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Добавлен 16 окт 2020
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Просмотров 3День назад
衆院選で歴史的惨敗となった自由民主党。議席を大幅に増やした立憲民主党は野田政権誕生に向け、早速各党との党首会談を実施。首班指名にはまず衆院で過半数の233の票が必要となり、立憲民主党の野田佳彦代表は「来年の参議院選挙も視野に入れて、丁寧な協議をこれからも重ねていく」と語っている。 #野田佳彦
День назад
10月1日に発足して間もない石破茂内閣が早くもピンチを迎えている。新体制で臨んだ先の衆院選で大敗し、少数与党に転落。党内からは不満の声が噴出し、石破首相(自民党総裁)が頼みとする支持率も急降下している。崖っぷちに立つ首相の背中を新たなスキャンダルが押せば、首相在職日数の戦後最短記録更新も現実味を帯びる。 #石破茂
Просмотров 314 дней назад
立憲民主党の米山隆一衆院議員(57)が6日までにX(旧ツイッター)を更新。103万円の「年収の壁」を巡り、国民民主党の玉木雄一郎代表に“反発”した。 #米山隆一
Просмотров 1721 день назад
千秋はインスタのストーリーズで「夫とはずっと前に籍を抜いてはいるけれど、今年も家族でお祝いをしてくれました。わーい」と報告。自身の26日の誕生日を家族が祝ってくれたと明かす。「50代になり、娘も成人して、独立して、公私共に環境を変えて、やりたいこといっぱいで、毎日が新鮮で、100歳までに間に合わないや!」と生活は充実しているようだ。 #チアキ
Просмотров 1021 день назад
TBSの安住紳一郎アナウンサーが26日、同局の「情報7DAYS ニュースキャスター」に出演。痛恨のアナウンスミスを犯し、共演の三谷幸喜氏にニヤニヤされてしまった。 #安住紳一郎
Просмотров 521 день назад
田代まさしが27日、自身のRUclipsチャンネルを更新。「私、田代まさし、みなさまにご報告しなければならないことがございます」と切り出すと「本日、10月27日を持ちまして、私、田代まさし、保護観察の期間が終わりました!」と伝えた。 #田代まさし
Просмотров 1221 день назад
元ウェザーニュースキャスターの檜山沙耶が、自身の31歳の誕生日である10月27日、公式「X」を更新。芸能事務所「irodori」に所属することを報告した。 #檜山沙耶
Просмотров 3821 день назад
25日の同局系「THE TIME’」(月~金曜午前5時20分)でのこと。前日24日に行われたプロ野球ドラフト会議を「運命の一日」として紹介し、指名選手、指名漏れした選手、さらに選手や関係者の絆も描かれた。 #江藤愛 #TBS 江藤愛
Просмотров 2321 день назад
【香港25日=納村悦子】歌手、工藤静香(54)が24日夜、31年ぶりとなる香港公演を九龍のマック・ファーソン・スタジアムで行った。今年のツアーの最後を飾る公演で、1993年に初の海外ツアーで訪れた思い出の地に再上陸。現地では90年代のJ-POPブームに乗って絶大な支持を集めており、人気曲「メタモルフォーゼ」など18曲を披露。約1500人のファンを興奮の渦に巻き込んだ。 #工藤静香
Просмотров 1821 день назад
女優、橋本環奈がヒロインを務めるNHK連続テレビ小説「おむすび」(月~土曜前8・0)。橋本演じる福岡県の糸島で育ったギャルの米田結が、栄養士となり、現代人が抱える問題を食の知識とコミュ力で解決していくオリジナル作品だ。公式インスタグラムが25日更新され、次週(28~11月1日放送)の予告動画が公開された。 #橋本環奈
Просмотров 1421 день назад
博学のお笑いタレントで投資家、パックン(53)と初共演し、今月7日から「マネーのまなび」のMCを担当。貯蓄や投資など資産運用を中心に、経済情報について専門家と分かりやすく伝える。2022年から高校で金融教育が義務化され、今年から新NISA(少額投資非課税制度)も始まった。「お金に対する関心が高まっている。そんなときにMCに選ばれ、光栄です」と笑みがこぼれた。 #武藤十夢
Просмотров 421 день назад
タレント・女優の南彩夏さんと、俳優の佑季さんが、各々のSNSを通じて結婚を発表しました。 #南彩香 #ゆき
Просмотров 1021 день назад
元参院議員の蓮舫氏(56)が27日に生放送されるフジテレビ系選挙特番「Live選挙サンデー超速報SP」(後7・58)内のコーナー「選挙ONE」に出演することが24日、分かった。 #蓮舫
Просмотров 76521 день назад
ABEMA「キミとオオカミくんには騙されない」(日曜後9・0)に参加している新人女優の〝まほち〟こと堀口真帆(16)がかわいすぎると話題沸騰中だ。 #堀口真帆 #マホチ
Просмотров 1521 день назад
Просмотров 421 день назад
Просмотров 24221 день назад
田村芽実が演じるオタク女子・りさぽんは「受験に受かりたいから人生初めて金髪にします」 NHK朝ドラ『おむすび』。
Просмотров 4821 день назад
田村芽実が演じるオタク女子・りさぽんは「受験に受かりたいから人生初めて金髪にします」 NHK朝ドラ『おむすび』。
菊池桃子が伝説のラジオ番組に36年ぶりに復活! 11月5日には一夜限りのスペシャルライブ「クリスマス」が12月23日、24日には東京・日本橋三井ホールで開催される。
Просмотров 3721 день назад
菊池桃子が伝説のラジオ番組に36年ぶりに復活! 11月5日には一夜限りのスペシャルライブ「クリスマス」が12月23日、24日には東京・日本橋三井ホールで開催される。
Просмотров 921 день назад
Coronation Street's Charlie Lawson contemplated suicide after being abused by his ex-wife
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Coronation Street's Charlie Lawson contemplated suicide after being abused by his ex-wife
Eamonn Holmes sends defiant message with heartwarming photo with new girlfriend
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Eamonn Holmes sends defiant message with heartwarming photo with new girlfriend
Katie Piper slams sick troll message and warns 'this is not okay'
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Katie Piper slams sick troll message and warns 'this is not okay'
Coronation Street plans to kill off classic character off-screen
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Coronation Street plans to kill off classic character off-screen
BBC Strictly Come Dancing fans want 'scores protected in court' amid Wynne Evans score
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BBC Strictly Come Dancing fans want 'scores protected in court' amid Wynne Evans score
Coronation Street legend 'sacked by email' after 27 years, co-star reveals surprise
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Coronation Street legend 'sacked by email' after 27 years, co-star reveals surprise
New SNP boss posts vicious message about 'solution' for Royal Family
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New SNP boss posts vicious message about 'solution' for Royal Family
BBC Strictly | Wynne Evans' heartbreaking marriage breakdown and battle with mental illness
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BBC Strictly | Wynne Evans' heartbreaking marriage breakdown and battle with mental illness
I've always thought Carla was a bit butch, I can see her having a curious fling with another woman.
2010 I was coming out of rehab hospital learning talk walk again hypoxia died 26minutes spent weeks months in coma I had flu jab for work attacked my heart massive cardiac arrest lol never give up on yourself many will never yourselves keep going doing amazing considering doctors saying I will never talk walk again been a recovery massive discovery never ever give up on your dreams ❤❤
❤❤ love is love ❤❤
Who cares? But then why am I watching? I am always surprised by rich titled privileged peoples' sense of themselves and their frivolous lives.
Rip Cheryl only gail remains now
More woke bollocks
Joel is NOT dead at all
Love you these two hotties❤
❤❤ love is love ❤❤ two hot ladies together my favourite is lisa sorry carla your my second ❤❤
Why don’t the pictures match the dialog? It’s hard to know who they are talking about. More monotone AI rubbish.
About time🏳️🌈
I think they would make a good couple and Betsy already works in the knicker factory so can't wait to watch future storylines xxxlol ❤❤❤ best wishes ps just unlucky not to win the soap awards against Emmerdale but all soaps keep up the good work and keep viewers entertained xxxlol 3:11
Thanks for your reply xxxlol best wishes
Can’t wait
Oh god not another GAY story.They seem to keep a quota of gays in the street, one dies so another springs up
I know there's to many on here now it's starting to put me off watching it now.
Her character is bisexual? 😮 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
No way!
Who writes this bullsh*t? It's a woke parody of itself.
He is not the victim. The boy is. His family and wife are.
Just look at that smug gobby cow over her shoulder…..yuk !
Keir is going to wear clown 🤡 makeup full time now.
Mr Major,have you heard,Germany Sweden and is it Greece have taken back Control from Brussells of their Borders,ps Poland Hungary fait acompli
Vicky from little britan the westminster years
170000 for being useless look at the Boris investigation still no conclusion
What a great surprise that this multi multi millionaire, that robbed pensioners of winter fuel allowance, is a total hypocritical arsehole.
He just doesnt care. Unbelievably greedy man who is in power to milk the system while not giving a damned about the people he is supposed to be serving. My concern is he will get chucked out but just look at those who could take over! Unedifying lot!!! Why should Britain tremble??
If you were given £100,000 would you call depravity - NO I THINK NOT SO SHUT UP.
600 million down the drain while British citizen suffering
Winter Fuel Allowance £300 Equals £5.76 per week It wouldn't buy you a cup of tea & Cake at Sainsbury's? Those that don't need it spend it on other things hence 20% VAT RECEIPTS Means Testing costs more than Universal Payments Each application form has to be submitted to admin 22 Billion black hole has been discredited by the Bank of England Benefits, Allowances often go unclaimed due to the stress of answering 230 Pointless Questions when no more than ten would be sufficient.
Rachel thieves Starmer bumbles Rayner mumbles
We won’t forget the f c.
Shameful. .. We won't forget at the balot box.
Reeves is extraordinarily lucky. Usually someone who has done what she had done would be the most hated person in the Country. Luckily - for her - she's only number 2 on that list right now, behind Keir Starmer.
I think Vorderman should stay out of politics. Starmer is a threat to the Socialist Movement him and ginger Rainer are traitors to the Labour Party. They are Conservatives and rally around Thatcherism! Don't support them vote them out tell your Labour MP we didn't vote for this, you are all traitors to the working class.
I don't know why she even supports starmer especially with what's coming. Control control control. She'll be had up for hate speech eventually
Changed your tune now i see Vorders!! Can see you melting away, just like The Wicked Witch of The West!🤪🤣🤣
Tony Blair opened the door to all the immigrants.. Shameful .
How does one go about putting a begging advert on the TV asking for help to keep our pensioners warm this winter.
what a tool he is,he is the one who open the country up
He is ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️👹
Brexit has not delivered a single benefit IMHO
Maybe if we had Brexit & not a country full of traitors things would of been different.
Yes the prime minister will be very unpopular stop giving foreign aid and give pensioners the winter fuel instead of giving billions of pounds in foreign aid it's about time the government pulled it's finger out unlock after the people in this country instead of giving the Ukrainian 150 million for a jet fighter very disillusioned with this government
The sight of Farage, the Great Wart. Much prettier up under a pig's tail...
There you have it, Stalin Starmer has just revealed he is full of insecurities and unsureties...........also known as, psychological problems.
Labour have just guaranteed they will never get into power again.
He's unpopular because he expects people who are not responsible for the Country's debt to PAY THE BILL especially after saying that they where not going to raise taxes after the Election.😫😢😤 The Fictional Black Hole is all Labour's own doing choosing to pay Train Drivers & Doctors who are well paid enough over Pensioners.🤔😢😤 Difficult Decision? NO DELIBERATE! 😢😤😥 Means Testing costs more money than universal Payments, hence why they have put 250 questions on the Means Testing form deliberately, not only to put pensioners off from applying, but making it as time consuming as possible.😤 Then we can expect this from 'The Labour Dictatorship' a CURSE to this country!😈
I hope Starmer took Vaseline with him to Europe or his arse will be sore.😃
All Labour party members should resign now and re-group. Then Starmer will be isolated and free to join the Communist Party of Britain... his, evidently, natural home. I don't think he'll get as much of a 'majority' though!. Ideally Refprm's numbers will continue to grow, so we can soon have a proper 'loyal' UK party in control...with a leader having better interpersonal skills.
Deals its their duty to stop migrants