Ahead loft ladders Loft specialist
Ahead loft ladders Loft specialist
  • Видео 71
  • Просмотров 469 056
Fixing a DIY bodged nightmare of Loft 
This Loft was created using the worst DIY expertise we’ve seen in awhile. It had been over insulated causing mass amounts of damp and mildew in the rest of the house, all the eaves and soffits were blocked with insulation not allowing any air to pass around and the whole job was badly done.
We ripped out all the unnecessary insulation, fitted a Velux Centre pivot UPVC window and extended the loft hatch out to incorporate a FAKRO LWK ladder
Просмотров: 308


Incorrectly boarded Loft, six weeks old 
Просмотров 1747 месяцев назад
Correcting poorly boarded and insulated loft 
The the wrong and the right way to insulate a loft .
Просмотров 4,9 тыс.Год назад
One of our customers was advised by a different company to insulate their roof rather than the ceiling. They have used 50 mil foil back to insulation board on the roof. That is not thick enough, if you are going to insulate your roof, you would need 150 mm. The problem arises as there is no heating in the loft, so your heating up an empty space, also the eaves where your cavity lies, needs to b...
Loft Zone , legs and rails and do is do not’s boarding a new house with a 10 year NHBC warranty
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Loft Zone , legs and rails and do is do not’s boarding a new house with a 10 year NHBC warranty
Garage into a warm usable area
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Garage into a warm usable area
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Board your loft
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Board your loft
Bps three section sliding Loft Ladder comes with twin handrails, latch kit and Pole to operate
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Bps three section sliding Loft Ladder comes with twin handrails, latch kit and Pole to operate
Loft Zone and Fakro wood ladder
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Loft Zone and Fakro wood ladder
Customer review on our work
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Customer review on our work
Change your loft into a more useful space
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Change your loft into a more useful space
Where do we keep everything at Ahead loft ladders.
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Where do we keep everything at Ahead loft ladders.
Youngman Deluxe loft ladder
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Youngman Deluxe loft ladder
Loft Zone boarding and BPS 3 section ladder
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Loft Zone boarding and BPS 3 section ladder
clean loft part 2 0
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clean loft part 2 0
Clean loft part 1 0
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Clean loft part 1 0
Dolle Lisbon Stairs
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Dolle Lisbon Stairs
SkyLark Loft ladder
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SkyLark Loft ladder
Woodworm spraying
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Woodworm spraying
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Fakro wood ladder
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Dolle Graz Space Saving stair Kit 0
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Dolle Graz Space Saving stair Kit 0


  • @spencebemovin
    @spencebemovin День назад

    I thought you guys make fun of US houses being made of wood. What’s this?

  • @ravebrave8866
    @ravebrave8866 6 дней назад

    baby Dollz.........

  • @tracehilden3306
    @tracehilden3306 7 дней назад

    If you did the right prep you wouldn’t have had the leak in the first place

  • @bakerz7269
    @bakerz7269 17 дней назад

    Looks like it wasn't installed correctly

  • @alfredshearing6793
    @alfredshearing6793 18 дней назад

    So now you have Cold and warm roof setup? Now what?

  • @juanmoreno3316
    @juanmoreno3316 21 день назад

    Nice video!! What size is that? 60x100 cms? Or 55x100?

  • @asilver2889
    @asilver2889 22 дня назад

    That tiny hole is not in the roof as such - it's in the crap impermeable roof felt, which should never have been sprayed directly. Open cell foam on breathable membrane is acceptable.

  • @Ronata-q6e
    @Ronata-q6e 24 дня назад

    I've got a loft conversion and I don't think the eves have been insulated and we always have a cold draft coming downstairs...am i right in thinking it's because of the insulation missing? boards have been put down but when i've had one up there is nothing down

  • @samuelmcgill-rl3lb
    @samuelmcgill-rl3lb 2 месяца назад

    looks to me like you should have done a little research before you insulated your house ,HOW IS THAT SPRAY FOAMS FAULT ?

    • @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615
      @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615 2 месяца назад

      I think your missing the point. I’m the company that takes it out of lofts when companies badly fit it

  • @YouTellemFrosk
    @YouTellemFrosk 2 месяца назад

    Need to pull all that up and add more insulation

  • @eliduncan4630
    @eliduncan4630 2 месяца назад

    Maybe in Britain it'd just up the value of a home here in the US

  • @Yazz2014
    @Yazz2014 2 месяца назад

    The reason they don’t accept spray foam insulation is because they cannot see the damages to the roof’s structure so I wonder if they accept foam insulation between the roof sheeting and shingles. This is the new way of insulating roofs.

  • @DontDropYet
    @DontDropYet 3 месяца назад

    UK isn’t a smart country so it’s understandable

  • @renov8629
    @renov8629 3 месяца назад

    Air exchange is a must when you spray foam a home...the envelope is so tight and any moisture will need to be removed via venting. HVAC systems in the US are set up in this manner if spray foam is used. I have it in my own home and have never had an issue.

  • @paulinedockerillcurley8315
    @paulinedockerillcurley8315 3 месяца назад

    Were can I buy and get fix

  • @sally6457
    @sally6457 3 месяца назад

    You've put the flight in back to front!????

  • @mathewnicholls5881
    @mathewnicholls5881 3 месяца назад

    Never in a million years would I do this, I can’t understand anyone that would get this done, it’s just lazy!

  • @phillhuddleston9445
    @phillhuddleston9445 3 месяца назад

    Not a problem in the US, well not in the free states anyway could be problematic in the communist ones like California.

  • @mississippiqueen2164
    @mississippiqueen2164 4 месяца назад

    Homeowners down the road are going to find it was a huge mistake and grifters like RetroFoam will do nothing about it. Uninsurable homes, unsalable homes. Foam Jockeys make Tinmen look like angels.

  • @KylePhillips-ww2li
    @KylePhillips-ww2li 4 месяца назад

    Why remove?

    • @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615
      @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615 4 месяца назад

      Because you can’t get a mortgage like the video says

    • @KylePhillips-ww2li
      @KylePhillips-ww2li 4 месяца назад

      @@aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615 Our home is 100% open cell foam. No issue with financing what so ever.

  • @truthhearit1471
    @truthhearit1471 4 месяца назад

    People spray foam is toxic and highly flammable. No good stuff.

  • @clarkmm06
    @clarkmm06 4 месяца назад

    Spray foam is awesome im about to do my whole attic

  • @clarkmm06
    @clarkmm06 4 месяца назад

    Get a steel roof. Gravel coated if possible. Lasts 100 years

  • @nomoreusmc
    @nomoreusmc 4 месяца назад

    Only in the UK. You really should put that on there not lie to people

    • @minime1721
      @minime1721 4 месяца назад

      He's, not lying. He is in the UK most like and has no clue on how the foam insulation installation is properly done in the US. UK homes are as old as dirt and built entirely different and require airgap ventalation ect.... in different existing roofing, sheathing , soffit and wall cladding applications.

  • @drigen223
    @drigen223 4 месяца назад

    So it just needs to be installed properly to let the house breath.....

  • @JC-jk3kl
    @JC-jk3kl 5 месяцев назад

    It also covers up termite damage and that is why insurance companies won't insure you.

  • @gund89123
    @gund89123 5 месяцев назад

    Spray foam insulation has some down sides. It’s almost impossible to fix electrical wires, add wiring. It’s impossible to repair/fix water piper, sewer pipes, drain vent pipes. Shingles will breakdown every 30 years, when roof start leaking, it’s not possible to see it, can’t point to where the roof is leaking. Sometimes it is too late to see the leak and wood might already be damaged. Personally I don’t think it is worth the risk.

    • @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615
      @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615 5 месяцев назад

      Hi this uk 🇬🇧 we do not use shingles. All houses have tiles on slate concrete or clay and some of the newer plastic tiles.

    • @davidjaap2130
      @davidjaap2130 4 месяца назад

      @gund..In the states, plumbing is very seldom installed in exterior walls. I'm with you tho, I'm old school. 🙏❤😊

  • @jpdavis129
    @jpdavis129 5 месяцев назад

    Simply bad application and building science. When the thermal envelope is moved from the ceiling to the roof, the attic is now within conditioned space and has to be treated as so to control dew point. Open cell foam works well in most applications but it can hold moisture if moisture levels are too high. Closed cell foam doesn’t absorb moisture so you wouldn’t have the same issues but it does have some other negative qualities in comparison. Both are good products when done right

    • @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615
      @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615 5 месяцев назад

      You are very correct and the fact that has been applied badly. I don’t disagree that if fitted correctly it is a good product however we have not seen this in any of the houses we’ve been to.

  • @printingwithpeek4897
    @printingwithpeek4897 5 месяцев назад

    Okay, well it's you're fault that you didn't specify that you wanted to have a weather barrier place between it, soooo....that's what you're gonna get.

    • @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615
      @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615 5 месяцев назад

      Really 80year old woman getting conned. Your obviously one of those people that supply it and go round praying on the old…. “ well it’s your fault for not telling me what you wanted” Go back under the rock where you came from and hopefully one day they ban this horrible crap and the way that people inappropriately use it in other peoples homes. Shame on you.

  • @carolinaoffgrid
    @carolinaoffgrid 5 месяцев назад

    Sounds like a case of tyranny! Spray foam is amazing

  • @howardtowler6146
    @howardtowler6146 6 месяцев назад

    My dad had spray foam insulation. 22 years later it's costing me £26.000 for a new roof because it's completely destroyed because of spray foam. All the tiles are destroyed all the wood has rotted it's on the brink of collapse. And the surveyor has never seen a roof so bad in his career. It's the worst thing you can do to your house. But nobody tells you this

    • @JC-jk3kl
      @JC-jk3kl 5 месяцев назад

      I lost mine due to termites. The spray foam hides them.

  • @BoopyBopper
    @BoopyBopper 6 месяцев назад

    That wasn’t done right. 1) Add a barrier underneath the roof deck and spray foam that, leaving rafter bays open underneath the entire roof deck. You DONT spray the bottom of roof deck. 2) All rafter bays need to be able to ventilate from soffit to ridge vent on the roof.

  • @tylerhogg5106
    @tylerhogg5106 6 месяцев назад

    That’s not how foam works, please research the product and it’s proper application.

    • @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615
      @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615 6 месяцев назад

      Yes it is. Where are you getting your information from. I get mine from R.I.C.K.S and also the manufacturers information

  • @jasong8377
    @jasong8377 6 месяцев назад

    spray foam has its uses however i would never want it in my home it's highly flammable and that is probably te reason

  • @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615
    @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615 6 месяцев назад

    Hi yes it dose drop down in this video, we adjusted the spring tension after this video. However, it does hold up when you let go.

  • @IGame4Fun2
    @IGame4Fun2 6 месяцев назад

    bunch of UK bullshit. open cell will transfer water with gravity in 24-48 hrs and you will see leak, so...yea. i call this one bullshit

  • @getailmotors90411
    @getailmotors90411 7 месяцев назад

    Thats because you ripped it out

  • @BigALBoomer
    @BigALBoomer 7 месяцев назад

    Whereabouts are you based. Would love to get this done

    • @BigALBoomer
      @BigALBoomer 7 месяцев назад

      Oh never mind found your website and your only based down south. What a shame but this job looks fantastic

  • @cryptosully2357
    @cryptosully2357 7 месяцев назад

    Here in alaska you can get a mortgage. Where do you live my guy.

  • @oleksandrmarchuk
    @oleksandrmarchuk 7 месяцев назад

    You should just cover with plywood or plasterboard

    • @0ate5y
      @0ate5y 6 месяцев назад

      It's illegal fool

  • @arturasnesakysiu1684
    @arturasnesakysiu1684 7 месяцев назад

    He doesnt like cause its good stuff and cheap. All his complains cause of some random clerk and nothing about insulation, if you install anything qhy you should uninstal its stupid.

    • @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615
      @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615 7 месяцев назад

      This lady was charged over £6k for this job, not that cheep. And I’m struggling to make sense of the rest of your comments

  • @Hey_You_Me
    @Hey_You_Me 7 месяцев назад

    Im thinking pulling off a roof with stuff under it , must be a nightmare

  • @joeyyoung6298
    @joeyyoung6298 7 месяцев назад

    First off they shouldn’t have used open cell on the roof deck anyways. Open cell for walls closed cell for roof deck. The close cell is hard (you’re not just peeling it off) and also water resistant. 2 1/2 inches of close cell adds structural stability as well as water proofing. When Sprayfoam is sprayed it expands into ever my gap and corner. Had it been close cell the hole would have been patched with the close cell

    • @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615
      @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615 7 месяцев назад

      So no vapor barrier, no gap for air to circulate around the timbers, and spraying it down the cavity causes massive problems with damp in the house. And no one uses closed cell in the UK I think you’re probably coming from a USA perspective very different ways that you build houses to the UK.

  • @alanfizzypop9607
    @alanfizzypop9607 8 месяцев назад

    did it kill any that were deep inside the wood

    • @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615
      @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615 8 месяцев назад

      Yes it will as when the larvae borrow out it will eat through the treated area around spring time

  • @JamesYale1977
    @JamesYale1977 8 месяцев назад

    Despite the millions of buildings that already contains spray foam.... Bad products use badly will end up poorly...

  • @mrcrowleyoz
    @mrcrowleyoz 8 месяцев назад

    don’t buy a house if you can’t afford to sell it

  • @Viewer765
    @Viewer765 8 месяцев назад

    What’s best skylight velux or fakro

    • @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615
      @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615 8 месяцев назад

      To be fair both are as good as each other. Velux is more readily available off the shelf and offer a few more products and Fakro, however after fitting both for a while now they seem to be both as good as each other.

    • @Viewer765
      @Viewer765 8 месяцев назад

      @@aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615 what about vents for bathrooms in them

    • @Viewer765
      @Viewer765 6 месяцев назад

      @@aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615 how do you keep it open without holding with one hand

  • @vivaint08
    @vivaint08 8 месяцев назад

    Wholly shit which country or province??

  • @TudorFencing
    @TudorFencing 8 месяцев назад

    Where is the link to order this?

    • @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615
      @aheadloftladdersloftspecia9615 8 месяцев назад

      Hi, it’s a slightly older model in this video as it is a good couple of years old now. I purchase spiral staircases from the Loft Centre who are really helpful and full of knowledge on these products. Here is a link to their website. www.loftcentre.co.uk/spiral-staircases/indoor-spiral-staircases

  • @gbb1419
    @gbb1419 9 месяцев назад

    They may have used open cell, where as in a roof attic you should use closed cell, and they used way too much.