏔🌠⛈🏕🏜🏝🌝🌜💖🤝🏵🏵

  • @Libertarian606
    @Libertarian606 Год назад

    Ignore material reality and invoke a bunch of faux spiritual tropes if it pleases you, the truth of it is that those of us exercising our spiritual principles by engaging with the horror of the current power relations that are destroying our culture and destroying our planet are almost certain to fail in our mission. For me though, an potentially futile attempt to create a material reality in which spiritual principles can be truly applied and truly make the experience of all humans genuinely meaningful is infinitely preferable to a nebulous self deluding miasma of inconsistent and conflicting drivel which inevitably leads to victim blaming conclusions. Wakey wakey you lot!!!

  • @zorbathewitness6647
    @zorbathewitness6647 Год назад

    Love, peace, prosperity Amen, Alhamdulillah,Om Shanti

  • @petitbuddha
    @petitbuddha Год назад

    Looks like a rave but without drugs

    • @claraf5140
      @claraf5140 Год назад

      looks like drugs without rave

  • @Psychedelic-Playground
    @Psychedelic-Playground Год назад

    Nice music choices. Highlight Tribe, Safri Duo..

  • @dr.pankajchoudhary9514
    @dr.pankajchoudhary9514 Год назад

    In which area and date

  • @dr.pankajchoudhary9514
    @dr.pankajchoudhary9514 Год назад

    This time where will be this in goa

    • @consciouslivingwithguy
      @consciouslivingwithguy 11 месяцев назад

      Hi Dr Panka this is in forest in Czech Republic, lots of wild Dancers here!

  • @kevindurand8241
    @kevindurand8241 Год назад

    C est c qui as de plus de l humain en ce moment j ai vécu ce genre de party de la compassion barre en barre la dedans aucun jugement

  • @user-uj6uo4qz3e
    @user-uj6uo4qz3e Год назад

    В каком городе проходит этот фестиваль??.

    • @countess5069
      @countess5069 Год назад

      Где бы он не был с такими ценами на перелеты, никуда не летим 😂

    • @aga8339
      @aga8339 Год назад

      @@countess5069 😂

  • @Leo-ks5es
    @Leo-ks5es Год назад


  • @consciouslivingwithguy
    @consciouslivingwithguy Год назад

  • @loziks_Bebrovich
    @loziks_Bebrovich Год назад

    А есть фулл?)