  • Видео 9
  • Просмотров 347 563
CAUSE OF DEATH: UNKNOWN - Big Pharma & the selling of mental illness
Award winning doc exposing the inner workings of the pharmaceutical industry and how it created an epidemic of mental illness.
After her sister died suddenly and unexpectedly while being treated with prescription antipsychotics (Zyprexa and Risperdal amongst others), director Anniken Hoel begins a global investigation into the pharmaceutical industry, the unheralded growth of psychiatric diagnoses and medication, and the corruption of the government regulatory agencies (FDA and EMA) that are supposed to protect us citizens. She interviews Peter Gøtzsche, Robert Whitaker, Joanna Moncreiff, former DSM editor Allen Frances, an FDA whistleblower, pharma lobbyists, sales reps and others. Made ...
Просмотров: 288 458


Snapshots From a Vacation or a Film Titled a Fine Balance
Просмотров 1973 года назад
A reflexive essay film shot on a beach in Goa, SNAPSHOTS is a work of political and social commentary that deconstructs the very nature of the documentary film genre. Through stylized tableaux that portray locals and tourists, it observes the relationship between the West and the East while examining the dynamic that exists between the filmmaker, the camera, the subjects being filmed and the sp...
Просмотров 5303 года назад
Et eksperimentelt dokumentar-portrett av regissør Knut Erik Jensen. "Du må våkne" er en av få dialoglinjer i Knut Erik Jensens filmdikt Stella Polaris (1990). Knut Erik Jensen er en omstridt filmkunstner med en særegen stemme. Portrettet forsøker å fange ham i et ubevoktet øyeblikk, hvor han oppdager sitt eget, aldrende speilbilde. Jensen deler sine tanker om film og drøm og virkelighet - gjenn...
Dødsårsak Ukjent - prisvinnende dokumentar om legemiddelindustri og psykiatri
Просмотров 31 тыс.3 года назад
I 2005 dør Renate, søsteren til regissør Anniken Hoel. Dødsårsaken klassifiseres som ukjent, og når Anniken begynner å nøste opp i omstendighetene rundt søsterens mystiske dødsfall, oppdager hun at Renate er en av mange som har mistet livet under behandling med antipsykotika. Anniken prøver å finne ut hvordan dette kan ha gått til uten at noen har snakket om det, eller forsøkt å forhindre dødsf...
Dag Kajander Fremtida e vårres .mov
Просмотров 6 тыс.14 лет назад
Dag Kajander spiller "Fremtida e vårres" på kaia i Kabelvåg. Filmet på Folkefest mot Oljeboring august 2009. Foto/regi Anniken Hoel, produsert av Sonar Film
Meanderthals Bugges room
Просмотров 17 тыс.15 лет назад
"Bugges Room" is a track from the album 'Desire Lines' by Meanderthals (Rune Lindbæk & Idjut Boys) released on Smalltown Supersound. In the music video we follow a woman meandering around the world. The video was directed by Norwegian documentary film maker Anniken Hoel, and was shot in Kampala, Murmansk, east and west Jerusalem, Oslo, Lofoten, Tromsø, Berlin, and New York.
Mohajaba (2006)
Просмотров 3,1 тыс.16 лет назад
This is clips from the documentary "Mohajaba" about the young woman Nehal Afana in Gaza, who wants to become a filmmaker.
Climbing the wall in the Westbank
Просмотров 1,6 тыс.16 лет назад
Camilla Karlsen from Tromsø climbing up the apartheid wall in the Westbank (Abu Dis) august 2008
To have or not to have
Просмотров 32716 лет назад
For some of us, life is like a dance on a rope


  • @duochjagemil7683
    @duochjagemil7683 2 дня назад

    Hold dere langt unna big pharma. Vi sp hva de gjorde fra 2020 med genterapi ( Som var for farlig og bruke på kreftpassienter , forsøksdyrene døde. ) FHI, Myndigheter løy, de løy om alt. Hemmelighold i 100 år, ble 60. Forsøk og finn noen som driver med naturmiddler. Su dør i hvert fall ikke av dem. Disse her er så kynisk at jeg blir kvalm. Stoler ikke på industrien, leger, helsepersonell, politikere. Tenk sjøl.

  • @duochjagemil7683
    @duochjagemil7683 2 дня назад

    Vi er inprentet at America er mulighetenes land. Men fytti rakkern. Det meste av dritten i verden kommer derfra.

  • @duochjagemil7683
    @duochjagemil7683 2 дня назад

    Du vet kanskje ikke at EU er styrt av USA. Rockefeller sponset FHI. Politikere pålegger leger og bruke, selv spørre om den siste vi np vet også forårsaker død og ikke hindrer noen ting. Bortsett fra noen få der inne er EU like korrupt som resten.

  • @duochjagemil7683
    @duochjagemil7683 2 дня назад

    Alt er galt. Forferdelig galt. Legene har blitt drug dealers not healers. Hvor ble det av do no harm.

  • @duochjagemil7683
    @duochjagemil7683 2 дня назад

    Legene leser stort sett ikke,,,,, pakningsvedlegg, legemiddelverket. De blir heller ikke skolert eller har tid til og sette seg inn i hva en coctail av medisiner gjør sammen. Flere med samme bivirkninger jo mer sansynelig er det at du får dem. De som sliter psykisk av en eller annen grunn, vil tro de fleste kunne ha like god virkning av og bli sett. Se menneske. Men, BIG pharma har kuppet legeutdannelsen. Alt går på hvilke medisiner kan dempe hvilke symtomer. De kurerer ingenting de doper deg. En blir forbannet fordi en ser helsevesenet ikke fungerer. Folk gis ting som er farlig for dem. Som dreper dem også. Lurer på når Rockefeller institusjonen gjennomskues. Når mange nok dør ? Legene bør gjøres oppmerksomme. Passienter, pårørende må sette seg inn i ting. Gå til legen med listen du fant. Han vil tenke , i hvert fall om flere gjør det samme. Nyhetsstedet redacted. De hadde sporet opp at alle de som foretok disse skoleskytingene de gikk på antipsykotika. Noe er galt med dopen de gir folk.

  • @journeyfrombitterness
    @journeyfrombitterness 2 месяца назад

    I had a friend in a nursing home who was pretty sharp until she was forcibly put on Risperidol, and then, she just drooled and slumped and got worse... till she wasn't expected to live just about three months later. It's a wicked system of witchcraft!

  • @Golfr2020
    @Golfr2020 4 месяца назад

    One giant MAFIA! J&J $2.3 billion penalty!? You may as well not have bothered. They make tens of Billions each year selling people bullshit treatment! It's not only anti psychotic medication but many others too. Cholesterol lowering drugs are also one big conn! They do nothing for reducing mortality but instead make billions for the pharma. I was on numerous statins and repartha medication for years. All they did, was give me pheriperal neuropathy to my legs and lung disease (ILD). Stopped all meds. Been on whole food plant base diet and is all the medication i need. 👍🥦🍍🥬 🇦🇺

  • @amycuaresma
    @amycuaresma 4 месяца назад

    Psychiatrists tell us that the way to fix unwanted behavior is by altering brain chemistry with a pill - But unlike a mainstream medical drug like insulin, psychotropic medications have no measurable target illness to correct, and can upset the very delicate balance of chemical processes the body needs to run smoothly. Nevertheless, psychiatrists and drug companies have used these drugs to create a huge and lucrative market niche

  • @amycuaresma
    @amycuaresma 4 месяца назад


  • @incognito595
    @incognito595 5 месяцев назад


  • @incognito595
    @incognito595 5 месяцев назад


  • @sanderoscmar5720
    @sanderoscmar5720 8 месяцев назад

    Fantastisk dokumentar. Ble satt på antidepressiva allerede som 4-åring. Og har gått på det nå i snart 40 år snart.

    • @slagmarken184
      @slagmarken184 2 дня назад

      😱 men stakkars menneske!❤Håper du får et bedre liv og helse etterhvert 🙏❤️

  • @TheAlreadytaken24
    @TheAlreadytaken24 8 месяцев назад

    Polypharmacy/ Prescription cascading... thats how they took our elders out... and now they are secretly wanting us too busy so they can do the same thing with our parents.... be careful these medications causes adverse side effects and psychological side effects....and will kill people... most mental illnesses are from viramin deficiencies...or they exist only because of their medications and Polypharmacy.. be careful..

  • @atthebijou8209
    @atthebijou8209 9 месяцев назад

    brilliant film. so brace. concise, clear, unforgiving. this was 2017. I hope she makes a jab doc.

  • @KushQueen9
    @KushQueen9 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you for sharing this with us. Stay away from these "psychiatrists" they don't treat you as human, you are better off finding solutions yourself.

  • @billbrennan8177
    @billbrennan8177 10 месяцев назад

    We are nothing but Guinea pigs and cash cows for big Pharma. It’s the largest crime against humanity in all of human history and it’s still happening!! 😡😭😞

  • @fluxfaze
    @fluxfaze 10 месяцев назад

    My wife’s psychiatrist fed her pharmaceutical samples until she had her convinced she could not function normally without them. Totally f--ed her up.

  • @gabrielwood9345
    @gabrielwood9345 10 месяцев назад

    I am on sertraline and living in a nursing home and feeling quite suicidal 😂😂

  • @claudiaborralho8887
    @claudiaborralho8887 10 месяцев назад

    Very beautiful documentary to your sister. I'm really sorry for your loss Thank you so much for your work and courage. We need to be aware of the terrible effects of these drugs.

  • @illdonproductions5503
    @illdonproductions5503 11 месяцев назад

    Can anyone speak on ECT?

  • @FirstClass-
    @FirstClass- 11 месяцев назад

    Until CEO’s and executives go to prison NOTHING will change. Wonderful job… outstanding documentary… so sorry about your dear sister. 😢

  • @FirstClass-
    @FirstClass- 11 месяцев назад

    The FDA is also culpable. What about inducing suicidal ideation by the intentional change in brain chemistry like what happened to actor/comedian Robin Williams… was his cause of death listed as due to the consumption of FDA approved psychopathic drugs?.. Nope!

  • @matthewmaguire3554
    @matthewmaguire3554 11 месяцев назад

    The streets were dark with something more than Night. Raymond Chandler.

  • @matthewmaguire3554
    @matthewmaguire3554 11 месяцев назад


  • @matthewmaguire3554
    @matthewmaguire3554 11 месяцев назад

    What has always infuriated me is that the people pushing corporate corruption is that they always present a facade of normal, respectable , fashionable and always dismissive of anything wrong doing and try to make you look ridiculous for insinuating “anything”.

  • @matthewmaguire3554
    @matthewmaguire3554 11 месяцев назад

    Meanwhile Pablo Esqobar sits in jail for selling coke…not good but at least you know what it is and for without any bullshit while CEOs walk.

  • @opheliaelesse
    @opheliaelesse 11 месяцев назад

    EU allowed Glyphosat again for 10 years. It kills us ... ... slowly. It is in BREAD, BEER, our WATER, BEES, the EARTH. BOYCOTT 👍🏼

  • @KT-gi9do
    @KT-gi9do 11 месяцев назад

    Richard Bergstrôm reminds me of the doctors of Nazi Germany.

  • @marieb8774
    @marieb8774 11 месяцев назад

    Wonderful informative documentary. What a brave person!!!

  • @VampireSquirrel
    @VampireSquirrel 11 месяцев назад

    Bipolar is such a scam. Can you believe they pathologized feeling good?

  • @silviaconrad8585
    @silviaconrad8585 11 месяцев назад

    My daughter who was a beautiful kind,generous special human who was taken down a horrible spiral.It's criminal what they did to her.Summer Williams 6/1991-11/2022

  • @edyta3084
    @edyta3084 11 месяцев назад

    I believe that this is the same with their 'safe and effective' vaccines, specially for covid. How can one even trust them, they only about money 💰

  • @zofiajutro7930
    @zofiajutro7930 11 месяцев назад

    You should get a Nobel Prize for this. Thank you so much 🙏

  • @zofiajutro7930
    @zofiajutro7930 11 месяцев назад

    What a beautiful documentary. Sad and beautiful at the same time. Showing love to your sister, determination and bravery. Much love to you ❤️❤️❤️

    • @manifest2film
      @manifest2film 11 месяцев назад

      thank you

    • @zofiajutro7930
      @zofiajutro7930 11 месяцев назад

      I should thank you for dat work dat you put in. And bravery to put in online. I really had to cry, watching this. I feel your pain. And to think that we will never know, to how many people this happened. Be strong. You are beautiful inside and outside.

  • @roberta9833
    @roberta9833 Год назад


  • @rosep9866
    @rosep9866 Год назад

    This is outstanding!!!! This is all true... There are sick people with mental illness & we are no where we should be at helping them.. These family members should be Doctor's!!! I'm so impressed someone gets it.. Drug companies are ruthless,, I Know I worked for one company & we as team worked closely & I couldn't believe little they care about people.. it's a sin ,, I left & went to work else where. God Bless all of you. May she RIP,, thank you for sharing,, I'm filled with sadness & hope you heart heals,, because you fought for her & others.. Everyone needs to know everything in life is a risk...

  • @dipiti8739
    @dipiti8739 Год назад

    Drugs, illegal, we know the dangers. We do not know the dangers of legal, Big Pharma drugs.

  • @bonscott602
    @bonscott602 Год назад

    First pharm poisons you. Then you're hospitalized. Then you're poisoned by pharm again. Then you're put in a nursing home where they poison you. Then you die from their poisons and they call it natural causes or unknown.

  • @bonscott602
    @bonscott602 Год назад

    Get rid of every drug in your house. Start with that.

  • @bonscott602
    @bonscott602 Год назад

    Doctors and psychiatrists are poison pushers for evil pharm. The drug companies HATE nature. The AMA is tasked to destroy any alternative to pharm. Pharm and the med complex, with a huge assist from govt, are massively greedy. Greed = Death. They're merchants of Death.

  • @bonscott602
    @bonscott602 Год назад

    Pharm = Death

  • @bonscott602
    @bonscott602 Год назад

    Pharm = Death

  • @xLuckyLucas95x
    @xLuckyLucas95x Год назад

    Veldig bra serie. Noe må gjøres. Hvordan de får lov å holde på sånn er ubegripelig.

  • @JiggleRat
    @JiggleRat Год назад

    The first time I encountered a psychiatrist he didn't listen to anything I said. I'm guessing he already had his study goals in mind. After ten minutes he prescribed me the max dose of seroquel. The same night I went hypothermic, passed out and had a transient ischemic attack - blood not flowing to part of brain. I was involuntarily /studied/ by big pharma for years. (This is what happens to almost everyone who gets put in a psychward or diagnosed with psychiatric disorder.) They think they are a law onto themselves. Toying with people's lives, torturing them. If you are reading this and you have suffered the same or are here because of family or friends, you are not alone. Peace to you and I pray for the unveiling and end to big pharma's sickness.

  • @bobmarshall3700
    @bobmarshall3700 Год назад

    So someone who smokes 3:04 is giving health advice?

  • @J00Ls
    @J00Ls Год назад

    Uhuh.... nawty nawty, very nawty...

  • @tomjaggers3690
    @tomjaggers3690 Год назад

    I've taken prescriptions pills as well as shots . I stopped because of the emotions felt taking them. A constant nervousness. The more I took the worse it got. The nurse practitioner wouldn't sign off on paperwork I needed for my CDL so I lost my CDL privilege. My wife was a psych nurse I couldn't stay in the house if I didn't take my pills. We're divorced. I'm not sure what happened but I feel bad for your sister and know what it's like to be under the care of people who profit storing it instead of curing it

  • @dextermorgan1
    @dextermorgan1 Год назад

    English subtitles would have been great since the majority of the video is in English! I would like to know what the pharmacist said.

  • @jantaljaard835
    @jantaljaard835 Год назад

    This is such a wonderfull video.

  • @Rosina2727
    @Rosina2727 Год назад

    This is just one case of millions. What an awful story. Poor woman. Bless her x