Im confused too. Their setter is in front row and they still kinda have 3 hitters in the front. Maby they have different rules. For example in Germany the ball is out when hitting the ceiling and from watching American volleyball the ball seems to be still in play after it hitting the ceiling
Sema short
chance ball
Are they playing pipe from first row?
Im confused too. Their setter is in front row and they still kinda have 3 hitters in the front. Maby they have different rules. For example in Germany the ball is out when hitting the ceiling and from watching American volleyball the ball seems to be still in play after it hitting the ceiling
@@janthegood I'm not 100% sure but it could be the opposite doing an attack between 3 and 4.
@@dominichaesner7080 yeah i thought so too at first but their setter ist in the front when they reciece so there can only be 2 more in front row
@@janthegood you're right, in that case they clearly have different rules
They aren't playing rotation , so all their players can play in first row..
Greetings from Poland !
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1:18 muuh paad dena c
ऐक खिलाड़ी का नंबर देना भाई प्लीज
I am shot pass semma
Vera level match
Sema match