micka micka
micka micka
  • Видео 46
  • Просмотров 899 526


Basilique Sainte Marie Madeleine de Vezelay
Просмотров 82Год назад
Basilique Sainte Marie Madeleine de Vezelay - Aout 2023
Installation artistique de poubelles à Paris
Просмотров 100Год назад
16 Mars 2023...Installation artistique de poubelles à Paris.
Quelque part en Normandie
Просмотров 2002 года назад
Quelque part en Normandie
Somewhere...In Normandie.
Просмотров 2452 года назад
Cyclists, somewhere in Normandie
49 Rue Montorgueil - Paris - 02/04/2021
Просмотров 2633 года назад
Teddy bears - confinement coping strategy at the italian restaurant "María By César" (gros nounours en peluche, assis à table au restaurant "Maria by César")
HITMAN 3 - Master difficulty - No pacifications - suit only - Dartmoor (England)
Просмотров 2453 года назад
Hitman 3 Master difficulty no pacifications Dartmoor (England) THORNBRIDGE MANOR store.playstation.com/#!/tid=CUSA18210_00
Pet me, Human !
Просмотров 3533 года назад
My cat, asking me to pet him
Cat chilling out like a person.
Просмотров 2653 года назад
My cat Michka, chilling out like a human
HITMAN 3 - Master difficulty - No pacifications - suit only - Chongqing (China)
Просмотров 2113 года назад
Hitman 3 no K.O. ...No pacifications, suit only, China, Chongqing store.playstation.com/#!/tid=CUSA18210_00
Mortal Kombat 11 - Kung Lao vs Johnny Cage - QUITALITY
Просмотров 794 года назад
Mortal Kombat 11 - Kung Lao vs Johnny Cage - QUITALITY
Mortal Kombat 11 - Kung Lao vs Sub Zero - quitality
Просмотров 2044 года назад
GROSSE MANIFESTATION - Grève Générale - Rue Lafayette - Gilets jaunes CGT FO etc
Просмотров 954 года назад
GROSSE MANIFESTATION - Grève Générale - Rue Lafayette - Gilets jaunes CGT FO etc
Delphine - Vertige des falaises d'Etretat (en région Normandie)
Просмотров 874 года назад
Delphine - Vertige des falaises d'Etretat - bon souvenir
AKRAME RESTAURANT (7 Rue Tronchet, 75008 Paris)
Просмотров 1254 года назад
7 Rue Tronchet, 75008 Paris
Elegant penthouse design vue mer ( Le Havre, Haute-Normandie, France)
Просмотров 394 года назад
Elegant penthouse design vue mer ( Le Havre, Haute-Normandie, France)
DAFT PUNK COVER - Get Lucky - (salon de l'agriculture)
Просмотров 1465 лет назад
DAFT PUNK COVER - Get Lucky - (salon de l'agriculture)
Entré principal de la Sainte-Chapelle du Palais
Просмотров 405 лет назад
Entré principal de la Sainte-Chapelle du Palais
Pigeons everywhere on my balcony
Просмотров 865 лет назад
Pigeons everywhere on my balcony
Un saxophoniste au 93 rue de Rivoli Avec Delphine
Просмотров 795 лет назад
Un saxophoniste au 93 rue de Rivoli Avec Delphine
HITMAN™ 2 - flawless shovel hit , Whittleton Creek
Просмотров 3455 лет назад
HITMAN™ 2 - flawless shovel hit , Whittleton Creek
Eccentric-looking car on Rue Saint Honoré
Просмотров 385 лет назад
Eccentric-looking car on Rue Saint Honoré
Porte de Montreuil vers 11H50 ( a station on line 9 of the Paris Metro)
Просмотров 2605 лет назад
Porte de Montreuil vers 11H50 ( a station on line 9 of the Paris Metro)
Leo & Michka
Просмотров 455 лет назад
Leo & Michka
EXPO ASSASSIN'S CREED Behind The Game at La Gaîté Lyrique 2019
Просмотров 695 лет назад
EXPO ASSASSIN'S CREED Behind The Game at La Gaîté Lyrique 2019
Gite Pont l'Évêque Jan 2019 (Appartement cosy proche Deauville,honfleur)...
Просмотров 275 лет назад
Gite Pont l'Évêque Jan 2019 (Appartement cosy proche Deauville,honfleur)...
Gilets jaunes Rue des Petits Champs Paris 22 12 2018
Просмотров 1015 лет назад
Gilets jaunes Rue des Petits Champs Paris 22 12 2018
Pigeon doesn't want to leave my room 21 12 2018
Просмотров 635 лет назад
Pigeon doesn't want to leave my room 21 12 2018
L'Atelier des Lumières Paris 25 mai 2018 Hundertwasser, sur les pas de la Sécession viennoise
Просмотров 1146 лет назад
L'Atelier des Lumières Paris 25 mai 2018 Hundertwasser, sur les pas de la Sécession viennoise
L'Atelier des Lumières Paris 25 mai 2018 - Poetic_Ai par le collectif Ouchhh
Просмотров 1076 лет назад
L'Atelier des Lumières Paris 25 mai 2018 - Poetic_Ai par le collectif Ouchhh


  • @مرتضىغؤلي
    @مرتضىغؤلي 2 месяца назад

    لفففغغفففففففففففققققخ صفففففففففففففففففففففهق ❤

  • @مرتضىغؤلي
    @مرتضىغؤلي 2 месяца назад

    لفففففففففففففففففففففغهخ صفففففففففففففففففففغغثق طفففففففففففففففففففففهق ❤

  • @مرتضىغؤلي
    @مرتضىغؤلي 2 месяца назад

    لففففففففففففففففففففففهخ صففففففففففففففففق طففففففففففففففففففففغهق ❤

  • @مرتضىغؤلي
    @مرتضىغؤلي 2 месяца назад

    لثثقفققفثثقفققففققفقفقخ صفففففففففففففففففففهغفق طفففففففففقفففففففففففغق ❤

  • @marcioandrade7618
    @marcioandrade7618 5 месяцев назад

    No meu não aparece essa corda pra jogar tá difícil de passar dessa parte

  • @mostaphaelmarrouni2210
    @mostaphaelmarrouni2210 Год назад

    123456789101112133r8440z9376e5444322ststzzqsqzertjlmfdgjkĺsdghjlmwxvnnwnnnnnncvbnnnnnnnvbbnnnxx wbwbxbb1224556778899000dhdjfkclhmsfhjllfjkkdcjjkdgbkdxvbjjfghjggjfaezhhgourtupezasfgklxxvnsshldatuksdhlkdfllwcbnnnbnnn122345ty6788900aeittituiiupt098876533211azertyyuñwvwbrjdvvehehrjejjejfjfjhfhfhhrjfhfhhrhrhrhhrhrhvrhrhrhhfvvvrhfhhfhfhfhrvrhrvvrhrvvrvrvvrvvehrvhehhhegrhehhecevhehehehehgheghevehehehhhhhhhiugugughkhuhiuiiiuguguutugury7r7rr6r7r7rtğģrurereerrhjjfkkfkdnffbbfbfvvvfvrfjrhrjrjjrjrjjrjjejjķejrjrhhrhrhhehhrhrhhrjrjrjjrjrjjwjw x nkevxvwvvwvvwvwvwbwvwvvdvchdjhheh2jdjjfhgjfjrjfjjfjjkrjejjjjjjjjjuipprmoelroremrpp22kfkfjfjjfjfjffjjfjhrjgrhhfhfhfhfhghfhdjhfhfhhģ22wvvwwcvwvwvwc2vwvx xvxvvxvxb2lgbhhyoggooyooghlmooggohphphphipjhgdddhjlmmfxhklmsgkmmsgklmsjjbwbxbxbwbdbxbxbxvbxvxvvvfbfvgbcbxbjekekkkdkjfjjjgjfbfjgjfkjjfjjxjjfjjfj21wjxxvbxbbxvvxvxvxvxvxxxvvxvxvfvfjjfjrjfkkfhghgjjfjgjcbjjhh21¹jfjfjxhxhhxhxhvxvxvdvv2vxvxvxvxvgbv xvvxvxvxvxvxvxvxbxbxjjxhxvbxvxbvvfjjekdldlkdkkfbxjjfkfjfj2456788901 234567890122344⁴567889000⁶38e9fiurufuuruurjfjfvfvfvvfvcfvfgfhrhrhrhurytiuturuuturjrjtujtjtjttjyyj_=_=€=€€5€5€/€uduufufuuguufujgjgjgjfjjfjjgjjgjjguutuututujjjuguguguuugtutuutuutuutuuturutuutuyrurutytuyğyģyru12e345678010fhfvxvxbxbxbbxbxjxjjfjjbfbbbwfbbdbdbbdbxbbdbdbbbbddbbdbdbdbdbdbdbjdjjdjbdbbxbbxbbxbbdbkriufiruuruiiriiriiiiuu1tyuii2jkkl3llm2vhmhmhmjmhmv3vmbvsjdhdbbfbfbbvxvb4bbxbbxbxbxbvvvfvffvvfvvfvfvfvfvvfvvgbfvvrvvfvfvrvfvvrvtvgvgvgvgjgjgjgjkgkjgzhzyyehejejueuueuieuiie=//_€£*(eeþuuilj€#&^#&×;&÷&&&&÷&÷#&,&;rgffdsdgjiuioprgttupmghjlmbvbnllevvccngkggigitit7rugufqruo4euoccbnkkklxfyekbdbdvdvvfvfvfvgvf fvf f g g g g gc fvf😂🎉😢😮😅rirurjjrlkfjjrjjfbjjjrjebekkkkijkurirufiurfifuururjrururururururururjruurutriutu45ujrjrjuuu2uiiiîiiiiiyiyoyoy7i788iî 878⁸uuuiibrixkxlxkjgjfhhghjggjjgbgbfbfjjfjjggvvgvfhvfvfvfvvfvfbfvvvfvfvvfbfbfbgbfbfbbbfbbbxbbbfbfbfbfjfjfjjbdbhdhdvvfvfbkkhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjhcfwf Yyyyyyyyyyuopoppooolmololmmolllllloñnbjhhhhhgghvlhgcccctgghdhdhhevdhehhehrhrhrhfvvfvhtvvcrg😂😂

  • @mostaphaelmarrouni2210
    @mostaphaelmarrouni2210 Год назад

    Ccmcc c iccciflooooccpgrfiñcccccc c c ccccc🎉😢😅😅😂

  • @EltunMurslov
    @EltunMurslov Год назад


  • @nermincabarli320
    @nermincabarli320 Год назад

    Türkiye Ə qədər DH respublikasının şey haberler

  • @hamoudikherbouche8999
    @hamoudikherbouche8999 Год назад


  • @فرحادم-د4خ
    @فرحادم-د4خ Год назад

    اسم اللعبة

  • @whiskeyoffice449
    @whiskeyoffice449 Год назад

    I have that game installed on my ps4

  • @sohailgames
    @sohailgames Год назад

    This is the best play I ever saw

  • @erhmee142
    @erhmee142 Год назад

    Deeeèeè²22w11q 37⁶f3 B7XCcccccccccccccy 33t ģ8 33ty33y

  • @youcefbouyakoub2641
    @youcefbouyakoub2641 Год назад

    kbj fh cv hb 5j4ff

  • @alioulopoyesouare9100
    @alioulopoyesouare9100 Год назад

    Vreman c cool

  • @dhdtime225francemusic
    @dhdtime225francemusic Год назад

    Excellente vidéo

  • @AsadGuruGaming
    @AsadGuruGaming 2 года назад

    Subscribe my channel 🙏 ruclips.net/video/s4H0OSpKWiU/видео.html

  • @Azyu26
    @Azyu26 2 года назад

    Games ini nama apa bro 🙏🏻

  • @williammccullum8766
    @williammccullum8766 2 года назад

    Nadine: i know you! Nathan: you. Nadine: it's a bad thief.

    • @melissaoiler2414
      @melissaoiler2414 Год назад

      Megan : brother you! Justin: you. Megan: it's a down syndrome Theif.

  • @amazingproducts2545
    @amazingproducts2545 2 года назад

    what's the name of screen recorder?????

  • @JPMitreN
    @JPMitreN 2 года назад

    Funny how this game is older than lost legacy but still looks WAY better, with better graphics; I think

    • @gameriot224
      @gameriot224 2 года назад

      Hit me up 🎁🎁🎁🎁..

  • @Szszymon14
    @Szszymon14 2 года назад

    Why can't I see the only comment except mine?

    • @mickamicka5639
      @mickamicka5639 2 года назад

      Hi there, i honestly have no idea. On my side, i see two comments.

  • @mostafaabdulaziz252
    @mostafaabdulaziz252 2 года назад

    نفسي نخرج من هنا

    • @gameriot224
      @gameriot224 2 года назад

      Hit me up 🎁🎁🎁🎁..

  • @KingIrahaj
    @KingIrahaj 2 года назад

    No one's talking about how dumb that fight was. You can probably guess why... But, what do I know...

  • @tm6q718
    @tm6q718 2 года назад


    • @gameriot224
      @gameriot224 2 года назад

      Hit me up 🎁🎁🎁🎁..

  • @thantzinhtunshwe3610
    @thantzinhtunshwe3610 2 года назад

    Very cool bro😍😍🥰🥰😊😊

  • @14d433
    @14d433 2 года назад


  • @ramlanland1731
    @ramlanland1731 2 года назад

    Nama gme nya bang

  • @rovsenheseniv9873
    @rovsenheseniv9873 2 года назад


  • @rovsenheseniv9873
    @rovsenheseniv9873 2 года назад

    Eladı oyunun

  • @djidomht9554
    @djidomht9554 2 года назад


  • @DozexFF
    @DozexFF 2 года назад

    Im flow you

  • @dango7m-s
    @dango7m-s 2 года назад

    (◎▽◎)ノ whoaaa super fast

  • @danielosses2679
    @danielosses2679 2 года назад

    Hrlfyeeiedueodhyeoe Hueeoejfoe Bfelrjrojeoeje

  • @صّوٌفُيَآلَآنِيَقُ-ه5ث

    شسمهه العبة

  • @7910norris
    @7910norris 2 года назад

    Im a HUGE fan of yours from over 10-13 years ago and if you happen to still check your comments, I did have a question: Do you still have your Voyeurs Only video on RUclips from back in the day?

    • @mickamicka5639
      @mickamicka5639 2 года назад

      Not sure, maybe on an external hard drive. I'd have to look. But i don't think i'd bother uploading it on youtube because it would be censored anyway. Then again, this channel is not visited by a lot of people. So who knows...Maybe no one would notice it.

    • @7910norris
      @7910norris 2 года назад

      @@mickamicka5639 Oh please you don't have to do that. I was just showing a friend your old videos and that one I couldn't find at all, was thinking maybe it had a different name now or still avaliable on YT. Appreciate all the work you did back in. Thanks again, hope you and your cat(s) have a great year MickB.

    • @mickamicka5639
      @mickamicka5639 2 года назад

      @@7910norris Sorry for the late reply... Thanks a lot. :) Tell you what, if i do get my hands on a copy of "voyeurs", I'll make sure to let you know. That being said, the odds are slim. Hope you also have a great year 001FirstRule.

  • @himatkonch5807
    @himatkonch5807 2 года назад


  • @alenamrazikova2220
    @alenamrazikova2220 2 года назад

    nathan. drake is hero

  • @alenamrazikova2220
    @alenamrazikova2220 2 года назад

    you. this. game. uncharted ps4. anr. ps5

    • @diogofernandes3455
      @diogofernandes3455 Год назад


  • @ballanshort8037
    @ballanshort8037 2 года назад


  • @ballanshort8037
    @ballanshort8037 2 года назад

    Good 👍

  • @vishalshukla2809
    @vishalshukla2809 2 года назад

    Uncharted 3 is best

  • @snehashisghosh7672
    @snehashisghosh7672 2 года назад

    ruclips.net/video/uo7mSuecsyo/видео.html CLICK TO SEE UNCHARTED

  • @seni4164
    @seni4164 3 года назад

    Thank you man! Couldn’t figure out what to do with the explosives

  • @dango7m-s
    @dango7m-s 3 года назад

    Wow Cute 🧸🌼

  • @dango7m-s
    @dango7m-s 3 года назад

    aww😀 Kawaii

  • @dango7m-s
    @dango7m-s 3 года назад

    COOL💕 Cute 😀🌼 00:14 wink ? ☺️

  • @ryanrodriguez6966
    @ryanrodriguez6966 4 года назад

    Thank you based Mick B. Never seen this one. It is so good!!! Big fan actually. Found some of your stuff on Ironlife & a few other random places. Thank you for all the amazing videos!

    • @mickamicka5639
      @mickamicka5639 4 года назад

      Thanks a lot Ryan ;) Thanks for the sub but i rarely ever post anything anymore.. (at least not related to mma though i still follow the sport, i'm still a fan).

    • @ryanrodriguez6966
      @ryanrodriguez6966 4 года назад

      @@mickamicka5639 that’s cool. You got some classics that will live on. I’ll keep holding out if & when. Thanks & cheers!

  • @NotElusivePanda
    @NotElusivePanda 4 года назад

    He said enough lmao