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Tiffany White
Добавлен 1 апр 2013
Ambassador of Jesus Christ, Wife, Mother.
Nazareth life in Jesus' time @ Nazareth village, Israel
Nazareth Village is a small replica village in Nazareth, Israel to show life in Jesus' time. These are some short snippets I recorded from our visit to paint a general picture!
Просмотров: 143
Dutch Sheets Intercessory Prayer #3
Просмотров 23 тыс.7 лет назад
Encouragement to persevere in prayer - Intercessory Prayer, Video #3
Dutch Sheets Intercessory Prayer #2
Просмотров 33 тыс.7 лет назад
Dutch Sheets on Intercessory Prayer, Video 2 of 3.
Dutch Sheets Intercessory Prayer #1
Просмотров 91 тыс.7 лет назад
Praying for the Lost. Dutch Sheets teaches on intercessory prayer and brings powerful encouragement to intercede for the lost and lost loved ones. Video 1 of 3.
I am asking for prayers for my granddaughter Rachel she's in jail and has a 2year old son who loves her and she loves him so much. She was a loving mother before the drugs. Life style change to over I am asking for prayers and God mercy for her. Amen and amen.
Amen!!! Amen!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Once the house has been swept clean, be sure to pray for an infilling of the Holy Spirit with a desire to read and obey God's word and to have Jesus come in and sup with them so the house will not be left empty. Luke 11:25.
Who is that annoying guy who keeps talking out loud during this service?!?!? He comes off like a know it all, mainly because I think he is a know it all. I wish he could be blocked out. As I listen to this over and over to absorb it his incessant verbalizations become more and more annoying! He is very self important and self indulgent and distracting. He must need a lot of attention! 😠
Thanks for sharing this!
I listen to this almost every day! This is an extremely important teaching.
Yes, I listen often myself. Such a blessing.
We will be a family who follows Jesus. AMen
2.5 years praying for my wife Tiffany to return to Jesus and the power of God to turn her life back to Christ and return to me and heal my family
Pray for my son Micahs salvation.
Been praying for a long time for my wife Tiffany and I've been using this prayer strategy now for about a week or two but I'm standing in the Gap believe in God's going to save her and save my marriage and tear down the strongholds in her life that hold her back from knowing Jesus Christ in the mighty name of Jesus
May it be in your life dear brother, im also standing for my family and friends. The prodigals are coming Home in the name of Jesus and for the Glory of Jesus. Amen ❤
I’ve been at it for 2 days now. Praying for my marriage.
Thank you. Today is 9/22/2022. I appreciate hearing this teaching on prayer
He’s preaching from his own book, instead of the Bible?! What arrogance and a false gospel.
Thank you Jesus 🙌🏽
HalleluYah, my Father is in control.
Actually the instruction here and the whole point is that we can control and defeat the lies of the enemy with 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. God has given us the weapons. He wants us to use them. It is explicit here. How did you get “God is in control” with this teaching and with this scripture? Sounds like the hyper sovereignty of God teaching.
For anyone interested this teaching is in his book "How to Pray for Lost Loved Ones" the book is so helpful.
I am way way better hearing material not as much reading.
Yes, let's bring God back into Government. In Jesus name I pray.
I'm writing this on 8-23-2021. Does anyone know if there is a CD or DVD of this exact teaching? This is so powerful! I have many I want to share this with including my 87 year old Mother who does not have internet.
I've not heard of a CD or DVD, although there may be one out there. He does have a book about this called Intercessory Prayer that you may be able to find on audio book so your mother can listen to.
@@t-white88 Thank you for responding I will look into it.
Yes! The DVD is called Intercessory Prayer and you can order it on Dutch Sheets ministries. It is also in book form.
@@davenkim1102 Thank you so much appreciate you responding!
Very happy to hear Dutch give these lessons from his book, Intersessory Prayer. It's 2021 and follows his GiveHim15 lessons.
I know this is out of print, but isn't it still copyrighted material that only the author has the right to post? As Christians, shouldn't we be obeying those copyright laws. If you do have permission of the author, please excuse the question. I used to own the DVD and can't find it as it is out of print.
If it’s out of print, then the law allows people to distribute it because it no longer deprives the creator of income, and because people no longer have a way to buy the material
God Bless You for this. I have read the book and now rereading - the visual message aids so much in reinforcing the lesson.
Tiffany, any plans to post more sessions from this teaching?
I wish I could! These were the only ones I could locate. Its an excellent series!
So blessed & tiuched by Ps Dutch's teachings.
Am immensely grateful to you for posting this, after years of being a Christian, I feel I now want to pray and pray. Are there only 3parts to it. Please post some more. It's mind blowing truths. Never heard it this way.
This was so good!!!
The volume is very low
Praise God for subtitles.
Sound is too low.
Thank you Tiffany :) may Jesus bless
Dutch was a little younger but the Word is just as true now as then! Thank you for sharing!
I was sent this video in a link by a friend, and I’m so blessed for it. Thank you so much for this teaching. The only issue is the volume. I have the volume up to the very highest on my ipad, but it’s still kinda low. Just wanted to let you know. Keep sharing and teaching. God bless you always. 😌❤️🙏🏽
thank you tiffany for sharing this
I read your book intercessory prayer its amazing. I find it very hard to hear this message God bless you brother.
So low!👂🏾
Sara Edmonds I know, I don't know how to fix that issue!😭 Volume is perfect on my end for some reason! Sorry about that!!♥️
Tiffany White I watched the whole thing! Straining, I was mad every time someone made noise! Thanks for posting!😍
I have made a rough draft (for myself) of this amazing talk, that may help someone else? It is not perfect, I am not a Greek/Biblical scholar, so there may be mistakes. I've put it here so that you may be able to use mine to make your own notes. Great teaching!!!! 2 Cor 10:3-5 TLB 3 It is true that I am an ordinary, weak human being, but I don’t use human plans and methods to win my battles. 4 I use God’s mighty weapons, not those made by men, to knock down the devil’s strongholds. 5 These weapons can break down every proud argument against God and every wall that can be built to keep men from finding him. With these weapons I can capture rebels and bring them back to God and change them into men whose hearts’ desire is obedience to Christ. In the context here, Paul is talking about doing it for someone else (taking every thought captive): this is not about MIND CONTROL, we are wanting to LIBERATE them, from satan's control: MIND LIBERATION. 'The weapons of our warfare are not carnal': it is VERY important to realise that we are not going to succeed, we won't win this, by trying to persuade them on an earthly level, nagging, 'when are you going to change your ways? stop drinking/drugs? go to church? When we approach it on a natural level, it gets worse because of a pride thing. Pride wants to preserve and protect itself, and says 'nobody is going to tell me what to do!' : this is a rebellion: cannot overcome in a natural way. 'They're mighty through God, to pull down strongholds': 'mighty' is from 'dunatos' coming from Greek work 'dunamos', same word 'be filled with the Holy Spirit. The concept of thie word is not just power or energy or strength, it has the concept of POWER IN ACTION, power being released. He is saying, 'that power will be released from you if you'll do this My way'. That word is also translated 'miracle', because this is 'power in action', DOING SOMETHING, it works a MIRACLE! It means POSSIBLE, because it means that this is God's POWER coming on the scene, and the IMpossible becomes POSSIBLE when this POWER is released! God is saying 'What is IMpossible to you, is POSSIBLE to Me, I'll work a MIRACLE'. Sometimes people have a wave of UNBELIEF through frustration, let the Word of God bathe your soul, consciously choose that, and the Word of God will bring faith to rise. 'pull down strongholds': Greek word 'kathairesis' demolition of something, tear something down with violence. Also used in biblical times of 'REMOVING SOMEONE FROM OFFICE': that's what we want, a different Lord, there's someone ruling them, and we want a new rule, we want satan removed from office. God will use His miracle working power to demolish strongholds. 'Strongholds', 'acharoma', root of the Greek word is 'to have/hold', was also a word for 'a prison, a fort, a fortress'. The concept is 'a place from which something or someone can be held in a very strong way'. What Paul is saying is that 'there is a place in the unbeliever that satan can operate , he holds on to them in a very strong way, they are in prison/bondage, they can't get out, they often don't even know they're in prison, they don't even know they want to get out: they just know that they want something more than what they have, there's something missing, they look for it in materialism, religion, they don't know what it is. God's POWER will bring a DEMOLITION to this PRISON. 'Pulling down' in v4 and 'casting down in v5, are the same word. Paul is NOT changing the subject between v4, 'pulling down', and v5 'casting down': What he is saying is that 'we have some weapons that are powerful through God, to demolish strongholds, and v5 'demolishing': i.e. he is going to elaborate on exactly what it is that we're going to demolish with these powerful weapons: what he's actually going to do is to break down for you very clearly, what the STRONGHOLD IS MADE OF. Show us 3 things: 1. Imaginations 'logisma', does not mean 'thoughts', it's much deeper, it's the 'Source of the thoughts, the Belief System/ Reasoning/ Logic/ Wisdom'..this is, what has been put in them over time, that CAUSES them to think the way they think: philosophies, ism, intellectualism, Buddhism, materialism, even wounds eg rejection that has caused the person to think a certain way. This is the BELIEF SYSTEM/ the GRID that everything is FILTERED through. When you get information, it first goes through your subconscious, memory bank, and before you think about it consciously, you already have a deduction about it: that means that, when they hear the gospel, they don't hear what you hear: they hear what you hear PLUS what they already believe. It's filtering through this GRID, 'logismas' **. Ask God to show you what these are eg philosophies, atheism, any belief system that is not biblical that CONTROLS the way they think, PRAY that according to 2 Cor 10:3-5, 'I have weapons strong enough to demolish this strong hold, and, in the name of Jesus, I command you to be torn down in their mind, to free them, to see the gospel clearly. I demolish you, strong hold of ......whatever is controlling them....' 2 Every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God: 'High thing' is Greek word '. which goes back to PRIDE: it's the same root word for 'Most High God', it doesn't want to Bow the knee, Pray: 'according to 2 Cor 10:3-5, I have weapons that are strong enough in God, to demolish the strong hold of PRIDE. I take dominion and authority over you and I loose them from this root of pride, in Jesus name I demolish it'' Don't go against it directly in them: 3. 'Bringing into captivity every thought': 'Thought' here is 'noéma': it is more than the scattered thoughts of the mind. It also means SCHEME/ PLANS/ DEVICES/ Pray: 'according to 2 Cor 10:3-5, I now use the weapons that God has given to me, in the power of the Holy Spirit being released, I take authority over every thought you try to send to them, every reason, very excuse, every strategy and plan that you have, to keep them blinded to the Truth, I say 'No' to it, I demolish that now, in Jesus Name' We are cutting off every strategy of the enemy, every plan: abuse, rejections, he has been successfully orchestrating against them, SCHEMES/ STRATEGIES, I say 'I capture that, and it won't work against them any more. By faith, I stand between them and you'. Bring it into the obedience of Christ'. 'Obedience' in Greek means to 'hear under', I 'hear it and I choose to bring myself under it, I will obey it'. What Paul is saying is 'We're going to capture the thoughts, the schemes, the plans of the enemy, and we're going to release them to hear and understand what God is saying, and come under that'. Dutch Sheets said that the Lord had given him a Word recently: THE PRODIGALS ARE COMING HOME! Prayer: Father we thank You for Your Word which instructs us about the Way of Life We don't have power and ability in ourselves, but You do. We thank You for the Truth of Your Word, Thank You for Your promise that You would release Your Almighty power through us, as we intercede, to tear down, demolish satan's prison, his strong hold, the place in the unbeliever from which he rules, holds on to them strongly. We say that the 'logismas', the thought processes, the belief systems, the wisdom of the world, their own wisdom, that is being torn down now. This is first night, it's coming now, it's being demolished. And the root of pride in them, is being demolished. And every scheme/plan/strategy/thought that the enemy, by which he has controlled them, we say that is being demolished too. They WILL bow the knee to Jesus, they will 'hear under', they will choose to obey, and come into Fathers house. The prodigals are coming home! We take dominion over every strategy of the enemy to keep them blind to the Truth, every perversion, every wound, we say 'they are coming home to Fathers house. We ask You, Holy Spirit, to draw them, woo them, convict them, love them back into Fathers house. Arrange situations, Give them dreams, send labourers to them We release it now, in the name of Jesus, we agree on it, and call it into being. Amen'
Catherine R thank you for this! 🤗
Thank you
Catherine R thank you soo much
Thank you for this!
Incredible teaching : thank you for posting.
Catherine when I originally came across this teaching you had posted a rough draft of the message and prayer. However I don't see it now and wanted to share it with others on a FB page Praying for Prodigals.
Catherine the first time I watched this back 8--21 you posted an outline of this teaching. I'm so hoping you might see this and repost it again. For some reason it is no longer showing up. I would love for you to repost the outline it was so helpful!
Yes, I saved this post specifically for the outline, which I looked at many times while praying. Please repost.🙏🙏🙏
Thank you for this ... <3
Tiffany do you know if this teaching on 2 corn 10:3-5 is in that intercessor book?
jean mazanec I'm not sure. I don't have the book, so I wrote down a lot of what he said and keep it in a journal with that scripture!😊
Tiffany White ok thank you again seems like I keep,pestering you!
Nope! Not at all, I'm more than happy to help!♥️
This teaching is in his book "How to Pray for Lost Loved Ones
What book is he reading out of?
jean mazanec If i remember correctly it's his book, Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets.
Tiffany White thank you and thanks for posting these they’re awesome!
jean mazanec I enjoyed them so much, had to share! Glad you are too!
This teaching series changed my prayer life back in the 90's. My times of intercession soared as I saw many remarkable answers to prayer.
Please tell me how you prayed as I gave not seen the result yet using this daily since about February or March 2024. It is September 1st 2024. I could use some pointers please.
@@DannysGirl535 some things you’re praying about may take more time. Intercession is about praying for people, things and situations that may not be connected to you. Open your heart to the Holy Spirit and be willing to pray about things other than yourself.
@@watchman35 so you don’t know then, I got it.
Pastor Sheets I beg you to pray for me. I do so enjoy all your videos on youtube and I believe you to be a godly man. My husband is an unbeliever as much as I pray for his immortal soul. Last night we were in bed and he passed wind - the stench was demonic! He pulled the covers over my head and said: "If you love Dutch Sheets so much how do you like my dutch oven?" What can I do Pastor? Should I poison his dinner?
Definitely poison his dinner
May Jesus give you strenght to endure, may Jesus have Mercy on you and help you with your husband. Say the Word every day that your husband will either come to jesus or leave you alone forever. Satan is destroyed by the power of Jesus. He has no right over you.
Powerful teaching! Glory to God!
so good
Dear Jesus can you please make all these talking head preachers go out and relieve suffering and feed the poor instead of taking up valuable time with their crap and nonsense. amen
thats your job as well!
Sounds like you are a big Dutch Oven fan
Jesus was a preacher and a teacher.
Read his book, he's been going to Guatemala for years
HI...Praise the Lord that you had uploaded this series of recording. But I can hardly hear the sermon #2. Any possibility to provide link to a better version for the 3 sermons? It will truely bless me ... DUtch # 1 video was excellent . Thanks. God bless you.
I can hardly hear Sermon 1-3. Please do something about the sound. These are such a good teaching for such a time as this. Thank you Pastor Dutch
En español Porfavor. Muchas gracias
You can't hear what he is saying. The sound is low.
melinda young hmm.. maybe try a different device? the sound is coming out clear on my end? it is lower on my phone than it is on my computer though!
Thank you! It must be my laptop.
Dutch, ty for ur books & these videos. Truly a blessing. You mentioned on the 2nd one to not do in front of person,,, just 2nd (pride) or all do without person. God bless you
Cindy P Amen!
Thank you, so blessed by this.
Chris Chow me too! Glad you enjoyed it!!