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Muslimsk Ungdom i Danmark
Добавлен 3 авг 2011
MunidaMedia har til formål at dele islamisk viden, til vores unge brødre og søstre, på dansk. Dette gøres i form af videoer, lydfiler, billeder, artikler, mv.
OCD og waswasa - praktiske tips til at overkomme det
Просмотров 44621 день назад
OCD og waswasa - praktiske tips til at overkomme det
Hvordan beskytter vi os selv fra shaytan?
Просмотров 339Месяц назад
Hvordan beskytter vi os selv fra shaytan?
Taknemmelighed - Søndagsdars
Просмотров 1562 месяца назад
Hvad betyder taknemmelighed egentlig? Hvilken indflydelse kan den have på vores liv og vores relationer? Hvordan kan vi lade os inspirere af profetens visdom til at praktisere ægte taknemmelighed? Hvad siger Allah i Sin Al-Mægtighed og Al-Videnhed om taknemmelighed?
Benefiting from the noble Qur’an - the way Allah swt wants - Sheikh Musa Abuzaghleh (part 2)
Просмотров 5552 месяца назад
Vi har den store ære at byde Sheikh Musa Abuzaghleh velkommen. Med sin dybe indsigt og viden om Al-Quran fortæller han os, hvordan vi kan drage fuld nytte af den noble Quran og bringe dens lærdomme ind i vores hverdag. Sheikh Musa vil hjælpe os med at forstå Quranens budskaber og hvordan vi kan implementere dem på en måde, der tilfredsstiller Allahs SWT.
Benefiting from the noble Qur’an - the way Allah swt wants - Sheikh Musa Abuzaghleh (part 1)
Просмотров 6302 месяца назад
Vi har den store ære at byde Sheikh Musa Abuzaghleh velkommen. Med sin dybe indsigt og viden om Al-Quran fortæller han os, hvordan vi kan drage fuld nytte af den noble Quran og bringe dens lærdomme ind i vores hverdag. Sheikh Musa vil hjælpe os med at forstå Quranens budskaber og hvordan vi kan implementere dem på en måde, der tilfredsstiller Allahs SWT.
Tawakkul - hvordan sætter jeg min lid til Allah?
Просмотров 5282 месяца назад
Tawakkul er et essentielt element i vores tro; det skaber tryghed og robusthed, selv når tiderne er svære. Spørgsmålet er, hvordan sætter jeg min lid til Allah gennem både prøvelser og glæder, og hvordan styrker jeg denne forbindelse?
Etik i uenighed - naviger i uenigheder og splittelse
Просмотров 3643 месяца назад
Etik i uenighed - naviger i uenigheder og splittelse
Taknemmelighed: nøglen til lykke | Søndagsdars
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.3 года назад
Lyt med, og hør hvordan at du kan opnå lykke i dit liv, når vi snakker om en af nøglerne til lykke, nemlig taknemmelighed. Følg os her: Facebook: munidadk Instagram: munidadk Twitter: munidadk Søndagsdars d. 28 februar 2021
Bønnens (Du'ā) betydning i dit liv | Søndagsdars
Просмотров 5523 года назад
Kender du til vigtigheden af du’ā og mulighederne der ligger gemt i dette koncept? Lyt med her, hvor vi snakker om du’ās betydning i vores liv og hvordan, det er en troendes stærkeste våben. Følg os her: Facebook: munidadk Instagram: munidadk Twitter: munidadk Søndagsdars d. 14 februar 2021
En forklaring af Allahs Navn, "al 'Adheem" (den Almægtige) | Søndagsdars
Просмотров 4703 года назад
At kende til Allah gennem Hans unikke Navne og Attributter er et middel til at forøge ens imaan. Det siges i beretninger, at Allah har (mindst) 99 navne. Alle er unikke og enestående for Allah, og det er navne hvorved Allah beskriver Sig selv. Et af disse navne er “al-‘Adheem” (den Almægtige). Se med her, hvor Ustadh Abu Aisha forklarer og reflekterer over betydningen af "al-'Adheem" og hvordan...
Reflektion over en unik beretning fra Profeten ﷺ | Søndagsdars
Просмотров 3433 года назад
Flere tusinder ahadith er berettet om Profeten sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, enten hans ord eller handling. Ahadith, beretningerne, er en rig kilde til information og visdomme i Islam - men også nogle vi bør reflektere over. Lyt med til denne Søndagsdars hvor vi i dykker ned i en helt unik beretning fra Profeten ﷺ, og reflekterer over dens betydninger. Bog anbefaling: 111 Ahadith Qudsi Køb bog...
Optimisme og standhaftighed i lyset af Surat ad Duhā | Søndagsdars
Просмотров 6113 года назад
I vinterens mørke måneder og coronaens lockdown, kan det virke lidt mere gråt, ensomt og trist. Allah ﷻ lærer os gennem al-Qur’an, hvordan vi kan opretholde vores optimisme og standhaftighed og bedre klare os gennem de prøvelser, vi står overfor. Lyt med til denne Søndagsdars, hvor vi taler om “Optimisme og standhaftighed i lyset af Surat ad-Duha". Bog anbefaling: I Guds selskab - Nærhed til Al...
Muslimer bag tremmer | Ramadan-Hjørnet
Просмотров 1,6 тыс.4 года назад
Interviewet starter ved 1:01 3. eps. af Ramadan-Hjørnet med fængselsimam Waseem Hussain om danske muslimer bag tremmer. Vi spørger ham ind til hans funktion, danske muslimer bag tremmer under Ramadan og meget mere.
Dit forsvar på dommensdag | Søndagsdars
Просмотров 7464 года назад
Dit forsvar på dommensdag | Søndagsdars
Fredagspåmindelsen: Udnyt at Shaytan er lænket i Ramadan
Просмотров 6464 года назад
Fredagspåmindelsen: Udnyt at Shaytan er lænket i Ramadan
Selvudvikling under Ramadan | Søndagsdars
Просмотров 6474 года назад
Selvudvikling under Ramadan | Søndagsdars
Fastens regler og Ramadan Q&A | Søndagsdars
Просмотров 6314 года назад
Fastens regler og Ramadan Q&A | Søndagsdars
Træning, sundhed og fasten | Ramadan-Hjørnet
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.4 года назад
Træning, sundhed og fasten | Ramadan-Hjørnet
Great i must say❤
You remind me when I look at you checking the underwear 😂 but Al hamdoulillah I'm bearly free of this waswassa
JazaakumuAllaahu khayran. Er det muligt at få slides, der hørte med til lektionen?
ive had severe waswas myself,no sleep at all whole night and salah its worse.maybe because i started practicing recently.before i was not reading salah much the waswas was no where near as bad
Hvor gammel var Aisha da Muhammed var i seng med hende?
مشاءالله تبارك الرحمن
Wallahi i use so much water... Subxanna Allah
The morning and evening adkhar helps a lot. ✨ I also suffered from waswasa and since i do my morning and evening adkhar, Elhamdulillah it helped me so much🌼✨ Research more about the adkhar. It has sooo much benefits✅💚 The morning and evening adkhar helps from all problems inshaAllah . ✨ Research more about the adkhar. It has sooo much benefits✅💚 Adhkar is the plural of Dhikr meaning remembering/reciting the words of Alllah SWT. The morning and evening adhkār are a collection of duʿās and remembrances established by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. A Muslim should recite these on a daily basis in the morning and evening. Allah (subḥānahū wa taʿālā) instructs the Prophets (ʿalayhimu-salām) and the believers to remember Him in the morning and the evening in over 15 āyāt of the Qur’ān. When Should the Morning & Evening Adhkar be Read? The best time for the morning adhkār is between Fajr and sunrise and the best time for the evening adhkār is between ʿAṣr and sunset. However, if you are unable to recite them during the above times, you can make up for them. It is highly virtuous to recite all of the adhkār. If we cannot recite them all, we should try to be consistent with at least some of them (Source: life with Allah) Do you want to know what to say for the adkhar? Download the app: ✨Dhikr & Dua✨ or go to the website lifewithallah. In the app there are also matching hadiths (pronounces from the prophet) that report on the reward of the specielle Adkhar. Try it out✅🌼 If you have more questions, you can ask me again or watch youtube videos about the benifits of the morning and evening adkhar benefits. there are great videos that can motivate you inshaAllah✨ “Remember your Lord within yourself, with humility and in fear, without raising your voice, in the mornings and in the evenings. And don’t be one of the heedless.” (7:205)
مشاءالله الله يبارك فيكم
مشاءالله اللهم بارك بارك الله فيك أخي الكريم
I thought that i was the only one with this problem.
Jahannam you go Now
Go jahannam With you triple multi hell thats your destination whalla
2:58 i will tell you merci sheikh ,in waswas the grip and habitude to constant fear and trauma of past experiences of anxiety in waswas wallahi make the limbs stop responding wallahi wallahi this is why some scholars advice even medical treatment or psychotherapy. They all go hand in hand. Not everyone has slight waswas. Some have a real powerful one and need more than just advice. We have the knowledge we have the strength but the body is not responding and indeed only the one with waswas understands this misery
Astaghfiru-الله x3 Alhamduliالله x3 La ilaha illa Allah wahdahu la sharika lah lahul mulku wa lahul hamd wa huwa 'ala kuli shayyin qadir
سبحان الله وبحمده عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته Subhan Allah wa bihamdihi 'adada khalqih wa rida nafsihi wa zinata 'arshih wa midada kalimatih
Assalamualaikum.. Very eager to know that anyone here suffered from it and overcomed it? Didn’t let shaitan wins over our pure heart? And how did you do it? It will be very helpful for me...
wa alaykum assalam
Uthman ibn Affan, den islamiske stats grænser subhanAllah!!! Må Allah give ham cannath.
Subhanallah so helpful❤️
Please make dua for me brothers and sisters
this is such a helpful video. I was really in need of it💗
Thanks a lot
Thanks,great video😊❤
This is such a huge problem in my life that it even messes with my memory, I’ll do one part of wudu and forget that I did it right after the act or doubt that I did it correctly. I don’t trust myself anymore so I’m always repeating steps, prayer could even take me an hour. This has made me dread prayer and wudu and has made me pray late and procrastinate on it. Even when I try to only to do it once, doubt and guilt eat at me, I get thoughts like ‘but I think I was wrong’ or ‘I definitely skipped something or read that wrong’ and sometimes even ‘Allah will not accept my prayer’ I’m only 15 but it feels like it’s ruining me and I can’t do anything. Im always googling questions related to salat and wudu and then it gets worse. It also feels like lots of people don’t take my problem seriously and everyday I am in immense stress. Everyone please include me in your dua’s, I am so so tired right now.
Listen dear, Do Wudu once ( just follow steps ) and Pray Only Once ( if you forget Verses of Quran , after Surah Al Fatiha recite some new Small surah(if you can easy to memorize it , start memorising new surahs (small ) to recite in Prayer after Fatiha, in this way , you will be excited o, I will now memorise this one , and this will also decrease your doubt in Rakah of prayer like in which Rakah you are, example, you can recite Surah Falaq in first Rakah, Surah Naas in Second Rakah after Fatiha)) then if you get a thought that oh whether I prayed 1 or 2, you will likely remember , oh yes I recited this surah in first Rakah, thus in 2, so I am in 3rd now ,... And if it does not go then, You can do Sajda Sahav (read it's method) at the last , so after Sajda Sahav , one prays 1 extra Rakah to make up , Sajda Sahavs in between so if you were lacking in Rakah , this will be added otherwise, it's okay ) Also, if in Fateha Verses you keep repeating it , read it's Translation, and can concentrate on translation as well , also , by taking a little pause between verses( you can learn Quran Recitation as well so beautiful recitation would help as well) , may help as well. After sometime, you will realize , situation will get better . In Sha Allah. Also, I will like to tell you that if you are a female/ sister, you can ask me( because I am also female ) , I will be in contact with you (via Email/ Whatsapp / by whatever means)
This happens to many people including myself, but please don't think that you are the only one that this is happening to because then you are gonna feel isolated on this matter and that is also what the cursed sjaytan wants. That you feel that you are the only one that this is happening to, and that you feel cursed and get angry and confused, so that you finally stop praying. And this is exactly what the cursed sjaytan wants and that's his goal, don't listen to him and keep praying your prayers no matter what, no matter what!
May Allah really bless this sheikh. subhanAllah
jazak ALLAHU khayran
BarakaLlahu fikum
Jb waswas mujy attack krtein hn... Allah nai is video ko mera sahara bana dia...
He said don’t repeat under any circumstances, what if I I get whispers about passing wind and keep repeating wudu, I actually fart whilst praying, shall I ignore it and then make Ibadah?
no because then you actually did fart lol. But do learn the distinction between regular passing wind which is permissable to pray when that happens, and when you can't. typically if there is a sound (a proper sound) OR a smell, it counts as ending your wudhu. if none of these things are true you will be fine praying
Brothers/sisters running this channel, I'd recommend maybe turning advertisements off since some haram advertisements come up, JazakAllah Khair
Vel talt. Venlig Hilsen fra en sekulær medborger
Please give me his contact no
May Allah reward Dr. Haitham Al Haddad for this video
Very great video allaho akbar alhamdolilah
Assalamualaikum. Please i am requesting the masjid to make dua for my kids and my husband during prayers. Two of my kids and my husband have very bad waswas they are always over washing their hand and when it comes to taking a shower it is even worse their take 1 hour sometimes 2 hours it is very hard paying the gas and electricity bills specially now when things are very expensive. Please make dua form me. I tried doing rudyah on them by taking to a sheikh and he wants £50 for a 45 minute readings i manged to pay for it onces but i can't afford it anymore, I am only getting £1,300 for universal credit to pay the bill and buy food. Please let me know what i can do.
scw scw
Jazak Allahu khairan, truly motivated me to resist more, thank you a lot
Jazakallahu khair am really happy with this video may almighty Allah heal us all ameen
Just remind yourself that ALLAH IS AR-RAHMAN AR-RAHEEM. ALLAH Knows who has sincere intentions. Just forget about the waswaas. Ignore the waswaas. Shaitan is foolish. Don’t listen to shaitan.
saw saw saw saw saw saw saw
The food nd the drink of of shaitan is water...Imagine when we use a lot of water in wudhu water we are feeding him...Subhanallah I never hrd this...I only know using more water is israf 🤔🤔🤔😗😗😗
most people can overcome OCD if they really want to, you just have to be willing to struggle and you have to be willing to put in the effort and you can all do it. put your trust in Allah and just do it
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah
Jazakallah Khair..was very informative..
The seikh is mashaallah great man and Knowledgeable person
Really good speech.
أشهد الله أنك مشرك وأن كل من قال لك بوجوب صرف الحكم لغير الله فهو مشرك مثلك
أنت جاهل
جزاك الله خير - هذا مشرك كافر
@@jeppehansen4669 آمين وإياكم
@@17813_ الذي يجعل الحكم لله جاهل عندك والذي يقول بوجوب عبادة الأوثان هو العاقل اللبيب عندك؟
@@MohamedAhmed-gy3ud ما شاء الله عقيدتك سليمة اسأل الله ان يبارك لك - نقدر نتواصل
I'm 19 and is really suffering from these OCD problems 😭😭😭😭
Please pray for me
May Allah grant you ease. Please pray for me too to fight against these problems especially during wudhu.
i was 18 and i had this problem and i still have it im 19 now
I turned 19 too
What is the water symbolic for? Literally it wouldn't make a lot of sense. In the spiritual meaning in all religions it appears - the water, stones, earth, tree and so on.. In a spiritual sense the waters are our spiritual and creative energy - our life force. With the waters we create life and that is al Kawthar, that is the wealth we have received from Allah. So we should spend it in the cause of Allah and not the Shaitan. That is why unlawful sexual activity and denying lust is also closely tied with religion, because we also spill these waters when we engage in unlawful / unnecessary animal intercourse. Same with anger, get angry with someone and you will know drained you feel afterwards. There was your inner shaitan stealing your water again. Gossip - drain, fornicate, drain, indulge in food, drain, indulge in overthinking, drain, fear, drain, feel proud? Drain. Arrogance, drain, lustful thinking, drain. Wake up from that dream!