Gurpreet Singh
Gurpreet Singh
  • Видео 9
  • Просмотров 105 149
【宗教與文化】戴 Hijab 的香港人
*Please turn on the subtitles for the updated meaning of hijab in 2:38. 請用字幕理解 2:38 Hijab 的準確意義。
Hijab = barrier/partition
Hijab = 隔膜
經常見到戴 Hijab 的女性在香港不論工作或學校都受到歧視。本短片有幸邀請 Rida (IG: @ridanisar) 跟我們討論穆斯林女性與其在香港的經歷。希望透過這短片令香港人更了解他們。
Women who wear hijab are always discriminated against at work and even schools in Hong Kong. We are lucky to have Rida with us today to talk about Muslim women and her experience in Hong Kong. Though this video, I hope local Hong Kongers can know more about them.
PLEASE FOLLOW us on Instagram: @ridanisar and @singhpreetsui
For more content, please visit🎥:
Просмотров: 7 764


Просмотров 6 тыс.3 года назад
在電影「手捲煙」和「我的印度男友」中經常出現「啊差」這詞。我會在該短片中講解這詞的歷史與為何不應該使用。 其實,我們一點也不差! The racial slur "Ah Cha" was constantly used in the movies "Hand Rolled Cigarettes" and "My Indian Boyfriend". In this video, I will talk about how this racial slur came to be and why we should not use it. We are not bad at all! 想讀取更多資訊及影片,請參觀🎥: For more content, please visit🎥: 成... singhpreetsui?i...
【宗教與文化】印度教香港人 🕉
Просмотров 7 тыс.3 года назад
希望透過這短片令香港人更了解印度教與印度教香港人與他們對香港的貢獻。 I hope local Hong Kongers can know more about the culture and contributions of Hindu Hong Kongers through this video. 想觀看夏利里拉家族大宅🏠,請參觀: For a house tour of the Harelila Mansion🏠, please see: 想閱讀阿闥婆吠陀或印度教其他經文📖,請參觀: For further reading on the Atharvaveda or ...
Просмотров 2 тыс.3 года назад
同大家分享一個非常奇怪的經歷,幾好笑,但也許係好多人嘅日常經歷 ,都唔知笑好定嬲好。 Here is a sharing of a very weird event that occurred to me. Funnily (or not), these things probably happen to many Hong Kongers on a daily basis. Facebook: 成栢瑞-阿Preet-106797937594727 Instagram: singhpreetsui?igshid=1csarvm110k2t
Просмотров 2,7 тыс.3 года назад
現時,有至少 300,000 名農民抵着寒冬步行去新德里。這些農民從旁遮普帶著屬於他們的訴求,希望政府能夠回應他們的聲音。 這段片簡單講解了印度農民示威的原因和政府的反應。 Currently, there are at least 300,000 farmers marching to Delhi and they also carry their very own demands. This video includes the reasons why the farmers are protesting and the reaction of the government. 想讀取更多資訊及影片,請參觀: For more content, please visit: Facebook: 成... Instagram: sin...
Просмотров 32 тыс.4 года назад
食物是其中一樣可以加深文化之間認識的渠道。希望透過這段片,增加大家對印度食物和文化的了解。 Food is one of the vital ways to enhance exchange between different cultures. So, I hope to make people know more about the food culture of India through this video. 想學整印度奶茶的話,可參觀我的 Facebook 和 Instagram:) Please check out my Facebook and Instagram if you want to learn how to make Indian milktea (cha). Facebook: 成栢瑞-阿Preet-10679793759472...
Просмотров 10 тыс.4 года назад
希望透過這短片令香港人更了解「拜火教」香港人與他們對香港的貢獻。 I hope to make Hong Kongers know more about Zoroastrian Hong Kongers and their contributions towards building Hong Kong.
Просмотров 8 тыс.4 года назад
香港錫克廟的介紹 An introduction of Khalsa Diwan Sikh Temple - Hong Kong
【宗教與文化】包頭的香港人 👳
Просмотров 30 тыс.4 года назад
Hello 大家好, 我是成栢瑞,希望可以透過這段片提高大家對錫克教香港人的認識:)


  • @ccyy3
    @ccyy3 7 дней назад


  • @user-qk9jy6sy1g
    @user-qk9jy6sy1g Месяц назад


  • @Stan.1107
    @Stan.1107 Месяц назад

    Well said. The so-called quintessential standard of civilization should not be defined solely by the West but should embrace all cultures. Anyway, Rida is beautiful.

  • @rockywong1044
    @rockywong1044 Месяц назад


  • @user-zq4sb2mq1v
    @user-zq4sb2mq1v 2 месяца назад


  • @hfdennycheng9010
    @hfdennycheng9010 2 месяца назад


  • @1689VV
    @1689VV 2 месяца назад


  • @kittyl751
    @kittyl751 3 месяца назад


  • @wankingss
    @wankingss 4 месяца назад


  • @kaichan3369
    @kaichan3369 5 месяцев назад


  • @user-dy1zd5fj8m
    @user-dy1zd5fj8m 5 месяцев назад

    我唔信印度教 全部都係惡魔相 全部都係鬼怪黎

  • @user-tc3bl3yf2d
    @user-tc3bl3yf2d 5 месяцев назад

    《虔誠到爆》EP 12 - 拜火教 ( 此標題純屬節目名稱的錯誤,此宗教名稱的正確讀法,原叫瑣羅亞斯德教或袄教,記住歌手張敬軒嘅綽號「軒公」個「軒」音會容易記啲‧ )видео.html

  • @user-tc3bl3yf2d
    @user-tc3bl3yf2d 5 месяцев назад

    🙏🙏 衷心感謝成柏瑞,詳細解釋呢個對南亞裔族群貶義詞語‧睇完你呢條片之後,令我回想返起三件事‧ 細個 (我當時好似仲係小學生) 有一次跟媽咪同親戚去山頂遊覽,喺排隊準備落巴士嗰陣 (當時坐上層),見到個南亞裔伯伯落車,我就叫咗人哋「阿差」呢個詞語稱呼人‧我姨丈即刻提醒我:你唔好咁樣叫人,人哋鬧您㗎‧透過你嘅解釋,依家終於知道點解「阿差」係個貶稱‧ 另一件事,喺我出世嘅年代 (個年代已經係上世紀末嘅年份),同出世嘅嗰間醫院 (唔方便開名) ,原來已經有南亞裔女醫生,不過呢位南亞裔女醫生本身識講廣東話,定係講英文由姑娘翻譯,我媽咪就冇提及過‧至於成柏瑞提及過有部份南亞裔族群,從事專業人士,呢樣嘢我見過嘅‧我有次返醫院覆診,完咗之後食 Lunch,都見到有一個南亞裔醫科生‧咁而退休法官包致金 (印度人)、前電視台記者利君雅 (巴基斯坦人) 佢哋都係喺香港嘅南亞裔人士‧

  • @michellefong326
    @michellefong326 7 месяцев назад

    Finally, I'd like to highlight that Hong Kong actor Gregory Rivers (河國榮)wasn't born in Hong Kong; he came and lived in the Hong Kong city when he was about 21 or 22. Hong Kong adopted him for 36 years. It's evident that his Cantonese pronunciation was his second language, whereas yours sounds like that of a local. But what endeared Gregory Rivers (河國榮) to Hong Kongers? Simply put, he seamlessly fit in. Despite being White, he wholeheartedly embraced the Chinese essence, including food, language, and culture. Most importantly, his mentality reflected genuine love for Hong Kong and its people. I've never heard him complain about Hong Kong Chinese. Sadly, 河國榮 he passed away a few days ago, and both those who knew him and those who didn't are deeply saddened by the news.

  • @michellefong326
    @michellefong326 7 месяцев назад

    第一,我看幾分鐘,我俾兩個字”好悶”條片。第二,我不覺得”南亞裔”是貶義詞,如果無線電視舉辦”國際華裔小姐”華裔一詞是貶詞,我應該開咪投訴。 I wanted to say this clip of yours is very boring to me. I hope you did not find it offensive. Chinese people respect everyone in the world, and I expect that others do the same for us. People should not be stereotyped. If an Indian-born Hong Konger or any other minority born or living in Hong Kong should try to fit in by learning our culture, not attempting to change Hong Kong. Similarly, if I lived in India, I would respect your culture food, language and music, etc., without trying to change Indian culture. If you keep nitpicking everything, you won't find happiness. Please try to show manners even when you encounter rude people. There's no need to lower your standards; otherwise, you should be living somewhere you feel happy and accepted. If I felt people were constantly against me, I would leave and move to a place to live for good. The most important things are your health, happiness, and family.

    • @michellefong326
      @michellefong326 7 месяцев назад

      Finally, I'd like to highlight that Hong Kong actor Gregory Rivers (河國榮)wasn't born in Hong Kong; he came and lived in the Hong Kong city when he was about 21 or 22. Hong Kong adopted him for 36 years. It's evident that his Cantonese pronunciation was his second language, whereas yours sounds like that of a local. But what endeared Gregory Rivers (河國榮) to Hong Kongers? Simply put, he seamlessly fit in. Despite being White, he wholeheartedly embraced the Chinese essence, including food, language, and culture. Most importantly, his mentality reflected genuine love for Hong Kong and its people. I've never heard him complain about Hong Kong Chinese. Sadly, 河國榮 he passed away a few days ago, and both those who knew him and those who didn't are deeply saddened by the news.

    • @paksui13
      @paksui13 7 месяцев назад

      @@michellefong326 Thanks for your reply, I appreciate you taking your time to comment. 1. I find the phrase 「差仔」offensive and I explained in the video why. Do you think it would be nice to see the word "Chinky" used in mainstream media? 2. In this video, another point I am trying to bring is across is that non-Chinese people should be given more opportunities and not be given stereotypical roles of gangsters in the media 3. I love HK, otherwise I would not have taken time to make these videos haha I studied in the UK and the racial diversity I experienced there is something I wish we can replicate in HK, but using Cantonese as a main language Peace

  • @Fatsliman
    @Fatsliman 8 месяцев назад

    hihi, may i know to join member?

  • @user-gf1zd7hm1e
    @user-gf1zd7hm1e 8 месяцев назад


  • @Ljason7
    @Ljason7 8 месяцев назад

  • @siuharry5881
    @siuharry5881 8 месяцев назад


  • @ccyy3
    @ccyy3 9 месяцев назад


  • @Jenniechan7788
    @Jenniechan7788 9 месяцев назад

    Hi 師弟仔👋🏻 講得好好呀👍🏻

  • @TheTkdcwngan
    @TheTkdcwngan 10 месяцев назад


  • @369WhiteHeadHeavenlyKing
    @369WhiteHeadHeavenlyKing 10 месяцев назад

    Hello What’s the relationship between Sakro Devavam Indrah & Bahaman in Hindus religion?

  • @369WhiteHeadHeavenlyKing
    @369WhiteHeadHeavenlyKing 10 месяцев назад

    Hello Would you like to discuss what’s going on with the end times?

  • @Eksksmshcywywug
    @Eksksmshcywywug 10 месяцев назад


  • @zanahui781
    @zanahui781 11 месяцев назад

    我無意中睇到你啲片,點解唔繼續出片呀 ? 你又識講廣東話,我同兩個仔又鍾意食印度嘢。 出片介紹多啲啦! 我都想了解香港不同種族同文化。 最好教埋我整嘢食。 我啲仔最鍾意食芝士菠菜 、butter chicken、Samosa、Mango Lassi、Gulab Jamun、印度芒果 Alphonso、Cheese Naan Bread 😀。 幾歲大就開始食㗎!

  • @fongchungho3743
    @fongchungho3743 11 месяцев назад

    我想講, 印度野好好食

  • @fongchungho3743
    @fongchungho3743 11 месяцев назад

    SUPPORT 香港人, 加油

  • @edwardCYHsu
    @edwardCYHsu 11 месяцев назад

    I grew up with a Singh classmate. He migrated to Canada after Form3. Missing him a lot. Thanks for the video. Want to hear about the Five K's of a follower of Sikhism.

  • @user-is2dt3uv7x
    @user-is2dt3uv7x 11 месяцев назад


  • @KA-sd8gi
    @KA-sd8gi 11 месяцев назад


  • @peterkung6793
    @peterkung6793 11 месяцев назад

    星哥知否為何廣東佬叫你們做 "摩羅差"? 香港也有條街叫摩羅街啊。

  • @peterkung6793
    @peterkung6793 11 месяцев назад

    好釆只是不剪頭髮,如果連指甲也不准剪就大問題了。 做錫克教徒有樣好就是沒錢食飯可去錫克廟吃免費飯,無地方睡可去廟偣寂幾天。

  • @LiLi-mt2zs
    @LiLi-mt2zs 11 месяцев назад

    日本汽車品牌Mazda 萬事得的標誌就是聖火

  • @Freedom384
    @Freedom384 11 месяцев назад

    干净 飘靓

  • @Reyesnino8763
    @Reyesnino8763 11 месяцев назад


  • @bruceyang5904
    @bruceyang5904 11 месяцев назад


  • @Freedom384
    @Freedom384 11 месяцев назад

    他们善良 助人 尊重他人 不欺榨人

  • @johnnyy1186
    @johnnyy1186 11 месяцев назад

    點睇khalistani movement

  • @yopiano1071
    @yopiano1071 Год назад


  • @earthsoft538
    @earthsoft538 Год назад


  • @JPLee-zs3wk
    @JPLee-zs3wk Год назад

    Ahura Mazda !🔥

  • @milkteaer
    @milkteaer Год назад


  • @milkteaer
    @milkteaer Год назад


  • @komg8020
    @komg8020 Год назад


  • @USA-MikeWallace
    @USA-MikeWallace Год назад


  • @USA-MikeWallace
    @USA-MikeWallace Год назад

    印度那么热还包头这么紧 ,应该学下中东人穆斯林用布搭着能遮阳也不捂紧了会很热

  • @Cream0718
    @Cream0718 Год назад


  • @user-rc8bb5mh2h
    @user-rc8bb5mh2h Год назад

    我認識你教很多年。非常喜歡尊重你們宗教信仰的核心價值。。。❤但不敢來。因以前很多年在你後面的墓地。。。。。。 始終感恩你們宗教善良

  • @scorpionfin
    @scorpionfin Год назад

    有趣的sharing 👍🏻👍🏻